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[Statement of Claim] HJGYQS [2018] No. 71
Time: November 8, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Hefei People's Procuratorate



HJGYQS [2018] No. 71


The defendant Dou Changming, male, born in Changfeng County, Anhui Province on * * * *, 1980, ID card number 3401211980 *********, Han nationality, junior high school education, former Hefei * * Investment Management Co., Ltd., Anhui * * Asset Management Co., Ltd., etc. The defendant Dou Changming was detained by Hefei Public Security Bureau on February 1, 2018 on suspicion of fraud, and was arrested by Hefei Public Security Bureau on the same day with the approval of the Court on March 9 of the same year.

Defendant Zhang Changfa, male, born in Changfeng County, Anhui Province on * * * *, 1971, ID card number 3401211971 *************, Han nationality, primary school education, the original Hefei * * Investment Management Co., Ltd. * *, lives in * * Building * *, * * Community, * * District, Hefei City, with the registered permanent residence at * * Road * * Group, * * Village, * * Town, Hefei City. The defendant Zhang Changfa was detained by Hefei Public Security Bureau on April 17, 2018 on suspicion of fraud, and was arrested by Hefei Public Security Bureau on the same day with the approval of the Court on May 23, 2018.

The defendant Dou Changshuo, male, born in Changfeng County, Anhui Province on * * * *, 1976, ID card number 3401211976 **************, Han nationality, junior high school education, former Hefei * * Investment Management Co., Ltd. * *, lives in * * Building * *, * * Community, * * Luyang District, Hefei City, with a registered permanent residence at * * Group, * * Village, * * Town, Hefei City. The defendant Dou Changsuo was detained by Hefei Public Security Bureau on April 17, 2018 on suspicion of fraud, and was arrested by Hefei Public Security Bureau on the same day with the approval of the Court on May 23, 2018.

The defendant, Yue Ling, female, was born in Feixi County, Anhui Province on * * * *, 1991, with ID card number of 3401221991 ***************, Han nationality, college education, the original Hefei * * Investment Management Co., Ltd. * *, living in Room * *, * * Building, * * Community, * * Luyang District, Hefei, and registered permanent residence at Group * * Village, * * Township, Feixi County. The defendant Yue Ling was detained by Hefei Public Security Bureau on April 17, 2018 on suspicion of fraud, and was arrested by Hefei Public Security Bureau on the same day with the approval of the Court on May 23, 2018.

The defendant Dou Yumei, female, was born in Changfeng County, Anhui Province on * * *, 1981, with ID card number of 3401211981 ***************, Han nationality, junior high school education, the former Anhui * * Management Co., Ltd. * *, living in * * Room * *, * * Building * *, * * Yuan, Shushan District, Hefei City, and registered permanent residence at * * Group * * Village, * * Town, Hefei City. The defendant Dou Yumei was detained by Hefei Public Security Bureau on April 17, 2018 on suspicion of fraud, and was arrested by Hefei Public Security Bureau on the same day with the approval of the Court on May 23, 2018.

The defendant, Hu Zhengzhen, female, was born in Changfeng County, Anhui Province on * * * *, 1976, with ID card number of 3401211976 ***************, Han nationality, junior high school education, unemployed, living in Room * *, * * Building * *, * * Community, * * Town, Luyang District, Hefei City, and registered permanent residence at Group * * Village, * * Town, Hefei City. The defendant Hu Zhengzhen was detained by Hefei Public Security Bureau on April 17, 2018 on suspicion of fraud, and was arrested by Hefei Public Security Bureau on the same day with the approval of the Court on May 23, 2018.

The defendant Dou Qixian (formerly known as Dou Qixian), male, born in Changfeng County, Anhui Province on * * *, 1942, ID card number 3401211942 *****************, Han nationality, primary school education, lives in Group * *, * * Village, * * Town, Yaohai District, Hefei City. The defendant Dou Qixian was sentenced by the People's Court of Changfeng County to three years' imprisonment and three years' probation in March 1989 for intentional injury; He was also detained by Hefei Public Security Bureau on June 13, 2018 on suspicion of provoking trouble, and arrested by Hefei Public Security Bureau on July 17 of the same year with the approval of the hospital.

The defendant, Shi Lichun, male, was born in Hefei on * * * *, 1980, with ID card number of 3401111980 *************, Han nationality, junior high school education, unemployed, and lives in Room * *, * * Building, Shushan District, Hefei. The defendant Shi Lichun was detained by Hefei Public Security Bureau on May 18, 2018 on suspicion of provoking trouble, and was arrested by Hefei Public Security Bureau on the same day with the approval of the Court on June 22 of the same year.

Defendant Li Hao, male, born in Hefei on * * *, 1980, ID card number 3401111980 *********, Han nationality, junior high school education, unemployed, living in Room * *, * * Building, Shushan District, Hefei City. The defendant Li Hao was sentenced by the People's Court of Hefei High tech Industrial Development Zone for three months and fined 3000 yuan on October 16, 2009 for committing the crime of gambling; He was also detained by Hefei Public Security Bureau on May 25, 2018 on suspicion of provoking trouble, and arrested by Hefei Public Security Bureau on June 22, 2018 with the approval of the Court.

The defendant Zhang Bao, male, was born in Lingbi County, Anhui Province on * * * *, 1989, with ID card number 3422241989 ************, Han nationality, college education, self-employed, and registered permanent residence at * * Village, * * Town, Lingbi County, Anhui Province. The defendant Zhang Bao was detained by Hefei Public Security Bureau on June 10, 2018 on suspicion of provoking trouble, and was arrested by Hefei Public Security Bureau on the same day with the approval of the Court on June 22, 2018.

The defendant, Long Liang, male, was born in Huainan City on * * *, 1983, with ID card number of 3404021983 **************, Han nationality, junior high school education, unemployed, living in Room * *, * * Building * *, * * Community, Baohe District, Hefei City, and registered permanent residence at * * Village, * * Town, Datong District, Huainan City. The defendant Long Liang was sentenced by the People's Court of Feixi County on December 16, 2016 to five months' detention, ten months' probation and a fine of 10000 yuan for the crime of opening a casino; He was also detained by Hefei Public Security Bureau on May 18, 2018 on suspicion of provoking trouble, and was arrested by Hefei Public Security Bureau on June 22 of the same year with the approval of the Court.

The defendant, Tong XX, male, was born in Feidong County, Anhui Province on * * *, 1962, with an ID card number of 3401231962 ***************, a Han nationality, illiterate, unemployed, living in Room * *, * * Building * *, * * Reconstruction Point, Yaohai District, Hefei City, with a registered permanent residence of * * Village * * Group, * * Township, Feidong County. The defendant, Tong, was sentenced by the People's Court of Quanjiao County to one year's imprisonment and a fine of 2000 yuan on March 4, 2005 for committing fraud; He was also detained by Hefei Public Security Bureau on April 17, 2018 on suspicion of provoking trouble, and arrested by Hefei Public Security Bureau on the same day with the approval of our hospital on May 23, 2018.

The case was investigated and concluded by Hefei Public Security Bureau. The defendants Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Yue Ling and others were respectively suspected of organizing, leading, participating in the crime of underworld organizations, fraud, extortion, provocation and trouble making, and were transferred to our court for review and prosecution on July 23, 2018. After accepting the case, the Court has informed the defendant according to law that he has the right to entrust a defender, interrogated the defendant according to law, listened to the opinions of the defender, and reviewed all case materials. During the period, it shall be returned to the public security organ for supplementary investigation once, and the time limit for examination and prosecution shall be extended according to law.

After legal review, it is found that:

1、 Facts of organizing, leading and participating in underworld organizations

In April 2011, the defendant Dou Changming established Hefei * * Investment Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Company A), which has successively solicited and enlisted close relatives and other social idle people to engage in illegal lending and debt collection activities. In order to seek more illegal income, "routine loans" combined with violence and soft violence were used to extort the borrower's property. It has gradually formed a mafia like organization with the defendant Dou Changming as the organization and leader, the defendant Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Yue Ling, Dou Yumei as the backbone members, and the defendants Hu Zhengzhen, Dou Qixian, Shi Lichun, Li Hao, Long Liang, Zhang Bao, Jiang XX (another case), Tong XX and others as the participants. In order to grab more economic benefits, Dou Changming set up Anhui * * Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Company B) in July 2014 to make profits by managing and renting the houses of victims illegally occupied by the organization.

