Work report
[Work Report] Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate (January 2017)
Time: February 4, 2017 Author: News source: Procuratorial Daily [Font size: large | in | Small


    Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate

   ——2017 year one month nineteen day At the 12th session in Anhui Province

   At the Seventh Session of the People's Congress

   Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate   Xue Jiangwu

   Dear delegates

   Now, on behalf of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, I would like to report to the General Assembly for deliberation, and invite the members of the CPPCC Provincial Committee and other non voting participants to put forward their opinions.

    two thousand and sixteen Annual work review

   In the past year, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and under the strong supervision of the Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the provincial procuratorial organs comprehensively implemented the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping, especially the important speeches made during the inspection of Anhui, We will conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Provincial Party Committee and the relevant resolutions of the sixth session of the 12th Provincial People's Congress, Faithfully perform supervision duties, solidly promote procuratorial reform, earnestly build a strong team, continue to pay close attention to the standardization of justice, and strive to improve judicial credibility, All procuratorial work has developed in the process of reform and innovation, and achieved a good start to the 13th Five Year Plan. Over the past year, the arrest of ordinary criminal suspects has been approved twenty-two thousand three hundred and thirty-six Person forty-eight thousand two hundred and seventy-five People, up respectively year on year 0.6% 10.8% Filing and investigating duty crimes one thousand four hundred and four piece one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine People, down respectively year on year 12.3% 14.2% Supervise the filing of cases by public security organs four hundred and fourteen File a criminal protest three hundred and seven File a civil administrative protest one hundred and ninety-eight Supervise and correct improper execution of commutation, parole and temporary imprisonment one thousand one hundred and fifty-three People, up respectively year on year 5.3% 18.1% 5.9% and 1.5% We will standardize the investigation of job-related crimes, the prosecution of criminal appeals, the pilot of public interest litigation, and the review of the necessity of detention eight The experience of the work was introduced at the relevant meetings of the national procuratorial organs.

   I Strengthen situation analysis, follow the major deployment, and strive to serve the construction of a beautiful Anhui

   Firmly grasp the people's expectations for accelerating development, closely focus on the deployment of the provincial party committee, give full play to the procuratorial function, and actively contribute to the "five major developments".

   Active service innovation drives strategy implementation. We will resolutely implement the deployment of the provincial party committee to accelerate the building of an innovative "three strong provinces", To ensure the innovative development of Anhui sixteen And give full play to the role of the rule of law in guiding and guaranteeing innovation. Strengthen judicial protection of intellectual property rights and prosecute crimes such as counterfeiting registered trademarks and infringing trade secrets two hundred and thirty People. Investigate and punish according to law, actively prevent duty crimes that hinder innovation and development, closely combine the investigation and handling of cases, deeply analyze the law of crime, and timely put forward procuratorial suggestions to protect innovation Carefully deal with new situations and problems in the field of scientific and technological innovation, strictly control the boundaries of laws and policies, distinguish between crime and non crime standards, support exploration, tolerate mistakes, and protect the entrepreneurial passion and innovation vitality of market subjects in accordance with the law.

   Pay close attention to risk prevention and control in the economic field. We will thoroughly study the new requirements of the supply side structural reform and fiscal, taxation and financial reforms on legal supervision, perform procuratorial functions in a targeted manner, and improve countermeasures in a forward-looking manner. We will severely punish crimes that disrupt the order of the socialist market economy, prosecution two thousand seven hundred and thirty-one people Actively participate in special rectification and prosecution in the field of Internet finance e Renbao ”"Three Rural Capital" Such as illegal absorption of public deposits and fund-raising fraud three hundred and seventy-six People. We will intensify efforts to crack down on crimes that jeopardize the order of tax collection and management, and prosecute them two hundred and fifty-three Person, the amount involved in the case handled according to law thirty Nie Mingxing and others with more than 100 million yuan seven People falsely issue VAT special invoices.

   Pay more attention to the protection of non-public economic rights and interests. Earnestly implement the Supreme People's Procuratorate's policy of serving the development of non-public economy eighteen Strengthen the work connection with the provincial federation of industry and commerce and the provincial federation of overseas Chinese, and implement detailed service measures Insist on treating domestic and foreign capital, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises equally and strictly implement "Three Equality", "Five Limits" and "Three Cautiousness" It is required to attach great importance to punishing criminal crimes that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of non-public enterprises and non-public economic persons. Focus on promoting formation "Pro" and "clean" The new type of political business relationship will seriously investigate and deal with duty crimes that infringe the legitimate rights and interests of non-public economy and bribery crimes committed by non-public economic personnel. Wuhu Procuratorate "Private Enterprise Integrity" Activities, Anqing Procuratorate established the "Legal Service Center for Non public Enterprises", Hefei, Ma'anshan, Tongling, etc six The municipal courts issued specific measures to serve non-public enterprises, and the procuratorial organs in various regions continued to deepen the rule of law education for non-public economic personnel, and focused on promoting the legal operation of non-public enterprises.

