Work report
[Work Report] Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate (January 2021)
Time: 2021-02-08 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate

——2021 year one month thirty The 13th session in Anhui Province

At the Fourth Session of the People's Congress

Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate   Chen   martial


Dear delegates

Now, on behalf of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, I would like to report my work to the General Assembly for your deliberation and comments.


two thousand and twenty Annual work review


two thousand and twenty In, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme Procuratorate, and under the strong supervision of the Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the procuratorial organs of the province adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, thoroughly practiced Xi Jinping's thought of the rule of law, and consciously transformed the study and implementation of the guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on Anhui into a strong driving force for high-quality development of procuratorial work, New progress has been made in procuratorial work.

Over the past year, we have kept stable The bottom line of enter To promote Four major procurators Comprehensive, coordinated and full development. The provincial procuratorial organs handle various cases one hundred and seventy-four thousand five hundred and eighty-six Pieces, up year-on-year 29.9% Public hearings, punishment and prevention of false lawsuits, service for the development of private enterprises, etc eleven The experience of the project was introduced at the national conference. twenty Cases were rated as guiding cases and typical cases by the highest procuratorate, one hundred and fifty-six Collectives and individuals have won awards at the provincial and ministerial levels, seven Grass-roots procuratorates won National Advanced Grass roots Procuratorate title, seventy-four Famous police officers won the titles of national and provincial business experts and excellent prosecutors.

—— Risk prevention and safety assurance We should crack down on crimes against national security, such as splitting the country and espionage, in accordance with the law. Prosecution of serious violent crimes two thousand one hundred and eleven People, prosecuting crimes against public security sixteen thousand four hundred and twelve People. Helping resolve financial risks and prosecuting people involved economic crimes one thousand and eighty-five People, up year-on-year 28.9%

—— Take the overall situation into consideration and help to develop solidly and effectively Issued service Hexastable ”“ Six guarantees ”29 Comments , prosecute the crime of infringing intellectual property rights four hundred and twenty-five People. Prosecute the crime of destroying environment and resources two thousand three hundred and seventy-six People, bring public interest litigation four hundred and sixty-one Pieces. Together with the procuratorial organs in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places, we formulated the Opinions of the Procuratorial Organs in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui on Providing Judicial Guarantee for the Solid Promotion of the Integration of the Yangtze River Delta.

—— Spare no effort to protect people's livelihood and interests Implement with true feelings Reply every time System, letters from the masses are all in seven Reply within a day, three Response rate of handling results within months 90.4% Prosecute the crime of manufacturing and selling toxic and harmful food and drugs two hundred and forty-three People, bring public interest litigation one hundred and forty-seven Pieces. Prosecution of crimes related to poverty alleviation one hundred and seventy-four People, support migrant workers to sue for salary nine hundred and ninety-four Pieces, distribution of judicial relief funds two thousand and thirteen Ten thousand yuan.

—— Strengthen supervision and promote fairness, quality and efficiency Supervision and investigation organ withdraws the case one thousand four hundred and twelve And lodge a protest against the criminal judgment that is believed to be truly wrong five hundred and seventy-one People, up respectively year on year 54.3% 24.9% To lodge a protest against a civil or administrative judgment that is believed to be truly wrong six hundred and sixty-five Document, put forward suggestions for retrial one thousand and seventy Pieces. Violating civil rights and harming judicial justice by taking advantage of the power of judicial staff in litigation activities according to law fourteen Direct case investigation forty-one People.

—— Grasping reform and improving efficiency We will implement the lifelong responsibility system for prosecutors in handling cases and improve the dynamic management mechanism. Vigorously promote public hearing, change the traditional mode of written review and closed case handling, and organize hearing cases one thousand two hundred and forty-one And was promoted nationwide by the highest inspection.

In the past year, while comprehensively carrying out various procuratorial services, we have highlighted nine key tasks:

First, we should actively respond to the pandemic test and build a line of defense for prevention, control and the rule of law. Actively participate in the war Pestilence , fully perform various procuratorial functions, and strive to respond to belligerence Pestilence This special test paper.

Follow orders and strengthen legal protection In conjunction with the Provincial High Court and the Provincial Public Security Department, the Provincial People's Procuratorate issued the Notice on Cracking Down on Criminal Crimes during the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in accordance with the Law, which was timely released by the Provincial People's Procuratorate five Typical cases, directly listed to supervise epidemic related cases seven Pieces.

Standardize the performance of duties and maintain the order of prevention and control Punish severely illegal crimes such as disrupting epidemic prevention order and obstructing official duties, and prosecute three hundred and seventy-six People. Xuancheng Procuratorate “3·14” The case handling team was elected by the Central Political and Legal Commission, the National Health Commission, etc ten Department joint award The group with outstanding work performance in the national Ping An Hospital title.

