Work report
[Work Report] Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate (January 2015)
Time: February 11, 2015 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate


——At the Fourth Session of the Twelfth People's Congress of Anhui Province on January 29, 2015


Xue Jiangwu, Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate


In the past year, under the strong leadership of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and under the strong supervision of the Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the provincial procuratorial organs earnestly studied and implemented the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, closely focused on the construction of a better Anhui, performed their duties according to law, forged ahead, served the overall situation more actively, and continued to increase anti-corruption efforts Standardized law enforcement was further promoted, the quality and efficiency of supervision were significantly enhanced, and new progress was made in procuratorial work. A total of 1816 cases and 2219 persons of various duty crimes were filed and investigated throughout the year; Approved the arrest of 21524 criminal suspects and the prosecution of 46303; 388 criminal and civil protests were raised, 696 people were corrected for improper execution of commutation, parole and temporary imprisonment, 10 jobs were introduced at the national procuratorial conferences, and the main business work entered the first square of the country.

1、 Give full play to the role of procuratorial functions to ensure the steady and healthy development of the economy and society

Focusing on the first priority of development, we are committed to creating a good development environment. Focusing on serving the private economy, we jointly issued guidance with the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce to promote private enterprises to participate in market competition fairly according to law. Focusing on promoting the supervision of state-owned assets, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Sichuan Province jointly formulated the Implementation Opinions on the Prevention of Duty related Crimes in State owned Enterprises, and implemented special prevention for 120 major construction projects of state-owned enterprises. Focusing on regulating the order of the market economy, 2963 people were prosecuted for serious economic crimes such as fraud, pyramid selling and illegal fund-raising, and 631 people were investigated and punished for commercial bribery and job related crimes in the field of engineering construction. Focusing on promoting the construction of a better countryside, 356 people were investigated and dealt with in areas such as agricultural fund management and infrastructure construction.

Keep in mind the primary responsibility for maintaining stability and spare no effort to maintain social security and stability. We made solid progress in building a safe Anhui Province, and prosecuted 16775 suspects for serious violent crimes, crimes committed by mafia forces, "two robberies and one thief" and other frequent crimes of property infringement. We conscientiously implemented the deployment of the provincial drug control work conference, resolutely curbed the spread of drug in some areas of our province, and approved the arrest of 2536 people of various drug crimes, up 31.2% year on year. We actively worked with relevant departments to carry out special actions such as "combating pornography and illegal activities" and cracking down on medical related crimes, and strengthened the centralized rectification of prominent public security issues such as medical trouble, online fraud, and illegal production and sales of "fake base stations". We focused on resolving conflicts throughout the whole process of law enforcement and case handling. 1534 cases of criminal reconciliation were reached in the procuratorial process, and 1173 cases of appeal were dismissed.

We will give prominence to the people's livelihood first orientation and work hard to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people. It is suggested that the administrative law enforcement agencies should transfer 170 cases and the public security agencies should supervise 254 cases. We further promoted the special action to investigate and deal with job-related crimes that occurred around the masses and harmed the interests of the masses, and investigated and dealt with 452 job-related crimes in the areas of social security, land acquisition and demolition, poverty alleviation and development and other areas of people's livelihood. We launched a special action to investigate and deal with job-related crimes in the medical and health field, and investigated and dealt with 123 job-related crimes in medical management, medicine purchase and sale and other links. We strengthened the protection of the rights and interests of servicemen, women and children, and worked with the provincial military region to formulate suggestions on strengthening military related rights protection work. 19 units were awarded the "Youth Rights Protection Post" nationwide and provincial, and 14 units were awarded the "Women Rights Protection Post in Anhui Province". We strengthened judicial protection for people in need and vulnerable groups, and provided judicial assistance to 960 criminal victims and their close relatives who were in difficulty in life.


