Work report
[Work Report] Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate (January 2011)
Time: March 15th, 2013 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Work Report of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate

——At the Fourth Session of the Eleventh People's Congress of Anhui Province on January 20, 2011

Cui Wei, Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate

In 2010, under the strong leadership of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and under the strong supervision of the Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the provincial procuratorial organs conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the CPC and the Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 17th Central Committee, thoroughly implemented the Scientific Outlook on Development, and vigorously promoted the resolution of social conflicts, social management innovation New progress has been made in procuratorial work by strengthening legal supervision, strengthening self supervision, and strengthening the construction of high-quality procuratorial teams.

1、 Give full play to the function of legal supervision and serve the overall situation of economic and social development


We will work hard to maintain the order of the market economy. Focusing on expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption, 1035 suspects endangering the market economic order were approved for arrest and 1386 people were prosecuted. We deepened the special work to control commercial bribery crimes, and filed cases to investigate 559 commercial bribery crimes involving national staff. We further promoted the special treatment of prominent problems in the field of engineering construction, and filed cases to investigate 462 job related crimes in the field of engineering construction.

Efforts should be made to strengthen the judicial protection of energy resources, ecological environment and intellectual property rights. Focusing on promoting the construction of ecological Anhui, 61 suspects were approved to be arrested for illegal mining, illegal felling of trees and other crimes endangering energy resources and the ecological environment, and 312 people were prosecuted. We carried out in-depth special treatment of corruption in the field of land and resources, and filed and investigated 30 job related crimes in the field of land and resources. Focusing on promoting the construction of the pilot province of the national science and technology innovation project, we strengthened the judicial protection of intellectual property rights, approved the arrest of 33 suspects of counterfeiting patents, registered trademarks and other crimes according to law, and filed 54 public prosecutions.

We will work hard to ensure the entrepreneurial development of all kinds of enterprises. In order to safeguard the rights and interests of enterprises and promote internal management, 174 people were arrested and 353 people were prosecuted for crimes such as job embezzlement and misappropriation of funds committed by private enterprise personnel; 262 cases of official crimes, such as corruption and bribery, were filed and investigated. We will increase efforts to pursue fugitives and stolen goods, and try our best to recover economic losses for enterprises. Actively provide legal services for enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.

We will work hard to promote and ensure rural reform and development. Earnestly implement the Opinions on Giving Full Play to Procuratorial Functions to Serve the Reform and Development of Anhui Rural Areas, approve the arrest of 8631 criminal suspects endangering the stability of rural society according to law, and file 12267 public prosecutions; We deepened the special work of investigating and handling agricultural job-related crimes, and filed cases to investigate 779 job-related crimes in the management of funds to support agriculture and benefit farmers, rural infrastructure construction and public utilities construction.

2、 Deeply promote the three key tasks and earnestly maintain social harmony and stability

We will fully implement the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy. Throughout the year, 24192 criminal suspects of all kinds were approved for arrest and 34602 were prosecuted. Correctly grasp the criteria of leniency and strictness, earnestly implement the requirements of "two reductions and two expansions", and decide not to arrest 4876 people and not to prosecute 1522 people according to law.

We will deepen efforts to resolve social conflicts. We formulated and implemented the Guiding Opinions on Deeply Promoting the Resolution of Social Contradictions, actively extended the scope of legal supervision, and practically put the resolution of contradictions through the whole process of law enforcement and case handling. We carried out the "Year of Supervision over Letters and Calls Related to Inspection" and the special activity of clearing up the backlog of letters and calls, and promoted the risk assessment and early warning mechanism of law enforcement. Throughout the year, 1027 criminal appeals were stopped in the procuratorial process, and 1124 civil appeals were settled through procuratorial mediation.

We will actively promote innovation in social management. Actively participate in the construction of a social security prevention and control system, focus on rectifying areas with chaotic security and highlighting security issues, and promote the construction of safe Anhui. We will strengthen the management of assistance and education for those who have been released from prison, and prevent and reduce recidivism. We will strengthen legal supervision over community corrections, and work hard to correct the leakage of criminals who are executing outside prison.

We will vigorously promote fair and honest law enforcement. The provincial procuratorial organs organized and carried out the special action to investigate and deal with the duty crimes behind the judicial injustice according to the unified deployment of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee. The provincial procuratorate insisted on the centralized review of reporting clues, listed and supervised the handling of key cases, increased overall coordination efforts, and made efforts to promote the deepening of special actions. Throughout the year, there were 102 job related crimes, such as asking for and accepting bribes, bending the law for personal gain, and so on, committed by judicial personnel who filed cases and investigated.

3、 Investigate and prevent job-related crimes according to law, and actively promote anti-corruption

We will intensify efforts to investigate and deal with corruption and bribery crimes. Throughout the year, 1058 cases of corruption and bribery were filed and 1459 people were investigated, including 826 major cases and 82 important cases involving cadres at or above the county level. More efforts were made to punish bribery crimes, and 172 bribery crimes were investigated, up 39.8% year on year. The provincial procuratorate strengthened unified command, organized and led relevant municipal and county procuratorates to carry out centralized case handling in key areas and hot industries, and broke through a number of cases.

We will make every effort to promote the fight against malfeasance and infringement. Taking the opportunity of implementing the deliberation opinions of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, we will work hard to strengthen the case handling, improve the case handling mechanism, and strengthen work coordination to promote new progress in the fight against malfeasance and infringement. Throughout the year, 219 cases of dereliction of duty and infringement crimes were filed and investigated, 322 people, including 69 major cases and 14 important cases involving cadres at or above the county level.

We will pay more attention to strengthening the prevention of job-related crimes. Focusing on the implementation of major strategies such as undertaking the industrial transfer demonstration zone and the construction of the pilot province of the national technological innovation project in the Wanjiang urban belt, we should focus on key projects, actively carry out synchronous prevention, and actively provide tracking services. Closely combine case handling, deeply analyze the law of case occurrence, urge and assist relevant departments in prevention, control and governance. We will improve the bribery crime file inquiry system, and strengthen prevention publicity and warning education.