Work report
[Work Report] Work Report of the Provincial People's Procuratorate (January 2018)
Time: February 2, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate

   —— two thousand and eighteen year one month twenty-five The 13th session in Anhui Province

   At the first session of the People's Congress

   Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate   Xue Jiangwu

   Dear delegates

   Now, on behalf of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, I would like to report to the General Assembly for deliberation, and invite the members of the CPPCC Provincial Committee and those present as nonvoting delegates to put forward their opinions.

    Five year work review

   The past five years have been an extraordinary five years in the development process of Anhui, and also the five years in which Anhui's procuratorial work has leapt in an all-round way. Over the past five years, under the strong leadership of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the provincial procuratorial organs have thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, conscientiously implemented the resolutions of the previous sessions of the 12th Provincial People's Congress, and implemented and strengthened legal supervision Strengthen self supervision, strengthen the general requirements for team building, highlight the transformation of ideas, standardize the judiciary, improve the ability, enhance the general grasp of public trust, faithfully perform their duties, forge ahead, and achieve leapfrog development in all procuratorial work in tackling difficulties and create a new situation in reform.

   ——The overall service situation shows new achievements. Focusing on the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee, we are committed to promoting five major developments, issuing six major guidelines, constantly optimizing the judicial supply, and continuously working on precise, profound and refined services to provide a strong judicial guarantee for preventing risks, encouraging innovation, protecting ecology, and maintaining people's livelihood.

   ——Business development has reached a new level. The fight against crime has been resolute and forceful, corruption has been severely punished, and litigation supervision has been constantly strengthened. Over the past five years, various cases have been accepted five hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred and nine Pieces, up year-on-year 40.44% eighteen The core procuratorial business of, thirty-eight Cases were selected as national guidance cases and boutique cases, thirty-six The experience of the work was introduced at the national conference of procuratorial organs, and the quality and efficiency of handling cases were steadily improving.

   ——New achievements have been made in standardizing the administration of justice. Firmly establish human rights awareness, iron case awareness and procedural awareness, vigorously promote and comprehensively implement case handling process monitoring, regularly carry out case quality evaluation, further improve the accountability and efficiency supervision mechanism, and further tighten case handling standards and law enforcement norms, two thousand and seventeen The number of appeals against the decision of the procuratorial organ and the number of cases applying for state compensation in two thousand and twelve Annual decline 84.27% 89.87% The judicial credibility has been constantly improved.

   ——We will deepen reform and make new breakthroughs. Adhere to the unity of goal orientation and problem orientation, and procuratorial reform presents a good situation of comprehensive efforts and multiple breakthroughs. The reform of the judicial responsibility system has been carried out in an all-round way, and the reform of the trial centered litigation system has been carried out in a solid way. The pilot of public interest litigation, the reform of procuratorial complaint reporting, the "one office and two centers" model of provincial financial management, and the construction of smart procuratorial services have been promoted by the Central Political and Legal Commission and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, respectively.

   ——Self construction creates a new situation. Vigorously promote political inspection, promote inspection by talents, strictly control inspection, and strengthen inspection by science and technology, persevere in education, management, and supervision, and significantly enhance the vitality of the procuratorial team, the ability to safeguard procuratorial work, and the endogenous power of the grassroots foundation, twenty People were awarded the title of national prosecutorial pacesetter and expert, three hundred and fifty-two Groups two hundred and thirty-two Three individuals were commended at or above the provincial level.

   1、 Meet the needs of the overall situation, serve the five major developments, and highlight the procuratorial responsibility

   We will focus on economic risk prevention and strengthen procuratorial response. In view of the new characteristics of economic crimes under the new normal, strengthen the research and judgment of countermeasures, increase the intensity of attack, and prosecute crimes that undermine the order of the socialist market economy fourteen thousand one hundred and forty-nine People, year-on-year growth 71.36% Actively participate in the special rectification of Internet financial risks, and handle according to law“ e Major cases such as "renting treasure", "benevolent exchange" and "capital for agriculture, rural areas and farmers" are prosecuted for public related crimes such as fund-raising fraud, illegal absorption of public deposits, and pyramid selling by leaders three thousand seven hundred and forty-five People. Service innovation drives the implementation of the strategy, broadens the platform of "convergence of the two laws", participates in the special rectification of "doubles", and prosecute crimes of intellectual property infringement one thousand one hundred and seventy-five People. Cooperate with relevant departments to carry out special treatment and prosecution of telecom network fraud crimes one thousand one hundred and eighty Person, handle according to law“ four · fourteen ”Extraordinary transnational, Xu Dagou, etc fifty-six A huge cross provincial network fraud case.