2、 Adhere to the same direction of punishment and prevention, and deepen the fight against corruption


We will continue to intensify efforts to maintain the high pressure of anti-corruption. A total of 1717 cases of corruption and bribery and 502 cases of dereliction of duty and infringement were filed and investigated throughout the year, which saved 420 million yuan of economic losses for the country. It highlighted the investigation and handling of major cases, with the proportion of major cases reaching 89.9%; 145 important cases involving cadres at or above the county level were investigated and dealt with, including 10 department level cadres and 1 deputy provincial cadre. We dug deeply into corruption crimes behind unfair law enforcement and justice, and investigated and punished 582 administrative law enforcement personnel and 103 judicial personnel. We severely cracked down on the phenomenon of "small officials being greedy and big officials", and investigated and dealt with 126 grass-roots personnel involved in cases of more than one million yuan. More efforts were made to punish bribery crimes, and 336 bribery crimes were investigated and punished, up 37% year on year.

Pay attention to both the symptoms and root causes, and vigorously promote the prevention of duty crimes. We will deploy and carry out procuratorial and preventive activities in Anhui, actively promote the prevention of job-related crimes into institutions, enterprises, villages, projects, party schools, and media, and build a comprehensive, multi-level, and socialized prevention pattern. A total of 3955 prevention publicity and education were carried out, with more than 282000 educated cadres and masses, 2233 preventive procuratorial suggestions were put forward, and 1344 regulations were promoted. With the attention and support of the provincial party committee, the prevention of duty crimes has been included in the provincial efficiency assessment and the learning and training courses of party schools at all levels. We continued to deepen the special action to prevent job-related crimes in the field of agricultural funds, and promoted the safe and efficient operation of agricultural funds. The special action was selected as one of the first ten rule of law events in Anhui Province, and the special report on agricultural prevention was rated as one of the "top ten reports" of the national procuratorial organs. Innovate the form of prevention, shoot micro films in combination with typical cases, and launch the TV program "Prosecutors' Live Room", which expands the coverage and influence of prevention propaganda.

We should strengthen the rule of law thinking and constantly improve the level of anti-corruption in accordance with the law. Pay attention to changing the investigation concept, actively use scientific and technological means and information platforms to collect clues and fixed evidence, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the investigation model. Always adhere to rational, peaceful, civilized and standardized law enforcement, strengthen the special inspection of the case handling work area and the seizure of frozen funds and materials, and resolutely prevent extortion of confessions by torture and violent evidence collection. Strictly implement the requirements of "ten laws and ten prohibitions" to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the persons and enterprises involved in the case.


3、 Comprehensively strengthen the supervision of litigation law and promote strict law enforcement and fair justice


We will strengthen supervision over criminal proceedings. We strengthened the supervision of criminal case filing and investigation activities, supervised the registration of 1489 cases and the withdrawal of 2218 cases by investigation organs, and corrected 2049 people who missed arrest and 3033 people who missed prosecution. We strengthened supervision over criminal trials, put forward 220 criminal protests, and the adoption rate of protest opinions reached 92.2%. We strengthened supervision over the implementation of criminal punishments and supervision activities, and concentrated on clearing up 27 people in 16 cases of long-term detention. Implement the principle of no suspect, keep the bottom line of preventing unjust, false and wrong cases, and do not arrest 2294 people and prosecute 524 people due to insufficient evidence in the province.

We will strengthen supervision over civil and administrative litigation. We conscientiously implemented the Resolution of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress on Strengthening the Civil Procuratorial Work of the Procuratorial Organs in the Province, worked with the provincial court to standardize the handling of civil administrative protest and retrial procuratorial suggestions, focused on correcting unfair judgments, illegal procedures, false lawsuits and "difficult enforcement" issues, and put forward 422 civil protest and retrial procuratorial suggestions. We strengthened supervision over the inaction and disorderly acts of administrative law enforcement agencies, handled 655 cases of supporting prosecutions and 573 cases of urging them to perform their duties.