   We will continue to strengthen judicial protection of the ecological environment. Focusing on building a green and beautiful home in the Yangtze Huaihe River Punishment and prosecution of crimes against environment and resources seven hundred and forty-three People. We will strengthen cooperation with land, forestry, environmental protection and other departments, improve the linkage mechanism between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and form a joint force for ecological environment protection. Deeply carry out special case filing supervision on crimes against environment and resources, jointly carry out law enforcement supervision with the Provincial Environmental Protection Department, and suggest transferring the clues involved one hundred and twenty-five Urge the public security organ to file a case seventy A batch of criminal acts such as dumping hazardous waste, secretly discharging toxic waste water, and indiscriminate felling of trees shall be punished according to law. The procuratorial organs in Chizhou, Huangshan and other places, in close combination with the needs of ecological civilization construction, actively explore the "ecological procuratorial" work mode, and strive to build a solid judicial barrier for maintaining ecological security.

   II Strengthen stability maintenance measures, implement the first responsibility, and fully promote the construction of safe Anhui

   We firmly grasped the people's expectations for harmony and health, punished crimes in accordance with the law, and promoted governance at the source. The public's sense of security index increased significantly.

   We will crack down on all kinds of serious criminal crimes. Actively participate in the special action to crack down on mafia and eliminate evil, and prosecute crimes involving mafia one hundred and fifty-eight People. Serious violent crimes such as intentional homicide, intentional injury, robbery, kidnapping, etc. shall be severely punished and prosecuted six thousand three hundred and fifty-two People. Deeply promote the special rectification and prosecution of drug-related crimes two thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven People. Participate in the special action to deal with the new type of crimes committed by telecommunications networks, and severely punish them Approval of arrest for crimes such as telecommunication fraud, network investment fraud and black radio station five hundred and ninety-eight People. Hu Tao et al fifty-five Human organization and leadership pyramid selling activities, Xing Chaogang, etc sixty-seven Crimes committed by mafia like organizations, Zhang Qijian et al forty-three A group of major cases involving a large number of people, a great social impact, and a serious impact on people's sense of security, such as fraud cases involving marriage websites, were prosecuted according to law.

   Safeguard the health and safety of the people according to law. Continue to promote the special case filing supervision of crimes against food and drug safety, and suggest the administrative organ to transfer the clues involved ninety-seven Urge the public security organ to file a case nineteen Piece, sue one hundred and sixty-two people Pay close attention to the "problem vaccine" event Actively contact the public security, food and drug regulatory authorities, actively participate in the investigation and handling of cases, and Huaibei procuratorial organs seriously investigate and deal with "Question Vaccine " The crime of dereliction of duty behind the case, Fuyang, Huainan and other places have approved the arrest of suspects in illegal vaccine business fifteen people Focusing on maintaining the "tip of the tongue security", the procuratorial organs in Bengbu, Chizhou and other places closely followed the "problem frozen meat" clues to carry out case filing supervision, and suggested transferring the clues involved in the case five piece twelve People, avoid getting close eighteen Tons of "problem frozen meat" flows to the people's table.

   We will effectively strengthen judicial protection for special groups. Safeguard women's legitimate rights and interests according to law and prosecute crimes that seriously infringe on women's personal rights and interests one thousand one hundred and four People, procuratorial organ sixteen Collections were rated "Provincial Women's Rights Protection Post" Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers in accordance with the law, resolutely crack down on malicious wage arrears, and prosecute the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration one hundred and eighty-six People. according to law Safeguard national defense interests and the rights and interests of servicemen and military families, We will strengthen communication and cooperation between military and local procuratorial organs, and crack down on crimes such as sabotaging military facilities, posing as soldiers to cheat, and sabotaging military marriages. Earnestly implement and strengthen the judicial protection of minors eight The crime of sexual assault, trafficking and maltreatment of minors will be severely punished. Actively participate in the special treatment of campus bullying and prosecute Campus violent crime one hundred and thirty-eight people Extensive development The joint construction of the procuratorate and the school, strengthening the rule of law education for minors, and organizing lectures on the rule of law into campus activities three hundred and sixteen Field. Suzhou , Bengbu, Xuancheng, Anqing, Huangshan Completed in other places Legal education base and observation and protection base for minors twenty-one , The provincial procuratorate office and Guoyang County People's Procuratorate were awarded "National Youth Rights Protection Post"

