Work report
[Special Work Report] Report on Strengthening Investigation Supervision and Safeguarding Judicial Justice by the Provincial Procuratorial Organs
Time: July 12, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On Strengthening Investigation and Supervision by the Provincial Procuratorial Organs

Report on safeguarding judicial justice

——2017 year five month twenty-five At the 12th Anhui Provincial People's Congress

At the 38th Meeting of the Standing Committee

Standing Committee of Anhui Provincial People's Congress:

According to the arrangement of this meeting, on behalf of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province, I would like to report on the strengthening of investigation and supervision and the maintenance of judicial justice by procuratorial organs throughout the province for your deliberation.

Investigation supervision includes three functions, namely, examination and arrest, case filing supervision, and investigation activity supervision. It is an important responsibility entrusted to procuratorial organs by law, and also an important content and distinctive feature of the socialist procuratorial system with Chinese characteristics. In recent years, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and under the strong supervision of the Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the provincial procuratorial organs have fully implemented the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the series of important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Focusing on the construction of Anhui under the rule of law and Anhui under the rule of peace, we faithfully fulfilled the responsibilities entrusted by the Constitution and laws, and made new progress in all investigation and supervision work.

1、 Perform the function of reviewing and arresting according to law, and resolutely safeguard national security and social stability

To arrest a criminal suspect who meets the legal conditions is the need to ensure the smooth progress of criminal proceedings, as well as the need to punish crimes and protect the people. two thousand and fourteen year one Month to two thousand and sixteen year twelve In July, the provincial procuratorial organs approved the arrest of various criminal suspects sixty-six thousand and sixty People, not approved for arrest twenty-four thousand eight hundred and fifty-four People.

Resolutely crack down on crimes endangering national security We must resolutely implement the overall concept of national security, firmly grasp the prominent issues affecting national security, Actively participate in the fight against terrorism, separatism, espionage and infiltration We should crack down on the crimes committed by evil cults such as Falun Gong and Almighty God, Arrest quickly Bengbu seven point one six ”The criminal suspect in the case of using the cult organization to destroy the law enforcement thirty People, It has effectively safeguarded national security.

Serious violent crimes shall be severely punished according to law. Pay close attention to the new situation in the field of social security and public security, We issued guidance on deepening peace building, and promoted the establishment and improvement of a regular mechanism for combating serious criminal crimes. Establish a quick response mechanism for major and sensitive cases to detect and respond in a timely manner and effectively prevent and resolve social security risks. Deepen the special fight against mafia , jointly with the Provincial Public Security Department nine Major cases, tracking and guidance Wuhu Procuratorate handled Xing Chaogang and others according to law sixty-seven A major crime involving criminal syndicates. Actively participate in the special rectification of the drug problem, link up and down, strike hard, Approving and arresting all kinds of drugs Suspect seven thousand two hundred and eighty-one People, effective Curb the spread of drug in some areas of our province We carried out special actions to crack down on medical related crimes and handled cases of violent injuries to doctors such as Wang Guizhou in Chizhou and Chen Rulin in Anqing according to law.

Cracking Down on the Crime of Telecommunication Network Fraud Together with the provincial public security department, the provincial court and other departments, we issued a special action plan to crack down on the new type of crimes committed by telecommunications networks, and jointly supervised the crackdown on governance in key areas, Arrest suspects of telecommunication fraud five hundred and ninety-eight People. The procuratorial organs in Hefei, Bengbu and other places intervened in the investigation in advance, and promptly approved the arrest of Xu's Gou et al forty-nine Ren, Liu Jie, etc forty-two Huge number of people involved in trans provincial telecom network fraud cases saved huge economic losses for the people.

Focus on maintaining campus security. Actively participate in the special treatment of campus bullying, Punish serious violent crimes against students in accordance with the law, examine and approve to arrest Suspect of campus violence thirty-five People. Extensive development The joint construction of the procuratorate and the school, strengthening the rule of law education for minors, and organizing lectures on the rule of law into campus activities three hundred and sixteen Field. Suzhou, Bengbu, Anqing, Huangshan and other places have built legal education bases and observation and protection bases for minors twenty-one , Provincial Procuratorate, Baohe District Procuratorate of Hefei, etc four A unit was awarded the title of "National Youth Rights Protection Post".

Deepen the comprehensive management of social security in the procuratorial link Actively participate in key areas such as remote villages and rural-urban fringe, as well as schools, hospitals and other key places to highlight the governance of public security issues, and put forward prevention and control suggestions in combination with law enforcement three hundred and four Pieces. Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers in accordance with the law, resolutely crack down on malicious wage arrears, and arrest suspects who refuse to pay labor remuneration two hundred and sixty People. We will strengthen the protection of women's rights and interests, Together with the Provincial Women's Federation, the selection activity of "women's rights protection post" was carried out, Successively thirty Four procuratorial organs were awarded "Women's Rights Protection Post in Anhui Province" The Provincial Procuratorate has been awarded the National Advanced Collective for Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Women and Children for two consecutive times, and has been awarded the Excellent Unit for Comprehensive Administration of Social Security (Safe Construction) in the province for eight consecutive years.

II Implement the new development concept, and strive to serve the steady and healthy development of the economy

Focusing on the center and serving the overall situation is the primary responsibility of procuratorial work. Provincial procuratorial organs based on investigation and supervision responsibilities Actively adapt to the new normal of economic development, actively make judicial response, and strive to create a safe and stable social environment, a fair and standardized legal environment for economic and social development.

Focus on preventing financial risks. We will intensify efforts to crack down on crimes such as market manipulation, insider trading, and illegal operation of stock index futures, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of investors. Highlight the punishment of public related economic crimes such as illegal fund-raising and Internet financial crimes, and arrest suspects who illegally absorb public deposits and fund raising fraud seven hundred and twenty-seven People. The procuratorial organs in Hefei, Bengbu and other places handled the case properly according to law“ e Major cases, such as renting treasure and "three rural capital", are prosecuted seventy People.

Active service innovation drives strategy implementation. Close around The strategy of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", To ensure the innovative development of Anhui sixteen Comments. Strengthen judicial protection of intellectual property rights, approve and arrest suspects of counterfeiting registered trademarks and infringing trade secrets two hundred and eighty-three The case of Chen Li's copyright infringement handled by Hefei High tech Zone Procuratorate was rated as“ two thousand and fourteen Ten major cases of combating infringement and piracy in the year ", Xu Chenglin and others handled by Quanjiao County Procuratorate six Human copyright infringement case was rated as“ two thousand and fourteen Ten Typical Cases of Intellectual Property Protection by China's Procuratorate in.

Pay attention to safeguarding non-public economic rights and interests. Formulate five major policies to develop the construction of a beautiful Anhui twenty-six And put forward suggestions to ensure the healthy development of private economy ten And implement detailed service measures. The procuratorial organs in Hefei, Wuhu, Ma'anshan and other places focus on combating financial fraud, contract fraud, infringement of trade secrets and other crimes that affect fair competition based on the actual situation, and ensure the rapid development of local non-public economy according to law. Insist on treating domestic and foreign capital as well as state-owned and private enterprises equally, strictly implement the requirements of "three equality", "five boundaries" and "three prudence", punish criminal crimes against the legitimate rights and interests of non-public enterprises in accordance with the law, and arrest criminal suspects such as job embezzlement and misappropriation of funds four hundred and nine People.