We will strengthen the quality and effectiveness of oversight. In view of the illegal change of penalty execution by "powerful people" and "wealthy people", special procuratorial activities were carried out such as commutation, parole, and temporary execution outside prison. It was suggested that 30 people should be put into prison for execution, and 18 people should be investigated and punished for related duty crimes. In view of the problem that administrative law enforcement agencies do not transfer cases and use punishment instead of punishment, we actively promoted the connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and supervised 471 cases transferred by administrative law enforcement agencies. In view of the problem of different punishments for the same crime of duty crimes, we strengthened the simultaneous review of sentencing recommendations and the first instance judgment by the two procuratorates, and promoted the balanced sentencing.


4、 Vigorously promote strict and standardized law enforcement, and constantly improve judicial credibility


Adhere to the system and promote standardization. Revise 13 procuratorial business processes, formulate the standardized format of 11 types of conclusive legal documents, refine case handling norms, and prevent arbitrary law enforcement. Strengthen coordination and cooperation with provincial political and legal departments, issue a series of guidance documents specifically on drug case evidence collection, application of laws for common economic crimes, and elimination of illegal evidence in criminal cases, unify law enforcement measures, and standardize discretion. The Implementation Measures of Anhui Provincial Procuratorial Organs for the Accountability of Misjudged Cases was formulated and implemented, and the procedure for the accountability of Yu Yingsheng's misjudged cases has been started.

Adhere to management and promote standardization. Strengthen the centralized management of cases, rely on the unified business application system, establish a law enforcement and case handling supervision system with unified case acceptance and full supervision, and timely detect and correct non-standard behaviors. Strengthen case quality evaluation, regularly and intensively evaluate the cases handled by all business departments, and carry out special evaluation on non prosecution, withdrawal and innocent cases to promote the steady improvement of case handling quality.

Adhere to supervision and promote standardization. We will strengthen supervision over law enforcement by higher procuratorates, and promote the formation of a law enforcement orientation that emphasizes quality and standards. In response to the strong complaints from the masses that the whole process of audio and video recording was not in place, it was difficult for lawyers to meet, and the seizure of goods involved in the case was not standardized, the provincial procuratorate has successively carried out special supervision on 16 municipal courts and 32 grass-roots courts, seriously rectified and held accountable, and forced standardized law enforcement. We carried out the activity of the Year of Standardizing Law Enforcement and Strengthening of Grass roots Procuratorates, and conducted a sample evaluation of the law enforcement and case handling of 22 grass roots procuratorates.


5、 Actively implement procuratorial reform deployment and promote the innovative development of procuratorial work


We will steadily advance the reform of the system of opening procuratorial affairs. Fully open the case information disclosure system, so that the masses can feel the justice in a visible way. We will explore the establishment of a one-stop public procuratorial hall, extensively carry out procuratorial open day activities, vigorously promote the public review of cases, and improve judicial transparency. Strengthen the construction of "two micro and one end" and consciously accept social supervision and media supervision. The procuratorial affairs open column on the provincial procuratorate portal website was rated as the excellent column of information disclosure, and the procuratorial official microblog was rated as the government microblog excellence award.

We will steadily advance the reform of letters and visits involving law and litigation. We strictly controlled the import, error correction and termination of customs, and worked hard to solve people's demands and resolve social conflicts within the rule of law. We received 18264 letters and visits from people throughout the year. We carried out in-depth special activities to resolve the backlog of complaints related to inspection. For 86 cases of complaints that have been filed for a long time, we arranged to supervise and handle them case by case, and all of them were properly resolved. Explore and establish the working method of "four reviews, three inspections and two meetings" to prevent complaints from being ignored and mistakes from being corrected. The practice of the provincial procuratorial organ in promoting the reform of letters and visits was exchanged at the national conference on promoting the reform of letters and visits related to law and litigation.

We will steadily advance the reform of the people's supervisor system. Work closely with the judicial administration department to formulate a pilot plan for the reform of the selection and management of people's supervisors, and actively expand the channels for people's orderly participation in justice. We will deepen the pilot reform of the scope and procedures of supervision by people's supervisors, clarify the levels and procedures of supervision, and prevent abuse of investigative power. In the past year, 75 cases of job-related crimes that are planned to be withdrawn or not prosecuted have all started the supervision procedure, and the procuratorial organs have adopted all the supervision opinions put forward by the people's supervisors.