   Actively participate in the construction of social security prevention and control system. Participate in the governance of key areas such as remote villages, rural-urban fringe, schools, hospitals and other key places to highlight public security issues, and put forward prevention and control suggestions in combination with law enforcement. Cooperate with relevant departments to carry out special rectification of medical related crimes, and punish the crimes of deliberately harming medical personnel and disrupting the order of medical places according to law. The Measures for the Implementation of Lawyers' Participation in Resolving and Acting for Letters and Calls Cases Involving Law and Lawsuit jointly issued with the Provincial Department of Justice, and lawyers participated in receiving letters and calls from people one thousand seven hundred and fifty-six Person time. Vigorously promote the application of online petition and remote video interview system, and focus on the special action of clearing up and resolving the backlog of petition cases involving inspection. The number of petition cases declined year-on-year 9.2% , the provincial procuratorate has been rated as Outstanding unit of provincial petition target assessment

   III Strengthen anti-corruption functions, pay attention to both punishment and prevention, Focus on maintaining a good political ecology

   We should firmly grasp the people's expectations for a clean and healthy atmosphere, resolutely implement the anti-corruption work deployment of the central and provincial Party committees, fight "tigers" and "flies" together, and focus on both punishment and prevention.

   Adhere to the constant pace and intensity, and always maintain the high pressure of anti-corruption. We should steadily respond to the new situation that the starting point of corruption and bribery crimes has increased and the number of registered cases has decreased, adjust the focus of work, cooperate with patrol inspection, and focus on investigating and handling major and important cases. Investigate and deal with corruption and bribery crimes one thousand one hundred and twenty-nine Pieces, twenty Cases above 10000 yuan six hundred and twenty-four Pieces, accounting for 55.3% , up year-on-year twelve Percentage points; Investigate and deal with the crime of dereliction of duty and infringement two hundred and seventy-five Cases, major cases one hundred and fifty Pieces, accounting for 54.5% , up year-on-year four point nine Percentage points; Investigate and deal with important cases of cadres at or above the county level one hundred and twenty-four People, up year-on-year 12.7% , for Cheng Han, Cheng Xiaoxian, etc twelve Department level cadres were put on file for investigation. Earnestly do a good job in the education of the defendant's confession and law, and successfully complete the work of Xugang, Fang Xiping, etc thirteen Cases of official crimes committed by cadres at or above the department level. We will resolutely investigate and deal with the "ant corruption" and "fly corruption" that occur around the masses and harm the interests of the masses, and file a case to investigate the job-related crimes committed by rural grassroots organizations four hundred and seventy-nine People. Pay attention to the quality of handling cases, and the rate of guilty verdict of duty crimes is up to 99.8%

   Adhere to problem orientation, pay close attention to special projects, and seriously investigate and handle cases in key areas. combination Central patrol team Look back Feedback, conscientiously implement the rectification requirements of the provincial party committee, Investigate and deal with job-related crimes in the field of engineering construction two hundred and eighty-one Duty crime in the field of human and land one hundred and eight Duty related crimes committed by individuals and state-owned enterprises one hundred and eighty-one people Successful investigation Xu Jiaman, the former head of Mengzhuang Coal Mine of Wanbei Coal and Electricity Group Corporation, embezzled, took bribes and privately divided state-owned assets one point two Billion yuan case We deployed and carried out special work to focus on combating job-related crimes in the field of poverty alleviation, Investigate and deal with job-related crimes such as misappropriation and falsely claiming poverty relief funds ninety-seven people Deeply carry out special actions to investigate and deal with job-related crimes in the fields of education and medical care, and put the case on file for investigation two hundred and forty-three People. Pay close attention to the corruption behind lax law enforcement and unfair justice, and investigate and deal with duty crimes committed by judicial personnel eighty-four people Strengthen the source control of bribery crime and investigate and deal with bribery crime two hundred and eighty-five People.

