Learn and make good use of the fourth volume of Xi Jinping's talk on governance
Comprehend the decisive significance of "two establishment" from a political perspective
Time: September 30, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Significant Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Centennial Struggle It pointed out that "the Party's establishment of Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the Party Central Committee and the core position of the whole Party, as well as the guiding position of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, reflects the common aspiration of the whole Party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups, and is of decisive significance to the development of the cause of the Party and the country in the new era, and to the promotion of the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." To study the fourth volume of Xi Jinping's talk on governance, the first task is to deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", and further understand and grasp the significance and practical requirements of the "two establishment" from a political perspective.

   "Two Establishment" scientifically reveals the most fundamental political principles of Marxist political parties

Establishing and maintaining a strong leadership core and establishing and developing a scientific guiding ideology are the major principles of Marxist Party building theory, and also an important symbol of the proletarian party's maturity. Reviewing the ideological statements of Marxist classical writers and the development history of world socialism, we can find that attaching importance to the authority of leaders and the guidance of scientific theories, so as to forge the creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of overcoming all difficulties and obstacles, has always been the root of the survival and development of Marxist political parties.

Before the establishment of Marxist theory and the birth of Marxist political parties, although the labor movement had been surging, it ended in failure. The fundamental reason is the lack of strong leadership and scientific theoretical guidance. As Engels said: "Our party has a great advantage, that is, it has a new scientific world view as the theoretical basis." Under the leadership of Marx and Engels, under the guidance of Marxism, Marxist political parties have sprung up around the world, and the international labor movement has been carried out in full swing. In the practice of leading the proletarian struggle, Marx and Engels always emphasized the necessity and importance of leadership authority. Marx once vividly compared: "A single violinist conducts himself, and a band needs a conductor." Engels also pointed out that "without authority, there can be no concerted action", and illustrated the extreme importance of the authority core with the example of sea navigation. When summing up the experience and lessons of the failure of the Paris Commune, Marx profoundly pointed out that after the victory of the revolution, the organization of new regimes, the maintenance of new regimes, and the construction of new regimes all need authority. Engels clearly pointed out that "the Paris Commune was destroyed because of the lack of concentration and authority".

As a faithful believer and firm practitioner of Marxism, Lenin firmly defended the guiding position of Marxism, profoundly pointed out that "only the party guided by advanced theories can realize the role of advanced soldiers", and combined the basic principles of Marxism with the reality of Russia to create the scientific theory of Leninism. In the practice of creating a new proletarian party, leading the Russian proletarian revolution and socialist construction, Lenin more profoundly revealed the extreme importance of leadership authority. He clearly put forward that "no class can obtain the dominant position unless it elects its own political leaders and advanced representatives who are good at organizing and leading the movement", and advocated that the most authoritative, influential and experienced leaders should be elected to the most important positions. It is precisely because of Lenin's strong leadership and scientific guidance of Leninism that the Russian October Revolution was successful and socialism opened a new chapter from theory to reality. In the later period of the Soviet Communist Party in power, due to the lack of a strong leadership core, it lost the ideological banner of Marxism Leninism, and finally staged a historical tragedy of the demise of the party and the country.

It can be seen that whether there is an authoritative party leader and scientific guiding ideology is related to the survival of the proletarian party and the success or failure of the socialist cause. The "two establishment" profoundly reveals the most fundamental political principles of Marxist political parties, enriches and develops the Marxist theory of party building, and fully demonstrates the CPC's high political consciousness and theoretical self-confidence.

  The "two establishment" highly condensed the most valuable political experience of the party for a century

The Communist Party of China is a Marxist party, and its strong leadership core and scientific theoretical guidance are the successful password for our party to create a great historical cause. The "two establishment" is the most important political experience derived from the Party's profound summary of the historical experience of a century of struggle, especially the great practice since the 18th National Congress of the Party, which reflects the Party's firm historical self-confidence and great historical initiative.

Since its birth, the Party has clearly taken Marxism as its guiding ideology, adhered to the principle of democratic centralism, and emphasized the authority of the Party Central Committee. However, as the Party is in its infancy, it has not formed a mature Party Central Committee, a strong leadership core, or the guiding ideology of combining Marxism with China's specific reality for a long time, the cause of the Party has suffered major setbacks. The Zunyi Conference held in January 1935 actually established Comrade Mao Zedong's leadership position in the Party Central Committee and the Red Army, began to establish the leadership position of the correct Marxist line with Comrade Mao Zedong as the main representative in the Party Central Committee, and began to form the first generation of central collective leadership of the Party with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core. After the Yan'an rectification movement, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core was formally formed at the Seventh National Congress of the Party, and the guiding position of Mao Zedong Thought was formally established, which is decisive for winning the victory of the new democratic revolution and achieving great achievements in socialist revolution and construction. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out profoundly: "Does a peach have several cores? There is only one core" "We should establish a core of leadership and oppose" one country, three public interests "".