We will work hard to ensure food and drug safety for the masses. Carefully implement the revised Food Safety Law and Drug Administration Law, Continue to carry out special case filing supervision on crimes against food and drug safety, and suggest the administrative organ to transfer the case two hundred and seventy-four Pieces, supervising the public security organ to file a case one hundred and sixty-two The arrest of suspects in the production and sale of fake drugs, substandard drugs, food that does not meet safety standards, toxic and harmful food, etc one hundred and eighty People. After the "problematic vaccine" incident in Shandong, the procuratorial organ took the initiative to contact the public security and food and drug supervision departments, actively involved in the investigation and handling of the case, and Fuyang, Huainan and other places approved the arrest of the suspects in the illegal marketing of vaccines fifteen people The handling of the illegal marketing of vaccines in our province was commended by the Supreme People's Procuratorate. Focusing on maintaining the "tip of the tongue security", the procuratorial organs in Bengbu, Chizhou and other places closely followed the "problem frozen meat" clues to carry out case filing supervision, and suggested transferring the clues involved in the case five piece twelve People, avoid getting close eighteen Tons of "problem frozen meat" flows to the people's table.

Strengthening the judicial protection of ecological environment Focusing on building a green and beautiful home in the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers, we will carry out in-depth supervision on the registration of crimes against environmental resources, and suggest the regulatory authorities to transfer suspected criminal cases three hundred and sixty-five Piece, arrest the suspects who destroy environmental resources three hundred and one People. We will jointly carry out supervision and inspection with the Provincial Environmental Protection Department, and jointly formulate the working methods for linking environmental protection law enforcement and criminal justice. Actively invite deputies to the National People's Congress and CPPCC members to participate in the joint meeting, inspect the work results, and expand the social influence of special activities. After CCTV exposed the environmental pollution incident in Dongzhi Economic Development Zone, the provincial procuratorate immediately supervised the handling together with the provincial public security department and the provincial environmental protection department, and suggested that the administrative organ transfer the case to the public security organ for filing eight Person, adjudicated seven And cooperate with the park to improve the long-term mechanism of environmental protection. In response to the widespread concern of the society about the trans provincial dumping of hazardous waste, the Bengbu procuratorial organ has continuously supervised two major environmental pollution cases involving the illegal transportation of electroplating sludge and toxic solid waste from Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang to Huaiyuan and Wuhe.

3、 Actively carry out supervision over case filing and investigation activities, and strive to safeguard the fairness of law enforcement

It is an important duty entrusted by law to the procuratorial organ to supervise the illegal acts in the case filing and investigation activities of the investigation organ, and it is also an important content of the investigation supervision work. The procuratorial organs of the whole province conscientiously implemented the laws and regulations, and supervised and corrected a number of outstanding problems of lax law enforcement and unfair justice in accordance with the law against illegal acts in case filing and investigation activities.

Effectively strengthen supervision over case filing activities We will resolutely correct the problem of failing to file a case or correct a crime, and supervise the public security organs to file a case two thousand two hundred and ninety-six Pieces. We will resolutely correct the problems of establishing but not investigating, investigating but not concluding, and supervise that the cases on file have been sentenced guilty two thousand one hundred and thirty Pieces, accounting for 92.77% We will resolutely correct the use of criminal means to interfere in economic disputes, retaliate against and frame up, and seek illegal interests, and supervise the withdrawal of cases by public security organs three thousand one hundred and forty-nine Pieces. We will resolutely correct the problem of not removing cases and substituting punishment for punishment, and suggest that administrative law enforcement agencies transfer suspected criminal cases one thousand one hundred and forty-seven Pieces.

Increasing Supervision of investigation activities. For illegal investigation problems such as extorting confessions by torture, obtaining evidence by violence, illegally sealing up, detaining and freezing property, etc. reflected and found, the supervision procedure shall be started in a timely manner, and the public security organ and the procuratorial organ's self investigation department shall be urged to correct them by means of correcting the violations in writing and proposing to change the undertaker according to law. two thousand and fourteen Since three thousand five hundred and seventy Pieces; If a person should be arrested but has not submitted a request for approval of arrest, the omission of arrest shall be corrected two thousand six hundred and fifty-five people

Actively building a benign and interactive relationship between the procurator and the police whole province Procuratorial organ While performing its supervisory duties according to law, Take measures such as early intervention, guidance and evidence collection, regular joint meetings, establishment of information notification and sharing mechanism, and strengthen communication and connection with public security organs Work together with the Provincial Public Security Department to formulate and issue the Work Regulations on Early Intervention in Major Criminal Case Investigation, improve the intervention investigation mechanism, and cooperate with the promotion System for Investigating Organs of Major and Difficult Cases to Listen to Opinions and Suggestions of Procuratorial Organs In view of the common problems reflected by the grass-roots procuratorial organs and the public security organs, such as the standard of evidence for approving arrests, and the supervision of police stations, the provincial procuratorate took the initiative to carry out research with the provincial public security department, exchange views, and unify standards.

To a higher standard Strengthen the supervision over the investigation of duty crimes. Firmly establish the awareness that supervisors should accept supervision, Attach importance to strengthening the supervision of the investigation of duty crimes. two thousand and fourteen year one Month to two thousand and sixteen year twelve Month, We have jointly decided to arrest suspects of corruption, bribery, dereliction of duty and infringement two thousand three hundred and thirty-six People. Strictly implement the system that the procuratorates at or below the provincial level directly file and investigate cases and the procuratorates at the next higher level review and decide to arrest them, change the practice that the same procuratorate decided to file and arrest cases of job-related crimes in the past, strengthen the supervision of the procuratorates at the higher level over the work of the procuratorates at the lower level, and strictly control the review and arrest of job-related crimes, We will safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects and the right of lawyers to practice. Strictly implement the relevant work regulations of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, focus on strengthening the supervision of the designated residential surveillance and other links, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of illegal acts of investigation.

IV Strengthen judicial protection of human rights and protect the legitimate rights and interests of litigation participants according to law

Investigation supervision is the first step for procuratorial organs to prevent unjust, false and wrong cases. The provincial procuratorial organs conscientiously implemented the provisions of the Constitution on respecting and protecting human rights, complied with objective obligations, and consciously put the protection of human rights through the whole process of investigation and supervision.

We will resolutely guard against unjust, false and wrong cases. We have always adhered to the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime and no suspicion of a crime, formulated and implemented seven measures to prevent unjust, false or wrong cases in the procuratorial process, and ensured that every case handled can stand the test of history. Increase the investigation and verification of illegal evidence collection, If the suspicion of illegal evidence collection cannot be excluded, it shall not be used as the basis for arrest two thousand and fourteen Since Start illegal evidence investigation procedure eight piece twelve People, yes one thousand and ninety-two piece A case with defective evidence requires the public security organ to make corrections or give a reasonable explanation five thousand two hundred and fifty-seven In case of insufficient evidence, the decision not to approve arrest was made.

Accurately grasp the arrest conditions. Adhere to the working concept of "all arrests shall be made in accordance with the law, and all non arrests shall be made in accordance with the law", actively promote the standardized and refined handling of the review of arrest cases, and the rate of non arrests in the review of arrest cases in our province is from two thousand and eleven Of 15.67% Up to last year's 26.45% Work with the Provincial Public Security Department to formulate opinions on strengthening the certification and review of social danger in the arrest process, and disapprove the arrest of those who constitute a crime but have no social danger thirteen thousand six hundred and eighty-eight People, accounting for the total number of non arrest orders 55.07%

Adhere to the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy. For major criminal cases, the procuratorate at a higher level will set up a board to supervise the handling, intervene in the investigation as soon as possible, and guide the investigation organ to comprehensively collect fixed evidence. Arrest measures shall be carefully applied to cases of first offenders, accomplices, incidentals, minor crimes and cases of special groups such as the elderly, the blind, the deaf and the dumb. Properly treat Juveniles involved in crimes, earnest We will implement systems such as legal aid, social investigation, and the presence of suitable adults, and strictly apply arrest measures, Work with relevant departments to strengthen the investigation of help and education and promote reform

