Work report
[Work Report] Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate (January 2020)
Time: February 18, 2020 Author: News source: SRC-25708896 [Font size: large | in | Small


Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate

——The 13th session in Anhui Province on January 14, 2020

At the Third Session of the People's Congress

Xue Jiangwu, Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate



Review of work in 2019


In 2019, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and under the strong supervision of the Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the provincial procuratorial organs adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, earnestly implement the resolutions of the second session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress, grasp the new situation, practice the new mission, and successfully complete the major political tasks of preventing risks, ensuring safety, and welcoming Daqing, All work has been implemented and improved in steady progress.

Over the past year, 134000 cases of various kinds have been accepted, year-on-year An increase of 11%, 17 jobs were introduced at the national conference, one hundred and fifteen Collectives and individuals were commended at or above the provincial and ministerial level, twenty-three Cases were rated as guiding cases, typical cases and excellent cases by the Supreme People's Procuratorate "Tongling Section of the Yangtze River", Wuhu Jinghu District Procuratorate 12’‘1 The special case team of "26 'environmental pollution series cases" was recorded as the first class collective merit by the Supreme People's Procuratorate

—— Improve quality and efficiency of criminal prosecution. The arrest of 33561 ordinary criminal offenders was approved, up 28.17% year on year; 62361 people filed public prosecutions, up 6.82% year on year. Handling criminal supervision cases 12500 pieces.

—— Civil procuratorial work is improving. 3973 appeals against civil judgments, rulings and mediation statements were accepted, up 80.18% year on year; 675 protests were filed, up 98.53% year on year, Ranking first in China; 663 suggestions on retrial were put forward, up 115.26% year on year, ranking the third in China.

—— Administrative procuratorial capacity expansion increment. The court refuses to accept the case There were 424 appeals of administrative judgments, rulings and mediation statements, up 37.66% year on year. 456 procuratorial suggestions were put forward for illegal administrative trials and enforcement activities, up 27.02% year on year.

—— Public interest litigation has developed steadily. Filing a case four hundred and nine 3 pieces 3745 pre litigation procedures were handled; 418 public interest lawsuits were filed, up 57.74% year on year, ranking second nationwide.

In the past year, we have focused on several tasks:

1、 Deepen anti mafia and eliminate evil, ensure living and working in peace, and demonstrate procuratorial responsibility

Strict punishment in accordance with the law and high pressure have never been relaxed The arrest of 3534 people involved in crimes related to underworld and evil, up 63.54% year on year; 5254 people were prosecuted, up 90.22% year on year. 42 major criminal cases of mafia were listed and supervised in 11 batches.

Accuse precisely and strictly control the quality standards. We should ensure that "we will not let go of any evil crime, not just any evil crime" 47 cases were filed by the supervision and investigation organs, 187 cases were not identified as crimes of criminal nature according to law, and 100 cases were identified as crimes of criminal nature after changing the nature.

Breaking nets and umbrellas, making money and losing blood 1557 "umbrella" clues related to mafia and evil were dug up, and 68 "umbrella" crimes were prosecuted. 600 opinions on handling property involved in the case were put forward, 133 procuratorial suggestions were issued, and 1.953 billion yuan of assets involved in criminal syndicates and crimes were supervised and disposed.

We will take care of both the symptoms and root causes and comprehensively manage Put forward the procuratorial work to the relevant units 563 suggestions and 523 feedback were received. Found in combination with case handling Regulatory loopholes and deep-seated problems, put forward countermeasures and suggestions in a timely manner, act as a good legal adviser, and promote industry rectification.

2、 Serve the private economy, strengthen equal protection, and optimize the business environment

Strengthen service guarantee measures. establish Normalization Communication mechanism: 212 visits to the Federation of Industry and Commerce, 1254 enterprises, 180 symposiums, asking questions and solving difficulties, and making precise decisions.

Safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises We will crack down on crimes that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises, 602 people were prosecuted for contract fraud, forced trading and other crimes, and 1703 people were prosecuted for such crimes as bullying the market, forcing projects, and destroying production and operation. For criminal cases involving persons in charge of private enterprises, if they can not be arrested, if they can not be prosecuted, if they can not be sentenced to a real punishment, they will put forward suggestions on lenient sentencing, and if they can not be sentenced to a real punishment, they will not arrest 473 people and prosecute 244 people involved in crimes involving private enterprises.