After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Deng Xiaoping became the core of the Party's central collective leadership, led the whole Party and the people to successfully realize the strategic shift of the Party's and the country's work center, opened a new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, and successfully created socialism with Chinese characteristics. Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out brilliantly: "Any collective leadership should have a core, and leadership without a core is unreliable... We should consciously maintain a core". In this process, our party created a new theoretical achievement of sinicization of Marxism - Deng Xiaoping Theory, which scientifically answered a series of basic questions about building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and provided the whole party with a guide to scientific thinking. Since then, the Chinese Communists, with Comrade Jiang Zemin and Comrade Hu Jintao as the main representatives, have advanced the Party's theoretical and practical innovation with the times, formed the important thought of "Three Represents" and the Scientific Outlook on Development, successfully defended, adhered to and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics, and led China's development to achieve remarkable achievements.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping, with his extraordinary theoretical courage, outstanding political wisdom, superb leadership and strong mission, has united and led the whole party and people to create a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, won the heartfelt support of the whole party and people, and has become the core of the CPC Central Committee and the whole party. The core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping is formed in long-term practice, in the new great struggle, and in close contact with the people. It is the call of the times, the choice of history, the expectations of the people, and the forging of practice. In the great practice of the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping focused on what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics to adhere to and develop in the new era, how to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, what kind of socialist modernization power to build, how to build a socialist modernization power, what kind of long-term ruling Marxist political party to build How to build a long-term ruling Marxist political party and other major issues of the times, put forward a series of original new ideas, new ideas and new strategies for governance, created Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and achieved a new leap in the sinicization of Marxism. The Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee clearly defined the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping in the Party Central Committee and the core position of the whole Party. The 19th CPC National Congress established Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era as the guiding ideology that the Party must adhere to for a long time and wrote it into the Party Constitution. This is the solemn choice of the Party and the people.

The "two establishment" embodies the most important political achievements since the 18th CPC National Congress

Since the new era, the most fundamental reason why the cause of the Party and the country has made historic achievements and undergone historic changes lies in the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and in the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. "Two establishment" is the historical choice, the call of the times, the voice of the people, and the most important political achievement since the 18th CPC National Congress. This is our biggest feeling after studying the fourth volume of Xi Jinping's talk on governance.

The "two establishment" highlights political advantages. The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. It is thanks to the foresight and strategy of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era that China in the new era has been able to overcome a series of major risks and challenges, overcome many problems that have not been solved for a long time, and accomplished many long-term events, and promoted the cause of the Party and the country to achieve historic achievements and historic changes. The "two establishment" and "two maintenance" are the fundamental requirements for achieving the comprehensive leadership of the Party. Consciously supporting the "two establishment" and achieving the "two maintenance" is conducive to highlighting the maximum institutional advantages of the Party's leadership, giving full play to the maximum institutional effectiveness of the Party's leadership, and better ensuring that the whole Party and the whole people are united in one spirit, the whole country is in one game, and concentrate on doing great things and doing good things.

The "two establishment" calibrated the political direction. The political direction is the first issue for the survival and development of the Party. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has led the whole Party and the people of the country to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and to strengthen the "four self-confidence". It has cleared up the ideological fog, clarified vague understanding, promoted the overall and fundamental change of the situation in the ideological field, corrected the course of the cause of the Party and the people, and achieved a high degree of ideological unity. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core scientifically plans major strategies, formulates major policies, deploys major tasks, and advances major work. The whole Party consciously maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core in ideology, politics, and action, resolutely implements the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, and ensures that all undertakings of the Party and the country develop in the correct political direction. The "two establishment" has set the fundamental guideline for all Party members to align with the CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping, and pointed out the right direction for the whole Party to work together and work together.

The "two establishment" has maintained political stability. There was a time when leniency in governing the Party led to the spread of negative corruption within the Party, serious problems in the political ecology, damaged the relationship between the Party and the masses, and weakened the creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness of the Party. It is precisely with General Secretary Xi Jinping's resolute struggle and efforts to turn the tide, with the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, the thorough promotion of strict governance of the party in an all-round way, the fundamental reversal of leniency and laxity in governing the party, and the overwhelming victory and comprehensive consolidation of the fight against corruption that our party has successfully walked out of a new path of self revolution out of the historical cycle rate, The Party has become stronger in revolutionary forging, the cohesion and centripetal force of the whole society have been greatly enhanced, and China's international status and reputation have been constantly improved, providing a solid political foundation for the long-term stability of the Party and the country.