The organization takes Company A as the carrier, with clear division of labor and strict control. Dou Changming, as the * * of the company, is responsible for and decides the management and operation of the company, controls and manages the organizational property, organizes, directs and participates in the "routine loan" borrowing process and illegal collection activities. Zhang Changfa is the company * * and Douchang is the company * *. The two people helped Dou Changming manage the company, actively participated in the "routine loan" borrowing process, and participated in, organized and led other members to participate in illegal collection activities for many times; Yue Ling is a * * of Company A. Knowing that Dou Changming and others illegally occupied the victim's property in various ways during the borrowing process, she still actively organized and managed finance, counted accounts, and paid salaries; Dou Yumei, * * of Company B, is responsible for managing finance, accounting statistics, renting and managing illegally occupied houses, and actively participating in some illegal collection activities; Hu Zhengzhen, Dou Qixian, Shi Lichun, Li Hao, Zhang Bao, Jiang XX, Long Liang, Tong XX and others successively joined and accepted the leadership of the organization, and participated in illegal collection activities for many times. Dou Changming stipulated the salary, commission, performance and other incomes of the company's employees by formulating relevant management systems such as performance appraisal. Dou Changming also gave high dividends to members who provided funds for illegal lending of the organization to win people's hearts. In the implementation of illegal collection activities, Dou Changming requires the organization members to absolutely obey the command and arrangement, and requires that the means of collecting debts should be tough and more. Those who fail to collect debts will be reprimanded or even dismissed. Long Liang, a member of the organization, was later expelled by Dou Changming because of his bad debts.

The organization has obtained huge economic benefits through the organized implementation of illegal and criminal activities, and has certain economic strength. Through various routine means implemented in the process of borrowing, the organization falsely increased debt, through fraud, extortion, provocation and other acts, to maximize the embezzlement of the victim's property, and also rented the illegally occupied victim's house to maximize economic benefits. The huge illegal benefits obtained by the organization are partly used to pay salaries, financial dividends, meals and travel expenses for the members of the organization; Some of them are used for various expenses such as changing locks and purchasing 502 glue required for illegal debt collection, as well as paying "appearance fees" for other disabled people involved in debt collection.

In order to obtain illegal interests, in the process of borrowing money, the organization used the victim's eagerness to use money to deceive, induce and urge the victim to sign a large number of blank loan contracts, IOUs, receipts, housing lease contracts, rental receipts and other materials, and deceived, intimidated and induced the victim to sign and handle the notarization of housing disposal entrustment with Dou Changming and others as trustees, Make false bank statements, and then falsely increase debts and illegally demand debts from the victim by arbitrarily identifying the victim's breach of contract or directly arbitrarily filling in the loan amount. In the process of debt collection, many people were organized to harass, block the keyhole, change the lock, seal the door with glue, spray words with paint, set off firecrackers, send wreaths, break into the room by force, abuse and threaten to disturb and make trouble; Or use the blank loan materials signed by the victim to forge the loan contract, house lease contract, sales contract, etc. to sue the court, seal up the victim's house and other property and apply for enforcement; Or forcibly occupy the victim's house, and rent the victim's house for profit with a forged house lease contract; Or use the house disposal entrustment notarization signed by the victim to directly transfer the ownership of the victim's house to the name of the relevant members and relatives, some directly sell to others, etc. Through the above-mentioned "routine loans", the organization has committed nearly 40 crimes such as fraud, extortion, provocation and trouble making, committing crimes and oppressing and killing the masses.

The illegal and criminal activities carried out by the organization seriously endanger the normal market economic order and cause serious economic losses and mental trauma to many victims. Many victims are separated from their wives and children, and some victims are homeless and live elsewhere; The organization's illegal collection activities also seriously affected the victim Zhou's normal social life order; More seriously, most of the victims reported to the public security organ when they were illegally urged for debts. Some victims also sought help from the media to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. However, the high deception and concealment of the organization's criminal means led to the failure to be dealt with in a timely manner, which also contributed to the organization's arrogance; At the same time, the organization used false materials to file a large number of civil proceedings, deceived and misled the court to make wrong judgments, and used the court to enforce and occupy the property of the victims, so many victims were included in the list of dishonest persons, which seriously damaged the judicial justice order and the credibility of the judiciary.

2、 Facts of crimes committed by mafia like organizations

(1) Facts of fraud, extortion, provocation and trouble making

1. On August 21, 2012, the victim Wang Moujia took the room * * of * * Building * *, * * Village, Yaohai District, Hefei City as the guarantee, and together with Hu Moujia, they actually borrowed a total of 70000 yuan (35000 yuan per person) from Company A. Under the temptation of Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa and others, Wang Moujia signed a large number of blank loan materials. On December 14, 2012, Dou Changming, together with Zhang Changfa, forged a 150000 yuan IOU, receipt and other materials, and sued the People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City, asking Wang, Dai (Wang's ex husband) and Hu to repay the 150000 yuan principal and interest. On May 27, 2013, the court ruled that Zhang Changfa won the lawsuit, but Dai was not responsible. After Dou Changming and Zhang Changfa applied for enforcement, on March 9, 2015, the court enforced 47489 yuan in Hu's account. On March 8, 2016, Wang and Hu were included in the list of dishonest persons.

During the period of claiming debts from Wang and Hu, Dou Changming organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Jiang, Zhang Bao and others for many times from January to November 2013 to wait for the * * room of * * building in * * village with a forged house lease contract. By blocking the keyhole, changing the lock, intimidating, threatening, and forcing the victim to play cards at home, Dou Changming harassed the victim Dai and his daughter Dai and affected their study Life, forcing the victim to move out of the house and repay debts. In order to ensure her daughter's schooling and normal family life, Dai Moujia was forced to pay Dou Changming a total of 50000 yuan.

2. On February 1, 2013, the victim, Mr. Cheng, borrowed 46000 yuan from Company A with the house in Room * *, * * Building * *, * * New Village, Luyang District, Hefei and Audi A6 Automobile as the guarantee under the name of his wife, Mr. Jin. Under the temptation of Dou Changming and others, Mr. Cheng signed a large number of blank loan materials. After the loan, Cheng paid 49200 yuan in succession. From April to June 2014, Dou Changming and others went to the * * room of * * Building * * in * * New Village for many times to harass Jin and his family by blocking keyholes, abusing and threatening with electric batons on the grounds that Cheng had not paid off his debts. Under the harassment of Dou Changming and others, in July 2014, Jin had no choice but to sell the house to Wang and move out of the house. During this period, Dou Changming seized and rented the house for a total profit of 4800 yuan.

In September 2014, in order to occupy the * * building * * room in * * New Village, Dou Changming organized Shi Lichun and others to harass the victim Wang Moujia and his family by smashing the glass, blocking the keyhole, threatening, intimidating, etc., and claimed the "rent" of RMB 50000 from Wang Moujia with a forged house lease contract, but failed.

3. On February 26, 2014, the victim Shen Moujia actually borrowed 55000 yuan from Company A with the house in Room * *, Building * *, * * Garden * *, * * North Road, Luyang District, Hefei City as the guarantee. Under the temptation of Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa and others, Shen Moujia signed a large number of blank loan materials and handled the house disposal entrustment notarization with Dou Changming as the trustee. From March to May 2014, Dou Changming and others repeatedly went to the * * room of * * Building * * in * * Garden to harass and threaten Shen and his mother Zhao to claim debts by abusing, pestering and forcibly entering the house. On May 19, 2014, Dou Changming and others paid off the remaining 274154.67 yuan of mortgage loan of the victim's house in a lump sum, forged the house purchase contract as trustee and transferred the house to Dou Yumei. On the 29th of the same month, Zhao was forced to repay 50000 yuan for Shen. Later, in order to redeem the house transferred by Dou Changming, Zhao Moujia had no choice but to pay Dou Changming and others 454720 yuan. When handling the house transfer, Dou Changming and Dou Yumei threatened not to sign without paying, and forced Zhao Moujia to ask for 20000 yuan of "lost time fee". Zhao Moujia was forced to sign an IOU of 20000 yuan in order to get back the house. After the house was transferred, Dou Changming organized Dou Yumei, Yue Ling, Dou Qixian, Shi Lichun, Li Hao and others to harass Zhao and ask for 20000 yuan of illegal debt. In November 2014, Zhao was forced to pay 10000 yuan.

(2) Facts of fraud and provocation

1. In July 2011, the victim Yu Moujia helped Wang Mouyi to actually borrow 248000 yuan from Company A with the house of Room * *, Building * *, * * Community, Feixi County under his name as the guarantee, and Wang Mouyi also used Hefei * * Entertainment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as * * Entertainment Company) as the guarantor. Under the temptation of Dou Changming and others, Yu Moujia signed the IOU and other blank loan materials and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Yumei as the trustee. On December 16, 2011, Dou Changming, citing the loss of the IOU and threatening to sell the house, forced Yu to issue a IOU for a loan of 254600 yuan from Dou Yumei. In March 2012, Dou Changming sued in the name of Dou Yumei to the People's Court of Shushan District, Hefei City, with the two IOUs before and after, demanding that Yu and * * Entertainment Company repay the principal and interest of 502600 yuan, forcing Yu to reach a mediation agreement with Dou Changming to repay 500000 yuan in the process of litigation.