Pay attention to the social effect of handling cases We carried out in-depth special activities to examine the necessity of detention in cases involving private enterprises, For the criminal suspects involved in private enterprises who can no longer be detained according to law, it is suggested to change the compulsory measures to obtain 90 persons on bail pending trial, and resolutely prevent the risk of business difficulties or even bankruptcy caused by the detention of legal representatives.

3、 Promote social governance, ensure five major developments, and practice justice for the people

Participate in financial risk prevention and resolution 842 people were prosecuted for public related crimes such as illegal absorption of public deposits, fund raising fraud and pyramid selling, up 41.28% year on year; 136 people were prosecuted for credit card fraud, loan fraud and insurance fraud.

Serve the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. implementation Special Action of "Beautiful Village Procuratorate" Carry out a major investigation of anti crime 150000 copies of publicity materials were distributed, and more than 1200 tips were handled. Carry out ecological environment patrol, 2156 people were prosecuted for crimes against environment and resources, and 254 ecological environment public welfare lawsuits were filed. We carried out a thorough investigation of judicial assistance, 112 people were prosecuted for crimes such as falsely claiming and withholding poverty relief funds; Relying on judicial assistance, 6 million yuan was granted We will carry out a general clean-up of pit farmers, There were 255 prosecutions of crimes of misappropriating collective assets and infringing on the interests of farmers, helping migrant workers claim more than 59 million yuan in salary.

Strengthening the judicial protection of special groups Punish severely crimes against minors and arrest 1561 people 1981 persons were prosecuted. Adhere to the policy of education and persuasion, 466 minor offenders were not arrested and 294 were not prosecuted with conditions. 217 chief procurators and deputy chief procurators are also vice presidents of the rule of law. We strengthened the protection of women's rights and interests and prosecuted 1359 people for crimes against women's personal rights. We will crack down on military related criminal crimes, jointly explore and handle public interest litigation cases involving national defense and security, and safeguard the interests of national defense and military personnel

4、 Strengthen legal supervision, perform anti-corruption functions, and safeguard judicial justice

Strengthening the supervision of criminal proceedings 759 cases were registered under supervision, and 911 cases were withdrawn under supervision. We corrected 909 people who missed arrest, 1709 people who missed prosecution, and 1228 cases of illegal investigation activities. 452 appeals were filed against decisions that were believed to be wrong, and 331 cases were concluded by the courts, including 203 cases that were changed or sent back for retrial. 2906 people supervised and corrected improper execution of commutation, parole and temporary imprisonment, up 32.09% year on year Corrective judgment Imposition of actual punishment but not execution of punishment 24 3 people. Just wealth The supervision over the execution of property and punishment put forward 1424 written corrective opinions, with a verified amount of 279 million yuan.

Strengthening the supervision of civil proceedings Examined 7190 cases of civil complaints and appeals; 1338 procuratorial suggestions on protest and retrial were put forward for effective civil judgments, up 106.48% year on year. Keep an eye on Solve the problem of "difficult implementation", 182 people were prosecuted for refusing to execute judgments and convicted of crimes, and 1628 procuratorial suggestions were put forward for improper execution, up 47.33% year on year. We will crack down on false lawsuits, 49 people were prosecuted for false litigation crimes, involving more than 300 million yuan; 329 civil false lawsuits were protested and 633 procuratorial suggestions were sent to the court.

Strengthening the supervision of administrative litigation 21 pieces of procuratorial suggestions for protest and retrial were put forward against administrative decisions that were believed to be wrong. We carried out special supervision on administrative non litigation execution, urged the administrative organs to apply for compulsory execution according to law, and put forward 356 procuratorial suggestions, with the adoption rate of 99.5%.

Play the role of anti-corruption. We actively played the role of making decisions on arrests and initiating public prosecutions, accepted 888 cases of duty crimes transferred by the Commission, up 73.78% year on year, and 658 people have been prosecuted. Exercising the right to investigate crimes committed by judicial staff in accordance with the law, 37 people were put on file for investigation, ranking first in the country.

5、 Strengthen public interest litigation, focus on key areas, and create Anhui model

Protect the public welfare and actively perform their responsibilities. Carry out the special action of "protecting the green Jianghuai beautiful home" and "ensuring the safety of thousands of households", 3195 procuratorial suggestions were issued to administrative organs, 98.5% of which were adopted Through the pre litigation procedure, we urged the remediation of 12600 mu of contaminated farmland, wetlands, forest land, 115900 tons of solid waste, household garbage, etc., the recovery of 35.3863 million yuan of state-owned property, and the recovery of 1.145 billion yuan of transfer fees for state-owned land use rights.