6、 Strive to build a strong procuratorial team and constantly improve the level of fair and honest law enforcement

Pay close attention to ideological and political construction. Conscientiously study and implement the series of important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and accurately grasp the new requirements of the central government for procuratorial work. The special education activities of "Strengthening the Party Spirit, Strict Discipline, and Honest Administration" were carried out in a down-to-earth manner, and prosecutors were guided to improve their Party spirit, enhance their sense of rules, and strictly observe the Party's discipline. We will vigorously strengthen education in the socialist concept of the rule of law and the professional ethics of procuratorial work, and enhance the awareness of the Constitution and the law and the awareness of performing duties in accordance with the law.

We will improve discipline and work style. Deeply carry out the mass line education and practice activities of the procuratorial organs at the city and county levels, continue to increase the efforts to rectify the wind and eliminate discipline, and build an iron team with iron discipline. Strict and systematic supervision was carried out. The chief procurator of the municipal procuratorate reported to the provincial procuratorate on his/her work and integrity. Three municipal procuratorates were inspected, and efforts were made to solve the outstanding problems of unfairness, incorruptness, and irregularity in law enforcement. We conscientiously implemented the "two responsibilities" for building a clean and honest government, and investigated and dealt with 10 procurators who violated disciplines and laws.

Vigorously improve law enforcement ability. Focusing on front-line prosecutors in law enforcement and case handling, we further promoted large-scale procuratorial education and training, and trained 13065 prosecutors throughout the year. Strengthen post training, organize the selection of excellent prosecutors, excellent legal documents and high-quality cases, and improve the standardization and refinement of case handling. The expert forum of "One Lecture in One Month" was held, and the policemen of the three-level procuratorate synchronously watched the lectures of famous experts through the video system. We accelerated the pace of personnel inspection, 10 procurators won prizes in the national procuratorial business competition, and 10 procurators were rated as national and provincial procuratorial business experts.

Pay close attention to basic work at the grass-roots level. The three-year activity of "focusing on characteristics, creating brands and cultivating models" has been carried out by the grass-roots procuratorates. At present, 64 brand projects have been launched as the first batch of key cultivation projects. Efforts were made to solve the difficulties such as fewer people and more cases in grass root hospitals and shortage of talents, and 426 police officers were recruited for grass root hospitals. In the past year, four procuratorates and six individuals have been awarded first class honors by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Procuratorate of Jin'an District, Lu'an City has been rated as "National Model Procuratorate", 58 procuratorates have been rated as civilized units in Anhui Province, and a number of advanced models have emerged, represented by "National Model Procurators" Yuan Guoxia and Liu Yonghong.

7、 Actively and consciously accept external supervision to ensure the correct exercise of procuratorial power according to law

Adhere to the principle of timely reporting on major work. The provincial procuratorial organs reported 354 times to the People's Congress and its Standing Committee, and the provincial procuratorate reported the civil procuratorial work of the province to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress. Earnestly implement the spirit of last year's "two sessions" of the province, analyze and study the 19 aspects of opinions and suggestions put forward by representatives and members one by one, implement them item by item, and report the implementation to the provincial people's congress and the provincial CPPCC in a timely manner. Adhere to the system of NPC deputies holding certificates to meet with the Procurator General, carefully handle the suggestions of deputies and members, and ensure that everything is settled and responded to. Promote in-depth contact with representatives and members, use new media such as mobile newspapers and portal websites to timely release procuratorial work trends and handling of major cases, actively invite representatives to participate in trial observation, inspection, research and case evaluation activities, and protect the right to know, participation and supervision of representatives and members.

In 2015, the procuratorial organs of the province will thoroughly implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and a series of important speeches by General Secretary Xi Jinping. In accordance with the requirements of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, deepening reform in an all-round way, promoting the rule of law in an all-round way, and strictly governing the party in an all-round way, the procuratorial organs of the province will closely focus on the overall economic and social development of the province, and adhere to the rule Motivated by deepening procuratorial reform and guaranteed by building a strong team, we will faithfully perform our legal supervision duties, constantly improve our ability and level of fair justice, and create a safe and stable social environment, a fair and just legal environment, and a high-quality and efficient service environment for building a better Anhui.