   We will continue to address both the symptoms and root causes, prevent corruption in accordance with the law, and further promote the prevention of job-related crimes. Actively implement Provincial Party Committee deployment, Lead the development The country's first five-year work plan for the prevention of job-related crimes. Coordinate with the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress to revise Regulations on the Prevention of Duty related Crimes, and carefully organize the learning and publicity activities of the Regulations. Cooperate with relevant departments to carry out special prevention in the radio, television and education systems, and jointly carry out special work on preventing job-related crimes in the field of poverty alleviation with the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office and the Provincial Department of Finance to organize Targeted poverty alleviation and honesty for the people One hundred day preaching, yes seventy-two The prevention work of key poverty alleviation projects was listed for supervision. Earnestly implement the duty crime prevention reporting system and thoroughly analyze typical cases , put forward prevention suggestions in time, ninety-six The prevention report was approved by the major party and government leaders in provinces, cities and counties, and the analysis report of Ma Gang's series of cases was selected into the national procuratorial organs "Top Ten Special Report", The annual prevention reports of Wuhu Procuratorate, Bozhou Procuratorate and Jinzhai County Procuratorate were selected as national procuratorial organs "Baiyou Annual Report"

   IV Strengthen supervision awareness, strengthen supervision, and strive to promote justice in law enforcement

   We should firmly grasp the people's expectations for fairness and justice, focus on prominent issues in law enforcement and justice, and comprehensively strengthen and improve procuratorial supervision.

   Stick to the bottom line of injustice prevention and error correction. Strengthen the awareness of "iron case", Strictly control the quality of cases, strictly implement the legal principles of legality, no suspected crime, and exclusion of illegal evidence, and strictly prevent unjust, false and wrong cases. If the case should not be filed but should be filed, urge the withdrawal of the case five hundred and six Pieces. If the evidence is insufficient, the arrest will not be ordered three thousand and sixty-four People, no prosecution four hundred and forty-eight People. Accepting, examining and refusing to accept the court's effective criminal judgment appeal case four hundred and eighty-eight Case, filed for review two hundred and eighty-eight Pieces, up year-on-year 6.7% And put forward suggestions on protest and retrial according to the trial supervision procedure eighteen Pieces. Under the continuous supervision of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, Yang Dewu's appeal case of intentional homicide was retried and changed to innocence.

   We will strengthen judicial protection of human rights. Supervise and correct the abuse of coercive measures, illegal evidence collection and other illegal situations six hundred and twenty-seven Pieces. No arrest will be granted to the criminal suspects who are not socially dangerous four thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight People. If the circumstances of the crime are minor and it is not necessary to impose criminal punishment according to law, no prosecution shall be instituted one thousand four hundred and fifty-four People. If the defender applies for meeting the duty criminal suspect during the investigation phase, the meeting shall be arranged according to law before the end of the investigation. Yes, those who do not need to be kept in custody one thousand five hundred and thirty It is suggested that the relevant authorities release or change the coercive measures to reduce unnecessary detention. stay Hefei, Fuyang, Wuhu three Cities We will carry out pilot supervision of criminal investigation activities in police stations, set up procuratorial offices in police stations, stay close to the front line of case handling, move down the supervision threshold, and promote standardized law enforcement at the grass-roots level.

   We will strengthen the procuratorial supervision of civil and administrative departments. Improve the pattern of civil and administrative procuratorial work and carefully review Admissible three thousand five hundred and twenty Cases of civil and administrative procuratorial work Put forward protest and retrial procuratorial suggestions for cases of application for supervision that do not accept the effective judgment and mediation of the court three hundred and eighty-three Pieces. Among them, suggestions on protest and retrial of false litigation cases in private lending, enterprise bankruptcy and other fields thirty-two Pieces. The joint court jointly carries out the centralized liquidation of the funds for implementation cases and supervises the distribution sixteen point four four 100 million yuan. Actively urge the administrative organs to perform their duties according to law and put forward procuratorial suggestions eight hundred and ninety-five Pieces, up year-on-year 6.5% We carried out the "Year of Promotion of Grass roots People's Procuratorial Work" to promote the continuous deepening and expansion of grass-roots people's procuratorial work.

   Safeguard the justice of criminal execution. We will conscientiously implement the Resolution of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress on Comprehensively Strengthening the Procuratorial Work of Criminal Execution, and innovate the way of synchronous supervision of criminal execution. Establish an online platform for commutation and parole cases with the Provincial High Court and the Provincial Department of Justice to improve supervision efficiency. develop Special activities to focus on clearing up criminals who have not executed their sentences , which was found not to be delivered for implementation according to law five hundred and eighty-nine People, already Supervise delivery execution three hundred and seventeen People, for those whose whereabouts are unknown one hundred and sixty-seven I urge relevant departments to arrest them by means of online pursuit. Carry out special inspection on property punishment execution, involving amount ten point four RMB 100 million, put forward corrective suggestions five thousand one hundred and thirty-six Pieces, all adopted. Strengthen the daily inspection of community corrections, Focus on the verification and correction of community prisoners' disengagement, leakage and false management It is recommended to be put in prison for implementation three hundred and eighty-five People should safeguard the seriousness of penalty execution.