Accurate supervision to ensure resumption of work and production The Guiding Opinions on Giving Full Play to the Role of Procuratorial Function in the Prevention and Control of Epidemic Situation and the Resumption of Work and Production of Enterprises was issued to prosecute crimes such as driving up prices, hoarding and curiosities that disrupt market order and impede the resumption of work and production of enterprises one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five piece four thousand four hundred and forty-two People. Handle civil complaints such as contract disputes and private lending disputes during the epidemic period prudently according to law three thousand eight hundred and ninety-five Pieces.

Second, we should promote the successful conclusion of the special campaign to eradicate crime, and continue to enhance people's sense of security. Since the launch of the special struggle, the prosecution of criminal cases three thousand four hundred and fourteen Human and evil cases seven thousand three hundred and fifty-five People.

Strengthen accurate accusation and highlight the quality and efficiency of handling cases insist It is a crime of evil, not a crime of evil The bottom line of one hundred and four Major cases. The investigation organ has transferred the criminal suspects and criminals for review and prosecution, but the procuratorial organ does not recognize them according to law four hundred and thirty-six Pieces; If the investigation organ fails to transfer the case as involving criminal syndicate and evil, the procuratorial organ shall determine according to law two hundred and twenty-nine Pieces.

Strengthen breaking the net and clearing money, and highlight deep excavation Strictly implement Both are the same ”“ Three investigations in one case System, finding clues about mafia and evil and umbrella six thousand four hundred and ten Article. Supervise relevant departments to dispose of the property involved in the case according to law twenty-three point nine eight We will resolutely eradicate the breeding ground for evil forces.

Strengthen long-term governance and highlight industry source clearing Dig deep into the root of crimes committed by mafia and evil forces, and issue procuratorial suggestions on punishment and prevention of crimes one thousand one hundred and forty Copies, received feedback one thousand one hundred and thirteen Copies. Formulation and implementation Opinions on Normalization of Punishment and Prevention of Mafia Crimes, striving to be a good party committee and government Rule of law staff

Third, organize and carry out “351” Project, dedicated to relieving private enterprises. Focusing on the problems of difficulty in filing, appealing and executing strongly reflected by private enterprises, and organizing the implementation “351” Project, which was selected into the annual Ten major rule of law events

Renew concept and strengthen protection according to law Protect the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises and their operators, Approving and arresting crimes that affect the development of private enterprises one hundred and eighty-five Person nine hundred and fifty-three People. We should stick to the principle of not arresting those who can not be arrested, not prosecuting those who can not be prosecuted, and not sentencing those who can not be sentenced to a full sentence, Do not arrest people involved in crimes in private enterprises three hundred and seven People, no litigation seven hundred and ninety-three People.

Special drive to solve persistent diseases Supervise the filing of non-public economic cases and review the necessity of custody, and supervise the filing of investigation organs twenty Case, withdrawal forty-four Piece, pair fifty-six Four detained criminal suspects and defendants were relieved or changed the compulsory measures. Carry out special supervision and protest against false lawsuits involving private enterprises Anti counterfeiting lawsuit case forty-six And put forward suggestions for retrial one hundred and thirty-nine Pieces.

Innovative mechanism and excellent service develop Procurator General Centralized Case Handling Month Activities, provincial tertiary institutes First hand Take the lead in handling cases two hundred and three The first service hotline for private enterprises in China was opened “96309” , the provincial procuratorate directly assigned to supervise the handling of complaints from private enterprises ninety-eight Pieces.

Fourth, we should firmly promote leniency in confession and punishment, and improve the quality and efficiency of criminal prosecution. The implementation of the system of confession, punishment and leniency is an important starting point to resolve social conflicts and promote social governance, and the leading responsibility of accusing and proving crimes is solidly fulfilled.

Compaction responsibility expands applicable scale The criminal suspects who voluntarily and truthfully confess their crimes, admit the facts of their crimes and are willing to accept punishment will be given leniency in accordance with the law, which is applicable throughout the year fifty-seven thousand and thirty-three People, application rate reaches 86.5% , up year-on-year fifty-four Percentage points.

Take multiple measures to improve the quality and efficiency of case handling With the help of experts talent of other countries or units that can be tapped , give play to the role of intelligent assistance, and determine the rate of proposal of sentencing 41.2% Rise to 61.3% , court adoption rate increased year on year thirteen point one Percentage points, the appeal rate of the first instance is from 7.18% lower 4.12%

Mechanism guarantee to promote the application of norms Take the lead in exploring and developing in the national procuratorial organs Anti slackness, anti violation, anti fraud, anti hunting etc. Four defenses Education, establishment of record review, lawyer assistance, data verification and other systems and mechanisms, set aside for the application of confession and punishment according to law red thread

Fifth, Steadily promote procuratorial public interest litigation and fulfill the mission of public interest protection We will conscientiously implement the Decision of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress on Strengthening the Work of Procuratorial Public Interest Litigation, strengthen the weak points in our work, and strive to be a good protector of the national and social public interests.