From June 2013 to July 2014, Dou Changming organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Dou Qixian, Dou Yumei, Li Hao, Shi Lichun, Long Liang and others to the * * room of * * Building in * * Community for several times to claim debts by kicking the door, abusing, blocking the keyhole, pasting "big character posters", beating and other means; And he went to the wall of Wang's hometown in * * Township, Feidong County to harass Wang's family by painting words. On August 1, 2014, Yu reached a settlement agreement with Dou Changming reluctantly, stipulating that Yu should repay 248000 yuan, deduct the repaid 105000 yuan, and use Wang's Focus car (Wan *******) to offset the remaining debt of 143000 yuan.

2. On October 9, 2011, the victim He Moujia, in the name of his parents He Mouyi and Yang Moujia, helped Wang Mouyi to actually borrow 300000 yuan from company A by using the house of * * Building * *, * * Community, Hefei Economic Development Zone under the name of two people as a guarantee. Under the inducement of Dou Changming and others, the victims He XX B and Yang XX A signed the IOU and other blank loan materials and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Yumei as the trustee. On December 11, 2011, Dou Changming threatened to sell the house and forced He Moujia to issue a large loan receipt from Dou Yumei. On October 18, 2012, Dou Changming and others forged the house purchase contract as trustees and transferred the victim's house (identified as 410700 yuan) to Dou Changming. In December 2012, Dou Changming and others forced He Moujia to repay him 40000 yuan.

From June 2013 to April 2014, Dou Changming organized Dou Changsuo, Tong Moumou and others to the * * room of * * Building in * * Community for many times to harass and claim debts by blocking keyholes, smashing windows, pasting "big character posters", cutting off water and electricity, and forcing victims to move away. He Mouyi and Yang Moujia were forced to move to a nursing home because they could not afford to be disturbed. In June 2014, Dou Changming sold the house to others.

3. On February 24, 2012, the couple of the victims Pan Moumou and Sun Moujia actually borrowed 210000 yuan from Company A with the house of Room * *, * * Building, * * Community, Shushan District, Hefei City as the guarantee. Under the temptation of Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa and others, Pan signed the IOU, receipt and other blank loan materials for borrowing 250000 yuan from Zhang Changfa, and jointly handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Changming as the trustee with Sun Moujia. On March 26 of the same year, Dou Changming tricked Pan to issue a IOU for a loan of 224700 yuan from Zhang Changfa and charged Pan 20200 yuan for repayment on the same day. In May 2012, Dou Changming, together with Zhang Changfa, filed a lawsuit to the People's Court of Shushan District, Hefei City, with two IOUs, asking Pan and Sun to repay the principal and interest of 474700 yuan. The lawsuit was withdrawn in September of the same year. In October 2012, Dou Changming and others paid off the remaining loan of 573418.84 yuan of the victim's house in a lump sum using their trustee status, forged the house purchase contract, and transferred the house (identified as 1210500 yuan) to Dou Yumei.

From October to November 2012, Dou Changming organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Dou Qixian, Hu Zhengzhen, Dou Yumei and others to the * * room of * * Building in * * Community for many times, harassing Pan's family and forcing them to move away by abusing, crowing, tearing, and blocking the door with glue. In September 2013, Dou Changming sold the house to others in the name of Dou Yumei.

4. On April 18, 2012, the victim Gao Moujia actually borrowed 17000 yuan from Company A with his father Gao Mouyi's house in * * Building * *, * * Community, Hefei as the guarantee and Huang Moujia as the guarantor. Under the temptation of Dou Changming and others, Gao Moujia signed the IOU, receipt and other blank loan materials for his loan of 200000 yuan from Dou Changming. After Gao Xiaojia borrowed money, he repaid it in three times in May 2012, totaling 16000 yuan. On September 5, 2012, Dou Changming sued the People's Court of Shushan District, Hefei City, with an IOU of 200000 yuan, asking Gao and Huang to repay the principal and interest of 200000 yuan. The court later ruled in Dou Changming's favor. In 2013, Dou Changming organized personnel to harass and claim debts in * * Building * * of * * Community for many times.

5. On April 19, 2012, the victim, Mr. Fang, accompanied Mr. Hu B to borrow money from Company A with his house in Room * *, Building * *, * * Community, Hefei City as a guarantee. Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa and others tricked Fang XX into signing a 200000 yuan IOU and other blank borrowing materials, and used Xu XX A's bank account to create a false flow of funds. On December 25, 2012, Dou Changming sued the Luyang District People's Court for the repayment of 200000 yuan of principal and interest with this IOU. The court decided that Dou Changming won the lawsuit and later added Fang to the list of dishonest persons.

From 2014 to 2015, Dou Changming organized personnel to visit the * * room of * * Building in * * Community for many times to harass Fang and his family by means of intimidation and keyhole blocking; During this period, Dou Changming also specially instructed Shi Lichun and Li Hao to place wreaths in the room to harass the victims.

6. On April 28, 2012, the victim Zhang Moujia actually borrowed 30000 yuan from Company A. Due to Zhang's inability to provide a guarantor, Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa and others, in the name of handling credit cards, tricked Zhang's mother Wang Mou C to sign on the blank paper, and at the same time, tricked Zhang Mou A to sign the IOU and other blank loan materials to borrow 100000 yuan from Zhang Changfa. After borrowing, Zhang Moujia repaid Dou Changming 2400 yuan and 20000 yuan in May and August 2012 respectively. In November 2012, Dou Changming, together with Zhang Changfa, filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City, asking Zhang A and Wang C to repay the principal and interest of 100000 yuan. The court decided that Zhang Changfa won the lawsuit. In 2013, Dou Changming organized Zhang Changfa, Zhang Bao, Jiang XX and others to visit Zhang XX A's house for many times, and harassed Zhang XX A and his family to claim debts by means of smashing the door, abusing and intimidating them.

7. On June 21, 2012, the victim Lu Moujia actually borrowed 70000 yuan from Company A with the house of Room * *, Building * *, * * Community, Hefei City under his name as the guarantee and Liu Moujia as the guarantor. Lumoujia signed a large number of blank loan materials with Dou Changming and others. Lu Moujia repaid 18000 yuan in July 2012 after borrowing. In December 2012, Dou Changming, together with Zhang Changfa, forged a 100000 yuan IOU and sued the People's Court of Hefei High tech Industrial Development Zone for Lu and Liu to repay the 100000 yuan principal and interest. On April 9, 2014, Zhang Changfa applied to the court for compulsory execution. On May 19 of the same year, Lu Moujia was listed as a dishonest person by the court.

From October 2012 to 2014, Dou Changming organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Dou Qixian and others to the * * room of * * Building in * * Community for many times, and harassed Lu and his family by threatening, intimidating, blocking keyholes, closing doors, and pestering. On November 28, 2014, Lu's younger brother, Lu's B, and Lu's father, Lu's C, could not afford to be disturbed, so they reached a settlement agreement with Zhang Changfa and paid Zhang Changfa 62000 yuan.

8. On June 21, 2012, the victim Liu Moujia actually borrowed RMB 9000 from Company A, with the house of Room * *, * * Building, * * Community, Hefei City under his name as the guarantee, and Lu Moujia as the guarantor. Lured by Dou Changming and others, Liu Moujia signed a large number of blank loan materials. Liu Moujia repaid RMB 2000 in September 2012 after borrowing. On December 12, 2012, Dou Changming, together with Zhang Changfa, forged an 80 thousand yuan IOU, etc., and sued the People's Court of Hefei High tech Industrial Development Zone for Liu and Lu to repay the 80 thousand yuan principal and interest. Later, the court decided that Zhang Changfa won the lawsuit. On April 4, 2014, Zhang Changfa applied to the court for compulsory execution. On May 19 of the same year, Liu Moujia was listed as a dishonest person by the court.

From 2016 to 2017, Dou Changming organized personnel to the * * room of * * Building in * * Community for many times to harass Wang and others who actually lived here.