     Track and rectify iron faced justice. For those who failed to implement the rectification recommendations issued by the procurator after the pre litigation procedure, 418 public interest lawsuits were filed, 269 cases were concluded by the court, 215 cases supported prosecution opinions, and 54 cases were withdrawn through mediation.

The response is expected to expand the scope. Pay close attention to the work safety Public interest vulnerable areas such as spam messages and harassing calls, Exploring public interest litigation outside the legal field In addition, public interest litigation has broken the ground in national defense security, railway security, poverty alleviation, ancient tomb protection, bike sharing management and other fields.

6、 Deepen procuratorial reform, strengthen scientific and technological support, and enhance development momentum

The internal institutions were rebuilt as breakthroughs and the reform of the judicial system was deepened. The three-level procuratorates have fully completed the reform of their internal institutions, and the mechanism system with complete systems, clear functions and scientific standards has officially been put into operation. The dynamic management and orderly adjustment of incoming prosecutors were strictly implemented. 137 prosecutors withdrew from their posts, and 209 prosecutors were selected. The leaders of the three-level procuratorate handled 16900 cases. 8046 letters from the masses 100% procedural reply within 7 days, 90.7% result reply within 3 months

We will improve our social governance ability by giving lenient punishment when pleading guilty. Work with relevant departments to print and distribute the Working Opinions on the Application of the System of Confession, Punishment and Leniency, actively play a leading role Handle the case of pleading guilty and accepting punishment with leniency 2 . one ten thousand People, accounting for 31.99% of the total number of criminal cases concluded; 82.68% of the cases handled are subject to summary procedure and quick adjudication procedure , reduce judicial costs and reduce social confrontation

Take the construction of "Smart Anhui Inspection" as the support to stimulate innovation and development vitality. Deepen the construction of intelligent voice and artificial intelligence joint laboratory, and the mobile case handling intelligent auxiliary system was awarded the top ten innovation cases of national political and legal intelligence - intelligent procuratorial services. The construction of public interest litigation rapid testing laboratory of municipal procuratorates was launched, and the provincial public interest litigation intelligent information network was explored and developed.

7、 Adhere to strict inspection, improve the ability to perform duties, and build a strong team

Strengthen political construction and stick to the original mission. thorough Study and Implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era Party The 19th National Congress and the Second, Third In the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee, we conscientiously carried out education on the theme of "never forget the original intention and remember the mission", promote Policemen should strengthen "Four Consciousness", strengthen "Four Confidence", and achieve "Two Maintenance" Adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party, Strictly implement the major decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, strengthen the role of the Party Leadership Group in steering the direction, managing the overall situation and ensuring implementation, and strictly abide by the system of requesting instructions and reporting on major issues. We will steadily carry out the special action of "strict transformation" to focus on combating formalism and bureaucracy, earnestly implement the ten item list of "the year of burden reduction at the grassroots level", and ensure that the grassroots have Sense.

Implement "two responsibilities" and be strict in discipline. We will resolutely implement the main responsibility of managing the Party, the inspection, and the prosecution, support the discipline inspection and supervision authorities to supervise and inspect, enforce discipline and law, and have zero tolerance for investigating and punishing prosecutors who violate discipline and laws. Actively cooperate with the CPC Leading Group of the Supreme People's Procuratorate to inspect the CPC Leading Group of the Provincial Procuratorate, establish a "1+4" rectification mode for feedback, carry out special governance, and ensure the effectiveness of rectification. We carried out the warning education of "three cases", carried out special rectification in the provincial procuratorial system, and tightened the system cage.

Pay attention to quality improvement and consolidate the foundation of duty performance. We strengthened the training of compound cadres, selected 16 police officers to study and exercise in the Provincial High Court, the Provincial Department of Ecological Environment and other units, and organized more than 3600 person times of off job training throughout the year. With the active help of "external brain", 71 experts and scholars were selected to form a new expert advisory committee, which invited more than 70 expert advisory committees to participate in case analysis and public hearings.