   V Strengthen responsibility, bravely overcome difficulties, and strive to promote various procuratorial reforms

   We should firmly grasp the people's expectations for building a fair, efficient and authoritative socialist judicial system, adhere to the unity of goal guidance and problem guidance, and unswervingly promote reform.

   Steadily promote classified management of procurators Reform. The selection of the first batch of prosecutors in the provincial tertiary courts was successfully implemented three thousand two hundred and three Members Frontal Prosecutor From original five thousand and eight hundred More than prosecutors stand out And achieved priority for key case handling personnel. After selection, the educational background and knowledge structure of the procurator team were further optimized, and the number of people with bachelor's degree or above accounted for 97.7% , improve six point four Percentage points; Legal professionals 95.4% , improve nineteen point six Percentage points; 85% The prosecutors in the posts of.

   We will comprehensively promote the reform of the judicial responsibility system. We will implement the guidelines on the responsibility system for prosecutors in handling cases, refine the list of prosecutors' powers, We will implement the police law enforcement file system, and promote the formation of a new mechanism with clear rights and responsibilities, strong constraints, and efficient operation. from nine According to the situation of pilot hospitals, after the reform, the process of case approval has been significantly reduced, the overall efficiency of case handling has been significantly improved, and the average time for review and arrest has been shortened two day The average time for review and prosecution is shortened seven Days, the number of cases handled per capita by prosecutors in the posts increased nearly one Times, the main position of handling cases began to highlight, and the number of enrolled leading cadres handling cases gradually became normal.

   We will actively promote the pilot program of public interest litigation. We should firmly grasp the core of public welfare, focus on ecological environment and resource protection, Close cooperation with the judicial organ Strengthen communication with administrative organs, actively cooperate with public welfare organizations, The pilot work was carried out smoothly, and the results of the pilot were fully recognized by the Supreme People's Procuratorate Provincial procuratorial organs yes one hundred and seventy-nine Initiate the pre litigation procedure for a case, and urge the administrative organ to perform its duties according to law or correct violations through procuratorial suggestions one hundred and thirty-nine Pieces, promote the treatment of polluted water source area one thousand and twenty-five Mu, facilitating the clearing of illegally stacked garbage one point one 10000 tons, recover the unpaid transfer fees of state-owned land use right two point three More than 100 million yuan. yes If the relevant administrative organ or organization refuses to correct the violation or fails to perform its statutory duties after issuing the procuratorial recommendation, it shall file an administrative public interest lawsuit thirty-four Civil public interest litigation six Pieces.

   Deeply promote the publicity of procuratorial affairs. Insist on promoting justice through openness, rely on the case information disclosure system, and open legal documents book thirty thousand seven hundred and fifteen Copies, important case letters issued interest five thousand one hundred and ninety-six , all of which are among the top procuratorial organs in China develop "Inspection Work Area" Build pilot projects to promote standardized management of case handling and external "One stop" Services. Accelerate the construction of new media public platform for procuratorial affairs, Fully open the official microblog and WeChat of the tertiary hospital, portal network, mobile newspaper and two WeChat "Five in one" procuratorial new media The publicity matrix has been completed and put into operation, becoming an important channel for the people to understand the procuratorial organs and supervise procuratorial work.

   VI Strengthen self construction, build a solid foundation at the grass-roots level, and vigorously improve the level of judicial case handling

   Firmly grasp people's expectations for judicial credibility, formulate and implement Strengthening team building twenty-four Strict and practical education management and supervision Build a strong procuratorial team.

   We must give top priority to ideological and political development. organization "Two studies and one action" learning and education, develop Learn and discuss "keeping abreast and seeing action", firmly establish Four Consciousness Especially the core consciousness and the sense of alignment, We will resolutely uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and conscientiously enhance our consciousness and determination to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Central and Provincial Committees We formulated and implemented the Opinions on Strengthening the Ideological and Political Work of Procuratorial Organs in the New Situation, We should improve the ways and means of ideological and political work and stimulate the endogenous impetus for the development of procuratorial work.