Protect the rights and interests of criminal suspects according to law. We will strictly standardize the handling of cases that extend the period of investigation and detention, and strengthen the examination of the reasons for the extension of detention. two thousand and fourteen Since A total of cases of extension of investigation detention period were handled two thousand eight hundred and nine No extension is approved according to law one hundred and fourteen People. We should strengthen the interrogation of criminal suspects, If there is doubt about whether the arrest conditions are met, the criminal suspect requests to make a statement in person, or the investigation may have major illegal acts, etc In the case, we should listen to the confession and defense of the criminal suspect face to face, and protect their legitimate rights and interests. Attach great importance to the important role of lawyers in safeguarding human rights and promoting judicial justice And promptly review the opinions of the defense lawyer that the case does not constitute a crime, the crime is minor, or the criminal responsibility is mitigated or exempted, there is no social danger, it is not suitable for custody, and there are illegal circumstances in the investigation activities

Pay close attention to judicial standardization. Carried out successively Year of Strengthening the Standardization of Judicial Conduct "Specialized in regulating judicial conduct Project rectification " Deepening Year of Standardizing Judicial Conduct And other activities, We will promote the formation of a new normal for regulating the administration of justice, To ensure the correct exercise of the power of investigation and supervision. We will improve the quality analysis and evaluation system for reviewing and arresting cases, and monitor and analyze cases that have been dismissed after arrest, not prosecuted, acquitted, reviewed by public security organs, and appealed by parties in a timely manner, so as to make targeted improvements. two thousand and fourteen Since, the rate of case withdrawal after arrest, the rate of non prosecution and the rate of innocent verdict have been respectively 0.007% 0.57% and 0.018%

5、 Deepen the reform of the judicial system and improve the working mechanism of investigation and supervision

We will conscientiously implement the deployment of judicial reform, actively explore the establishment and improvement of a working mechanism that is more in line with judicial laws and characteristics, focusing on promoting fair justice and improving judicial credibility.

Establish and improve the linkage mechanism between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice. Work together with the Provincial Food and Drug Administration and the Provincial Public Security Department to formulate the working methods for linking food and drug administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and establish and improve the working systems of joint meetings, information sharing, case transfer, etc. Regular meetings Provincial Public Security Department, Provincial Environmental Protection Department, Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce, etc Units carry out law enforcement inspection, supervision of cases, special activities, etc., to prevent and correct problems such as cases that do not move, cases that are difficult to move, and punishment instead of punishment. coordination The Provincial Department of Commerce has been completed at provincial, municipal and county levels, covering fourteen The "Anhui Provincial Administrative Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Information Sharing Platform for Combating Infringement and Counterfeiting" of the Ministry of Public Security of China has initially realized online transfer, online filing and online supervision.

We will advance the reform of the judicial responsibility system in an orderly manner. formulate Measures for the management of post based prosecutors, We will refine the list of powers of prosecutors, Establish a performance appraisal system, Implement the law enforcement file system and promote the formation of a new mechanism with clear rights and responsibilities and efficient operation. Provincial Procuratorate Implement in the field of duty crime review and arrest The trial of the system of public procurators' responsibility for handling cases has changed the previous mode of handling cases reported and approved level by level by the undertakers, department heads and chief procurators, Reasonably allocate the list of powers of investigation supervision prosecutors at different levels, Public procurators shall, within the scope of their functions and powers, make decisions on the handling of cases, be responsible for the quality of cases for life, and their performance of duties according to law shall be protected by law.

Exploring the establishment of a supervision mechanism for criminal investigation activities in police stations The Provincial Procuratorate and the Provincial Department of Public Security jointly issued guidance on the supervision of criminal investigation activities in police stations Through the establishment of a "resident (team) procuratorial office", regular inspection, special inspection, case supervision and other means, Strong propulsion Supervision work of police stations Local procuratorial organs have taken active action, and Hefei, Fuyang, Beng Port Eight other places have set up procuratorial offices in police stations three hundred and thirty-eight Police stations (teams) carried out procuratorial supervision , Supervise the filing of cases by public security organs one hundred and two Pieces, supervision and withdrawal sixty-five Pieces, correct missing catch thirty-nine Person, correct the violation in writing ninety-nine Each time, a pattern of all-round and three-dimensional supervision over criminal investigation activities of police stations has initially formed.

Actively construct self supervision and restriction mechanism conscious Accept the restriction of the investigation organ, and take the initiative to explain the reasons for disapproving the arrest; If the investigation organ proposes a review, Careful review of the replacement of the undertaker two thousand and fourteen Since The case of disapproval of arrest shall be submitted for review five hundred and ninety People, changed after re examination by the procuratorial organ original decision thirty-three people Comprehensively promote the reform of the case management mechanism, establish a special case management department, and two thousand and fourteen In, the unified business application system was used to implement online input of case handling information, online management of case handling processes, and online supervision of case handling activities, and strengthen internal constraints on case handling.

We will continue to improve the mechanism for accepting oversight by the National People's Congress. Fully implement the provincial "Two sessions" spirit, right Suggestions, proposals and opinions concerning investigation and supervision put forward on behalf of members of the committee, Clarify the responsibility list, Implement item by item. Well organized to The "Procuratorial Open Day" with the theme of "Strengthening Investigation Supervision and Maintaining Judicial Justice" and the special inspection activities of deputies to the Provincial People's Congress assisted the Supreme People's Procuratorate in the inspection of procuratorial work in our province by some deputies to the National People's Congress from the Yunnan Youth League, It was unanimously praised by the delegates. Cooperate with the departments and committees of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress Connection of the two laws Special research and promotion Connection of the two laws Research and demonstration of local legislation.

6、 Strengthen the team building and improve the ability of investigation and supervision

Building a strong team is an important guarantee for doing a good job in investigation and supervision and safeguarding judicial justice. The provincial procuratorial organs vigorously promote the standardization, professionalization and professionalism of the investigation and supervision team, and strive to make the judicial case handling more fair, efficient, standardized and civilized.

Insist on putting ideological and political construction first Deeply carry out learning and education such as "Three Stricts and Three Realities", "Two Studies and One Action", Guide the investigation and supervision personnel to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and maintain their loyalty. We should strengthen the education of the socialist concept of the rule of law, guide investigation and supervision personnel to take the spirit of the rule of law as the backbone, and firmly establish a correct judicial concept.

Adhere to the promotion of quality and ability as an important task. Actively adapt to the reform of the judicial responsibility system, adhere to taking professionalism as the core combat effectiveness, and carry out targeted professional training on environmental protection, intellectual property and other special businesses. Carefully selected from the provincial investigation and supervision departments forty-five Five outstanding police officers were selected into the provincial investigation and supervision talent pool, and in-depth job training activities such as business competition and document appraisal were carried out, Four players from our province won the title of national expert in investigation and supervision.

We should firmly grasp the comprehensive and strict inspection. We will fully implement the requirements for strict governance of the Party and strict inspection, Always put discipline and rules in front, adhere to strict management and supervision, Achieve fair performance of duties, strict law enforcement and civilized handling of cases

7、 Existing problems in current investigation and supervision

In recent years, the investigation and supervision work of the provincial procuratorial organs has achieved positive results, but there are also some problems and shortcomings: everything A few policemen There is deviation in the supervision concept. Heavy strike light The concepts of protection, emphasizing entity over procedure, and emphasizing cooperation over supervision still exist to varying degrees. Some places Poor sense of supervision, They are afraid of difficulties, dare not supervise, unwilling to supervise, and fail to perform their duties of supervising the investigation of illegal acts; The supervision over the investigation of duty crimes, especially at the same level, is relatively weak. Second The supervision capacity needs to be strengthened. part The quality and ability of investigation supervisors cannot adapt to the development of the situation, especially the lack of knowledge in intellectual property, financial securities, Internet and other fields A small number of local investigation and supervision teams are unstable, the backbone of the force is lost, and the contradictions of investigation and supervision cases are more, fewer people are involved, and the trial limit is tense; Investigation supervision The work informatization level and technology application ability are not high. Third The supervision mechanism is not perfect. Existing supervision Few measures and supervision The supervision means are soft, the supervision effect needs the cooperation of the supervision object, and "it is difficult to know information, investigate and verify, and correct" has not been effectively solved; The traditional closed case handling and written review mode can no longer meet the requirements of the rule of law. Intervention in investigation, guidance and evidence collection, and exclusion of illegal evidence have not yet been fully implemented. We will attach great importance to these problems and seriously solve them.

