Work report
[Work Report] Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate (February 2012)
Time: March 15th, 2013 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate

——At the 5th Session of the 11th People's Congress of Anhui Province on February 14, 2012

Cui Wei, Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate

The year 2011 was a year when our province successfully started the 12th Five Year Plan and made remarkable achievements in economic and social development. It was also a year when Anhui procuratorial work was further promoted in serving the overall situation and accelerated in the process of striving for excellence. Over the past year, under the correct leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and under the strong supervision of the Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the provincial procuratorial organs have conscientiously implemented the spirit of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee, the Ninth Provincial Party Congress, and the Fourth Session of the Eleventh Provincial People's Congress, deeply implemented the Scientific Outlook on Development, and faithfully performed their legal supervision duties, We have effectively strengthened law enforcement and handled cases, and made new progress in procuratorial work.

1、 Focusing on the overall situation of the central service, we strive to ensure sound and rapid economic development

Implement and refine measures to ensure economic development. Closely follow the major decision-making deployment of the provincial party committee, plan ahead and take the initiative to improve the integration of procuratorial work and central work. The provincial procuratorate formulated and issued 18 suggestions on serving the economic and social development of the "12th Five Year Plan" to guide the provincial procuratorial organs to strengthen service measures and enhance service effectiveness. The procuratorial organs at all levels closely combined with the actual situation and comprehensively used the functions of attack, supervision, education, prevention and protection to provide a strong legal guarantee for promoting the construction of major strategic platforms such as Wanjiang Demonstration Zone, Hewubeng Comprehensive Experimental Zone, the pilot province of the national technological innovation project, and the revitalization of northern Anhui.

We are committed to serving the transformation of the mode of economic development. Focusing on creating an honest and orderly market environment, we intensified our efforts to crack down on serious economic crimes such as illegal fund-raising, financial fraud, pyramid selling, and approved the arrest of 1158 suspects of disrupting the order of the socialist market economy, and filed 1626 public prosecutions. Focusing on the protection of independent innovation, we actively participated in the special action against intellectual property infringement and the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods, approved the arrest of 290 such suspects, and filed 294 public prosecutions. Focusing on promoting the construction of ecological civilization, 63 suspects were approved to be arrested for illegal mining, illegal felling of trees, causing major environmental pollution accidents, and 540 people were prosecuted.

We will focus on tackling prominent problems in key areas. We deepened the special treatment of prominent problems in the field of engineering construction and land and resources, and filed cases to investigate 558 such job-related crimes. We deepened the special work of controlling commercial bribery, and filed and investigated 639 cases of such duty crimes. We deepened the special work of investigating and handling agricultural duty crimes, and filed 645 cases of such crimes.

2、 Fulfill the purpose of law enforcement for the people and strive to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people

We will resolutely punish crimes against the people's livelihood and interests. Deeply carry out the special work of investigating and handling the crimes of dereliction of duty and infringement that endanger the people's livelihood and interests, and file and investigate 251 cases of dereliction of duty and infringement crimes in the field of people's livelihood. Simultaneously involved in the investigation of major accidents in accordance with the law, and seriously investigated and dealt with 32 national staff suspected of malfeasance behind the accidents. We will actively participate in the special rectification of food and drug safety, crack down on the production and sale of toxic and harmful food, fake medicines and medicines of inferior quality and other criminal activities, and ensure the lives and health of the people.

We will improve and implement judicial measures to facilitate and benefit the people. Actively promote the sinking of the procuratorial force, explore the establishment of new platforms for serving the masses, such as procuratorial liaison offices and livelihood contact points, so as to facilitate the appeals of the masses and provide legal services. The activities of "entering the countryside, the community, the enterprise and the school" of prosecutors have been extensively carried out to sincerely listen to the social sentiment and public opinion and sincerely solve the problems for the people. We promoted the rescue of criminal victims and provided relief to 486 criminal victims or their close relatives.

Properly solve the complaint reporting problems involving inspection in accordance with the law. Adhere to the principle of taking charge of the complaint reporting work of the procuratorial organ through mass work, focus on solving the difficult problems of complaint reporting, resolutely make complaints, find out and solve them together, so that the grievances of the masses can be handled and justice can be achieved. We conscientiously implemented the deployment of "five level secretaries taking the lead in major visits", improved the system of visits, joint visits, and the reception day of the chief procurator, and handled 15423 letters and visits from the masses throughout the year. The special action of "tackling the backlog of complaints related to procuratorial work" was solidly promoted, and the total number of complaints from procuratorial organs across the province decreased by 15% year on year.

3、 Deepen the three key tasks and strive to create a harmonious and stable social environment

We should crack down on all kinds of criminal crimes in accordance with the law. We have always maintained a high pressure on serious criminal crimes, highlighted the fight against serious violent crimes, frequent crimes against property and drug-related crimes, and enhanced people's sense of security. Throughout the year, 23629 criminal suspects of all kinds were approved to be arrested and 37537 were prosecuted. Actively participate in the construction of safe Anhui, cooperate with relevant departments to carry out special actions such as "fighting four evils and eliminating four evils", focus on renovating key public security areas such as urban and rural junction areas and "villages in cities", promote the improvement of social security prevention and control system, and maintain the overall social stability of the province.

Pay attention to solving social conflicts in combination with case handling. Adhere to rational, peaceful, civilized and standardized law enforcement. While handling cases strictly in accordance with the law, patiently and meticulously do a good job in ideological persuasion, conflict mediation and aftermath handling. Establish a risk assessment and early warning mechanism for law enforcement and case handling, and strengthen the troubleshooting, risk prevention and early warning disposal of key cases. We will deepen the work of pre litigation visits, criminal reconciliation, prosecution and mediation docking, strengthen the interpretation of the law and reasoning on the links of non arrest, non prosecution, and non protest, and strive to promote the reconciliation of people and the settlement of cases.

Actively participate in social management innovation. We will strengthen the legal supervision over the implementation outside prison and community corrections, and resolutely prevent the pipes from falling off or leaking. We will improve the case handling methods that are suitable for the physical and mental characteristics of minors, and focus on pre litigation guidance, court probation, and post case assistance and education to promote their reform and return to society. In view of the social management problems found in law enforcement, we should focus on eliminating hidden dangers, improving the system, and timely put forward procuratorial suggestions to promote the improvement of social management.

We will vigorously promote the special action to investigate and deal with job-related crimes behind judicial injustice. Adhere to the investigation and handling of job-related crimes behind judicial injustice as an important means to promote fair and honest law enforcement. In accordance with the unified deployment of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Provincial Party Committee, we will seriously investigate and deal with job-related crimes such as extortion and acceptance of bribes by judicial personnel and bending the law for personal gain, purify the judicial team and purify the judicial environment. In the whole year, 127 cases of duty crimes committed by judicial personnel were filed and investigated. While strengthening the case handling, we will work with other law enforcement and judicial departments to thoroughly analyze the causes of the case, actively propose governance measures, and promote the establishment of a long-term mechanism for fair and honest law enforcement.