Give full play to the role of public welfare protection Handling pre litigation procedural cases four thousand three hundred and sixty-seven Pieces, year-on-year increase 16.7% according to law Initiate public interest litigation six hundred and seventy-eight Pieces, year-on-year increase 62.2% Urge the treatment of polluted water surface eight thousand nine hundred and four Mu, clean up solid waste twelve thousand and sixty Tons, claiming ecological environment restoration costs from the violator one thousand five hundred and eighty-eight Ten thousand yuan.

Innovate the working mechanism of public welfare protection Gather the resultant force of protection and make full use of it River (lake, forest) length + Prosecutor General Platform, finding problem clues one thousand and two hundred More than. Actively applied the pre litigation consultation mechanism, and the administrative organs adopted the pre litigation procuratorial suggestions at a rate of 97.3%

Actively and steadily expand the scope of handling cases Focusing on social governance and poverty alleviation, biosafety, public health and other areas of concern to the people etc. Cases in other fields one thousand three hundred and twenty-three Pieces, up year-on-year 310%

Sixth, strictly punish false lawsuits and firmly safeguard judicial authority. yes Anti counterfeiting lawsuit Persistent diseases, adhere to the combination of punishment and prevention, highlight the effectiveness, and promote comprehensive treatment.

Highlight key points and punish severely Focus on the frequent occurrence of false lawsuits such as contract disputes and private lending, and list for supervision twelve rise False litigation supervision cases, Supervise and correct false lawsuits one thousand and seven Cases, prosecution of suspected crimes seventy-eight People, up respectively year on year 36.5% 59.2%

Improve the mechanism and form joint forces Systematically study and judge the characteristics of cases, and issue punishment and prevention false lawsuits to the court No. 3 procuratorial suggestion Countersign with the Provincial High Court, the Provincial Department of Public Security, and the Provincial Department of Justice on the system and specifications for punishing and preventing false litigation, refine the cooperative prevention and punishment measures, and promote accurate and efficient attack.

Extended supervision to ensure effectiveness Deeply carry out the in-depth supervision of illegal acts in the field of false litigation, focus on the supervision of false litigation involving judicial staff, relevant intermediary organizations, etc., and transfer the clues of violations of discipline and laws to the public security organs and the Commission for Discipline Inspection fifty-six To ensure the maximum effect of litigation supervision.

Seventh, conscientiously implement No.1 procuratorial suggestion To protect the healthy growth of minors. Adhere to the highest inspection No.1 procuratorial suggestion Protection as a minor Project 1 To catch, so that more children from illegal violations.

Highlight legal protection Strictly punish crimes such as sexual assault, trafficking and maltreatment of minors one thousand and thirty-nine People, up year-on-year 29.9% Deliberately handle cases involving minors, and do not arrest minors suspected of crimes according to law three hundred and sixty-seven People, no prosecution five hundred and three People. Juveniles who commit crimes with deep subjective malignancy, cruel criminal means and serious consequences shall be prosecuted one thousand and fifteen People.

Innovative featured activities with Care keeps infringement away With the theme of Six Ones Activities, going deep into the province ten Primary and secondary schools Farun Jianghuai · Come without love Tour preaching, one thousand and six hundred More than parents and students received legal education from prosecutors at zero distance. one thousand three hundred and forty-nine Procurators served as vice presidents of the rule of law, realizing three-level procuratorial organs First hand Served as the Vice President of the Rule of Law.

Actively apply special systems and procedures Conduct social surveys on the causes of juvenile delinquency and the growth environment one thousand five hundred and fifty-nine People, up year-on-year 59.2% Provide assistance and education to minors involved in crimes two thousand eight hundred and eighty-three People, up year-on-year 573.6% , social professional forces involved in the case nine hundred and forty-nine Pieces, up year-on-year 125.4%

Section 8、 Adhere to the main tone of strictness, and persevere in improving the style and discipline. Keep in mind that forging iron must be hard, and strive to forge a strong procuratorial team that is loyal to the Party, serves the people, enforces justice, and has strict discipline.

Pay close attention to political construction Deeply learn and practice Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and consolidate Never forget the original intention and remember the mission Theme education achievements, deepening Three cases Further strengthen warning education Four Consciousness , firm Four self-confidence 、做到 Two maintenance

Strengthen system supervision Formulate the work method of political supervision of the party group of the higher level institute over the party group of the lower level institute, and transmit the pressure of management, inspection, treatment and inspection to Nerve endings Hold research and judgment meeting on outstanding problems of the procuratorial team, and carry out Three Consciousness We will rectify the procuratorial team's activities that highlight problems and lay the foundation for the team's education and rectification.