   We will build a development environment and strengthen property rights protection. Focusing on serving the non-public economy, we carried out activities such as "asking for needs, solving problems, and promoting development", "law and discipline education for non-public economic people", and "integrity of private enterprises" to promote the establishment of a pro government business relationship, protect the property rights of non-public enterprises according to law, and prosecute crimes such as official embezzlement and misappropriation of funds one thousand four hundred and fifty-two People, optimize the business environment of enterprises. Focusing on serving the development of state-owned enterprises, deepen the special prevention of duty crimes in state-owned enterprises, and issue procuratorial suggestions five hundred and thirty-six And further promote the joint construction of inspection and enterprise, and promote the standardized management of state-owned enterprises. Always handle enterprise related cases with the concept of "modesty, prudence and civilization", carefully grasp the opportunity and method of handling cases, carefully take coercive measures, carefully seal up and detain the funds and materials involved in cases, and maximize the negative impact of judicial handling on enterprise operations.

   We will focus on building a strong ecological province and strengthen ecological inspection. For four consecutive years, we have carried out special case filing supervision on crimes against environment and resources, and suggested that administrative organs transfer clues five hundred and eleven Pieces, supervision and filing three hundred and six Case, prosecute the crime of destroying environment and resources three thousand five hundred and seventy-one People. Take ecological environment protection as the top priority of public interest litigation, and handle ecological public interest litigation cases four hundred and thirty-eight Urge the remediation of illegally occupied and polluted land one thousand and three hundred More than mu, supervise and control the polluted water source two thousand five hundred and ninety More than mu, urge to clean up domestic garbage and hazardous waste one hundred and forty-two 10000 tons, claim compensation for environmental damage according to law six hundred and sixty More than 10000 yuan, protect the green water, green mountains and blue sky.

   We will ensure people's wellbeing and interests and strengthen justice for the people. For three consecutive years, special actions were carried out to investigate and deal with job-related crimes that occurred around the masses and harmed the interests of the masses, and cases were filed three thousand three hundred and thirty-one People, such as Fang Guangyun, "Uncle Fang" in Hefei, and Liu Dawei, a village official in Huaibei, were investigated and dealt with according to law. Carry out special case filing supervision on crimes endangering food and drug safety for four consecutive years, and suggest administrative organs to transfer clues four hundred and one Pieces, supervision and filing two hundred and eighteen And prosecuted the production and sale of "poisonous steamed stuffed buns", "foot odor salt", "problematic vaccines", "problematic frozen meat" and other crimes endangering food and drug safety five hundred and forty People, guard the safety on the tip of the tongue. Jointly with the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office and the Provincial Department of Finance, we will carry out a five-year special work to focus on punishing job-related crimes in the field of poverty alleviation, focus on the ten major projects of poverty alleviation, investigate and punish misappropriation, false claims for poverty alleviation funds, etc "Fly greed" two hundred and forty-six People, promote "targeted poverty alleviation and honest poverty alleviation". Actively carry out criminal judicial assistance, and distribute relief funds to criminal victims who have real difficulties in life one thousand five hundred and sixty-nine Ten thousand yuan.

    2、 Respond to the concerns of the masses, spare no effort to maintain stability and promote the construction of peace

   We will crack down on all kinds of serious criminal crimes. Firmly establish the overall national security concept and resolutely safeguard national security. We issued guidance on deepening peace building, improved the mechanism for the normalization of serious criminal offences, severely punished crimes involving mafia, violence, theft, robbery, cheating, pornography, gambling, and drugs in accordance with the law, and did a good job in ensuring safety, protecting stability, and promoting harmony strictly and carefully. Over the past five years, the arrest of ordinary criminal suspects has been approved one hundred and eleven thousand four hundred and sixty Person two hundred and thirty-nine thousand five hundred and seventy-five People, down respectively year on year 8.48% , rising 32.36% Among them, prosecution of serious violent crimes such as intentional homicide and intentional injury thirty-one thousand six hundred and sixteen People, up year-on-year 15.04% Prosecution of theft, robbery, robbery and fraud fifty-four thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine People, up year-on-year 2.19% Prosecution of drug-related crimes fifteen thousand and sixty-six People, up year-on-year 113.6% The people's sense of security was significantly enhanced.

   Promote and improve the social governance pattern. Actively participate in rural governance, network governance, campus environment governance, and put forward social risk prevention and control suggestions in combination with law enforcement one thousand three hundred and sixty-one Pieces. Actively carry out the special inspection of community inmates' escape from custody and leakage. All the provincial community correction centers have set up prosecutor's offices, and the supervision extends from "inside the wall" to "outside the wall". Earnestly implement the requirement of "whoever enforces the law will popularize the law", vigorously promote legal document reasoning and prosecutors' interpretation of the law by case, promote harmony by popularizing the law, and enhance the awareness of the whole people to know and abide by the law.