9. On June 21, 2012, the victim Zhao Mouyi actually borrowed 18000 yuan from Company A, with the house in Room * *, * * Building, * * Community, Hefei City as the guarantee and Liu Moujia as the guarantor. Under the temptation of Dou Changming and others, Zhao Mouyi signed a large number of blank loan materials. Zhao Mouyi repaid RMB 2000 in September 2012 after borrowing. In December 2012, Dou Changming and Zhang Changfa forged two IOUs worth 100000 yuan and sued the People's Court of Hefei High tech Industrial Development Zone to demand Zhao and Liu to repay 200000 yuan of principal and interest. The court ruled that Dou Changming and Zhang Changfa won the lawsuit.

From November 2012 to 2015, Dou Changming organized Shi Lichun, Li Hao and others to the * * room of * * Building in * * Community for many times to harass Zhao and his family by threats, intimidation, keyhole blocking, door sealing, etc. In June 2017, Zhao was forced to reach an implementation settlement agreement and pay Dou Changming 80000 yuan. The court ruled that Zhao and Liu would be deleted from the list of dishonest persons that month.

10. On August 15, 2012, the victim, Wen Moumou, took the house in * * Building * * of * * Community in Hefei City as the guarantee, and together with Peng Moumou A as the guarantor, they actually borrowed 40000 yuan (20000 yuan per person) from Company A. Lured by Dou Changming and others, Wen and Peng signed IOUs and other blank loan materials of 100000 yuan respectively. In March 2013, Dou Changming sued the People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City with two IOUs of 100000 yuan, asking Peng and Wen to repay the principal and interest of 100000 yuan respectively. Both cases were transferred to the People's Court of Yaohai District, Hefei City for jurisdiction reasons, and Dou Changming won the trial.

At the end of 2012, Dou Changming organized personnel to go to the hometown of * * Town, Huaining County, Anqing City, Peng Moujia, and harassed Peng Moujia's family by threats, intimidation and other means. Peng's mother Liu Mouyi was so upset that she had no choice but to pay Dou Changming 65000 yuan in succession. From 2013 to 2014, Dou Changming organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Dou Qixian and others to the * * room of * * Building in * * Community for many times to harass Wen and his family by means of threats, kicking the door and posting "big character posters". Wen's mother, Yuan, was so upset that she had no choice but to pay Dou Changming 83000 yuan in succession. In June 2016, Dou Changming also executed Peng's 19000 yuan through the court.

11. On October 19, 2012, the victim Gao Mou C actually borrowed 55000 yuan from Company A under the guarantee of Room * *, * * Building * *, * * Garden, Hefei Economic Development Zone. Under the deception of Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo and others, Gao Mou C signed a large number of blank loan materials and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Qixian as the trustee. One month later, Gao Mou and C will repay about 5000 yuan. In December 2012, Dou Changming and others paid off the remaining loan of 257645.47 yuan of the victim's house in a lump sum, and used Dou Qixian's identity as trustee to forge a house purchase contract to sell the house (identified as 552800 yuan) to others at a price of more than 500000 yuan. In the same month, Gao Mou and C learned that the house was sold and sought help from the relevant program group of Anhui TV Station. Although they exposed the illegal behavior of Dou Changming and others, they failed to recover their losses. At the same time, by the end of January 2013, Dou Changming had organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo and others to the house for many times, harassing and forcing Gao and his grandfather Gao to move away by blocking the keyhole, abusing and threatening. On January 29, 2013, because Gao C had collected some evidence materials and wanted to report Dou Changming and others, Dou Changming lied about negotiating with Gao C, and after contacting him, he, together with Zhang Changfa and Mei (another case), beat Gao C and stole his bag containing evidence materials. After Gao Mou C called the police, Dou Changming compensated Gao Mou C 150000 yuan through mediation of the local police station.

12. On October 24, 2012, the victim Wang Mouding actually borrowed 40000 yuan from Company A with his wife Liu Mou C's house in Room * *, Building * *, * * Park, Hefei Municipal Government District as a guarantee. Under the temptation of Dou Changming and others, Wang Mouding signed a large number of blank loan materials. At the end of 2012, Dou Changming and others forced Liu C to enter the * * room of * * Building in * * Park by crowing the lock when Liu C was out of town, and then changed the lock. They rented the house for a profit of 9000 yuan, and Liu C later called the police to get back the house.

On December 25, 2012, Dou Changming forged two IOUs and other materials totaling 220000 yuan, and sued the People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City, asking Wang Ding and Liu C to repay the principal and interest of 220000 yuan. Later, the court ruled that Dou Changming won the lawsuit, but Liu C had nothing to do with this debt and was not responsible for it. In order to claim illegal debts, Dou Changming ignored the court's judgment and organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Dou Qixian, Zhang Bao, Jiang XX, Long Liang and others to harass Liu C and his family in the * * room of * * Building in * * Park by blocking the keyhole, painting, beating, abusing, threatening and intimidating.

13. On December 17, 2012, in order to see his father, Xu C, who was suffering from cancer, the victim Xu B actually borrowed 61000 yuan from Company A with the house in Room * *, * * Building * *, * * Yuan, Yaohai District, Hefei City as the guarantee. Under the temptation of Dou Changming and others, Xu B signed a large number of blank loan materials with his wife Huang A and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Qixian as the trustee. Soon after, Dou Changming and others claimed a debt of 150000 yuan from Xu and harassed him at his residence. On April 3, 2013, Dou Changming forged a 150000 yuan mortgage loan contract, receipt and other materials, and sued the People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City, asking Xu Yiyi and Huang Yijia to repay the 150000 yuan principal and interest. On June 24 of the same year, the court decided that Dou Changming won the lawsuit. On August 6, 2013, Dou Changming and others paid off the remaining principal and interest of 278390.19 yuan of the victim's house in a lump sum, forged the house purchase contract by using Dou Qixian's identity as trustee, and transferred the house (evaluated to be 738100 yuan) to Luo Moujia (another case). On May 20, 2014, Dou Changming sold the house to others at a price of 770000 yuan.

In November 2013, Xu died of an accident. From then on to the end of 2014, Dou Changming organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Hu Zhengzhen, Tong Moumou, Shi Lichun, Li Hao, Dou Qixian, Peng Mouyi (another case), Xia Moujia (another case), Luo Moujia and others to the * * room of * * Building in * * Yuan to harass and persecute the victim Xu Mou C, who lives here, by means of keyhole blocking, paint spraying, electric stick threats, and making trouble with the disabled Yang Mouyi (Xu Mouyi's parents) moved out, and Xu Mouyi was forced to live with relatives after being harassed due to serious illness. Yang Mouyi lived alone at home to protect the house. Fearing Dou Changming and others would come to occupy the house at night, Yang Mouyi was forced to remove the door lock, install a bolt behind the door, and sleep on the floor at the door for a long time, all day long in fear. In order to protect the house, in January 2014, Yang Mouyi and others sued Dou Qixian and Luo Moujia to the court to confirm that the house sales contract was invalid. Due to the influence of false evidence previously produced by Dou Changming and others, there was no hope of winning the lawsuit. After mediation, Yang Mouyi had no choice but to accept compensation of 200000 yuan and moved out of his residence at the end of 2014.

14. On December 20, 2012, the couple of the victims, Han Moujia and Zhu Moujia, helped Shi to borrow 230000 yuan from Company A by taking the house in Room * *, Building * *, * * Yuan, * * Village, Yaohai District, Hefei City as the guarantee. Lured by Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa and others, Han and Zhu signed a large number of blank loan materials and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Qixian as the trustee. From the loan to February 2014, Shi has repaid 296400 yuan in total. Since March 2014, Dou Changming has organized Long Liang and others to harass and demand that Han Moujia continue to repay debts; On August 13, 2014, Dou Changming used Dou Qixian's identity as trustee to forge a house purchase contract and transferred the victim's house (identified as 493800 yuan) to his own name; By the end of 2017, Dou Changming had organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Hu Zhengzhen, Dou Yumei, Shi Lichun, Li Hao, Long Liang and others to the * * room of * * Building, * * Yuan, * * Village for many times to harass and force Han's family to move away by blocking keyholes, kicking the door, abusing, intimidating, removing meters, sealing the door with glue and other means. In order to keep the only house, the family of Han Moujia suffered a lot of harassment and lived a miserable life. Han Moujia's daughter Han Mouyi once posted a post on Tianya Forum for exposure and help, but failed. During this period, at the end of 2014, due to the endless harassment of Dou Changming and others, Han Moujia had no choice but to pay Dou Changming 10000 yuan.

