Publicity of legal documents
[Criminal protest] The case of Mr. Li and Mr. Zhang obstructing public service
Time: November 9, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

People's Procuratorate of Lai'an County, Anhui Province

Criminal protest

Laijian Public Prosecution and Criminal Defense [2020] No. 1

Lai'an County People's Court (2020) Wan 1122 Xing Chu No.155 Book to defendant Li and Zhang Obstruction of official duties In the first case, Li was sentenced to two months' detention in the first instance, and Zhang was sentenced to two months' detention in the first instance After reviewing the case according to law, the Court believed that the original judgment was in line with the facts of the case and the legal provisions, and that the court sentenced the two defendants within the scope of the sentencing recommendations made by the Court on the application of the system of confession and punishment according to law. Now, the two defendants appeal on the grounds that the sentencing is too heavy and does not constitute a crime. The Court filed a protest for the following reasons:

Since the two defendants admitted their guilt and punishment for their crimes in the stage of review and prosecution, and agreed to be sentenced within the range of sentencing proposed by the court, now they appeal against the lenient punishment of their guilt and punishment, so they lodge a protest, and please be sentenced according to law.

To sum up, in order to maintain judicial justice and accurately punish crimes, we hereby lodge a protest in accordance with Article 228 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and apply for a sentence according to law.


Lai'an County People's Court

Lai'an County People's Procuratorate

July 8, 2020