   Resolve social conflicts and disputes according to law. Deepen the reform of letters and visits involving law and litigation, establish a system of lawyers participating in and acting as agents for letters and visits, invite third parties such as "two representatives and one committee member" to participate in resolving conflicts, and focus on clearing up the backlog of letters and visits. The number of letters and visits accepted by procuratorial organs across the province declined year-on-year 13.7% The Provincial People's Procuratorate has been awarded the title of "Outstanding Unit in the Assessment of Provincial Complaint Work Objectives" for three consecutive years. Promote online letters and video interviews, one hundred and eighteen Three procuratorates have established remote video interview systems to facilitate the local expression of appeals by the masses. We will carry out the pilot construction of procuratorial work areas, create a front-line platform for justice for the people, and adhere to the principle that every case must be accepted and every lawsuit must be handled, forty Four collectives were rated as "Civilized Reception Demonstration Window" and "Civilized Reception Room" by the national procuratorial organs.

   We will strengthen judicial protection for special groups. Safeguard the rights and interests of migrant workers according to law, and prosecute the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration seven hundred and forty-nine People, handling the lawsuit case of helping farmers to obtain salary support three hundred and seventy-seven Pieces. Safeguard the rights and interests of women and children in accordance with the law, participate in the special treatment of kidnapping and bullying on campus, organize law patrols on campus, promote the construction of legal education bases and observation bases for minors, and prosecute crimes against the personal rights of women and children six thousand one hundred and ten People, sixty-one Four collectives were rated as "Advanced Collectives for Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Women and Children" nationwide and provincial "Women's Rights Protection Post" and "Youth Rights Protection Post". We will safeguard the rights and interests of servicemen in accordance with the law, and work with the provincial military region to issue suggestions on strengthening military related rights protection, providing legal protection for the military and the armed police force to stop paid services in an all-round way, crack down on military related crimes, and properly resolve military local disputes.

   3、 Adhere to the principle of both punishment and prevention, hang a sharp sword against corruption, and promote a clean atmosphere

   We will resolutely implement the anti-corruption plan of the central government and continue to increase efforts to handle cases. "Tigers" and "flies" fight together and file a case to investigate duty crimes seven thousand eight hundred and thirty-five piece nine thousand nine hundred and sixty People, up respectively year on year 24.98% 16.79% Highlight the handling of major cases and investigate and handle them twenty Corruption and bribery cases above 10000 yuan two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Cases, accounting for the number of anti-corruption cases filed 47.67% Investigate and handle major cases of dereliction of duty and infringement eight hundred and forty-four Pieces, accounting for the number of cases filed against malfeasance 54.7% Highlight the investigation of important cases and deal with cadres at or above the county level six hundred and eleven People, up year-on-year 48.66% , including department level and above sixty-four People (including provincial and ministerial level two People), up year-on-year 120.69% Highlight quality and efficiency, and transfer to review and prosecute seven thousand five hundred and eighty Pieces, year-on-year growth 19.9% The number of registered cases, major cases, important cases and guilty judgments reached a new high. We should strengthen cooperation with the discipline inspection and supervision authorities, adhere to the principle of discipline before the law, pay attention to the link between discipline and law, and jointly build a joint force to strictly govern the Party and fight corruption under high pressure.

   Always focus on areas where corruption is high and carry out special actions in depth. Ten special actions were deployed to deepen systematic governance, form a strong deterrent, and investigate and deal with accumulatively in areas such as agriculture related benefits, land acquisition and demolition, education and medical care, and ecological environmental protection, which are strongly reflected by the masses and prone to frequent cases four thousand two hundred and fifty-five People. Adhere to the joint investigation of bribery, carry out special action against bribery crime, and investigate and deal with bribery suspects one thousand five hundred and eighty-six People, year-on-year growth 93.4% Weave the "Fox Hunting" Skynet to capture fugitive duty criminal suspects two hundred and nine People, arresting and persuading people to return to abscond abroad eight People; Strengthen the recovery of stolen goods and recover direct economic losses for the country fourteen point five 100 million yuan.

   We will continue to strengthen the prevention of job-related crimes and work hard to address them at the source. Cooperate with the revision of the regulations of Anhui Province on the prevention of job-related crimes, take the lead in formulating a five-year plan for the province's prevention work, and promote the improvement of the prevention system. Deeply carry out special prevention related to agriculture, state-owned enterprises, poverty alleviation, education, health and family planning, and solidly promote a series of activities such as Anhui procuratorial prevention line, 100 lectures into the countryside, and prevention of postal routes. The agriculture related special projects were selected into the "Top Ten Legal Events in the Province". Strengthen prevention analysis and submit prevention reports to the Party Committee, the government and the National People's Congress five hundred and sixty-nine Ma Gang's case analysis report was selected into the "Top Ten Special Report of National Procuratorial Organs". Innovate the form of prevention, deepen social prevention, shoot the country's first rural anti-corruption theme film, "The Breeze of Yashan", compile the series of books on legal education, "Drawing on Duty Crimes", and establish the TV program "Prosecutors' Live Room", sixty-one Three warning education bases have been completed and put into use.