8、 We should further strengthen and improve investigation and supervision, Actively respond to people's expectations

Investigation supervision is an important way for procuratorial organs to participate in the construction of a safe China and a rule of law China. In the future work, the provincial procuratorial organs will conscientiously implement the work deployment of the Central Committee and the provincial party committee, closely focus on the five development concepts, adhere to the standardized administration of justice, fine handling of cases, give full play to procuratorial functions, and provide a strong judicial guarantee for building a beautiful Anhui.

First, give full play to the role of investigation and supervision Firmly establish correct judicial concepts, Insist on putting the investigation and supervision work in a more prominent position, study and formulate suggestions on strengthening and improving the investigation and supervision work of the province. Conscientiously perform the function of reviewing and arresting, Cracking down on all kinds of criminal crimes in accordance with the law and earnestly safeguarding Public safety and the safety of people's lives and property. We will pay more attention to strengthening the supervision of case filing and investigation activities, carry out special case filing supervision around key areas, and improve the normalization mechanism for case filing supervision of crimes that damage environmental resources and endanger food and drug safety. Actively participate in the construction of safe Anhui and promote the construction of social security prevention and control system.

The second is to constantly improve the investigation and supervision mechanism. comprehensive We will implement the trial centered reform of the criminal procedure system, strengthen communication and connection with the public security organs, and jointly establish an organic and unified interaction between the police and prosecutors. We will move forward in an orderly manner with the pilot work of reviewing and arresting litigation. We will implement the system of proof of the conditions of social danger of arrest, which will not only prevent the approval of arrest when a crime is constituted, but also prevent the artificially raising of arrest standards. We will explore the establishment of a system for investigating organs to listen to the opinions and suggestions of procuratorial organs in major difficult cases, a mechanism for supervising criminal investigation activities in police stations, and a mechanism for judicial supervision over judicial measures and investigative means that restrict personal freedom. We will further improve the long-term mechanism for linking administrative law enforcement with criminal justice, and achieve a seamless connection between administrative punishment and criminal punishment.

Third, focus on improving the level of investigation and supervision. We will explore ways to change the traditional closed case handling and written review mode, pay attention to listening to the opinions of suspects, investigation organs, defense lawyers, victims or close relatives, and ensure the quality of arrest. Strengthen the connection and cooperation between arrest and prosecution, and strive to form a joint force of supervision. Explore the "case-based" handling mode of major supervision matters, and establish a complete process from the acceptance of supervision clues, filing, investigation and verification, implementation of supervision, tracking feedback, reconsideration and review to the closure of cases. Strengthen the construction of information sharing mechanism with investigation organs, and promote the informatization and modernization of investigation supervision means and methods.

Fourth, vigorously strengthen the construction of investigation and supervision team. We will fully implement the requirements of strict governance of the Party and strict inspection, vigorously promote the normalization and institutionalization of "two learning and one doing" learning and education, and strive to build an investigation and supervision team with firm faith, justice for the people, courage to take responsibility, integrity and integrity. Explore and improve the investigation and supervision business training mechanism, strictly implement the post quality standards, and constantly improve the professional quality and professional level of the team. Consolidate the achievements of the special rectification of standardized judicial behavior, and promote the standardized and refined development of investigation and supervision.

In order to effectively solve the practical difficulties in the investigation and supervision work, we also take this opportunity to put forward three suggestions to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress: everything Continue to carry out the research and demonstration of local legislation on the "convergence of the two laws", and make timely decisions to further strengthen the "convergence of the two laws"; two yes Timely launch the law enforcement investigation and inspection of the supervision of the police stations, and promote the in-depth supervision of criminal investigation activities; Third Organize NPC deputies to carry out inspection and inspection activities on the investigation and supervision work of procuratorial organs in due time to promote the healthy development of investigation and supervision work in the province.

The Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress specially listens to and deliberates the investigation supervision work report, which is an important embodiment of the implementation of the strategic deployment of comprehensively governing the country according to law, and also a strong supervision, care and support for procuratorial work. The provincial procuratorial organs will take the opportunity of implementing the spirit of this conference, under the strong leadership of the Party committees at all levels, closely rely on the supervision of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee, constantly strengthen and improve the legal supervision work, and make new efforts to promote the construction of safe Anhui and rule of law Anhui!

enclosure: one . Description of relevant terms

two . Description of relevant cases

three . Relevant chart description

enclosure one

Description of relevant terms

(For reference only)

one Investigation supervision (See section one Page title). Investigation supervision refers to the special legal supervision work of the People's Procuratorate on whether the investigation activities of public security organs, national security organs, procuratorial organs, investigation departments, etc. are conducted legally in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law. Specifically, it includes three responsibilities: review and arrest, case filing supervision and investigation supervision. Examining and arresting refers to the litigation activities in which the People's Procuratorate reviews the cases submitted for arrest by the investigating organ, decides whether to approve the arrest, or reviews the cases directly filed for investigation by the procuratorial organ, and decides whether to arrest the criminal suspects; The supervision of criminal case filing refers to the legal supervision of the People's Procuratorate over the activities of the investigation organ (or the investigation department of the procuratorial organ) that should file a case for investigation but not for investigation, or that should not file a case for investigation but for investigation; The supervision of investigation activities refers to the legal supervision of the People's Procuratorate over the legality of the investigation activities of the investigation organ (or the investigation department of the procuratorial organ).

two Special rectification of drug problem (See section two Page thirteen Line). two thousand and fourteen In, in view of the serious situation of drug problem in Linquan County, according to the opinions of the National Narcotics Control Commission, the Provincial Narcotics Control Commission decided to launch a special action to focus on the drug problem in Linquan County. The provincial procuratorate took active action to establish a leading group for drug control and special rectification of drug crimes in Linquan County in a timely manner, formulate a work plan, arrange special personnel to hold temporary posts in the procuratorate of Linquan County, and actively cooperate with the public security organs and the people's court to crack down on drug crimes. two thousand and fifteen In, the county passed the inspection of the National Narcotics Control Commission, and took off the label of "a key county for national drug control".

three Special action to crack down on new types of crimes committed by telecommunications networks (See section two Page eighteen Line) With the consent of the State Council, in order to strengthen the organization, leadership and overall coordination of the nationwide fight against new types of illegal crimes and regional occupational crimes in telecommunications networks, such as telecommunications fraud, infringement of citizens' personal information, illegal production, sales and use of "fake base stations", special equipment for eavesdropping and photo theft, mobile malicious programs, and "black broadcasting", two thousand and fifteen year six In July, the Ministry of Public Security, as the leading unit, established twenty-three The inter ministerial joint meeting mechanism of the State Council for combating and controlling new crimes committed by telecommunications networks, which is composed of departments and units. two thousand and fifteen year eleven In June, the joint meeting decided to organize and carry out nationwide special actions to crack down on new types of illegal crimes in telecommunications networks, severely punish illegal crimes in telecommunications networks according to law, and effectively curb the development and spread of new types of illegal crimes in telecommunications networks

four Juvenile Care Base (See section three Page five Line) It is a caring education base established to effectively supervise the minor offenders who have minor criminal circumstances, are not necessary for arrest, but whose guardians are unable to fulfill their guardianship obligations, or meet the conditions of conditional non prosecution. The observation and protection base can provide all-round help and education to minors from patriotic and law-abiding education, labor and life skills training, psychological intervention and other aspects, expand the scope of non custodial coercive measures for minors involved in crimes, and have positive significance for the healthy growth of minors involved in crimes and their smooth return to society.