First, stick to the "one main line" and always maintain the correct political direction. Conscientiously adhere to the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics throughout the procuratorial work. Adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party, strictly abide by political discipline, strictly observe political rules, and always work with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core Keep high consistency. Earnestly implement the opinions of the provincial party committee on comprehensively promoting the rule of law in the province, give full play to the special important role of procuratorial organs in the construction of the rule of law, and unswervingly act as the practitioners and promoters of the construction of governing Anhui. Firmly establish the consciousness of consciously accepting supervision, actively accept the supervision of the People's Congress in accordance with the law and the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, and earnestly translate the concern of all parties into the actual results of promoting procuratorial work.

The second is to constantly improve the overall service level around the "two goals". The people's aspiration for safety and justice is our goal. The procuratorial organs of the province will firmly grasp the new situation of peace building, crack down on serious criminal crimes such as violent terrorism and evil forces according to law, improve the procuratorial mechanism for safeguarding rights and resolving disputes according to law, and earnestly fulfill the major responsibility of safeguarding national security and social stability. We should firmly grasp the new normal of economic development, actively participate in rectifying and standardizing the order of the market economy, resolutely crack down on illegal fund-raising, financial fraud, pyramid selling and other economic crimes, seriously investigate and deal with job-related crimes in the field of state-owned enterprise and state-owned assets reform, and create a good legal environment for stable and healthy economic development. We should firmly grasp the new requirements of combating corruption and promoting integrity, focus on investigating and handling the cases of duty crimes committed by leading organs and cadres, departments and posts with concentrated power, funds and resources, and resolutely curb the spread of corruption; Vigorously strengthen the prevention of job-related crimes, and promote the construction of anti-corruption mechanisms that dare not, cannot, and does not want to corrupt. Firmly grasp the new expectation of fair justice, explore the establishment of a public interest litigation system by procuratorial organs, and promote administration according to law; We will actively promote the reform of the trial centered litigation system, strengthen the supervision of criminal proceedings, civil and administrative proceedings and the execution of penalties, and strive to make the people feel fair and just in every case.

The third is to build "three procuratorates" and effectively enhance the vitality of procuratorial work. We will focus on building a "people's livelihood inspection", actively respond to social concerns, increase efforts to crack down on crimes in food and drugs, safe production, environmental resources, land acquisition and demolition, education and employment, and resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people. We will work hard to create a "sunshine procuratorate", do a solid job in case information disclosure, the construction of the procuratorial hall, and case public review, and actively build a new sunshine judicial mechanism that is open, dynamic, transparent, and convenient for the people. We will work hard to create an "innovative procuratorial system", actively and steadily promote procuratorial reform and work innovation, highlight the four reform pilots with the judicial responsibility system as the core, and strive to provide "Anhui experience" for the nationwide procuratorial reform.

Fourth, promote the "four constructions" and constantly improve the judicial credibility of procuratorial organs. We will steadily promote the construction of judicial standardization, deepen the special rectification of standardized judicial behavior, and constantly improve the level of strict law enforcement, civilized law enforcement, and fair justice. We will steadily promote the professionalization and specialization of the team, improve the system of professional access, level by level selection and exchange of prosecutors, and train more procuratorial experts and case handling experts. Solidly promote the construction of discipline and work style, continue to consolidate the achievements of the practical activities of deepening the mass line education, and strictly prevent the resurgence of "four styles"; We will seriously investigate and deal with cases of violations of discipline and laws committed by the procuratorial team, and will never condone them. We will make solid progress in basic level infrastructure construction, continue to deepen the activities of basic level procuratorates to "focus on characteristics, create brands, and cultivate models", improve the conditions at the basic level, strengthen the strength of the basic level, stimulate the vitality of the basic level, and consolidate the foundation for the development of procuratorial work.