    4、 Focus on the main business of supervision, highlight the key points of supervision, and safeguard judicial justice

   Take the prevention of injustice and correction of errors as the bottom line, and strengthen the quality control of cases. Cultivate the awareness of iron cases, strictly prevent wrong cases, conscientiously implement the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a crime and never suspect a crime, formulate and implement seven measures to correct and prevent unjust, false and wrong cases in the procuratorial link, strictly control the evidence and facts, and not arrest those with insufficient evidence thirteen thousand two hundred and seven People, no prosecution two thousand six hundred and sixty-one People. Strengthen the concept of human rights and resolutely correct wrong cases. Under the continuous supervision of the procuratorial organ, Yu Yingsheng and Yang Dewu were re tried and acquitted of wrong cases. Yu Yingsheng's case handling team of the provincial procuratorate was selected "The first ten legal figures in the province".

   We will strengthen case filing and investigation supervision by improving the mechanism. Explore the supervision of criminal investigation activities in police stations, and further move down the focus of supervision; Promote the litigation transformation of review and arrest, pay more attention to the opinions of criminal suspects and lawyers, and further improve the quality and efficiency of supervision; We worked with the Provincial Public Security Department to improve the early intervention system for major cases, and carried out the pilot project of unified transfer of homicide cases by municipal public security organs. The supervision mechanism for death penalty cases was further improved. Over the past five years, we have supervised and investigated the registration of cases five thousand three hundred and ninety Case, withdrawal seven thousand and thirty-two Pieces, correct missing catch six thousand one hundred and seventy-nine Person, omission nine thousand two hundred and sixty-three People.

   Focus on criminal protest and strengthen supervision of criminal trial. In the past five years, the provincial procuratorial organs have filed criminal protests one thousand three hundred and twenty-seven Pieces, up year-on-year 51.66% Court conclusion one thousand and one hundred Pieces, revised and sent back for retrial eight hundred and ninety-six Pieces; Supervise and correct improper situations in criminal trial activities three thousand four hundred and seven Pieces. A number of cases with great social impact and high degree of concern, such as Hu Hengjiang's campus homicide case, Ma Rumin's intentional injury and death case, were changed to heavy sentences after protest, and Tan Gu's bribery case, etc four Cases were rated as "excellent criminal protest cases" and "excellent criminal protest cases" by the national procuratorial organs.

   Focus on special procuratorial work and strengthen supervision of criminal execution. We carried out special inspections on commutation, parole, and temporary execution outside prison, checked the three types of prisoners for duty crimes, financial crimes, and crimes involving criminal syndicates on a case by case basis, and made efforts to supervise and correct the problems of "commutation of sentences with power, and release from prison with money". Carry out special inspection on criminals sentenced to actual punishment who have not executed the punishment, and verify that the punishment has not been executed according to law five hundred and eighty-nine People, clean up and correct five hundred and one People, focus on solving the problem of "should be put in prison, not put in prison". We will carry out special clean-up of cases of prolonged detention, improve the early warning mechanism for the duration of detention, vigorously promote the review of the necessity of detention, strictly prevent extended detention, and strengthen human rights protection.

       Build a diversified supervision pattern and strengthen civil and administrative procuratorial supervision. Earnestly implement the Civil Procedure Law and the Administrative Procedure Law, focus on promoting fair trial and maintaining judicial authority, and put forward suggestions on protest and retrial of effective civil administrative judgments two thousand five hundred and fifty-three Pieces. Focusing on promoting the solution of "difficult implementation", strengthening judicial credibility, and putting forward suggestions for improper implementation four thousand five hundred and fifty Pieces; Together with the court, we carried out the liquidation of the execution funds, and have cooperated with the distribution sixteen point four four 100 million yuan. With a view to promoting administration according to law and strictly enforcing the law, we put forward procuratorial suggestions to urge administrative organs to perform their duties according to law four thousand five hundred and seventy-four Pieces.

   5、 Pay close attention to the standardization of justice, dare to take action against the hard, and stick to it for a long time

   Strengthen the support of the carrier, and keep going. We always regard the construction of judicial standardization as the core of business construction, adhere to three-level interaction, departmental linkage, and all staff action, transmit pressure at all levels, and continue to promote step by step. For four consecutive years, we have carried out activities to regulate judicial behavior, with a clear sense of standardization, focusing on cohesion and standards. Fully operate the unified business application system, realize the online case handling and online supervision of the whole process of the whole system, and use information technology to solidify the soft constraints of law enforcement norms into hard indicators of system operation.

   Highlight problem orientation and implement strict and detailed rectification. Based on the investigation of problems, we insisted on the combination of open door rectification and self-examination and self correction, modestly solicited opinions from all sectors of society, carried out the "three-level linkage review" of case quality for three consecutive years, and comprehensively found out the problems that the designated residential surveillance was not strictly used, the synchronous recording system was not well implemented, and it was difficult for defense lawyers to meet. Sort out the list of problems, implement cancellation rectification, and the provincial procuratorate lists and supervises non-standard cases three hundred and eighty-four Cases, disciplinary punishment for serious irregularities thirty-one People, standardized handling of cases gradually become conscious.