five "Three Equality", "Five Limits" and "Three Cautiousness" (See section four Page fifteen sixteen Line). stay two thousand and sixteen At the National "Two Sessions" in, Procurator General Cao Jianming proposed that procuratorial organs should treat domestic and foreign capital, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises equally in judicial cases, and ensure equal litigation status, litigation rights and legal status of enterprises of all kinds of ownership; We should accurately grasp the legal policies and pay attention to distinguishing "five boundaries", that is, the boundaries between economic disputes and economic crimes, the boundaries between deviations in reform and exploration and crimes committed by exploiting reform loopholes, the boundaries between legitimate business income and illegal criminal gains, the boundaries between unit crimes and individual crimes, and the boundaries between improper economic activities and illegal crimes; We should pay more attention to the improvement of case handling methods and adhere to the "three prudence", that is, carefully detain and arrest enterprise managers and key positions. If it is really necessary to detain and arrest, we should communicate with the enterprise or competent department involved in the case in advance to help do a good job of production and operation connection; Carefully seal up, detain and freeze the property involved in the case to avoid causing or aggravating the business risk of the enterprise; Carefully consider case handling methods and opportunities, and maintain the corporate image and reputation. The above requirements have become an important compliance of the national procuratorial organs in serving the non-public economy.

six Two special case filing supervision for crimes against food and drug safety and crimes against environmental resources (See section four Page nineteen Line, No five Page eight Line). In view of the high incidence of crimes against food and drugs and the destruction of environmental resources, but the ineffective fight against them, especially the prominent problem of failing to establish cases and substituting punishment for punishment, The Supreme People's Procuratorate two thousand and fifteen At the beginning of the year, we deployed and carried out a two-year "special case filing and supervision activity for crimes against environment and resources and special case filing and supervision activity for crimes against food and drug safety". The purpose is to give play to the procuratorial organ's function of case filing and supervision, supervise the administrative law enforcement organ to transfer a batch of cases, and supervise the public security organ to file and investigate a batch of crimes suspected of destroying environmental resources and Criminal cases endangering food and drug safety We will seriously investigate and deal with a number of crimes and Crimes endangering food and drug safety The post crime cases behind it have promoted the establishment of a linkage mechanism between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice in the field of environmental resources and food and drug supervision.

seven Early intervention in investigation, guidance and evidence collection system (See section six Page fifteen Line) It refers to that the investigation supervision and public prosecution department of the People's Procuratorate, according to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law of China and the Rules of Criminal Procedure of the People's Procuratorate (for Trial Implementation), assigns personnel to intervene in the investigation activities of the investigation organ for major, difficult and complex cases before the investigation organ (department) transfers the criminal suspect for review, arrest and prosecution, and guides them to collect The working system of fixing evidence and performing the function of investigation and supervision. The establishment and development of the system of intervening in investigation, guiding and obtaining evidence conforms to the requirements of "trial centered litigation system reform", which is of great significance for building a benign and interactive relationship between the procurator and the police. two thousand and fourteen year twelve In June, the provincial procuratorate and the provincial public security department jointly formulated and issued The Working Regulations on Early Intervention in the Investigation of Major Criminal Cases further standardized the procuratorial organs Participate in investigation and guide evidence collection in advance.

eight A case directly filed for investigation by a procuratorate at or below the provincial level shall be examined and arrested by the procuratorate at the next higher level (See section seven Page three four Line) In order to strengthen the supervision and restriction on the investigation and handling of job-related crimes, the Supreme People's Procuratorate two thousand and nine year nine In September, the Provisions on the People's Procuratorate at the next higher level to examine and decide on the arrest of a case filed for investigation by a People's Procuratorate at or below the provincial level (for trial implementation) was issued, which clearly requires that a procuratorate at or below the provincial level (excluding the provincial level) must report to the procuratorate at the next higher level for examination and decision if it is necessary to arrest a criminal suspect in a case filed for investigation of duty crimes.

nine Strengthening supervision of residential surveillance in designated residence of duty crime cases (See section seven Page eight Line) Designated residence for residential surveillance Yes two thousand and thirteen A new compulsory measure added to the Criminal Procedure Law after its amendment in . Poor access to information, lagging supervision and many other problems , which needs to be standardized. To this end, two thousand and fifteen year ten month thirteen The Supreme People's Procuratorate formulated and issued the Provisions of the People's Procuratorate on the Supervision of Residential Surveillance in Designated Residence on September. The Regulations clearly stipulate the subject, content, method, procedure and supervision responsibility of the procuratorial organ in supervising the decision and implementation of residential surveillance at designated residence. The promulgation of this regulation is not only a part of the judicial reform, but also an important achievement of the procuratorial organ's own special rectification work to regulate judicial behavior, strengthening the supervision and restriction of the compulsory measures of residential surveillance in designated residence.

ten Investigate, verify and investigate illegal acts (See section seven Page sixteen Line) The investigation and verification authority is two thousand and thirteen The Criminal Procedure Law, revised in, endows procuratorial organs with an important litigation function and power of investigation and supervision. In order to accurately exercise the power of investigation and verification and correct illegal acts in accordance with the law, two thousand and thirteen year nine The Supreme People's Procuratorate Formulated and distributed Investigation by the Investigation and Supervision Department verify Opinions on Investigating Illegal Acts (Trial) The Opinions mainly stipulate the task of investigating and verifying illegal acts Scope and focus investigation verify Of principle, Procedures and safeguards for carrying out investigation and verification, including the initiation, mode, duration, and handling after investigation and verification.

eleven Opinions on Strengthening the Certification and Examination of Social Risks in the Arrest Link (See section eight Page two three Line) In order to solve the prominent problems in judicial practice, such as "arresting when a crime is constituted" and "arresting instead of investigating", implement the Criminal Procedure Law Section seventy-nine The provincial procuratorate and the provincial public security department have issued two thousand and fourteen year twelve Prepared and issued jointly every month Opinions on Strengthening the Certification and Review of Social Risks in the Arrest Process It clarifies the burden of proof and the burden of proof of the public security organ on the arrest of social dangerous conditions, clarifies the review responsibility of the procuratorial organ on the arrest of social dangerous conditions, and further refines the identification standards of the criminal procedure law on the arrest of five social dangerous conditions, which enhances the operability.

twelve Social survey (See section eight Page nine Line) It is a special procedure for handling juvenile criminal cases as stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Law, which refers to that the public security organ, the People's Procuratorate and the People's Court handle juvenile criminal cases, and can investigate the growth experience, criminal reasons, supervision and education of juvenile suspects and defendants according to the circumstances, The investigation report will be used as a reference for handling cases and educating and persuading minors involved.

thirteen Suitable adults (See section eight Page nine Line) It means that according to the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law, the legal representatives of juvenile criminal suspects and defendants should be notified to be present during interrogation and trial of juvenile criminal cases. If it is impossible to notify, the legal representative cannot be present, or the legal representative is an accomplice, it may also notify other adult relatives of the juvenile criminal suspect, the defendant, representatives of the school, unit, grass-roots organization in the place of residence or juvenile protection organization and other appropriate adults to be present to safeguard the legal rights of minors, and record the relevant information.