   Adhere to the promotion of quality and ability as an important task. We should focus on building a leading group, earnest coordination Party Committee Organization Department The change of the chief procurator of the grass-roots court, a group of outstanding young cadres took leading posts in the procuratorial organ, and the professionalism and professionalism of the leadership of the grass-roots court were further improved Highlight the construction of talent team and recruit new procurators three hundred and twenty-seven Name, organize various trainings twenty-two thousand and eight hundred Multiple person times, extensive post training and business competition one hundred People were rated as national and provincial procuratorial experts, business pacesetters or business experts

   Adhere to the core requirement of standardizing judicial behavior. develop Deepening Year of Standardizing Judicial Conduct Activities, Organize "learning, speaking, using and testing norms", invitation two thousand and five hundred Several representatives at all levels See and evaluate the specifications Focusing on the investigation of job-related crimes, we carefully carried out special supervision on the implementation of rules and regulations, and promoted the formation of a long-term mechanism to standardize judicial behavior. Establish a regular evaluation method for case quality, promote the full coverage of evaluation work, evaluate nearly 10000 cases in the province, find problems year by year, and continuously improve the quality of handling cases, The judicial standardization construction of procuratorial organs in Suzhou, Fuyang, Chuzhou, Lu'an, Ma'anshan, Anqing and other places has achieved outstanding results.

   We should firmly grasp the comprehensive and strict inspection. Earnestly study the Several Guidelines for Inner Party Political Life in the New Situation and the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Inner Party Supervision, organize and carry out special inspections of party building work, and focus on party building leading team building. Earnestly implement the feedback of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on the inspection of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, issue the implementation opinions on comprehensively enforcing strict Party governance and strict inspection, and comprehensively promote the rectification of weak links. implement New requirements for patrol work, promoting system Full coverage of patrol, provincial hospital four Each municipal hospital carried out patrol inspection and strengthened system supervision. application Four forms , pay attention to the early and the small, strictly investigate violations of discipline and laws fourteen Procurators were given disciplinary action

   Adhere to the basic level infrastructure construction as a solid project. We will strengthen the inspection of science and technology, accelerate the implementation of the electronic inspection project, steadily promote the construction of "smart inspection", and further enhance the scientific and technological content of procuratorial work. We will strengthen the foundation, strengthen the assistance and guidance for the construction of grass-roots hospitals, Carefully do a good job Basic level hospital Focus on characteristics, create brands and cultivate models The activity ended with a cumulative evaluation of advanced models and brands sixty individual Hefei Baohe District Procuratorate, Huaibei Lieshan District Procuratorate, etc seven Grass roots hospitals were rated as "National Advanced Grass roots Procuratorates", eighty-five Collectives and individuals were commended at or above the provincial level, and a number of outstanding prosecutors in the new era, represented by Zhou Huiming and Zhao Xiaofeng, emerged.

   7、 Strengthen the awareness of accepting supervision and consciously accept external supervision

   Adhere to the principle of performing duties according to law under supervision, consciously accept supervision in performing duties, and closely rely on the supervision and support of the people, We will promote the development of procuratorial work.

   Consciously accept the supervision of the National People's Congress and democratic supervision. Fully implement the provincial two sessions(NPC and CPPCC) Spirit, right Make clear the responsible departments and implement the suggestions, proposals and opinions put forward on behalf of the members one by one, Timely feedback the results. Report to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress on the standardization of judicial work, and timely translate the review opinions into measures to improve work. Expand the new media contact platform for delegates, formulate Annual liaison work plan of representative members, to implement The liaison method between the leaders and representatives of the tertiary institute is in-depth Carry out the "double thousand and double hundred" activity, Bengbu Huainan, etc eight The municipal courts invited representatives to carry out the first cross inspection of procuratorial work, which expanded the breadth and depth of representatives' understanding of procuratorial work. Over the past year, Three level hospitals in the province walk together Interview with deputies to the Provincial People's Congress and members of the Provincial CPPCC one thousand and five hundred Multiple person times And invited representatives at all levels to participate in case evaluation, court hearing, inspection, discussion, research and other activities fourteen thousand More than person times.

   Consciously accept social supervision and public opinion supervision. To "strengthen investigation supervision and safeguard judicial justice" Is the theme, Synchronous development in the province Procuratorial open day activities, three thousand and six hundred polynomial People from all walks of life enter the procuratorial organs. Establish a press spokesman system covering the tertiary institutions, strengthen daily communication with the media, carefully check the problems reflected by the public opinion related to inspection, and timely respond to social concerns. We will deepen reform of the people's supervisor system, Attach importance to the role of "four members", Actively invite the "four members" and representative members to participate in law enforcement supervision, procuratorial supervision, special inspection and other activities, and constantly We will expand ways for people to participate in justice.