   Pay attention to the establishment of rules and regulations, and simultaneously promote the treatment of symptoms and root causes. Comprehensively revise business processes, formulate and improve relevant systems thirty There are many items, forming a set of standard system with comprehensive coverage, scientific content and fine operation. Actively construct "case evaluation" + Daily supervision mechanism of "special inspection" and "law enforcement archives" + Positive incentive mechanism of "performance appraisal" and "investigation of wrong cases" + The "dynamic management" mechanism of accountability and efficiency, the system cage is more tightly tied. All the tertiary courts in the province have set up case assessment rooms and allocated assessors to achieve full coverage and normalization of case assessment.

    6、 Centering on the reform deployment, we have the courage to overcome difficulties and ensure the implementation

   We will unswervingly advance the reform of the judicial responsibility system. In strict accordance with the reform requirements of the central and provincial Party committees, actively and steadily complete the reform tasks. Accumulated posts selected throughout the province Prosecutor three thousand five hundred and ninety-six First name, 85% The procuratorial staff of 20% Above, hospital leaders and department heads take the lead in handling cases, accounting for the number of cases accepted 75.8% Adhere to the principle of "who handles the case is responsible, who decides who is responsible", unify the list of functions and powers, reduce the approval process, and the number of cases decided by prosecutors independently exceeds 94% The average time for reviewing arrests and prosecutions has been shortened 1/4 advance thirty-three In the pilot reform of "large department system" in grass-roots hospitals, the internal institutions of the pilot hospitals are divided into thirteen Reduced to five The case handling resources were effectively integrated, and a new mechanism with clear rights and responsibilities, strong constraints and efficient operation was initially formed.

   We will continue to deepen the reform of the trial centered litigation system. Promote the separation of complex and simple cases to improve efficiency, issue guidance on handling summary procedure cases, realize quick handling of simple cases, refined handling of complex cases, and the application rate of summary procedures two thousand and thirteen Annual increase twenty-one Percentage points, the efficiency of handling cases has been significantly improved. Create smart public prosecution highlights, develop intelligent auxiliary case handling system and hearing voice evidence system, and formulate fifty-eight Standardized and modelled evidence guidance for common charges, promoting the transformation of evidence review to the combination of artificial and intelligent review. Actively build a good procuratorial relationship, and jointly with relevant departments, issue a policy to protect lawyers' right to practice in accordance with the law“ sixty-seven The first debate contest between prosecutors and lawyers was held to jointly improve the ability to safeguard justice.

   We will actively and steadily carry out the reform of public interest litigation. The provincial government attaches great importance to the promotion of reform, and issued the country's first provincial government guidance on supporting public interest litigation. The procuratorial organ took the initiative to strengthen close liaison and communication with the administrative and judicial organs, forming a consensus on reform, and creating a good atmosphere for promoting the reform of public interest litigation. Since the pilot, we have handled public interest litigation cases involving ecological and environmental resource protection, transfer of state-owned land use rights, protection of state-owned property, food and drug safety and other fields seven hundred and sixty-two To urge relevant subjects to perform their duties through pre litigation procedures six hundred and thirty-seven Cases, administrative and civil public interest litigation one hundred and twenty-five The Supreme People's Procuratorate specially organized deputies to the National People's Congress to inspect the results of the pilot work.

   Fully support and cooperate with the pilot reform of the supervision system. We firmly support the reform decision of the Central Committee, improve our political position, strengthen our overall awareness, implement the deployment of the provincial pilot working group to the letter, pay attention to the ideological work, make detailed preparations, and successfully complete the transfer of the investigation and prevention functions, institutions, and personnel of the tertiary institutions. We will resolutely focus on the "three clean-up" of unsettled cases, clues in hand, and property involved in the case, explore the establishment of a method to link up the supervisory committee and the procuratorial organ in handling duty related crime cases, and ensure the ideological stability of the team, the smooth transition of work, and the orderly docking of functions.

   7、 Strictly control and inspect in an all-round way, build a strong team, and consolidate the basic foundation

   Focus on political construction, inspection and cohesion. Deeply study and implement the spirit of the 18th and 19th National Congresses of the Party, firmly grasp Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, solidly carry out the Party's mass line, "three strictures and three practices", "two learning and one doing" and other educational activities, strengthen ideals and beliefs, foster "four consciousness", and strengthen "four self-confidence". Adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over procuratorial work, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, and ensure that major arrangements and overall work are reported to the Provincial Party Committee in a timely manner. We introduced several implementation suggestions, such as creating a new situation of comprehensively strict governance of the Party, promoting grass-roots party building, and carried out a series of party building activities, such as "linkage and joint construction", "double ten and double hundred", and "strong project". We led the team building with party building, and focused on building a procuratorial team with firm politics, proficient business, and excellent style.