The "two establishment" strengthened the political guarantee. Ten years of hard work has drawn a convincing conclusion: General Secretary Xi Jinping is the pioneer of the road to a strong country in the new era, the leader of national rejuvenation, and the backbone of hundreds of millions of people. Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era scientifically answers the questions of China, the world, the people, and the times. At present, the overall situation of world change and rejuvenation is turbulent, the physical struggle and the invisible contest are complex and intertwined, the instability and uncertainty of the international environment are significantly increased, the imbalance and inadequacy of China's development are still prominent, and risks in all aspects are constantly accumulating and even exposed, which requires a strong leadership core and guidance of scientific theory. With the "two establishment", the whole party and the people will have a backbone and a fixed star, and the "China" giant ship will have a rudder and compass. In the face of stormy waves, it will be able to "let the wind and waves rise and sit firmly on the fishing boat".

"Two Establishment" is the most basic political guideline for us to take the long march in the new era

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "every generation has its own long march, and every generation should follow its own long march. Today, the long march of our generation is to achieve the two centenary goals and realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." The closer to the goal, the more serious the situation and the more arduous the task, The more we need a strong core to steer, the more we need scientific theory to guide us. To take the road of the Long March in the new era, it is urgent for the whole party to have a deeper understanding of the decisive significance of the "two establishment" and unswervingly implement the most basic political principle of the "two establishment".

Consciously strengthen theoretical arms. The deeper you learn, the clearer you know and the more true you believe. Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is contemporary Chinese Marxism and Marxism of the 21st century that lead China and influence the world. Only by taking the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the primary political task, tracing back to the source, integrating, learning, thinking and practicing, and consciously using the Party's innovative theory for a new era to observe the era, grasp the rules, and guide practice, can we always maintain strategic determination in the changing times and master the historical initiative of the development of the Party and the country. As an important front for the Party's ideological and theoretical construction, the Central Party School (National School of Administration) should give full play to the role of the main channel for cadre education and training, fully and thoroughly explain Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and educate and guide students to better grasp the significance, scientific system, rich connotation and practical requirements of this thought, Understand its position, viewpoint, method, reason, theory and philosophy, constantly improve its theoretical literacy, political literacy, spiritual cultivation, and achieve the unity of learning, thinking and application, knowledge, faith and practice. We should adhere to the principle of reading more original works, studying the original text diligently, and understanding the principles deeply, guide and organize students to study the fourth volume of Xi Jinping's talk on governance, and strive to learn more often, understand more often, and understand more often. At the same time, we should do a good job of publicity and interpretation in various forms and channels, show the truth, spirit and practice of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, show the ideological style, outstanding talent and sincere feelings of leaders, and promote the study and implementation of the Party's innovative theory to go deep and practical.

Firmly implement "two maintenance". The core is the soul, the power, the banner and the direction. To manage the world's largest political party with more than 96 million party members and the world's largest developing country with more than 1.4 billion people, and to lead the building of a modern socialist power, we must take "two maintenance" as the common political responsibility of the whole party, constantly improve the party's leadership system, so that the whole party can unite into "a piece of hard steel" and move forward in step. As a central and state organ, the Central Party School (the National School of Administration) should unswervingly practice the first array of "two protections", always adhere to the fundamental principle of "the Party school is the party", earnestly reflect the "two protections" in all aspects and the whole process of running the school, educate and guide students to strictly observe political discipline and rules, and better establish the "two protections" The political consensus is transformed into the consciousness of "two maintenance" actions, tempering the political character of loyalty to the Party, constantly strengthening the awareness of maintenance, improving the ability to maintain, constantly benchmarking with the spirit of the Central Committee of the Party, and firmly loyal to the core, support the core, maintain the core, defend the core.

We will conscientiously improve our political capacity. It is concrete rather than abstract to support the "two establishment" and achieve the "two maintenance". It must be reflected in the actions to implement the decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee, and in the performance of duties and the effectiveness of doing their own work. The key is to have excellent political literacy and political ability. To better cope with all kinds of foreseeable and unpredictable risks and challenges on the way forward, Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, must always keep in mind that "the country is the biggest", constantly deepen their understanding of the decisive significance of the "two establishment" with a high degree of political consciousness, effectively improve their political ability, and promote the Party's cause to continue to achieve new victories. As the highest school of the Party, the Central Party School (National School of Administration) will adapt to the new situation, new tasks and new requirements, vigorously carry forward the fine tradition of integrating theory with practice, educate and guide students to strengthen political awareness, consciously observe and think about problems from the political perspective, be good at grasping the overall political situation, and constantly improve political judgment, political understanding and political execution, Let the requirement of stressing politics really translate into ideological consciousness and excellent skills, and earnestly shoulder the political responsibilities entrusted by the Party and the people.