15. At the beginning of January 2013, the victim Sun Mouyi actually borrowed RMB 60000 from Company A with the house of Room * *, Building * *, * * West District, Hefei Municipal Government Affairs District as the guarantee. Under the temptation of Dou Changming and others, Sun and Gao signed a large number of blank loan materials. Soon, Dou Changming and others claimed the inflated high debt from Sun, and organized Dou Changsuo, Zhang Changfa, Dou Qixian and others to Sun's residence for many times. They harassed and forced Sun and Gao to move away by blocking the keyhole and kicking the door, and then occupied the house and rented it to repay the debt. On April 3, 2013, Dou Changming forged an IOU of 160000 yuan and sued the People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City, asking Sun Mouyi to repay the principal and interest of 160000 yuan. On June 24, the court decided that Dou Changming won the lawsuit. After Dou Changming applied for execution, the court organized the auction of the victim's house. Because Dou Changming forged the above house and it has been rented for 15 years in a lump sum, it was auctioned three times. In August 2017, Dou Changming applied to purchase the house at the third auction price of 704030 yuan (933600 yuan after assessment), paid the remaining 4662800 yuan to the court, and transferred the house to his own name in October of the same year. It was also found that Dou Changming earned a total of 42500 yuan from seizing the house to renting it before ownership transfer.

16. On January 11, 2013, the victim Liao Moujia, the victim Zhao Mou C, took the house of * * Room * *, * * Yuan * * Building, * * Town, Feixi County under the name of Zhao Mou C as the guarantee, and actually borrowed 100000 yuan from Company A. Lured by Dou Changming and others, Zhao signed a large number of blank loan materials and mortgaged the property certificate to Dou Changming. After the loan, Liao Moujia repaid 20000 yuan. In June 2013, Dou Changming claimed 25250 yuan from Zhao C on the ground that Liao A failed to pay liquidated damages. From July to November 2013, Dou Changming organized Shi Lichun, Li Hao and others to visit room * *, * * building * *, * * yuan, * * town, Feixi County, and harassed Liao's family by threatening to block the door, threaten, intimidate and force them into the house. In November 2013, Liao Mouyi, Liao Moujia's father, paid 125 thousand yuan to Dou Changming in order to get rid of Dou Changming and others. Since 2014, Dou Changming has organized Dou Changsuo, Zhang Changfa, Shi Lichun, Li Hao and others to harass Liao's family by various means. In July 2016, Liao's family was forced to move out of the house. Later, Dou Changming seized and rented the house for a total profit of 34298 yuan.

Around September 2014, Dou Changming used a forged 100000 yuan IOU to claim illegal debt from Zhao. In the process of claiming debts, Dou Changming organized Shi Lichun, Li Hao, Long Liang and others to go to the * * room of * * Building in * * Yuan for many times to harass and drive away the tenants by blocking the keyhole, sealing the crack in the door, entanglement, threats and other means. At the same time, Dou Changming also organized Shi Lichun and Li Hao to go to the school where Zhao worked for many times to harass Zhao by posting big character posters and other means, forcing Zhao to pay false debts. Zhao could not help but pay Dou Changming 35000 yuan in cash.

17. From January to February 2013, the victim Shuimou borrowed money from Company A for many times. On March 1 of the same year, Shuimou borrowed another 250000 yuan from Company A with the house of Room * *, Building * *, * * Mingcheng, Luyang District, Hefei as the guarantee, and transferred 184000 yuan of it to Yueling's account to repay the principal and interest of the previous loan. Lured by Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa and others, Shuimou and Yumou B (Shuimou's ex-wife) signed a large number of blank loan materials and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Qixian as the trustee. From the loan to September of the same year, Shuimou repaid a total of 55700 yuan. At the same time, Dou Changming repeatedly urged Shuimou to repay debts. One day at the beginning of 2014, Dou Changming found Shuimou and controlled him in his car, forcing him to borrow 8000 yuan from a friend to repay debts. On November 24, 2014, Dou Changming, together with Zhang Changfa, filed a lawsuit to the People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City, asking Shui and Yu to return the principal and interest of 400000 yuan. In March 2015, the court decided that Zhang Changfa won the lawsuit. After Zhang Changfa applied for execution, the court failed to auction the mortgaged house twice. In November 2017, upon Dou Changming's application, the house was purchased at the second auction reserve price of 1.15 million yuan, including 821600 yuan deducted from the principal and interest due to Zhang Changfa, 14700 yuan advanced by Dou Changming, and then Dou Changming paid 313700 yuan. On January 8, 2018, Dou Changming transferred the house of the victim (identified as 1.402 million yuan) to his own name.

The People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City transferred the remaining housing fund of 305062 yuan to the People's Court of Changfeng County for execution because of the fact that Shuimou still owed debts to others and lost the lawsuit in the People's Court of Changfeng County. In order to illegally occupy the above funds, in November 2017, Dou Changming used the false running water of 400000 yuan made by the borrower to forge 400000 IOUs, sued the People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City, asking Shuimou to repay 400000 yuan of principal and interest, and deceived, threatened, and induced Shuimou to admit the loan and reached a mediation agreement on the ground that he had subsequently distributed part of the funds to Shuimou, The confirmed principal and interest totaled 504000 yuan.

During the period of claiming debt from Shuimou, Shuimou sold the house involved to the victim Kangmou as early as 2008, and Kangmou's family sometimes lived there. After Shuimou borrowed from Company A, Dou Changming and others went to * * Building * * of * * Mingcheng for many times since July 2013 to make trouble, occupy the house and rent it out by blocking the keyhole and changing the lock. The total profit before the house transfer was 47700 yuan.

18. On March 8, 2013, the victim Xu Moujia actually borrowed 30000 yuan from Company A with the house of Room * *, Building * *, * * Homeland * *, * * Town, Feixi County as the guarantee. Under the temptation of Dou Changming and others, Xu A signed a large number of blank loan materials. After the loan, Xu Moujia repaid 3600 yuan. Since June 2013, in order to claim debts, Dou Changming and others have used forged housing lease contracts to harass Xu's wife Wang and forced her to move away from the * * house * * building * * of * * Jiayuan by changing locks and blocking keyholes. Hou Dou Changming and others occupied the house and rented it for a total profit of 37000 yuan.

On July 26, 2013, Dou Changming and others forged a 100000 yuan IOU and other materials, and sued in the name of Dou Yumei to the People's Court of Shushan District, Hefei City, asking Xu Moujia and Wang Mouwu to repay the 100000 yuan principal and interest, and the court decided that Dou Yumei won the lawsuit.

19. On April 15, 2013, the victim Yu XX A actually borrowed 285000 yuan from Company A, guaranteed by the house in * * Building * *, * * Garden, Feidong County under the name of his parents Yu XX B and Hu XX C. Lured by Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo and others, Yu and his parents signed a large number of blank loan materials and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Changsuo as trustee. From the loan to July of the same year, Yu paid back 30000 yuan in total. Later Dou Changming and others repeatedly urged Yu to pay debts. On December 6, 2013, Dou Changming and Dou Changsuo transferred 346230 yuan to Yu's account to pay off the remaining mortgage loan of his mortgaged house, forged the house purchase contract as trustee, and transferred the house (identified as 685100 yuan) to Dou Qixian. In May 2016, Dou Changming and others sold the house to others at a price of 895000 yuan.

From the beginning of 2014 to August 2016, Dou Changming organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Shi Lichun, Li Hao, Long Liang, Dou Qixian, Tong XX, Zhang Bao, Jiang XX and others to the * * room of * * Building in * * Garden to harass Yu XX A and his lactating wife Yang XX C by pestering, abusing, intimidating, blocking the keyhole and other means, including instructing the disabled to live in the room for several days, Force the victim to move away.

20. On May 10, 2013, the victim Zhang Mouyi actually borrowed 5 million yuan from Company A with his name as the guarantee of * * Building * * and * * Room Facade Room in * * Garden, Luyang District, Hefei City. Under the temptation of Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa and others, Zhang and his wife Shen signed a large number of blank loan materials and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Chang as the trustee. More than ten days after the loan, Dou Changming asked Zhang to repay 2 million yuan in advance. After the repayment, Zhang disagreed and contradicted Dou Changming due to the interest calculation problem. By August of the same year, Zhang had repaid another 290000 yuan. From the second half of 2013 to the end of 2014, Dou Changming organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Zhang Bao, Jiang Moumou, Tong Moumou and others for many times, and through Tong Moumou to gather several other disabled people to the front rooms of * * Building * * and * * Room in * * Garden, to harass the normal operation of Anhui * * Trading Company, the operator who leased the front room, by means of blocking, pulling the switch, blocking the keyhole, and forcing the company to move away; At the end of October 2013, Dou Changming also organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Zhang Bao, Dou Qixian, Tong and other disabled people gathered to the project site of Zhang B in Huainan City, blocked the site gate, obstructed the construction, harassed and forced Zhang B to pay debts, and forcibly drove away the Honda Accord car under Zhang B's name (Wan ********). Later, under the mediation of others, Dou Changming reached a repayment agreement with Zhang B, Dou Changming returned the vehicle to Zhang B, and Zhang B paid a total of 2.3 million yuan of principal and interest twice. Due to Zhang's failure to return the balance of 1 million yuan in time, Dou Changming drove Zhang's Honda Accord car (identified as having a price of 105000 yuan) away and seized it on May 2, 2014. In June of the same year, Dou Changming, together with Dou Changsuo, forged the automobile sales contract and other materials, and filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City, asking Zhang Mouyi to perform the contract and cooperate in the transfer of the Anhui ******** Honda Accord car under his name. The court later decided that Dou Changsuo won the lawsuit. On February 3, 2016, the vehicle was transferred to Dou Changsuo.

