Publicity of legal documents
[indictment] Wang Yang's theft
Time: November 29, 2021-1Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

People's Procuratorate of Jinzhai County, Anhui Province



Jin Zhai Jian Yi Bu Xing Shen [2021] No. Z45


defendant Wang Yang, male, 1980 ** month ** Nissen, ID card No. 3424261980 ******** , Han nationality, junior high school Culture , domicile in Jinzhai County, Anhui Province ** town ** village ** group Live in Jinzhai County, Anhui Province ** area ** room **Room * *, Building * *. In 2003, he was sentenced to six months' imprisonment by the People's Court of Huishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province for theft; In 2005, he was sentenced by the People's Court of Beitang District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province for robbery Four years and six months in prison; In 2013, he was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment by Lu'an Intermediate People's Court for theft and robbery On suspicion of theft He was detained by Jinzhai County Public Security Bureau on December 1, 2020 and January 7, 2021 through book Approved by the hospital arrest Same day by Jinzhai County Public Security Bureau implement arrest.

Cause of action Jinzhai County Public Security Bureau At the end of the investigation, the defendant Wang Yang was suspected of theft March 9, 2021 Transfer to this court for prosecution. After accepting the case, the court informed the defendant on the same day that he had the right to entrust defenders, and informed the victim on March 11 of the same year that he had the right to entrust agents ad litem, interrogated the defendant according to law, listened to the opinions of the defender and the victim, and reviewed all case materials. On April 9, 2021, the Court returned the case to the investigation authority for supplementary investigation for the first time, and the investigation authority reported the case again on May 12, 2021.

After legal review, it is found that:

1. On a day at the end of September 2020, the defendant Wang Yang stole a piece of Dynasty Classic Dry Red Wine, 15 bottles of Lafite Legend Red Wine, 4 bottles of Jack Daniels Whisky, 2 bottles of Remy Martin XO, a box of Ronel Cabernet Sauvignon, 6 bottles of Earl Church of Meilvshan, 4 bottles of Johnnie Walker Black Label, and 1 bottle of Dragon Boat Dry Red Wine from the warehouse on the first floor of the KTV while the door of the powerful KTV located in Jinzhai Jinwutong was unlocked Four bottles of 21 year Royal Salute, one jar of 15kg Daughter's Red and Yellow Wine, one Tanglong Tai Chi box power amplifier, one Tanglong Tai Chi speaker effector, one Tanglong Tai Chi speaker, one display screen, and one wireless microphone.

2. On October 1, 2020, Wang Yang climbed over the wall to the second floor of Jinwutong Public Rental Building 3 in Jinzhai, and stole two bottles of Wuliangye liquor and two bottles of Yingjia Dongcang 8-year liquor in Room 201 of the building.

3. One day in October 2020, Wang Yang used pliers to pry open the coin boxes on 15 charging posts of electric vehicles in Jinwutong Public Rental Housing Community, and stole more than 500 coins.

4. At the beginning of November 2020, Wang Yang climbed over the wall to the second floor of Building 9 of Jinwutong Public Rental House, entered Room 209 by turning over the window, and stole a backpack, a black down jacket, and a gray white jeans from the family.

The evidence for ascertaining the above facts is as follows:

1. Household registration information, criminal record inquiry and other documentary evidence;

2. Witness Xu's testimony;

3. Statement of the victim Liu Moumou and others;

4. The confession and defense of the defendant Wang Yang;

5. Records of on-site inspection and detention;

6. Appraisal opinions.

The Court believes that the defendant Wang Yang has repeatedly stolen other people's property in a large amount, which violates the provisions of Article 264 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. The criminal facts are clear, the evidence is authentic and sufficient, and he should be investigated for criminal responsibility as a theft. In accordance with the provisions of Article 176 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, if you initiate a public prosecution, please be sentenced according to law.



Anhui Province People's Court of Jinzhai County

inquisitor: Zhang Wei

June 11, 2021



1. The defendant Wang Yang is now in custody in Jinzhai County Detention Center.

2. Three volumes of file materials and evidence.

3. One replacement certificate.