   Focusing on talents, promoting inspection, strengthening the foundation and cultivating excellence. Fully promote the standardization, professionalization and professionalization of the procuratorial team in the province, and the proportion of post procurators with bachelor's degree or above in law reaches 95.4% , higher than before the reform nineteen point six Percentage points, and the proportion of the chief procurators of the municipal and county courts with full-time legal bachelor's degree or above increased ten point six Percentage points, and the educational structure of the team was further optimized. Pay attention to the cultivation of professional quality and professionalism, carry out large-scale business training and on-the-job training, and train prosecutors accumulatively five point seven 10000 person times, the number of national and provincial procuratorial experts increased to three point three Times, three hundred and thirty-eight People have won the titles of national and provincial procuratorial service pacesetters and experts, and the professionalism of the team can be further improved.

   We will strictly enforce discipline and discipline. Strengthen the main responsibility, take the opportunity of the Supreme People's Procuratorate to inspect the provincial procuratorate, find problems, improve work, and pay close attention to education, management and supervision. Strengthen the rectification of work style, thoroughly implement the eight central regulations and the provincial thirty We should fight against the "four winds" and change the style of work. We should rectify the laziness of the organs and improve the vitality of the team. Strengthen the system management, improve the evaluation system, and implement the annual report system of the chief procurator of the municipal people's court to the provincial people's court to achieve sixteen The inspection tour of all municipal hospitals was fully covered. Strengthen discipline enforcement and accountability, use the "four forms", move forward the supervision threshold, ask for talks by letter, criticize and educate procurators three hundred and ten People, handle according to discipline sixty-five People.

   Focus on transformation and upgrading of science and technology inspection. We strengthened information support, made solid progress in the construction of electronic procuratorial work, put into practice the information platform for job-related crime investigation, the platform for coordinated case handling of commutation and parole, and other systems, such as investigation command and remote review, gradually landed, and relied on the application of science and technology to rapidly improve the procuratorial force. Adhere to the guidance of wisdom, strengthen cooperation with iFLYTEK, actively explore a new path of deep integration of AI and procuratorial work, and actively build“ 3+2+1 ”The new application mode of intelligent voice technology in procuratorial work has changed the construction of intelligent procuratorial work from "following" to "leading" five Six cities and counties were rated as "National Demonstration Institutes for Compulsory Inspection of Science and Technology".

   Pay attention to the foundation at the grass-roots level. Always pay attention to the construction of grass-roots units, wholeheartedly support the development of grass-roots units, solidly carry out counterpart assistance and guidance, and strive to improve the level of "eight modernizations" of grass-roots units. Focus on model demonstration, carry out a three-year activity of "focusing on characteristics, creating brands, and cultivating models", successfully launch a batch of well-known and excellent grassroots brands such as smart anti-corruption, quality prosecution, and warm complaints, and emerge with "National Model Procuratorate", Lu'an Jin'an District Office, "National People's Satisfied Civil Servants Collective", Lingbi County Office, and "People's Most Satisfied Grassroots Procuratorate" Dingyuan County Court, "National Model Prosecutors" Zhou Huiming, Yuan Guoxia, Liu Yonghong and many other advanced models.

   8、 Actively accept supervision, build a sunny procuratorate, and improve judicial credibility

   Consciously accept the supervision of the National People's Congress and the CPPCC. Around the suggestions of the provincial party committee on strengthening the work and construction of the People's Congress and improving the implementation of the CPPCC's democratic supervision, we introduced implementation measures to enhance the awareness of accepting supervision. Adhere to the system of reporting work to the NPC, conscientiously implement relevant resolutions, and constantly improve all work. Insist on reporting work to the CPPCC and sincerely listen to opinions and suggestions. Comprehensively implement the spirit of the "two sessions" of the province every year, focus on the opinions, suggestions and proposals of the representative members, implement them one by one, feed back the results one by one, and achieve three completion rates, communication rates and satisfaction rates 100%

   Constantly strengthen the liaison between representatives and members. We need to be innovative in the liaison mechanism, formulate a pair of liaison methods for representatives, improve the direct communication platform for new media, and take the lead in establishing the system of representatives holding certificates to meet with the chief procurator in the country. Be realistic in the supervision content, and invite provincial representatives to participate in case evaluation, public review, law enforcement inspection, procuratorial supervision and other activities in depth five thousand More than one person time, and the right to know, the right to participate and the right to supervise on behalf of the committee members were effectively guaranteed. In terms of participation, the "double thousand, double hundred" activity was carried out with the theme of thousands of deputies attending 100 sessions and thousands of deputies entering 100 procuratorates sixteen Cities three hundred and thirty Several deputies to the Provincial People's Congress carried out cross inspections, which covered all regions and tertiary institutions.