In December 2014, Dou Changming sued the People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City, with forged front room lease contract and other materials signed with Zhang Mou B, asking the actual tenant Anhui * * Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd. to pay rent, liquidated damages and return the house. Zhang Mou B participated in the lawsuit as the third person. After mediation, an agreement was reached that Dou Changming would charge the front room rent of * * Garden 18000 yuan per month, Until the residual principal and interest of Zhang B was paid off, RMB 1 million, and by January 2018, a total of 612000 had been collected.

In addition, from the second half of 2014 to the first half of 2015, Dou Changming and others have repeatedly visited the * * building * * in South District of * * Garden, Luyang District, Hefei under the name of Zhang B, and harassed the tenant Wang and his family by blocking the keyhole, changing the door lock, and door-to-door harassment in the early morning, forcing them to move away. Dou Changming seized and leased the house for a total profit of 4800 yuan.

21. On July 4, 2013, the victim Ma A actually borrowed 125000 yuan from the company A with the Chevrolet Jingcheng sedan (Anhui ********) owned by Anhui * * Automobile Sales Company and the house in * * Building * * of * * Mansion in Hefei Economic Development Zone under the name of his son Ma B. Under the temptation of Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa and others, Ma A and Ma B signed a large number of blank loan materials and handled the registration of automobile mortgage. From the loan to August 22 of the same year, Ma Moujia repaid 45500 yuan successively. In October 2013, Dou Changming instructed Zhang Changfa to lead people to Anhui * * Automobile Sales Company to lock the company's door and harass debt claims; One day in the last ten days of that month, Dou Changming and Zhang Changfa found and drove the Chevrolet Jingcheng sedan mortgaged by A. On December 5, 2013, Dou Changming, together with Zhang Changfa, forged a 60000 yuan IOU and sued the People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City, asking Anhui * * Automobile Sales Company to repay the 60000 yuan principal and interest. In January 2014, the court decided that Zhang Changfa won the lawsuit and had the priority to be repaid for the mortgaged car. Later, Zhang Changfa applied for execution. Because the involved vehicles were auctioned twice, upon application and the court ruling, Anhui ******* Chevrolet Jingcheng sedan was priced at 68651 yuan to Zhang Changfa to offset the debt, and was transferred to Zhang Changfa's name on November 11, 2015 (appraised to be 54000 yuan). At the same time, on December 6, 2013, Dou Changming, together with Zhang Changfa, sued the People's Court of Hefei High tech Industrial Development Zone with two forged IOUs totaling 280000 yuan, asking Ma to repay the principal and interest of 280000 yuan. In March 2014, the court decided to repay the principal and interest of 230000 yuan. Later, Zhang Changfa applied for execution. After consultation, the court ruled and executed 237285 yuan in Ma's Minsheng Bank account.

In addition, from 2014 to the end of 2015, Dou Changming and others also occupied the house of the victim Ma and rented it for a total profit of 25800 yuan.

22. On August 13, 2013, the victim Wu Moujia borrowed money from Company A jointly with He Mou mou mou mou, with the house in * * Building * * of * * Square in Hefei Economic Development Zone under his name and the house in * * Building * * of * * Building in * * Community in Hefei Economic Development Zone under his son Wu Mou yi's name as guarantees. Wu Mou mou jia actually borrowed 285000 yuan and He Mou mou mou mou mou actually borrowed 100000 yuan. Under the deception of Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa and others, Wu, Wang (Wu's ex-wife) and He signed a large number of blank loan materials and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Chang as the trustee. From the loan to September 18 of the same year, Wu Moujia has returned 134800 yuan. In October of the same year, Dou Changming organized Dou Changsuo, Zhang Bao and others to make troubles and harass the fast-food restaurant and shoe store run by Wu Moujia and Wang Mougeng at that time to claim debts, forcibly took away more than 800 yuan of business funds, and forced Wu Moujia and others to go to He's residence to make troubles and harass and claim debts. In November 2013, Dou Changming and Douchang Institute forged the house purchase contract by using the identity of the house trustee, and transferred the house of * * * Building * * in * * Square (appraised to be 398700 yuan) to Dou Changming on the 29th of that month. In March 2015, Dou Changming and others took advantage of Wu's service in the army to impersonate Wu's agent to get the key of * * building * * from the property office of * * Community in Hefei Economic Development Zone, commandeered the house and rented it for a total profit of 24500 yuan.

23. On September 11, 2013, the victim Hu Mouding actually borrowed 198000 yuan from Company A in the name of his parents Hu Mouwu and Shu Moumou, and guaranteed by the house of * * Unit * * of * * City, Hefei Economic Development Zone under the name of Shu Moumou. Under the temptation of Dou Changming and others, Hu and Shu signed a large number of blank loan materials. After the loan, Hu Mouding repaid 225000 yuan in total. In December 2013, Dou Changming and others forged the loan contract and receipt of RMB 90000, and sued in the name of Hu Zhengzhen to the People's Court of Luyang District, Hefei City, asking Hu Mouwu and Shu Moumou to repay the principal and interest of RMB 90000. Later, Dou Changming and others withdrew the lawsuit because Hu Mouding reported the case to the public security organ.

Since July 2014, Dou Changming, Dou Changsuo and others have repeatedly visited the rental place of Shumou located in the University of Technology to harass Hu and Shumou by means of intimidation, stone throwing, paint spraying, etc. Dou Changming also organized Dou Changsuo, Zhang Changfa, Shi Lichun, Li Hao and others to go to the * * room of * * City to occupy the house by blocking the keyhole, changing the lock and other means, and arranged Shi Lichun and Li Hao to rent the house out for a total profit of 11000 yuan.

24. On September 30, 2013, the victim Wang Mouxin, introduced by Xu Mouyi (another case), borrowed money from Company A under the guarantee of Hefei * * Digital Technology Development Co., Ltd. Under the temptation of Dou Changming and others, Wang signed a large number of blank loan materials, and Dou Changming and others later transferred 600000 yuan to Wang. The next month, when the debt was not due, Dou Changming took people to ask Wang Xin for debt many times, and asked Wang Xin and Luo XX B to handle the entrusted notarization of the house disposal of all the houses under his name with Dou Chang as the trustee, and signed a large number of blank house lease contracts. Later, Wang Mouxin was forced to flee Hefei for fear of personal safety because of his debt to Xu Mouyi and others.

In late October 2013, Dou Changming organized Dou Changsuo, Zhang Bao and others to the * * room of * * Building * *, * * Yuan, Shushan District, Hefei City under the name of Wang, harassed Huang Mouyi, an employee of Wang Mouxin Company living here, and threatened and forced him to move away. Later Dou Changming successively instructed and arranged Dou Qixian, Jiang, Dou Yumei and the company's employees to live in the house and rent it out for profit. Since October 2013, Dou Changming and others have occupied five houses under Wang and Xin's name and rented them. By June 2018, they had earned a total of 607950 yuan.

25. On November 29, 2013, the victim Wu Mou C actually borrowed 600000 yuan from Company A with the house in Room * *, * * Building, * * Community, Baohe District, Hefei City as the guarantee. Under the temptation of Dou Changming, Dou Changsuo, Zhang Changfa and others, Wu C and his wife Yu C signed a large number of blank loan materials. After the loan, Wu C repaid a total of 42800 yuan. In March 2014, Dou Changming took people to the * * Building * * Room of * * Community for many times, used abusive, entanglement and other methods to raise trouble and ask for debt, and asked Wu C to use his Volkswagen Phaeton car (Wan *******) to add mortgage, and take away Yu C's Ford car key. In the process of vehicle mortgage registration, Dou Changming and Zhang Changfa drove the vehicle away while Wu C was unprepared, and then forged materials to directly transfer the vehicle (verified to be worth 430000 yuan) to Dou Changming on March 25, 2014. In May 2014, Dou Changming directly drove away the Ford car under Mr. Yu C. In order to redeem the vehicle and get rid of the harassment of Dou Changming and others, in August 2014, Yu had no choice but to sell his house and repay Dou Changming 700000 yuan.

