Learn and make good use of the fourth volume of Xi Jinping's talk on governance
Study Assembly | Read Volume IV: Rich Connotation of Xi Jinping's Ecological Civilization Thought
Time: September 26, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

The fourth volume of Xi Jinping's talk on governance vividly records the great practice of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, uniting and leading the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups, coordinating the overall domestic and international situations, coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, coordinating development and security, building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and starting a new journey of building a socialist modern country in all respects, It has further scientifically answered the questions of China, the world, the people and the times, and is an authoritative work that comprehensively and systematically reflects Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. The theme of "Adhering to the Harmonious Coexistence of Man and Nature" has been included in the latest important discussion of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of ecological civilization and ecological environment protection, which reflects the enrichment and development of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization ideas, and provides a fundamental guidance and action guide for building a beautiful China in which man and nature coexist in harmony.

Xi Jinping's idea of ecological civilization originates from practice and is constantly enriched, deepened and innovated in practice. The fourth volume of Xi Jinping's talk on governance included important speeches by General Secretary Xi Jinping on "striving to build a harmonious and symbiotic modernization of man and nature" and "achieving the goal of" double carbon "is a broad and profound change", which are consistent with the first three volumes of Xi Jinping's talk on governance on ecological civilization construction and keep pace with the times, It vividly shows the rich development process of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, systematically explains the scientific system and core essence of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, and is an important original document for in-depth learning and understanding of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought.

We will continue to strengthen the Party's overall leadership over the construction of ecological civilization. The Party, the government, the army and the people learn from each other. In the east, west, north and south, the Party leads everything. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that adhering to the comprehensive leadership of the Party is the only way to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics. The construction of ecological civilization is an important part of the overall layout of "Five in One" and the strategic layout of "Four Comprehensions". The overall leadership of the Party plays a major role in "steering". We must firmly shoulder the political responsibility for the construction of ecological civilization, constantly improve our political judgment, political understanding and political execution, and keep in mind that "the country is the largest", so as to ensure that the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on the construction of ecological civilization are effective.

Adhere to the principle that ecological prosperity leads to civilized prosperity. Ecological environment protection is a cause that contributes to the present and benefits the future. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the ecological environment is the foundation of human survival and development, and changes in the ecological environment directly affect the rise and fall of civilization. There are many profound lessons worth pondering over at all times and in all countries. Only by respecting the laws of nature can we effectively prevent detours in the development and utilization of nature. The development mode of killing the goose that lays the golden egg and wasting the water to catch the fish has come to an end, and the green development that conforms to nature and protects ecology shows the future. We must deepen our understanding of the relationship between the progress of human civilization and the natural environment, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization with a highly responsible attitude and responsibility to the people and future generations, and build the ecological foundation for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.

Adhere to the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. The relationship between man and nature is the most basic relationship of human society. Nature is the mother of life, the cradle of all living things including human beings, and the basic condition for human survival and development. Only by better balancing the relationship between man and nature and maintaining the balance of the ecosystem can human health be protected. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that man and nature are a community of life, and mankind must respect, adapt to and protect nature. We must deepen our understanding of the laws of the community of human and natural life, plan economic and social development from the perspective of harmonious coexistence of human and nature, and promote high-quality economic development with high-level ecological environment protection.

Adhering to green water and green mountains is a golden mountain and silver mountain. Man can live up to Castle Peak, and Castle Peak will live up to him. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that green water and green mountains are not only natural wealth and ecological wealth, but also social wealth and economic wealth. To protect the ecological environment is to protect productivity, and to improve the ecological environment is to develop productivity. Practice has proved that economic development cannot be at the cost of destroying ecology. Ecology itself is economy, and protecting ecology is to develop productivity. We must properly handle the relationship between green water and green mountains and Jinshan and Yinshan, and strive to transform the value of ecological products contained in green water and green mountains into Jinshan and Yinshan, so that a good ecological environment will become a support point for sustainable and healthy economic and social development, and we will unswervingly follow the path of civilized development featuring production development, rich life and good ecology.

Adhere to the principle that a good ecological environment is the most inclusive livelihood. Environment is people's livelihood, green mountains are beautiful, and blue sky is also happiness. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that a good ecological environment is the most equitable public product and the most inclusive livelihood. As the main social contradiction in China has been transformed into the contradiction between the people's growing need for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development, the people's demand for fresh air, clear water quality, clean environment and other ecological products has become increasingly urgent. We must implement the people centered development idea, solve the outstanding environmental problems strongly reflected by the people, provide more high-quality ecological products, and let the people live a high-quality life.

Adhering to green development is a profound revolution in the concept of development. Green development is the inevitable requirement of ecological civilization construction. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the ecological environment problem is, in the final analysis, the problem of development mode and lifestyle. Establishing and improving the green low-carbon circular development economic system and promoting the overall green transformation of the economy and society are the fundamental solutions to China's ecological and environmental problems. We must firmly grasp the overall grasp of achieving the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure, energy structure and transportation structure, comprehensively improve the efficiency of resource utilization, develop green low-carbon technology, accelerate the formation of green development and lifestyle, and promote the realization of carbon peak and carbon neutrality as scheduled.

We will continue to coordinate the systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand. Mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand are a community of life. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that ecology is a unified natural system and an interdependent and closely linked organic chain. The overall management of the system of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand has profoundly revealed the internal development law of various elements of the ecological environment, providing methodological guidance for the construction of ecological civilization in an all-round, regional and whole process way. We must adhere to the concept of system, proceed from the integrity of the ecosystem, promote the integrated protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, pay more attention to comprehensive management, systematic management, and source management, implement the ecological protection and restoration project, strengthen the protection of the ecosystem, and improve the quality and stability of the ecosystem.

Adhere to the strictest system and the strictest rule of law to protect the ecological environment. The protection of the ecological environment must rely on the system and the rule of law. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that most of the outstanding problems in China's ecological environment protection are related to the imperfect system, lax system, lax rule of law, inadequate implementation and ineffective punishment. We must take system construction as the top priority to promote the construction of ecological civilization, and build a systematic and complete ecological civilization system with clear property rights, diversified participation, equal emphasis on incentives and constraints, in accordance with the ideas of source prevention, process control, damage compensation, and accountability, strengthen the supply and implementation of systems, and make the system a rigid constraint and untouchable high-voltage line.

We will continue to translate building a beautiful China into conscious action by all people. Ecological civilization is a cause that the people participate in, build and enjoy together. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that everyone is a protector, builder and beneficiary of the ecological environment, and no one is a bystander, outsider or critic. We must establish and improve an ecological cultural system based on ecological values, firmly establish the socialist concept of ecological civilization, vigorously promote green civilization, enhance the people's awareness of conservation, environmental protection and ecology, advocate a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle, and turn building a beautiful China into everyone's conscious action.

Adhere to the path of building global ecological civilization. Ecological civilization is the historical trend of the development of human civilization and an important part of building a community with a shared future for mankind. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that protecting the ecological environment and tackling climate change are common challenges facing all mankind. Building a global ecological civilization requires all countries to work together to promote green, low-carbon and sustainable development. We must uphold the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, work together and work together to build an ecosystem that respects nature and green development, actively respond to climate change, protect biodiversity, and contribute China's wisdom, plans, and strength to achieving global sustainable development and building a clean and beautiful world.

(Excerpted from the article "Strive to build a beautiful China where people and nature coexist in harmony" in Economic Daily)