   Continue to expand the channels for opening procuratorial affairs. Promote the diversification of open channels, build a press spokesman system covering the three-level courts, and officially run the "five in one" new media publicity matrix of microblog, WeChat, mobile newspaper, portal network and news client. The provincial procuratorate has won many awards, including China's outstanding political and legal websites, the top 20 procuratorial microblogs, and the national procuratorial new media matrix construction award. We will standardize the system of people's supervisors, deepen reform trials, and actively expand the scope of supervision, four hundred and thirty-seven Cases of job-related crimes were subject to supervision. We should promote the normalization of the "procuratorial open day" activities, one point six More than ten thousand people from all walks of life walked into the procuratorate through the "Open Day", and there were more forms and channels of social supervision and mass supervision.

   Dear delegates!

   Reviewing the five years of practice, the procuratorial work of the province has undergone historic changes, made all-round progress, and achieved fruitful results. These achievements cannot be achieved without the strong leadership of the provincial party committee, the strong supervision of the provincial people's congress and its standing committee, and the strong support of the party committees, people's congresses, governments, CPPCC and all sectors of society at all levels. In particular, the representatives and members of the committee devoted themselves to love and actively made suggestions, which provided a strong impetus for us to promote our work. Here, on behalf of the Provincial Procuratorate, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and high respect!

   After five years of experience, we have deeply realized that the leadership of the Party is always the fundamental guarantee for procuratorial work. Only by unswervingly adhering to the leadership of the Party and clearly supporting the core of the Party can we maintain the correct direction of procuratorial work; Serving the overall situation has always been the basic responsibility of the procuratorial work. Only by resonating with the decision-making of the provincial party committee and working together with the needs of the overall situation can we fulfill our mission and demonstrate our responsibility; Justice for the people has always been the constant adherence of procuratorial work. Only by actively responding to the expectations of the people in the transformation of major social contradictions can we win the sincere recognition of the people and reflect the value of procuratorial work; Fairness and justice are always the eternal pursuit of procuratorial work. Only by firmly grasping the constitutional orientation of the legal supervision organ, daring to supervise and being good at supervision, can the people truly feel that justice is around; Reform and innovation have always been the source of good procuratorial work. Only by solving problems in reform and seeking development in innovation can we promote all work to a higher level.

   At the same time, we also clearly see that there are still some problems and weaknesses in the procuratorial work of the province, mainly: in the overall service situation, the ability and level of implementing the new development concept still need to be improved, and the effectiveness of integration and service guarantee is not ideal; In terms of business construction, there is still a gap between the judicial supply of the procuratorial link and the judicial demand of the people, and the quality of handling cases and the effectiveness of supervision still need to be improved; In judicial reform, some places are afraid of difficulties and wait and see psychology, and some reform requirements have not been implemented; In terms of team building, there is a shortage of high-quality and versatile talents, the professional quality of the team still needs to be improved, and there are still violations of discipline and laws by police officers. In this regard, we will adhere to the problem orientation and seriously solve it.

   two thousand and eighteen Annual work arrangement

   two thousand and eighteen The year is the first year to implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Anhui's development is about to start a new journey, and the procuratorial work will also take on a new mission. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the procuratorial organs of the province will take the people's aspiration for a better life as the goal of struggle, adhere to the general tone of making progress while maintaining stability, focus on reform, science and technology, and quality, and continue to improve their ability to serve the overall situation, legal supervision, and judicial credibility, To provide a strong judicial guarantee for creating a new situation of five modern development and beautiful Anhui construction.

   First, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to orient the procuratorial work in the new situation. Consciously strengthen the political consciousness of studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress and the Second Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee, adhere to the three "consistent" principles, firmly establish the "four consciousness", earnestly achieve the "five purities", and resolutely uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. We should keep the political direction firmly, adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over procuratorial work, adhere to performing duties in accordance with the law under the supervision of the National People's Congress, adhere to strengthening procuratorial supervision in deepening the practice of rule of law, and unswervingly follow the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics. Deeply carry out propaganda and education activities to study and respect the Constitution, carry forward the spirit of the Constitution, safeguard the dignity of the Constitution, and ensure the unified implementation of the Constitution. Based on the constitutional orientation, we should strengthen procuratorial responsibility, focus on the main responsibility of legal supervision, and strive to build a public trust procuratorate, a procuratorate for the people, a standard procuratorate, and a sunshine procuratorate, so as to further improve the position of procuratorial work and be a good builder of the rule of law and order, and a defender of public interests.