26. On January 22, 2014, the victim Zhu Mouyi actually borrowed 60000 yuan from Company A with his Volvo S80 sedan (Wan ********) as the guarantee. Under the temptation of Dou Changming and others, Zhu Mouyi signed a large number of blank loan materials. After the loan, Zhu Mouyi successively repaid 20900 yuan. In order to claim the debt, Dou Changming arranged Dou Changsuo, Zhang Changfa and others to forcibly intercept and detain Zhu's Volvo Cars. From April 2014 to April 2015, Dou Changming organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo and others to Zhu Mouyi's * * building * * in the * * demolition and recovery building in Hefei Government Affairs District for many times, harassed and forced tenants living here to move out by blocking keyholes, threatening and intimidating, and then seized the house and rented it out for a total profit of 14500 yuan.

In January 2015, Dou Changming, together with Douchang Institute, forged a vehicle mortgage loan contract worth 100000 yuan and other materials, and sued the People's Court of Yaohai District, Hefei City, asking Zhu Mouyi to repay the principal and interest of 100000 yuan. After mediation, the court reached an agreement that Zhu Mouyi should repay Douchang Institute 70000 yuan. On October 20, 2015, Zhu Mouyi was listed as a dishonest person. In August 2016, Dou Changsuo received the balance of 10826.34 yuan from Zhu Mouyi who was executed due to other debt lawsuits.

27. On April 11, 2014, the victims, Mr. and Mrs. Ren and Mr. He C, borrowed money from Company A under the guarantee of Room * *, Building * *, * * Dongyuan, Yaohai District, Hefei City. Under the temptation of Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo and others, Mr. Ren and Mr. He C signed a large number of blank loan materials and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Changming as the trustee. In May of the same year, Ren XX and He XX C actually borrowed 33000 yuan from Company A on the 27th day of the same month after repaying the principal and interest of the aforesaid loan. On July 14, 2014, Dou Changming paid off the residual principal and interest of 301276 yuan of the house mortgaged by the victim in a lump sum as trustee, and then forged the house purchase contract to transfer the house (identified as 593800 yuan) to Dou Yumei on the 21st day of the same month, and sold and transferred the house to others on September 1 of the same year.

Since the summer of 2014, Dou Changming has organized personnel to the * * room of * * Building * * in * * Dongyuan for many times to harass the victim Ren XX's mother-in-law Xia XX B who lives here by threatening, harassing, blocking the keyhole, painting, etc., and forcing him to move away.

(3) Facts of fraud

1. In December 2011, the victim Wang Mouren actually borrowed 56000 yuan from Company A with the house of * * Building * *, * * Community, Hefei City under her name as the guarantee. Under the deception of Dou Changming and others, Wang Mouren signed the IOU, receipt and other blank loan materials for her loan of 80000 yuan from Zhang Changfa, and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Changming as the trustee. Later, in the process of claiming debt from Wang, Dou Changming and others forced Wang to issue IOUs and receipts of 56000 yuan and 67000 yuan respectively from Zhang Changfa in January 2014 and April 2014. In October 2014, Dou Changming and others sold and transferred the house to others on the 24th day of the same month after paying off the remaining loan of 311958.9 yuan of the house in a lump sum in their capacity as trustees (the price was 1.031 million yuan after identification). In addition, from 2012 to 2014, before the house was transferred, Dou Changming and others occupied the house and rented it for a total profit of 34000 yuan.

2. On July 25, 2013, the victim Li Moujia actually borrowed 40000 yuan from Company A with his Toyota Weichi car (Wan *********) as the guarantee. Lured by Dou Changming and others, Li Moujia signed a large number of blank loan materials. One month later, Li Moujia will repay 2400 yuan. In October of the same year, Dou Changming and others occupied and rented the * * room of * * Building * *, * * Yuan, Yaohai District, Hefei under the name of Li Moujia; In May 2015, Dou Changming and others occupied and rented the * * house in Phase III of * * Jiayuan, Yaohai District, Hefei under the name of Li Moujia, and earned a total of 73500 yuan at the time of the crime. During this period, Dou Changming forged a loan contract and receipt of 80000 yuan and sued in the name of Hu Zhengzhen to Hefei Luyang District People's Court on December 5, 2013 to demand Li Moujia to repay the principal and interest of 80000 yuan. Later, the court decided that Hu Zhengzhen won the lawsuit. In April 2014, Dou Changming and others occupied the Toyota car mortgaged by Li Moujia again, and it was not recovered until the end of June 2018 (after assessment, the vehicle loss was 20000 yuan) due to the crime.

3. On August 20, 2013, the victim Xu Mou C actually borrowed 95000 yuan from Company A with his Volkswagen Maiteng car (Wan ********) as the guarantee. Under the temptation of Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa and others, Xu signed a large number of blank loan materials. One month later, Xu and C repaid about 5000 yuan. Dou Changming wantonly recognized his breach of contract and demanded him to repay nearly 140000 yuan, including principal, interest and liquidated damages. Xu Mou C could only agree to use the aforementioned car to repay all the debts because he was worried that the debts would continue to be inflated and expanded. On October 15, 2013, the car (with an estimated price of 200000 yuan) was transferred to Douchangsuo.

4. On September 30, 2013, the victim Jin Mou B actually borrowed RMB 60000 from Company A with the house of Room * *, Building * *, * * Garden * *, * * Road, Hefei City as the guarantee. Under the deception of Dou Changming and others, Jin Mouyi signed a large number of blank loan materials and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Dou Changsuo as the trustee. In order to repay the loan, Jinmou B plans to sell the house, and through negotiation with others, he intends to sell it for 600000 yuan. Later Dou Changming threatened to transfer the house directly, and asked Jin to sell the house to himself at the price of 600000 yuan, but Jin had no choice but to agree. In January 2014, Dou Changming paid off the remaining mortgage loan of 230000 yuan of the house in a lump sum, transferred the house (appraised to be 625700 yuan) to Dou Yumei on the 29th of the same month, and then sold the house to others. After the transfer, Dou Changming used the transfer after returning to the company as an excuse to trick Jin XX and B to sign on the receipt of the remaining 250000 yuan. Dou Changming refused to pay the remaining house payment after a certain B of Houjin repeatedly asked for it.

5. On January 17, 2014, the victim, Mr. Shi, actually borrowed RMB 188000 from Company A with the house of Room * *, Building * *, North District, * * Community, Hefei City as the guarantee. Under the enticement of Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa and others, Shi and his wife Xia signed a large number of blank loan materials and handled the notarization of house disposal entrustment with Wang (another case) as the trustee. After the loan, Shi repaid a total of 18000 yuan. On August 1, 2014, Dou Changming and others used the identity of the trustee to forge a house purchase contract, and transferred the victim's house (identified as 416500 yuan) to Zhang Changfa's daughter, Zhang Mou C.

6. On March 6, 2014, the victim Li Mouyi actually borrowed 300000 yuan from Company A with the house in * * Building * *, * * Cluster, * * Village Committee, * * East Road, Chaohu City as the guarantee. Under the enticement of Dou Changming and others, Li Mouyi signed a large number of blank loan materials and handled a real estate ownership certificate with Zhang Changfa as the creditor with a debt amount of 600000 yuan. On the 11th of the same month, Li Mou C, the sister of the victim Li Mou B, actually borrowed 200000 yuan from Company A, and signed a large number of blank loan materials under the inducement of Zhang Changfa and Hu Zhengzhen. After the loan, Li Mouyi repaid 24000 yuan and Li Mou C repaid 40000 yuan. On April 29 of the same year, under the coercion and deception of Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Hu Zhengzhen and others, Li C borrowed 299999 yuan from Huang C, the nominal lender, and used the loan to pay off Li B's 300000 yuan debt. Later, Li C was refused to ask Dou Changsuo, Zhang Changfa and others for the materials left by Li B for the loan, and was forcibly taken away from Company A.

On August 26, 2014, Hu Zhengzhen and others forged the 300000 yuan loan contract and other materials, and sued the People's Court of Shushan District, Hefei City to require Li C to repay the 300000 yuan principal and interest, and the court later ruled that Li C should repay the 200000 yuan loan and the corresponding interest. On April 13, 2015, Dou Changming and others, in the name of Zhang Changfa, used the 299999 yuan of running water generated by Li C's borrowing from Huang C to forge 600000 yuan of IOUs and other materials to sue the Chaohu People's Court for Li B's repayment of 599999 yuan of principal and interest, and the court decided that Zhang Changfa won the lawsuit. On December 22, 2016, Zhang Changfa applied to the court for enforcement, and Li Mouyi was later listed as a dishonest person.