fourteen Cases of prolonging the period of custody for investigation (See section eight Page eleven Line) In order to ensure the smooth proceeding of the proceedings and strengthen the protection of human rights, the Criminal Procedure Law of China gives the procuratorial organ the authority to extend the investigation detention period for three times, including one month, two months and two months, respectively, under legal conditions. However, in practice, due to the emphasis on cooperation rather than supervision, there is a problem of going through formalities. In order to standardize the People's Procuratorates in handling cases of extending the period of custody for investigation, two thousand and sixteen year seven In June, the Supreme People's Procuratorate formulated and issued the Provisions of the People's Procuratorate on Handling Cases with Extended Detention Period for Investigation. In order to prevent the public security organs from "establishing but not investigating, investigating but not concluding" and the procuratorial organs from lax examination and approval, the Regulations specifically put forward clear requirements on the examination and approval authority, review procedures, review methods, conditions for approving (not approving) the extension of detention period for investigation cases, and unified judicial standards, which are conducive to judicial justice and safeguarding human rights. Provincial Procuratorate in two thousand and thirteen year eleven In August, the Regulations of Anhui Provincial Procuratorial Organs on Handling Cases with Extended Detention Period for Investigation (Trial) was formulated.

fifteen A series of activities to regulate judicial behavior (See section eight Page twenty twenty-one Line) In order to implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the opinions of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on reviewing the special report of the People's Procuratorate on standardizing judicial conduct, two thousand and fourteen year twelve In June, the Supreme People's Procuratorate deployed the nationwide procuratorial organs to carry out a year long special rectification work to standardize judicial behavior. The provincial procuratorate conscientiously implemented the work deployment of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and carried out continuous deployment "The year of strengthening the standardization of judicial behavior" and "the year of standardizing judicial behavior" Project rectification " A series of activities such as the "Deepening Year of Standardizing Judicial Conduct", Promote the formation of a new norm of standardized justice State.

sixteen Connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice (See section nine Page eight Line) It refers to the working mechanism explored and implemented by administrative law enforcement organs, public security organs and procuratorial organs to prevent punishment instead of punishment, impunity, and timely transfer suspected criminal cases investigated and handled in administrative law enforcement to judicial organs for handling. It mainly includes four aspects: First, the connection between the administrative law enforcement organs and the public security organs in transferring suspected criminal cases; The second is the connection between the administrative law enforcement organ and the procuratorial organ in transferring suspected duty crimes; Third, the procuratorial organ supervises the public security organs to accept the transfer of suspected criminal cases by administrative law enforcement organs; The fourth is the accountability contact mechanism between the procuratorial organ and the government supervision department.

seventeen Information sharing platform (See section nine Page thirteen fourteen Line) It is an electronic information platform for the connection of administrative law enforcement and criminal justice. Through this platform, administrative law enforcement organs and judicial organs can realize online transfer, online acceptance, online processing and online supervision of cases, which is of positive significance for improving the efficiency of linking administrative law enforcement and criminal justice and strengthening the joint force in combating crimes. The information sharing platform of "convergence of the two laws" in our province was established in two thousand and fourteen By now, it has covered provincial, municipal and county levels fourteen Individual departments (procuratorate, public security, commerce, legal system Agriculture, forestry, culture, industry and commerce, press and publication, quality supervision, food and drug supervision, intellectual property rights, customs, environmental protection).

eighteen Reform of judicial responsibility system (See section nine Page sixteen Line) This reform is the key to the establishment of a judicial power operation mechanism with unified rights and responsibilities, clear rights and responsibilities, and power constraints, and is also the core of deepening the reform of the judicial system. Supreme People's Procuratorate《 Several Opinions on Improving the Judicial Responsibility System of the People's Procuratorates pointed out that to improve the judicial responsibility system of the People's Procuratorates, The goal is to improve the judicial case handling organization, scientifically define the internal judicial case handling authority, improve the judicial case handling responsibility system, build a fair and efficient judicial power operation mechanism and a fair and reasonable judicial responsibility identification and investigation mechanism, so that who handles the case is responsible, and who decides who is responsible.

nineteen Establish a supervision mechanism for criminal investigation activities in police stations (See section ten Page one Line) "Establishing a supervision mechanism for criminal investigation activities in police stations" is a judicial reform project determined by the central government. It refers to the system that the procuratorial organ supervises the legality of the investigation and case filing activities in the process of handling criminal cases by the police station according to law. two thousand and sixteen In, the provincial procuratorate took the initiative to choose Hefei, Wuhu, Fuyang Carry out The pilot work of criminal law enforcement supervision in police stations. this year three In June, the Provincial Procuratorate held a meeting to promote the supervision of the provincial procuratorial organs over the police stations, and decided to gradually and comprehensively carry out this work.

twenty No arrest approval, reconsideration and review (See section ten Page eleven Line). Reconsideration of disapproval of arrest refers to the litigation activities in which the People's Procuratorate, at the request of the public security organ, re examines the decision of disapproval of arrest made by its own court in accordance with the law to decide whether to change the original decision; Reexamination of disapproval of arrest refers to the litigation activities in which the People's Procuratorate reviews the decision of disapproving arrest made by the People's Procuratorate at a lower level according to the request of the public security organ at a lower level to decide whether to change the decision of disapproving arrest made by the People's Procuratorate at a lower level.

twenty-one Unified business application system (See section ten Page fifteen Line) finger In accordance with the general requirements of "unified planning, unified standards, unified design and unified implementation", the work organized and developed by the Supreme People's Procuratorate is applicable to the national four level procuratorial work, Large computer information system integrating case handling, management and statistics. Through the unified business application system of national procuratorial organs, Realize the interconnection of procuratorial organs nationwide and the timely, comprehensive, real-time and dynamic exchange of information to meet the requirements of online entry of procuratorial organs' law enforcement information, online management of law enforcement processes, online supervision of law enforcement activities and online evaluation of law enforcement quality Needs of Which is conducive to improving the overall law enforcement capacity and efficiency of the procuratorial organs throughout the country

twenty-two The Reform of Criminal Procedure System Centered on Trial (See section thirteen Page four five Line) To promote the reform of the trial centered litigation system means to give full play to the final check role of the trial procedure, firmly adhere to the principle of evidence adjudication, and ensure the quality of cases and judicial fairness. The main contents are as follows: the investigation and procuratorial organs must update the litigation concept, earnestly collect, fix, preserve, review and use evidence in strict accordance with the law in order to stand the test of the law and meet the standards of court trials; The judicial organ must pay more attention to the trial and ensure that the trial plays a decisive role in ascertaining the facts, identifying evidence, protecting the right of action and conducting a fair trial.

twenty-three Establish a system for investigating organs of major difficult cases to listen to the opinions and suggestions of procuratorial organs (See section thirteen Page eight nine Line) "Establishing a system for investigating organs of major difficult cases to listen to the opinions and suggestions of procuratorial organs" is a judicial reform project determined by the central government. It refers to that the procuratorial organ intervenes in the investigation of major difficult cases in advance according to its authority or at the invitation of the investigation organ, and The system of putting forward opinions and suggestions on issues such as fact finding, law application, evidence collection and improvement of the case

twenty-four Establish a judicial supervision mechanism for judicial measures and investigative means restricting personal freedom (See section thirteen Page ten eleven Line) "Improving the judicial supervision over judicial measures and investigative means restricting personal freedom" is a judicial reform project determined by the central government. It refers to the system that the procuratorial organ supervises the legality of the judicial measures and investigative means taken by the investigative organ to restrict personal freedom. In view of the prominent problems in the application of compulsory measures of criminal detention, Procuratorial organ It is proposed to apply criminal detention as“ Perfect the judicial supervision over judicial measures and investigative means restricting personal freedom ”Judicial reform The breakthrough is to gradually explore the establishment of a "judicial supervision mechanism for judicial measures and investigative means that restrict personal freedom".