   Second, adhere to the principle of serving to ensure the modernization of the five major development beautiful Anhui construction, and help escort high-quality development in the new era. Implement the deployment of the provincial party committee, focus on the development needs, further improve the ability and level of centering on the center and serving the overall situation, and focus on“ 1+3 ”The construction of the judicial service guarantee system, the comprehensive implementation of the five suggestions on the development of a better Anhui, the identification of the entry point of legal supervision, and help to fight the "three major battles". We will focus on fighting against risks, deepen the special governance of Internet financial risks, severely punish financial fraud, illegal fund-raising and other crimes in accordance with the law, strengthen forecasting and early warning in combination with judicial case handling, and build a solid legal barrier. Focus on the fight against poverty, focus on key links, actively participate in the special treatment of corruption and style issues in the field of poverty alleviation, and ensure the decisive battle of poverty alleviation. Focus on fighting the key battle of pollution prevention, actively participate in special actions such as water pollution, land pollution, air pollution and rural non-point source pollution prevention, and explore the establishment of "professional legal supervision" + Restorative judicial practice + Socialized comprehensive management ", a new mode of ecological inspection, protects the land of the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers.

    The third is to adhere to the people's aspiration for a better life as the goal, and show the procuratorial work for the people in the new expectations. Focusing on the public security issues that the people are most concerned about, we will actively participate in the construction of the social security prevention and control system, crack down on crimes such as pornography, gambling, drugs, illegal kidnappings, and so on in accordance with the law, deepen special rectification related to guns, explosives, telecommunications network fraud, and so on, deeply promote the resolution of social contradictions, create a social governance pattern of joint construction, governance, and sharing, and strive to build a higher level of safe Anhui. Focusing on the protection of people's rights and interests, we will severely punish crimes in education, employment, medical care, food and medicine and other fields according to law, constantly strengthen judicial protection for women, children, the elderly, the disabled and other special groups, and strive to improve people's sense of gain and happiness. Focusing on the issues of fairness and justice that the people are most concerned about, we should strengthen judicial supervision of power and judicial protection of rights, improve the omni-directional and three-dimensional criminal procuratorial supervision system, promote the transformation of the review and arrest proceedings, the handling of major supervision cases, the normalization of special supervision activities, and the comprehensive use of various supervision means, and resolutely correct and prevent unjust, false, and wrong cases; We will improve the new pattern of civil procuratorial work that integrates "civil litigation supervision, support litigation, and civil public interest litigation", create a new framework of administrative procuratorial work that combines "administrative litigation supervision and administrative public interest litigation", and promote civil administrative procuratorial work to become a new highlight of procuratorial supervision.

   Fourth, we should adhere to the principle of deepening reform and innovating cohesion, and stimulate new impetus for procuratorial supervision at a new starting point. We will actively deepen the comprehensive reform of the judicial system, strengthen the management of the number of procuratorial officers, make overall plans to promote the reform of internal institutions and the construction of new case handling teams, improve the judicial supervision, accountability, and performance appraisal systems, deepen the reform of the trial centered litigation system, further optimize the operating mechanism of procuratorial power, and constantly improve the systematicness, coordination, and integration of the reform. We will fully cooperate with the national pilot reform of the supervisory system, explore the establishment of an effective docking mechanism between the investigation of the supervisory committee and the criminal proceedings of the procuratorial organ, strictly perform the functions of reviewing, arresting and prosecuting in accordance with the law, and continue to play an important role of the procuratorial organ in the fight against corruption. Adhere to the dual wheel drive of deepening reform and scientific and technological application, focus on smart procuratorial work, take smart voice application as a breakthrough, and focus on the construction of cross departmental information sharing platform to further promote the deep integration of modern science and technology and procuratorial work.

   Fifth, adhere to the fundamental principle of political construction and inspection, and promote the construction of excellent teams to achieve new results. We should pay close attention to political construction, implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era, further promote the normalization and institutionalization of "two studies and one action" learning and education, solidly carry out the theme education of "never forget the original intention and keep in mind the mission", actively implement the requirements of "three strictures and three practices", and strive to improve the integrity of the procuratorial team. We will pay close attention to the construction of standardization, specialization and professionalism, implement the "four major projects" of professional talent introduction, youth talent training, job quality improvement, and business experts multiplication, and do more basic things and make more long-term profits. We will work hard to improve discipline and work style, resolutely implement the requirements of the central and provincial Party committees, focus on procuratorial work and judicial work style, strictly supervise, enforce discipline and accountability, and promote the integrity of the police, the integrity of the team, and the judicial integrity. Pay close attention to basic level infrastructure construction, push forward the construction of "one-stop" procuratorial work area, carry out the construction activities of "eight modernizations" demonstration homes at the basic level, consolidate the achievements of the activities of "focusing on characteristics, creating brands, and cultivating models", and promote the development of basic level brands and models from one branch to everywhere.

   In the new year, we will continue to adhere to the idea that supervisors should accept more supervision, consciously accept the supervision of the NPC, supervision, democratic supervision, public opinion supervision and social supervision, take the initiative to strengthen the daily, in-depth and innovative liaison of deputies, and open a new era of procuratorial work.

   Dear delegates!

   In the new era, new goals should be set and new achievements should be made in the new journey. We will closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, closely rely on the strong leadership of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, fully implement the spirit of this meeting, faithfully perform the function of legal supervision, and make new contributions to the writing of a new chapter of the five great development badges of modernization!