(4) Extortion Facts

In May 2014, the victim Sun Mou C actually borrowed 135000 yuan from Company A with his house in Room * *, Building * *, * * Nanyuan, Hefei Economic Development Zone as the guarantee. Under the inducement of Dou Changming and others, Sun Mou C signed a large number of blank loan materials, and handled the real estate ownership certificate with Dou Changming as the creditor, and the house disposal entrustment notarization with Dou Changming as the trustee, with a debt amount of 300000 yuan. The next month, Sun Mou C negotiated with Dou Changming to cancel the ownership of the house and sell it to repay the debt. Dou Changming threatened Sun Mou C with a false claim of 300000 yuan to transfer the house directly and asked him to dispose of the house at the price of 300000 yuan. Under the duress of Dou Changming, Sun Mou C was forced to dispose of the house at a price of 300000 yuan. Then Dou Changming refunded Sun Mou C 140000 yuan and sold the house (identified as 411500 yuan) to others at a price of 400000 yuan on June 23, 2014.

(5) Facts of provoking trouble

On April 26, 2013, the victim Wang Mougui and his wife actually borrowed 276000 yuan from Company A with the guarantee of Room * *, * * Building * *, North Village, * * Community, Luyang District, Hefei under the name of Qiu Mougui and Cadillac SUV (Wan ******) under the name of Wang Mougui. Under the temptation of Dou Changming, Dou Changsuo and others, Wang and Qiu signed a large number of blank loan materials. After the loan, Qiu successively repaid 196000 yuan. From 2014 to 2015, Dou Changming organized Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Shi Lichun, Li Hao, Long Liang and others to harass Qiu and his family by blocking keyholes, crowing locks, painting paint, sending wreaths, threatening, intimidating and other means in the * * room of * * Building, * * North Village, * * Community, forcing them to move away. Later, Dou Changming and others occupied the house and rented it out for a total profit of 2400 yuan.

3、 Facts of fraud committed by the defendant Dou Changming outside the underworld organization

On March 12, 2013, Dou Changming, in order to help Shao Moumou (another case) and Xu Mouyi (another case) defraud the victim Li Mouding, used the method of fabricating the bank's capital flow to create the illusion that Li Mouding borrowed 4 million yuan from him. On September 23, 2015, Dou Changming filed a civil lawsuit with the People's Court of Yaohai District, Hefei City, demanding Li Mouding to repay 4 million yuan and interest. After trial, Li Mouding was judged defeated.

On January 31, 2018, Dou Changming was arrested; On April 16 of the same year, Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Hu Zhengzhen, Dou Yumei, and Tong were arrested and brought to justice respectively; On May 17, Shi Lichun and Long Liang were arrested respectively; On May 24, Li Hao was arrested; On June 10, Zhang Bao was arrested; On June 13, Dou Qixian was arrested; On April 16, Yue Ling was arrested by the public security organ on her way to surrender.

The evidence for ascertaining the above facts is as follows:

1. Physical evidence: USB flash disk, etc; 2. Documentary evidence: case acceptance registration form, loan contract and receipt, house lease contract and rent receipt, power of attorney and notarial certificate, filing process, household registration certificate, etc; 3. Testimony of witnesses Jiang, Zhang, C and Gui; 4. Statement of the victim Wang Moujia, Dai Moujia, Wang Moujia and others; 5. The confession and defense of the defendants Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Yue Ling, Dou Yumei, Hu Zhengzhen, Dou Qixian, Shi Lichun, Li Hao, Zhang Bao, Long Liang and Tong; 6. Price confirmation letter and audit report; 7. Inspection records of audio-visual materials and electronic physical evidence.

The Court believes that the defendant Dou Changming organized and led the underworld organization; For the purpose of illegal possession, he fabricated facts, concealed the truth and defrauded others of property totaling 13509147.93 yuan, of which 6608399 yuan failed due to reasons other than his will; The extortion of others' property through harassment, threats and other means totaled 256500 yuan, a huge amount, of which 60000 yuan failed due to reasons other than their will; The members of the rally organization have repeatedly illegally claimed debts from the victims' families and caused disturbances, which has seriously disrupted social order and is a joint crime. Their acts have violated the first paragraph of Article 25, Article 23, the first paragraph, fourth paragraph, fifth paragraph of Article 294, Article 266, Article 274, and Article 293 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, The facts of the crime are clear, the evidence is reliable and sufficient, and their criminal responsibilities should be investigated for the crimes of organizing and leading underworld organizations, fraud, extortion, and provocation.

The defendants Zhang Changfa and Dou Changsuo actively participated in underworld organizations; A total of 13509147.93 yuan was involved in defrauding others' property for many times, which was especially huge, of which 6608399 yuan was not successful due to reasons other than his will; The total amount of money involved in extortion is 256500 yuan, which is huge, of which 60000 yuan failed due to reasons other than his will; He has repeatedly participated in the illegal claim of debts, provocation, etc. in the victim's family, and committed a joint crime. His acts have violated the first paragraph of Article 25, Article 23, the first paragraph, the fourth paragraph, the fifth paragraph of Article 294, Article 261, Article 274, and Article 293 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. The criminal facts are clear and the evidence is reliable Fully, they should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of participating in underworld organizations, the crime of fraud, the crime of extortion, and the crime of causing trouble. Yue Ling, the defendant, actively participated in underworld organizations; A total of 13509147.93 yuan was involved in defrauding others' property for many times, which was especially huge, of which 6608399 yuan was not successful for reasons other than his will; Participation in extortion of other people's property totaled 256500 yuan, a huge amount, of which 60000 yuan failed due to reasons other than their will, and it was a joint crime, whose behavior has violated the first paragraph of Article 25, Article 23, the first paragraph, fourth paragraph, fifth paragraph of Article 294, Article 266, and Article 274 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, The criminal facts are clear, the evidence is reliable and sufficient, and the criminal responsibility should be investigated for the crime of participating in underworld organizations, the crime of fraud, and the crime of extortion. The defendant Dou Yumei actively participated in underworld organizations; Involved in extorting others' property for 20000 yuan, a large amount, of which 10000 yuan failed due to reasons other than their will; He has repeatedly participated in the victim's family's illegal claims for debts, provocations, etc., and is a joint crime. His behavior has violated the first paragraph of Article 25, Article 23, the first paragraph of Article 294, the fourth paragraph, the fifth paragraph, Article 274, and Article 293 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. The criminal facts are clear, and the evidence is reliable and sufficient, The criminal responsibility should be investigated for the crime of participating in underworld organizations, the crime of extortion, and the crime of provoking trouble.

The defendant Hu Zhengzhen participated in the underworld organization; Participation in the fraud of others' property amounted to 439999 yuan, which was a huge amount, but failed due to reasons other than their will; He has repeatedly participated in the victim's family's illegal claims for debts, provocations, etc., and is a joint crime. His behavior has violated the first paragraph of Article 25, Article 23, the first paragraph of Article 294, the fourth paragraph, the fifth paragraph, Article 266, and Article 293 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. The criminal facts are clear, and the evidence is reliable and sufficient, They should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of participating in underworld organizations, the crime of fraud, and the crime of provoking trouble. The defendants Dou Qixian, Shi Lichun, Li Hao, Zhang Bao, Long Liang and Tong participated in underworld organizations; He has repeatedly participated in the victim's family's illegal claims for debts, provocations, etc., and is a joint crime. His behavior has violated the first paragraph of Article 25, the first paragraph of Article 294, the fourth paragraph, the fifth paragraph, and Article 293 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. The crime is clear, and the evidence is reliable and sufficient, so he should be regarded as participating in underworld organizations Criminal responsibility shall be investigated for the crime of provoking disturbances.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 176 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, if you initiate a public prosecution, please be sentenced according to law.


Hefei Intermediate People's Court of Anhui Province

Inspector Chen Sheng

November 22, 2018




1. The defendants Dou Changming, Zhang Changfa, Dou Changsuo, Dou Qixian, Shi Lichun, Li Hao, Zhang Bao, Long Liang and Tong are in custody in Hefei Detention Center, and the defendants Yue Ling, Dou Yumei and Hu Zhengzhen are in custody in Hefei Women's Detention Center;

2. Litigation and evidence volumes totaled 71 volumes;

3. Statistical table of crime amount.