Publicity of legal documents
[Public Matters] Guide to Publicity of Legal Documents
Time: August 3, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Article 1 The legal documents produced by the People's Procuratorate shall, in accordance with the provisions of the law, be promptly served and announced to the parties, other litigation participants and relevant units.

Article 2 Legal documents made by the People's Procuratorate to revoke a case or disapprove an arrest may be consulted by setting up an electronic touch screen in the People's Procuratorate.

Article 3 The following legal documents produced by the People's Procuratorate shall be published on the case information disclosure system of the People's Procuratorate:

(1) An indictment or protest of a criminal case in which a judgment or order made by a people's court has become effective;

(2) Letter of decision on non prosecution;

(3) Criminal appeal review decision;

(4) Other legal documents that the Supreme People's Procuratorate believes should be released in the system.

The People's Procuratorate shall not issue internal working documents in the case information disclosure system.

Article 4 When the People's Procuratorate issues legal documents on the case information disclosure system, it shall use symbol substitution and other methods to anonymize the names of the following parties and other litigation participants:

(1) Victims of criminal cases and their legal representatives, witnesses and expert witnesses;

(2) The person who is not prosecuted in the decision of not prosecuting;

(3) The defendant who is sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment and is exempted from criminal punishment and is not a recidivist or habitual offender.

If a party or other litigation participant requests to disclose his or her name and submits a written application, he or she may not do the corresponding anonymity after verification by the undertaker, review by the head of the case handling department, and approval by the deputy chief procurator in charge.

Article 5 When publishing legal documents on the case information disclosure system, the People's Procuratorate shall screen the following contents:

(1) Personal information such as the natural person's home address, communication method, ID card number, bank account number and health status;

(2) Information about minors;

(3) Bank accounts of legal persons and other organizations;

(4) Information involving state secrets, trade secrets and personal privacy;

(5) According to the content expressed in the document, the information that needs to be shielded can be deduced directly or logically;

(6) Other contents that should not be disclosed.

Article 6 The case undertaker shall, after the completion of the case or within ten days after receiving the effective judgment or ruling of the people's court, make confidential examination and technical treatment of the legal documents that need to be disclosed in accordance with these Provisions, and submit them to the case management department for review and release after they are reviewed by the department head and approved by the deputy chief procurator in charge or the chief procurator.

With respect to legal documents that need to be submitted to the people's procuratorate at a higher level for record and examination, the formalities for the issuance of legal documents shall be gone through in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph within 10 days after the record and examination.

Article 7 The legal documents made public to the public shall be consistent with the contents of the legal documents delivered to the parties, except for the contents of the technical treatment according to the requirements of these Provisions.