   Consciously accept the restriction of the court and the public security, and carefully listen to the opinions of the defense lawyers. Public prosecution cases in which people's courts have made effective judgments of innocence, case by case Evaluate and analyze the causes, and start the procedure of accountability for wrong cases Re check, re examine and change the original decision on the cases that the public security organ has submitted for reconsideration and review, such as those that do not approve arrest or prosecute sixteen People. With regard to the opinions put forward by the defense lawyers in the process of investigation, examination, arrest and prosecution, Carefully review and verify, timely handle in accordance with the law, and jointly safeguard legal justice in the benign interaction between prosecutors and the law.

   Dear delegates!

   The achievements of procuratorial work in the province cannot be separated from the correct leadership of the provincial party committee, the strong supervision of the provincial people's congress and its standing committee, and the strong support of party committees, people's congresses, governments, CPPCC and all sectors of society. In particular, the deputies and members concerned about procuratorial work, procuratorial reform and the procuratorial team have provided a strong impetus for us to promote our work. Here, on behalf of the Provincial Procuratorate, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks!

   We are also soberly aware that there are still some problems and shortcomings in the procuratorial work of the province, mainly: there is still a gap between the exertion of procuratorial functions and the requirements of promoting the "five major developments", especially the measures for innovative development of services are not detailed enough; The implementation of the judicial responsibility system is not yet in place, and the procurator's main position in handling cases needs to be further highlighted; The ideological and political work in the reform of the judicial system still needs to be strengthened. In the face of identity transformation and interest differentiation, the enthusiasm of some police officers has been affected; The judicial irregularities still exist, and the violation of discipline and laws by procurators still occur. The comprehensive and strict inspection still needs to be strengthened. In this regard, we will adhere to the problem orientation, rely on the support of all parties, and strive to solve problems and complement weaknesses.

   two thousand and seventeen Annual work arrangement

   two thousand and seventeen The year was the year of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the key year to accelerate the construction of the five major development and beautiful Anhui. The provincial procuratorial organs will Comprehensively implement the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, enhance the sense of political responsibility, improve the predictability of work, firmly grasp the "three major tasks", earnestly strengthen procuratorial supervision, resolutely safeguard national political security, spare no effort to maintain social harmony and stability, persevere in pushing forward the reform of the judicial system, unremittingly build a strong procuratorial team, and persistently standardize judicial behavior, Provide a strong judicial guarantee for building a beautiful Anhui that is innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared.

   First, take the initiative to serve the "five major development actions". Earnestly implement the deployment of the 10th Provincial Party Congress, and closely focus on "Five major development actions", Formulate and implement relevant service suggestions, materialize and refine specific service measures around Service innovation and development action, vigorously strengthen judicial protection of intellectual property, handle criminal cases of scientific and technological personnel according to law, strictly distinguish the boundaries between crime and non crime, and actively create a legal innovation environment that encourages exploration and tolerates mistakes. around Service coordinated development action, resolutely investigate and actively prevent job-related crimes in the fields of beautiful rural construction, central city construction, infrastructure construction, etc., to better promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and regional coordinated development. around Serve the green development action, carry out the special case filing and supervision of crimes against environment and resources, and strictly punish the crimes of serious pollution of water, atmosphere, soil, green water, green mountains and blue sky. around Serve the opening up and development action, punish crimes in the fields of investment attraction, industrial cooperation, foreign trade exchanges, etc. in accordance with the law, and effectively create a good environment for investment and entrepreneurship. around Service sharing development action, implementation of property rights protection system, Deeply carry out the special work of centralized rectification and strengthening the prevention of job-related crimes in the field of poverty alleviation, We will promote reform and development to benefit all people more and more equitably.