enclosure two

Description of relevant cases

(For reference only)

one Bengbu“ seven point one six Case of using cult organizations to undermine law enforcement (See section two Page five Line). two 015 year seven Since September, the personnel of the Almighty God cult have rented houses in several residential areas in Bengbu City to carry out the "Almighty God" cult activities. The suspects are closely organized and clearly divided, and do not use their real names. Within the organization, some suspects will act as directors, actors, etc., use mobile phones, cameras and other tools to shoot propaganda videos of the "omnipotent god" cult, and special personnel will be responsible for making up and taking care of daily life to ensure the smooth progress of video shooting. After the crime, the police seized a large number of almighty books, notes, relevant videos and various shooting tools in various gathering points. The nature of the case is bad and the social impact is great. In the investigation stage, the investigation and supervision departments of the two level procuratorates intervened in time to guide the public security organs to investigate and collect evidence. Finally, the thirty All the suspects made arrest decisions according to law for the crime of organizing and using heretical organizations to undermine the implementation of the law. At present, the case is in the stage of further investigation.

two Xing Chaogang et al sixty-seven Human underworld organization case (See section two Page twelve Line). two thousand and twelve Since Xing Chaogang kept absorbing some local released prisoners and social idlers, and formed a criminal organization with underworld nature headed by him. The organization has repeatedly carried out illegal and criminal activities such as opening casinos, gathering people to fight, causing trouble, extortion, illegal detention, illegal possession of guns, and illegally made profits two thousand and five hundred More than ten thousand yuan. The case was listed and supervised by the Ministry of Public Security, which is currently the largest number of criminal cases in our province. two thousand and sixteen year twelve In January, the court made a guilty verdict in the first instance of the case.

three The case of Wang Guizhou's violent injury to doctors in Chizhou (See section two Page fifteen Line). The suspect Wang Guizhou was killed by his son Wang Qianjin committed suicide while receiving treatment in the Psychological Department of Chizhou People's Hospital and resented the doctor Wang Dashan. two thousand and sixteen year eight month nineteen day In the morning, Wang Guizhou carried Self made explosives stopped the vehicle driven by Wang Dashan in front of the Psychological Department Building of Chizhou People's Hospital, smashed the glass window of Wang Dashan's car cab, and ignited the self made explosives carried into the vehicle, causing soft tissue defects at Wang Dashan's right upper eyelid and eyebrow arch, and explosive injuries to both hands (including the defect of the left thumb end beyond the interphalangeal joint, which has reached Grade II of serious injury). two thousand and sixteen year seven month twenty day The Chizhou People's Procuratorate filed a public prosecution with the Chizhou Intermediate People's Court on Wang Guizhou's suspicion of intentional homicide (attempted murder). The court sentenced Wang Guizhou to life imprisonment in the first instance.

four The case of Chen Rulin's violent injury to doctors in Anqing (See section two Page sixteen Line). two thousand and fourteen year five month fourteen day The suspect Chen Rulin was admitted to the obstetrics and gynecology department of Anqing Municipal Hospital for myomectomy. After the operation, he consulted the doctor for many times due to his discomfort, and the doctor replied that it was normal. He always believed that the doctor used the wrong medicine, and had the idea of killing the doctor. five month twenty-four day six Hour forty-five The suspect Chen Rulin bought a fruit knife in a supermarket near the municipal hospital, and then returned to the ward nurse station. Seeing the victim Xu Yingfang was sorting out medical records, he went forward to hold the victim and asked him to have a physical examination. Xu Yingfang asked him to see a doctor. The suspect Chen Rulin took the fruit knife out of the wound bandage and stabbed Xu Yingfang in the abdomen, As a result, the handle and blade of the knife were broken, and the stool was raised to smash the victim Xu Yingfang's head. Later, Chen Rulin called one hundred and ten After being rescued, the victim Xu Yingfang was out of danger. According to the psychiatric judicial appraisal of Hubei Provincial People's Hospital, the criminal suspect Chen Rulin was in a normal mental state when he committed the crime and had full capacity for criminal responsibility. two thousand and fourteen year six month three day Chen Rulin Arrest approved by the People's Procuratorate of Yingjiang District, Anqing City two thousand and fifteen year three month nineteen day In the first instance, Chen Rulin was sentenced to nine years' imprisonment for intentional homicide.

five Xu Dugou forty-nine People's Extra Large Trans provincial Telecommunication Network Fraud Case (See section two Page twenty Line). two thousand and sixteen In, suspects Xu Degou, Wang Jiechun, Wang Shouyin, Yi Xuecheng and others set up Anhui Juying Internet Technology Co., Ltd. to recommend stocks, fuel oil, etc In the name of high return, more than 100 people invited the victims by telephone or online to induce them to invest and commit fraud Victims were defrauded of tens of thousands to millions of yuan. because The case belongs to a new type of fraud in telecommunications network. The company involved in the case has a clear organizational structure and division of labor. There are nearly 100 suspects involved in the case, and most of them are fresh graduates. It is the first case in Anhui Province. Hefei Procuratorate gave full play to its functions of investigation and supervision, set up a special case handling team to intervene in advance and guide investigation and evidence collection. During the period of review and arrest, according to the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy and the principle of attaching equal importance to combating and rescuing, the arrest of organizers, planners and Xu Dugou, who played a major role in the crime of fraud, was approved according to law twenty-one Major suspects, and the rest twenty-eight The suspects made a decision not to be arrested, and consulted with the public security organ to do a good job of returning compensation and stolen goods to the suspects.

six Liu Jie et al forty-two People's Extra Large Trans provincial Telecommunication Network Fraud Case (See section two Page twenty-one Line). two thousand and twelve year seven In August, Liu Jie, Li Junjun and others registered three companies including cultural media in Beijing. The criminal suspect, through extensive recruitment and training of telephone operators, made fraudulent scripts, pretended to be an editor of Beijing Magazine, took the initiative to call the victim, and cheated the victim's trust by making fake notice of manuscript and issuing fake journals on the ground that he could help the victim to publish papers in the official journals of core magazines for the use of the victim in assessing professional titles. Defrauding victims all over the country one thousand and fifty More than, fraud amount one thousand and forty More than ten thousand yuan. The case involved a large number of people, a huge amount of money, and the victims involved the whole country sixteen The social impact is particularly bad in provinces and cities. The investigation and supervision departments at the two levels of Bengbu City attach great importance to the investigation and have repeatedly taken the initiative to intervene in the investigation in advance, guiding the public security organs to collect evidence comprehensively according to law. After examination, the Bengshan District Procuratorate has approved the arrest of suspects with large amount involved in the case according to law thirty-three People, not arrested according to law nine People. At present, the case is in the stage of review and prosecution.

seven . e The fraud case of "renting treasure" to illegally absorb public deposits and raise funds (See section four Page two Line). two thousand and fourteen year seven Month to two thousand and fifteen year twelve In June, Jinyirong Network Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Yucheng International Holding Group, went online for operation “e Renbao , use high income as bait, make up financial leasing projects, continue to use borrowing new to repay old, self guarantee and other ways to illegally raise funds, and actually absorb funds five hundred and eighty Over 100 million yuan, about ninety More than 10000 people, involving Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui, Guangdong, etc nine Province and city. The amount involved in the preliminary investigation in our province is up to thirty-six More than 100 million yuan, involving victims seven point six More than 10000 people. Up to now, the provincial procuratorial organs have approved the arrest of criminal suspects sixty-seven Person, transferred for examination and prosecution one hundred and forty-eight Person, indicted forty-seven People.

eight Capital for agriculture, rural areas and farmers Illegal absorption of public deposits (See section four Page two Line). Anhui Jinshi Asset Management Co., Ltd two thousand and fourteen year four It was registered and established in August, and has set up nearly 100 branches in 16 provinces and cities, including Anhui, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Guangdong, etc., to fabricate false project investments and make use of Capital for agriculture, rural areas and farmers ”P2P The online lending platform illegally absorbs deposits from the public in online and offline ways. After the crime, about six The investment of more than 100 million yuan cannot be redeemed. At present, the procuratorial organ has Arrest suspects suspected of illegally absorbing public deposits ten Person twenty-three People.