Insist on strict investigation and punishment The Measures for Punishing Prosecutors in Anhui Province (for Trial Implementation) was promulgated, twenty-two Procurators withdrew from their posts in accordance with regulations, bringing them to the standard operation of procuratorial power Tight hoop mantra Consciously accept the supervision of the discipline inspection commission and the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed there, reduce the stock, curb the increase, and resolutely eliminate it with the determination of breaking the wrist an evil member of the herd

Ninth, consciously accept the supervision of the people and let the procuratorial power exercise in the sunshine Firmly establish the supervisor's awareness of accepting supervision, and consciously do a good job under supervision.

Fully accept the supervision of the National People's Congress Deliberately handle and feed back the representative's suggestions forty-five Cases and matters to be transferred seventy-nine And cooperate in special research and law enforcement inspection one hundred and twelve Times. Organize and carry out case evaluation, public hearing, court trial observation and other activities eight hundred More than one show, invitation three thousand and seven hundred More than representatives and members participated in procuratorial activities at close quarters.

Normalization and democratic supervision We will strengthen communication and liaison with the democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce and people without party affiliation, and listen extensively to opinions and suggestions. invitation one thousand two hundred and seventy Famous industry and business people participated in the forum on serving the development of private enterprises, and municipal procuratorates established a regular liaison mechanism with the Federation of Industry and Commerce.

Accept social supervision from multiple perspectives Continue to deepen the publicity of procuratorial affairs, and report the handling of cases quarterly. Disclosure of procedural information of cases eighty-seven thousand one hundred and fourteen , release important case information eighteen thousand seven hundred and forty-two Article, Publicity of legal documents forty-eight thousand and ninety-three The openness and transparency of procuratorial work is at the forefront of the national procuratorial system.


two thousand and twenty-one Annual work arrangement


two thousand and twenty-one The Communist Party of China was founded in one hundred The anniversary is to build a socialist modern country in an all-round way and implement the 14th Five-Year Plan Plan the first year. We will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, understand and practice Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, pay more attention to the system concept, the rule of law thinking, the strong foundation orientation, grasp the new development stage, implement the new development concept, serve the new development pattern, and earnestly achieve Focusing on politics, considering the overall situation, seeking development, and focusing on self-improvement

First, take Risk prevention First, shoulder the political responsibility of safeguarding security and maintaining stability Focus on political security and crack down on all kinds of infiltration, destruction, subversion and separatist activities. Focus on financial risks and punish public related economic crimes and new online financial crimes in accordance with the law. Focusing on social stability, deepening the normalization of anti mafia, and thoroughly practicing the new era Maple Bridge Experience We will comprehensively promote public hearings in procuratorial work, and use procuratorial performance to help modernize the country's governance system and capacity.

Second, take consider sth. in its entirety Serving the high-quality development of economy and society focusing Strong economy We will strengthen the procuratorial protection of intellectual property rights and promote the building of a scientific and technological power. Deeply promote serving private enterprises “351” Project to create a legal business environment. focusing People are rich , assist Effective connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization judicial aid focusing Ecological beauty , carry out Public interest litigation protects a better life Special supervision.

Third, take Strong supervision To improve people's sense of the rule of law Strictly apply the leniency system of pleading guilty and punishment to maintain social harmony and stability Accurately implement the civil code, improve the punishment and prevention mechanism for false litigation, and promote in-depth supervision of illegal acts. Initiate public interest litigation in the fields of food, medicine, ecological and environmental protection according to law, and handle it actively and steadily etc. External cases We will improve the mechanism for linking supervision and inspection, and punish duty crimes in accordance with the law.

Fourth, take Practice Internal Skill To support and improve the comprehensive performance supervision ability. grasp New requirements in the new stage, Improve political judgment, political understanding and political execution, and promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work. Deepen procuratorial reform, promote performance evaluation of prosecutors, and improve the quality and efficiency of judicial cases We will conscientiously carry out education and rectification of the procuratorial team, and strive to build an iron procuratorial force that is loyal to the Party, serves the people, is fair in justice, and has strict discipline.

Dear delegates! two thousand and twenty-one In, we will closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, closely rely on the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, be pragmatic, enterprising, and work hard, contribute more procuratorial force to the new journey of building a modern and beautiful Anhui that comprehensively starts a new stage of strong economy, rich people, and beautiful ecology, and celebrate the founding of the Party with outstanding achievements one hundred Anniversary!