   Second, fully perform their duties in accordance with the law and promote the "five key tasks". focusing Build a "more stable, harmonious and orderly safe Anhui", and focus on maintaining stability. We will establish and improve a regular mechanism to deal with crimes such as theft, robbery, deception, pornography, gambling, and drugs, We will continue to take part in special actions to crack down on criminal syndicates, crack down on medical related crimes, and crack down on telecommunications and network fraud, so as to enhance people's sense of security. focusing Maintain market order and financial security, and focus on risk prevention and control. We will continue to participate in the special rectification in the field of Internet finance, severely punish public related economic crimes in accordance with the law, strengthen crime analysis in combination with judicial case handling, and put forward prediction, early warning and prevention suggestions in a timely manner. focusing The people's yearning for a happy life focuses on people's livelihood procuratorial work. We will strengthen legal supervision over food and drug safety and other key areas, strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of women, children, disabled people and other special groups, increase the punishment of crimes against the people's livelihood and interests, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. focusing We will build an "Anhui ruled by law with more respect for law, good governance and justice", and focus on litigation supervision. Take the opportunity of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress to listen to the special report on investigation and supervision to improve the level of investigation and supervision; Take protest as the center, improve the pattern of criminal trial supervision; To continue to deepen the "Year of Promotion of Civil and Administrative Prosecutors at the Grassroots Level" as the carrier, promote the overall civil and administrative procuratorial work to a new level, and earnestly safeguard the justice of law enforcement focusing We will promote strict governance of the Party in an all-round way, and maintain a high pressure stance against corruption with zero tolerance. Adhere to the same intensity and rhythm, focus on combating corruption and bribery crimes such as power rent-seeking, interest transmission, vote soliciting and bribery, buying officials, resolutely investigate and deal with dereliction of duty crimes such as abuse of power, dereliction of duty, favoritism and fraud, and seriously investigate and deal with job-related crimes that happen around the masses and harm the interests of the masses We will firmly support the central government's plan to deepen the reform of the national supervision system, prepare for reform in advance, and link up work, so as to ensure that the team stays together and work continues.

   The third is to highlight the problem orientation and solve the "five reform difficulties". We will conscientiously implement the central judicial system reform plan and make every effort to promote various procuratorial reforms. Focus Cracking The difficulty of judicial responsibility implementation is to improve the power list system, improve the performance appraisal mechanism, and implement dynamic management of posts, Strictly implement the system of lifelong responsibility for the quality of handling cases and the accountability system for the investigation of misjudged cases. Focus Solve the difficulty of more cases at the grass-roots level and fewer people, strengthen the leading role of leaders in handling cases, and promote The reform of internal institutions of grass-roots hospitals, the scientific establishment of case handling organizations, and the promotion of business backbone to the front line of case handling. Focus Cracking The difficulty of supervision over the operation of procuratorial power is to properly handle the relationship between decentralization and control, improve the internal control and supervision system, improve the case evaluation mechanism, strengthen quality supervision, and promote the standardization of justice. Focus Cracking The difficulty of people's instability after classified management, we should strengthen policy interpretation, do ideological work, actively respond to the concerns of police career development, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of various prosecutors. Focus Cracking The difficulty of insufficient extension of procuratorial supervision function is positive Explore the supervision of criminal investigation activities in police stations, continue to deepen the reform of public interest litigation, practically strengthen the research on the supervision of administrative violations, further improve the procuratorial supervision system, and enhance the procuratorial supervision ability.

   Fourth, pay close attention to self construction and build Five excellent ranks. In accordance with the requirements of being politically competent, professionally competent, responsible, disciplined and professionally competent, we will steadily promote the building of the procuratorial team. Deeply study General Secretary Xi Jinping's new ideas, new ideas and new strategies for governing the country, focus on keeping abreast, shoulder responsibilities and set an example, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. Pay attention to talent introduction, strengthen talent training, strengthen quality training, improve and standardize the long-term judicial mechanism, and constantly improve the level of law enforcement and case handling We will conscientiously implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, adhere to the leadership of Party building, and focus on "strictness", Seriously carry out intra party political life, strictly carry out intra party supervision, strictly observe political discipline and rules, and severely punish their own corruption. We will accelerate the pace of strengthening inspection through science and technology, promote the construction of "smart procuratorial services", and promote the deep integration of informatization and the development of procuratorial work. Focusing on promoting the "eight modernizations" construction of grassroots procuratorates, we will increase policy preference, carry out precise assistance and guidance, and further tap the potential of grassroots Strengthen the strength of the grassroots.

   Dear delegates!

   The unswerving pursuit of a new path has put forward new requirements for strengthening judicial security, and the decisive victory over a well-off society in an all-round way has given procuratorial supervision a new mission. Under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, we will fully implement the spirit of this meeting, faithfully perform our duties, forge ahead, constantly promote the innovative development of procuratorial work in the province, make new contributions to building a beautiful Anhui with "five major developments", and greet the 19th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements!