Work report
[Answer] The person in charge of the case management office of the provincial procuratorate answered questions about the main case handling data in the first half of this year
Time: August 9, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   The person in charge of the Case Management Office of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province Answering questions from reporters about major case handling data in the first half of this year  

   The People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province today released data on the major cases handled by procuratorial organs in the whole province from January to June this year. What should I think of these business data? What are the signals behind the case handling data? The person in charge of the Case Management Office of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province answered many questions from journalists.  

   reporter: From the main case handling data from January to June this year, what is the development of the "four major procurators" in the province?  

   Answer: Since this year, the procuratorial organs of the whole province have taken Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, conscientiously implemented Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, deeply promoted the study and education of party history, and solidly carried out the education and rectification of the political and legal ranks. New progress has been made in major procuratorial work.  

   Criminal prosecution On the one hand, the provincial procuratorial organs accepted 18394 cases of investigation and arrest, up 112.5% year on year; 41926 cases were reviewed and prosecuted, up 43.7% year on year; 1086 cases of registration (withdrawal) supervision were accepted, down 19.85% year on year; 749 people were corrected for missing arrests and lawsuits, up 0.3% year on year; 862 investigations were supervised, up 7.9% year on year; According to the second instance procedure and the trial supervision procedure, 255 protests were filed, up 30.8% year on year.  

   Civil procuratorate On the one hand, 5050 civil supervision cases were accepted, up 21.6% year on year;  

   Administrative procuratorial work On the one hand, 576 administrative procuratorial cases were accepted, up 51.2% year on year;  

   Public interest litigation On the other hand, 3915 cases were accepted, up 21.7% year on year.  

   On the whole, the case handling data of the "four major procurators" have increased significantly It not only reflects the comprehensive and coordinated development of the "four major procuratorates", but also shows that the level of supervision and case handling of procuratorial organs is constantly strengthening, and the role of procuratorial work in the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity is constantly highlighted  

reporter: I noticed that in the first half of this year, the data of criminal prosecution increased significantly year on year. What does this mean?

   Answer: From January to June this year, the provincial procuratorial organs accepted, reviewed and arrested 18394 people for various crimes, a decrease of 15.8% compared with the same period in 2019, but an increase of 112.5% compared with the same period in 2020; 41926 people accepted review and prosecution, which not only increased by 43.7% compared with the same period in 2020, but also exceeded the level of the same period in 2019, This indicates that after the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the number of criminal cases is rising again  

   In all kinds of cases accepted for review and prosecution, 11916 people committed dangerous driving crimes, accounting for 28.4% of the total number of cases, which continues to rank first and the proportion is still rising. The second and third places are: 4387 people are guilty of theft, accounting for 10.46% of the total number of transfers accepted; 2652 people were convicted of fraud, accounting for 6.32% of the total number of transfers accepted. It is worth noting that 1391 people were transferred, examined and prosecuted for helping information network criminal activities during the same period, with a year-on-year increase of more than 25 times. In addition, the crime of forging, altering, buying and selling official documents, certificates and seals of state organs has increased significantly, and the crime mode has shown the trend of industrialization and chain. A total of 857 people have been transferred for review and prosecution, with a year-on-year increase of more than 5 times.  

reporter : At the beginning of last year, the Supreme People's Procuratorate put forward the main evaluation indicators of case quality with the "case to case ratio" as the core. What impact did this have on the quality and efficiency of criminal prosecutions in Anhui?

   Answer: The important significance of calculating the "case to case ratio" is to guide the procuratorial organs in various regions to maximize the work of the last litigation link by improving the quality and efficiency of handling cases, so as to reduce unnecessary litigation links, thus saving judicial resources and improving the judicial evaluation of the people. This is an important reflection of the procuratorial organs' implementation of the people centred development thought.  

   After the implementation of the "case to case ratio" index, it has had a positive impact on the quality and efficiency of Anhui procuratorial organs. From January to June this year, the "case to case ratio" of criminal prosecution in the provincial procuratorial organs continued to decline.  

   First reflected in the efficiency of handling cases From January to June this year, the number of cases returned by the provincial procuratorial organs for supplementary investigation and the extension of the time limit for examination and prosecution decreased by 69% and 85.1%, respectively, accounting for 9% and 5.6% of the cases to be handled, respectively, 32.9 and 48.6 percentage points lower than the same period last year. While improving the efficiency of handling cases, in order to ensure the quality of cases, procuratorial organs actively carry out guided investigation and self supplementary investigation. 701 investigations were conducted, up 6.2% year on year; 746 self supplementary investigations were carried out, with a year-on-year increase of 1.1 times; Opinions on continuing investigation and evidence collection were put forward for 8602 people who had been arrested, accounting for 65.4% of the arrested people, up 1.5 times year on year.  

   Secondly, it is reflected in the case quality From January to June, the non prosecution rate of arrest cases was 0.41%, a year-on-year decrease of 0.06 percentage points; The light punishment rate after arrest was 0.68%, a year-on-year decrease of 0.04 percentage points; The probation rate after arrest was 10.9%, a year-on-year decrease of 1.02 percentage points; The acquittal rate was 0.01%, a year-on-year decrease of 0.01 percentage points. The change rate of review without arrest and review without prosecution decreased by 4.3 and 5.7 percentage points respectively year on year.  

reporter: The Supreme People's Procuratorate stressed the need to actively implement the judicial concept of "less arrests, more lawsuits and more custody" in handling cases. From the case handling data in the first half of the year, how did the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province do?

   Answer: The Development Plan for Procuratorial Work during the 14th Five Year Plan Period emphasizes that procuratorial organs should optimize criminal procuratorial work during the 14th Five Year Plan period, adhere to the unity of punishing crimes according to law and protecting human rights, comprehensively implement the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy, and implement the judicial concept of "less arrests, more cautious prosecutions, and more cautious detentions". From January to June this year, the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province actively implemented the criminal justice policy of "less arrests, more cautious prosecutions and more cautious detentions" by carrying out the review of the necessity of detention, implementing the normalization system of public hearings, vigorously promoting the application of the system of leniency in confession and punishment, and achieving remarkable results.  

   The rate of non arrest and non prosecution increased. The non capture rate was 27.1%, up 7 percentage points year on year. Among them, 2050 people were not caught without social danger, accounting for 41.8% of the total number of people who were not caught, up 5.5 percentage points year on year. The non prosecution rate was 13%, an increase of 2.4 percentage points year on year, including 3908 relatively non prosecution people, accounting for 91.2% of the total number of non prosecution people, an increase of 6 percentage points year on year.  

   The rate of pretrial detention has declined steadily. The pretrial detention rate was 38.9%, a year-on-year decrease of 5.9 percentage points.  

   Pay more attention to the implementation of policies in some special areas or special groups of criminal cases. For example, the rates of non arrest and non prosecution of juvenile delinquency were 47.6% and 33.8% respectively, up 15.7 and 3.4 percentage points year on year, respectively, which were 20.5 and 20.8 percentage points higher than the overall rate of non arrest and non prosecution of criminal cases in the province.  

reporter: As we know, the illegal handling of commutation, parole and temporary execution outside prison is one of the six persistent problems that we will focus on in this year's education and rectification of the political and legal ranks. What measures have been taken by the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province to rectify the situation, and what are the results?

   Answer: In the education and rectification of the political and legal team, the procuratorial organs of the province further strengthened the procuratorial supervision of criminal execution, and actively participated in the rectification of persistent and chronic diseases of "temporary reduction of leave" in violation of laws and regulations. The Provincial Procuratorate has specially formulated the Implementation Plan for the Comprehensive Investigation and Rectification of Cases of Violation and Illegal Handling of Commutation, Parole and Temporary Execution Outside Prison by the Procuratorate of Anhui Province, which organically combines the investigation work with the patrol inspection work. At the same time, it has conducted a comprehensive investigation of cases of punishment reduction, parole and temporary execution outside prison handled by the procuratorate since 1990 according to law, and carried out special inspection of legal supervision. From January to June this year, the procuratorial organs of the whole province put forward 690 corrective suggestions on "commutation, parole, temporary execution outside prison", 660 of whom have been corrected, with a correction rate of 95.7%, 2.6 percentage points higher than the same period last year.  

   At the same time, the procuratorial organs of the province continued to increase the efforts to file cases and investigate judicial staff related duty crimes, and carried out the "100 day campaign of judicial staff duty crime investigation". From January to June this year, a total of 31 cases of duty related crimes committed by judicial staff were filed, up 63.2% year on year. The more suspected crimes are: 13 people are guilty of bending the law for personal gain, 6 people are guilty of abuse of power, and 5 people are guilty of dereliction of duty. At present, 19 people have been transferred for investigation and prosecution, up 42.6% year on year.  

   reporter: Civil procuratorial work is a highlight of Anhui procuratorial work. What new actions will be taken this year?  

   Answer: Taking the opportunity of implementing the Civil Code and combining with the education and rectification of the political and legal team, the procuratorial organs of the whole province took the initiative to take multiple measures to further deepen and improve the civil procuratorial work.  

   The special activity of "looking back" on the quality and efficiency of civil litigation supervision was organized to promote the quality and efficiency of civil procuratorial supervision. The change rate of civil protest reached 79.1%, a year-on-year increase of 15.8 percentage points; The adoption rate of retrial procuratorial recommendations reached 69.9%, up 16.6 percentage points year on year.  

   We carried out the activity of "procuratorial work for the people" and solidly promoted the special supervision of false litigation. A total of 542 civil supervision cases involving false litigation were handled, up 31.2% year on year. For example, the false lawsuit of Cao Moumou in Hefei directly recovered more than 12.55 million yuan, effectively protecting the legitimate investment rights and interests of Zhejiang private enterprises in Anhui.  

   We carried out special actions to assist migrant workers in their wage demands, and actively assisted in solving the problem of migrant workers' wage demands. A total of 803 supporting lawsuits were handled, including 646 supporting migrant workers, up 24.5% year on year.  

   reporter: What was the overall situation of administrative procuratorial work in the first half of the year?  

   Answer: From January to June this year, the province's administrative procuratorial work was newly strengthened, and 576 administrative supervision cases were accepted, up 51.2% year on year. A total of 186 procuratorial suggestions were put forward, up 43.1% year on year. Among them, 74 procuratorial suggestions were put forward for cases of supervision over administrative trial activities, up 1.4 times year on year. The courts adopted 70 procuratorial suggestions in the same period, up 94.4% year on year; There were 106 procuratorial suggestions on the supervision of administrative enforcement activities, up 10.4% year on year, and 108 were adopted by courts, up 20% year on year. In addition, the change rate of the court's retrial of administrative effective judgment supervision cases reached 60%.  

   reporter: Public interest litigation procuratorial work is closely related to people's livelihood. What new progress has been made in the first half of this year?  

   Answer: The strength and quality of public interest litigation cases handled by procuratorial organs across the province were improved simultaneously. From January to June this year, the procuratorial organs of the province registered 2512 public interest litigation cases, up 39.7% year on year, including 2307 pre litigation procedural cases, up 47.6% year on year. From the perspective of pre litigation procedural cases, there were 1181 cases in the field of ecological environment and resource protection, up 42.1% year on year, accounting for 51.2%; It was followed by 289 items in the field of food and drug safety, up 15.1% year on year, accounting for 12.5%.  

   The case handling structure was further optimized. A total of 268 public interest litigation cases were filed, up 66.5% year on year, including 17 administrative public interest litigation cases, up 4.7 times year on year, accounting for 6.3% of the number of public interest litigation cases filed, up 4.5 percentage points year on year. We actively and prudently expanded the scope of public interest litigation cases. There were 779 new field cases in the pre litigation procedure cases, up 93.3% year on year, accounting for 33.8%.  

   In the work, the provincial procuratorial organs paid more attention to focusing on the public welfare damage in the field of people's livelihood, and carried out the special procuratorial supervision activities of "public welfare litigation to protect a better life". We continued to handle the clues of ecological and environmental problems in the Yangtze River basin and the Huaihe River basin. For example, 12 clues of ecological and environmental protection problems in the Miaocheng River and Fuxin River in the "South Four Lakes" basin were actively explored, 11 cases were filed, 11 procuratorial suggestions were issued, and problems were urged to be rectified.  

reporter: The revised Law on the Protection of Minors and the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (hereinafter referred to as the "two laws") came into force on June 1 this year. What has the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province done to implement the "two laws"?

   Answer: The provincial procuratorial organs took the opportunity of studying and implementing the newly revised "two laws" to strengthen the comprehensive protection of minors.  

   With a "zero tolerance" attitude, we will intensify the fight against crimes against minors. From January to June, 941 people decided to sue for crimes against minors, up 24.8% year on year, including 464 people decided to sue for crimes against minors, up 20.8% year on year.  

   Strictly implement the special system of non inspection. 1055 social surveys were conducted against juvenile suspects, up 87.4% year on year; General prevention was carried out 699 times, up 135.4% year on year.  

   We will focus on promoting the unified and centralized handling of juvenile procuratorial work, and promote the all-round development of juvenile procuratorial work from focusing on criminal procuratorial work to civil procuratorial work, administrative procuratorial work, and public interest litigation procuratorial work. A total of 18 such civil procuratorial cases, 2 administrative procuratorial cases and 41 public interest litigation procuratorial cases were handled, gradually realizing comprehensive and comprehensive judicial protection for minors.  

   In addition, guided by the continuous promotion of the supervision and implementation of the "No. 1 Procuratorial Recommendation", various forms of rule of law publicity activities were carried out 156 rounds of lectures on the rule of law were held, up 1.4 times year on year; 759 lectures on the rule of law were held, up 3.7 times year on year. On May 31, more than 70000 netizens watched the whole process of the procuratorial open day activity of "inspection, love, and protection of the future together" jointly carried out by the three-level procuratorates of Anhui Province, Hefei City, and Baohe District.  

reporter: In November last year, the Supreme People's Procuratorate deployed a special work to focus on handling repeated letters and visits. How can Anhui promote this special work?

   Answer: The procuratorial organs of the whole province conscientiously implemented the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the complaint reporting work, combined the special work of centralized management of repeated complaint reporting with the Party history learning and education, and the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", further strengthened the organizational leadership, refined the work plan, took effective measures, and resolved cases by category, achieving good results.  

   By June 2021, the Supreme People's Procuratorate had completed 673 of the 765 cases of repeated letters and visits submitted to the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province, with a completion rate of 88%. In handling cases, the procuratorial organs of the province adhere to the linkage between the top and the bottom, take multiple measures according to the case, and comprehensively adopt multiple resolution mechanisms such as leaders' case contracting, legal interpretation and reasoning, public hearings, and judicial assistance to effectively resolve conflicts and disputes, and promote the realization of "case settlement and mutual solution". Among the completed cases of repeated visits, 6 procuratorial hearings were held, of which 5 were presided over by the Procurator General; Six cases of judicial assistance were granted in accordance with the law, effectively resolving a number of difficult and complicated cases of repeated letters and visits.  

reporter: In February this year, the procuratorial organs across the country launched the special activity of "judicial assistance helps consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and promotes rural revitalization". How effective is Anhui?

   Answer: The procuratorial organ of Anhui Province attached great importance to this work and issued relevant implementation opinions. In the special activities, we further focused on the focus of assistance, and increased the efforts of judicial assistance for five categories of poor parties in rural areas, including those who have returned to poverty due to cases, retired soldiers, minors, disabled persons, and law and litigation related complainants, and steadily expanded the scale of judicial assistance cases. At the same time, we continue to optimize the effect of assistance, integrate judicial assistance into the pattern of social assistance, deeply participate in serving rural social governance, and optimize and improve the comprehensive assistance effect of diversified assistance.  

   Since the special activities, 348 cases of judicial assistance have been handled, up 30.3% year on year; The amount of relief granted was 5.506 million yuan, up 72.7% year on year. Among them, 201 people in five categories of poverty in rural areas were rescued and more than 3.2 million yuan of relief funds were distributed.  

reporter: Not long ago, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate released the Ten Measures of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate to Boost the High Quality Development of Private Economy (referred to as the "Ten Measures" for short). The social response was enthusiastic. What important data can be shared in this regard?

   Answer: The ten major measures fully integrate the procuratorial functions of criminal, civil, administrative, criminal execution and complaint, and further strengthen procuratorial supervision to better serve and ensure the high-quality development of private economy.  

   January to June, The procuratorial organs throughout the province have solidly promoted the centralized clearing up of "pending cases" of criminal proceedings involving private enterprises 383 "pending cases" were identified. Through on-site supervision, joint supervision and other means, 361 cases have been cleaned up, accounting for 94.3%.  

   Adhere to the criminal policy of "fewer arrests, cautious prosecution and cautious custody" No 191 persons were arrested and 328 persons were prosecuted in non-state-owned enterprises and institutions.  

   Strengthen the comprehensive judicial protection of private economy. There were 96 protests against effective civil administrative decisions that affected the development of non-public economy, up 284% year on year; 199 suggestions on retrial were put forward, up 221% year on year. 91 procuratorial suggestions were put forward for the supervision cases of civil administrative trial activities that affect the development of non-public economy, up 435% year on year. For the supervision cases of civil administrative execution activities that affect the development of non-public economy, 77 procuratorial suggestions were put forward, up 48.1% year on year.