Work report
[Work Report] Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate (January 2013)
Time: March 15th, 2013 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate

——At the first session of the 12th People's Congress of Anhui Province on January 25, 2013

Cui Wei, Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate

Since the first session of the 11th Provincial People's Congress, the procuratorial organs of the province have conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, fully implemented the spirit of the previous sessions of the 11th Provincial People's Congress, held high the banner, grasped the direction, cohesive force, faithfully performed their duties, constantly increased law enforcement and case handling efforts, and committed to improving the credibility of legal supervision, It has made positive contributions to ensuring and promoting the economic and social development of our province.

1、 Give full play to the role of procuratorial functions and devote to serving the overall situation of prospering Anhui and enriching the people

We will spare no effort to maintain social harmony and stability. Adhere to the overall pattern of integrating procuratorial work into the three key tasks, and resolutely maintain the overall social stability of the province in the golden development period. Over the past five years, 124989 criminal suspects of all kinds have been approved for arrest and 188436 have been prosecuted. Adhere to solving social contradictions throughout the whole process of law enforcement and case handling, conscientiously implement the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy, strengthen risk assessment and early warning of law enforcement and case handling, and earnestly do a good job in pre litigation visits, criminal reconciliation, prosecution and investigation docking, so as to minimize social confrontation and promote social harmony. Actively participate in social management innovation, promote the improvement of social security prevention and control system, and vigorously promote the construction of safe Anhui.

Take multiple measures to serve economic development. Seven normative documents, including the Opinions on Giving Full Play to the Procuratorial Function to Serve the Construction of a Beautiful Anhui Province, have been formulated to guide the procuratorial organs in the province to focus on the overall performance of their duties, the development of law enforcement and case handling services, and improve the integration of procuratorial work and the central work. We have actively created an honest and orderly market environment. Over the past five years, we have approved the arrest of 5759 suspects of crimes against the order of the socialist market economy and filed 8257 public prosecutions. We will focus on investigating and handling commercial bribery, crimes of dereliction of duty against energy resources and the ecological environment, as well as special governance in the field of engineering construction and land resources. Actively integrated into the construction of major strategic platforms such as Hefei Wuhu Bengbu Independent Innovation Comprehensive Experimental Zone, Wanjiang Demonstration Zone and North Anhui Revitalization, and carried out tracking and prevention for 160 major projects worth more than 10 million yuan.

We will wholeheartedly safeguard people's livelihood and interests. Actively participate in the special rectification of food and drug safety, carry out in-depth investigation and handling of the crime of dereliction of duty and infringement against the people's livelihood and the special work of duty related crimes in the field of agriculture and benefiting the people, and strengthen the judicial protection of vulnerable groups such as the people in need, left behind children, the elderly, and migrant workers. We improved the implementation of judicial measures to facilitate people, extensively carried out procurators' activities of "entering rural areas, communities, enterprises and schools", handled 81308 letters and visits from the masses, and rescued 1687 criminal victims or their close relatives. We will carry out in-depth activities such as bringing cases to lower levels, regular visits, and joint visits, and properly resolve the backlog of complaints related to inspection. Seven complaint reception rooms were named "Civilized Reception Demonstration Window" of the national procuratorial organ, and 33 complaint reception rooms were awarded the title of "Civilized Reception Room" of the national procuratorial organ.

Investigate and handle the "11 · 15" series of cases according to law. In April 2012, the "11 · 15" case was handed over to the judicial authorities of Anhui Province according to law. In the spirit of being highly responsible for the Party, the country and the procuratorial cause, the procuratorial organs of our province handle cases according to law, enforce the law impartially, and successfully complete the intervention, guidance, investigation and public prosecution of Bo Gu Kaikai and Zhang Xiaojun's intentional homicide cases, the investigation and public prosecution of the act of bending for personal gain by Guo Weiguo, the former deputy director of Chongqing Public Security Bureau, and the investigation of Wang Lijun's act of bending for personal gain, It has safeguarded the dignity and authority of the law and the image of the Party and the country.

2、 Punish and prevent job-related crimes according to law, and actively promote anti-corruption

We will intensify efforts to investigate and deal with corruption and bribery crimes. In the past five years, a total of 5143 cases of corruption and bribery were filed and 6963 people were investigated, including 411 important cases of cadres at or above the county level (29 cadres at or above the department level) and 3756 major cases. The provincial procuratorate focused on strengthening the organization and leadership of case handling, actively played a leading role in demonstration, and investigated and handled a number of influential major cases in the coal field, university system, land and resources and other departments. More efforts were made to crack down on bribery crimes, and 820 bribers who attracted and corrupted state functionaries were investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

We will vigorously promote the fight against malfeasance and infringement. Thoroughly implement the requirements of the Central Committee on strengthening the punishment and prevention of malfeasance, infringement and crime, conscientiously implement the opinions of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress on reviewing the special report on anti malfeasance, infringement and work, strengthen institutional building, improve the working mechanism, and promote the rapid development of anti malfeasance and infringement work. In the past five years, 1565 people have filed 1126 cases of malfeasance and infringement crimes, including 405 major cases and 496 crimes committed by administrative law enforcement personnel. The joint initiative to prevent malfeasance and infringement crimes was carried out, and the Anhui tour exhibition of "National Prosecutors' Punishment and Prevention of Malfeasance and Infringement Crimes" was successfully held, which improved the social awareness and influence of anti malfeasance work.

We will resolutely and severely punish judicial corruption. In order to respond to the concerns of the people and promote fair and honest law enforcement, the Provincial Procuratorate took the initiative to propose to the provincial party committee to carry out a special action to investigate and deal with job-related crimes behind judicial injustice in the provincial political and legal organs, which was strongly supported by the provincial party committee. In the special action lasting for one and a half years, the provincial procuratorial organs investigated and dealt with 208 job-related crimes such as extorting and accepting bribes, bending the law for personal gain, which caused strong social repercussions, effectively purified the judicial team and purified the judicial environment.

We will deepen the prevention of job-related crimes. Over the past five years, 7587 pieces of preventive suggestions have been put forward to relevant units and departments. We strengthened the construction of warning education bases, promoted the use of duty crime prevention education in Party schools and government agencies, and provided warning education to 316000 state functionaries. The system of honest access in the bidding field was implemented, and the Anhui Provincial Bribery Crime File Inquiry Management Center was established, providing more than 150000 inquiries to the society. Establish the annual report system for duty crime prevention to promote the source control of duty crime.