nine Chen Li's Copyright Infringement Case (See section four Page six Line). Suspect Chen Liyu two thousand and twelve Apply on the Internet in And other domain names to upload movie works without permission of the copyright owner to Baidu and Huawei online disks, or provide movie sources to Baidu Audio Video and Fast Broadcast, and embed the advertisements launched by the above advertising alliances on the websites they operate, and settle accounts with the above advertising alliances and charge advertising fees based on the pop-up and click volume of the advertisements. Beijing Representative Office of the American Film Association two thousand and thirteen year twelve Complained to the National Copyright Administration in June. After receiving the case clues from the National Copyright Administration, the Anhui Provincial Copyright Administration two thousand and fourteen year one It was handed over to Hefei Copyright Bureau in June, and then filed by the Economic and Technological Development Zone Branch of Hefei Public Security Bureau with the assistance of the Network Security Detachment. It is found that Chen Li used the website to copy and distribute films without the permission of the copyright owner seven hundred and fifty-one Department, accumulated advertising fees two hundred and forty-four thousand five hundred and seventy-nine point zero three Yuan. Hefei High tech Zone People's Procuratorate intervened in the investigation in advance, and authorized the Beijing Representative Office of the American Film Association jointly with the public security organ six American companies carefully examined the relevant evidence of the copyright of the works involved and the certification of the translated documents to ensure the smooth arrest and prosecution of the case. two thousand and fourteen year eleven month ten day The court of Hefei High tech Zone sentenced Chen Li, the defendant, to seven months' imprisonment and a fine of 150000 yuan for the crime of copyright infringement. two thousand and fifteen year four month twenty-two day , this case was rated as two thousand and fourteen Ten typical cases of infringement and piracy in the year.

ten Xu Chenglin, etc six Human copyright infringement case (See section four Page eight Line). two thousand and seven Year to two thousand and thirteen year seven In July, Xu Chenglin launched a personal website on the Internet“ nine hundred and ninety-nine Treasure Net "( Domain name: )。 The website is a forum mode, with computer integration, mobile devices, broadband entertainment, arts and leisure, and station management sections. Each section has sub sections to publish advertisements and collect registration fees for website members. In order to increase the popularity of the website and increase revenue, Xu Chenglin encouraged and allowed website members Liu Haibin, Zhou Xingyan and others to publish and upload packaged Windows XP Windows 7 And other infringing operating systems four thousand More than, for website members to browse and download. The case has a long time span six In, the registered members of the website reached two More than 10000 people, illegally benefited three hundred More than 10000 yuan, with a high degree of social concern, the National "Anti pornography and Anti illegal" Work Office, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the National Copyright Administration jointly supervised the handling. The Provincial Procuratorate and Chuzhou Procuratorate have visited Quanjiao County for many times to guide the handling of cases, and the Quanjiao County Procuratorate has successively approved the arrest of Xu Chenglin according to law four Suspects, and intervene in advance to actively guide the public security organs to investigate. two thousand and fourteen year six month eleven In the same year, the People's Procuratorate of Riquanjiao County prosecuted the case according to law ten month nine Ri Xu Chenglin, etc six The defendants were respectively sentenced by the people's court to fixed-term imprisonment and fine for the crime of copyright infringement.

eleven Shandong "problem vaccine" series cases (See section four Page twenty-two Line). two thousand and sixteen year three In September, Shandong police cracked a case worth five point seven A billion yuan illegal vaccine case, twenty-five Class II vaccines for children and adults are sold nationwide without cold chain storage and transportation twenty-four Provinces and cities. After the incident, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Food and Drug Administration listed the case as a supervision case. The procuratorial organs of our province conscientiously perform their duties of legal supervision, actively participate in case investigation, and approve and arrest cases of illegal marketing of vaccines fifteen People.

twelve "Problem frozen meat" case (See section five Page six Line). two thousand and fifteen year three From, Liu Guodeng, a resident of Xiaoxu Town, Wuhe County For profit, we import frozen beef from India, Paraguay and other places at a low price fifteen Tons They are all prohibited products in the List of Animals and Products Prohibited from Importing from Animal Disease Epidemic Countries. two thousand and sixteen At the beginning of the year, after the People's Procuratorate of Wuhe County found the clue of the case, it jointly checked the case batch by batch with the Market Supervision Bureau of Wuhe County, and suggested that the Market Supervision Bureau of Wuhe County transfer the case to the Public Security Bureau of Wuhe County for investigation seven People. two thousand and sixteen year ten In June, the procuratorial organ initiated a public prosecution of the case to the court. During the same period, Chizhou The municipal procuratorial organ also supervises the administrative organ to transfer clues of similar cases four piece five People, frozen meat involved two point five Tons.

thirteen Environmental pollution case of Xiangyu Chemical Industrial Park in Dongzhi County Economic Development Zone (See section five Page twelve thirteen Line). two thousand and fifteen In, Chizhou Feihaoda Chemical Co., Ltd. and Chizhou Zhongwang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. illegally discharged pollutants in Xiangyu Chemical Park of Dongzhi Economic Development Zone for a long time, and the toluene content of the pollutants exceeded three times the national pollutant discharge standard. Dongzhi County Procuratorate Advise the environmental protection department of the county in time according to law Transfer to the public security organ Criminal clues suspected of environmental pollution , the public security organ files the case for investigation two piece eight Person seven Everyone has been found guilty.

fourteen . Roads, etc five Human pollution case (See section five Page sixteen seventeen Line). two thousand and fifteen year nine Month, The People's Procuratorate of Huaiyuan County, relying on the working mechanism of "the convergence of the two laws", found that the suspect was working with Shang Yuandong Pu Jiantang Shao Guanping, Shao Hui, etc five People, in two thousand and fifteen year seven to nine During the month of July, for the purpose of illegal profit, without obtaining the relevant environmental protection permit, we conspired with the insiders of some electroplating production enterprises to illegally transport electroplating sludge (a national hazardous waste) from Linyi, Shandong, Kunshan, Jiangsu and other places for many times seven hundred Tons, dumped and buried in Huaiyuan, Mengcheng and other places, causing serious environmental pollution, and his behavior is suspected of environmental pollution crime. two thousand and fifteen year nine month twenty-one day Huaiyuan County Procuratorate supervised Huaiyuan County Environmental Protection Bureau to transfer the case to Huaiyuan County Public Security Bureau according to law. Same year nine month twenty-six Huaiyuan County Public Security Bureau put the case on file for investigation. Huaiyuan County Procuratorate has successively approved the arrest of criminal suspects five People. After trial, roads, etc five Each was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment.

fifteen Zhong Zhiyuan, etc nine Human pollution case (See section five Page sixteen seventeen Line). two thousand and seventeen year one month thirteen day The investigation and supervision department of the People's Procuratorate of Wuhe County found that a large amount of unknown solid waste had been dumped by a kiln factory in Xiaoxu Town of the county through the mechanism of "convergence of the two laws", and immediately sent a special person to understand the case, fix the evidence, and timely entrust a third party to take samples for identification. It is identified that the total chromium in the unknown solid waste exceeds the standard, which has leaching toxicity and belongs to hazardous waste. According to the law, the behavior of the person involved has been suspected of environmental pollution crime. one month twenty-two day The Wuhe County Court officially launched the case filing supervision procedure, and one month twenty-six day Send the Letter of Suggestion on Transferring Suspected Criminal Cases to the County Environmental Protection Bureau. The county environmental protection bureau transferred the case to the local public security organ on the same day. The public security organ quickly put the case on file for investigation, and successively nine Persons involved in the case were put on file for investigation and approved for arrest four People, among which are hunted one People. At present, the case is still being handled.

enclosure three

About chart description

Statistical Chart of the Acceptance and Approval of Arrests by the Provincial Procuratorates

two thousand and fourteen year one Month - two thousand and sixteen year twelve Month)

Provincial procuratorial organs Statistical chart of disapproval of arrest

two thousand and fourteen year one Month - two thousand and sixteen year twelve Month)