For a year, we Consciously accept the supervision of the National People's Congress and democratic supervision. On behalf of members 39 pieces Suggestions and proposals, establish implementation list, implement reconciliation and cancellation, insist on communication before handling, negotiation before reply, and improve the quality and efficiency of handling. Special report to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress on the supervision of criminal and civil implementation, and receive special inquiries to promote procuratorial work. The representative committee members were organized to carry out cross inspection, case hearing, case evaluation and other activities, with 848 person times, and zero distance supervision and procuratorial work.

Over the past year, we have consciously accepted the supervision of all sectors of society. We built a "six in one" financial media platform, such as microblog, WeChat, and Diaoyin, and publicly released 44000 legal documents, 27000 important case information, and 91000 procedural information to promote fairness. Organize people's supervisors to supervise the handling of individual cases and participate in the inspection and evaluation of 208 person times. We carried out special supervision on the protection of lawyers' right to practice, supervised and corrected 19 acts impeding lawyers' right to practice, and arranged 24000 lawyers to check papers.


Work arrangement for 2020


This year marks the end of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and the 13th Five Year Plan. The provincial procuratorial organs will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and thoroughly implement the 19th CPC National Congress Dahe Nineteen session Second Middle School, Third Middle School The spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Provincial Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee, the CPC Provincial Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, adhered to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, maintained a high degree of political consciousness, rule of law consciousness, procuratorial consciousness, adhered to the original aspiration, shouldered the mission, patched up weaknesses and strengths, and modernized the national governance system and governance ability with the modernization of procuratorial ability to perform their duties A decisive victory We will contribute to building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

First, implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee in a higher position and give play to the advantages of the procuratorial system. Focusing on "adhering to and consolidating, improving and developing, observing and implementing" the socialist judicial system and procuratorial system with Chinese characteristics, we will implement the five-year plan for procuratorial reform, and better translate the advantages of the procuratorial system into governance effectiveness. We will implement the system of judicial responsibility for handling cases, and do a good job in comprehensive reform of "fine decoration", Promoting the Innovative Development of Anhui Procuratorate

The second is to take more practical measures to serve the overall situation of development and assume procuratorial responsibilities and missions. Punish corruption and crimes in the field of poverty alleviation and rely on justice Poverty alleviation assistance Poverty alleviation. We will strengthen our awareness of risk prevention, handle major sensitive cases in a sound manner, and help fight the battle against major risks. We will severely punish crimes that damage the environment and resources, give full play to the judicial effect of the "four major procurators", and help fight the battle of blue sky, clear water, and pure land. We will prudently and prudently handle cases involving private enterprises, improve the legal environment for business, and help the economy to overcome difficulties, transform and upgrade. Focusing on the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta , Promote National strategies such as the rise of the central region, strengthen regional coordination and linkage, realization Five major developments in Anhui have accelerated and increased efficiency.

Third, greater efforts should be made to build a safe Anhui and maintain social harmony and stability Implement the overall national security concept and crack down on all kinds of criminal crimes according to law. We will not relax in our three-year goal of eliminating evil and gangsters. We will redouble our efforts in thorough investigation and long-term governance, and resolutely strive for comprehensive victory in the special struggle. Accelerate the modernization of social governance in the city, practice the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, deepen the brand creation of "Warm Control", and improve the social governance capability in the procuratorial sector.

Fourth, strengthen the sense of duty performance and enhance the effectiveness of legal supervision with a more rigid style of work. Focus on improving criminal prosecution, implement the "integration of arrest and prosecution", strengthen the supervision of criminal proceedings, and promote the system of leniency of punishment for pleading guilty. Focusing on strengthening and strengthening the civil and administrative procuratorial work, we will continue to work together from top to bottom. Focus on public interest litigation, strengthen intensive cultivation in legal areas, actively expand "substandard" areas, and safeguard national and social public interests.

Fifth, build the procuratorial team with higher standards and improve the ability to supervise the performance of duties. Strengthen theoretical arms and use Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era Unify thought Unity of will and action Strengthen the fighting spirit, and strive to improve the new responsibilities and new actions of the procuratorial police Strengthen the cultivation of professional quality and ability, and make up for the weakness of the ability to perform duties. Continue to deepen the construction of "Smart Anhui Inspection", strive Form more and better Anhui experience Adhering to strict control means loving and deepening Three cases Warning education, persistent rectification and discipline elimination, and building a strong procuratorial team.