Provincial Procurator General Meeting
[Media report] Anhui Radio: intelligent means applied to the whole process of handling cases
Time: 2018-08-17 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


At 7:00 a.m. on August 16, Anhui People's Broadcasting Station With the title of "Our province accelerates the promotion and application of intelligent procuratorial work, and intelligent means are applied in the whole process of handling cases", the provincial news broadcast reports the intelligent procuratorial work of the procuratorial organs in Anhui Province.


Voice of Anhui: Smart Procurator from Anhui Procurator 00:0001:52



The reporter learned from the provincial procuratorate yesterday (August 15) that our province is accelerating the promotion and application of intelligent procuratorate services, and the intelligent case handling system is gradually being promoted to the provincial grass-roots procuratorates. In the future, intelligent means will be applied to such links as criminal case reading, bringing up suspects for trial and showing evidence in court. Anhui TV reporter Wang Xin reports



Recently, Liu Juan, a member of the Public Prosecution Section of the Baohe District Procuratorate in Hefei, has been using the provincial procuratorate and IFLYTEK The intelligent voice input method jointly developed can input the case file materials handed over from the public security organ. Compared with the previous typing, this intelligent input method, which directly converts voice into text, greatly saves the time for handling cases.



Liu Juan (making the recording): "Now with the voice recording, his accuracy rate of recognizing your dialect and speech speed is relatively high. If you type, you can't finish this file in the morning, but if you have voice, the workload of such cases in the morning can be increased by two to three times."



After entering the dossier materials, Liu Juan went to the remote prompt room on the side, faced the screen, and raised several suspects in Hefei Detention Center through video communication.



Liu Juan (making the recording): "The biggest (advantage) of using this is the cost of time. It takes at least half an hour for the person proposed by the detention center to get out of the prison area, and sometimes it takes up to 50 minutes. In this case, if the person proposed, I would come and sit for 10 minutes, and then I could leave after the person proposed."



After the post system reform, only post prosecutors can handle cases. With the increase of cases and the limited number of post prosecutors, in order to resolve the contradiction between more cases and fewer people, the provincial procuratorate passed the IFLYTEK Cooperate to build an intelligent case handling system at the provincial level, and gradually promote it to grass-roots procuratorates.



Director of the Information Center of the Provincial People's Procuratorate (recording): "Our three basic applications, intelligent voice input method and information inquiry system, have been basically completed, and the conference system is under construction. After the reform of the judicial system, the case handlers are under great pressure. We have greatly increased the application of data AI technology in relevant business work from several aspects, developed an intelligent case handling system to help do well in the clerical work related to marking papers and appearing in court, and improve his work efficiency. "



Anhui Procuratorate new media Production