Education and rectification of provincial procuratorial team
Learn from the Model Procurator (I)
Time: September 8, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Editor's Note  

   Only by advocating heroes can heroes emerge, and only by striving to be heroes can heroes emerge in large numbers. The deeds and spirit of heroes and models are a powerful force that inspires us to move forward.  

   In order to solidly promote the education and rectification of the procuratorial team, carry forward the spirit of heroes, encourage and guide the procuratorial police to faithfully perform their duties and take on their responsibilities, the procuratorial organs around Anhui have carried out activities to learn from the advanced deeds of the provincial political and legal heroes such as Zhou Huiming, Wang Min, Gao Haiyan, Zhao Yangfan, so as to lead the procuratorial police to follow the example of heroes, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and be brave in taking on their responsibilities Willing to contribute, the spirit of heroes has been transformed into a powerful driving force to promote procuratorial work in the new era.  

   Let's take a look at the sentiments and experiences of Anhui procuratorial police~  

   Respect for heroes is never outdated  

   (Author: Chen Wei, Sixth Procuratorate Department, Anhui Provincial Procuratorate)  

   What is an example? Example is a ship, raising the sails of our hope; The example is a lamp, which leads us to the other side of victory. The heroes we learn today are loyal to the Party, caring for the masses and serving the people; They are conscientious, responsible and selfless; They are enthusiastic, brave to shoulder the heavy burden, and keep the month quiet. They show not only the moral strength of one person, but also the professional pursuit of all prosecutors; It is not only a person's spiritual belief, but also a fine style and glorious tradition of procuratorial work that has been handed down from generation to generation.  

   Check who the heroes are, They are brothers who wear the stars and wear the moon to screen every piece of evidence and hold the tools of justice; They are big sisters who listen carefully to the demands of each party and pass on the judicial temperature on the front line of prosecution and application; They are sisters who walk through the campus to popularize the law and resolutely guard the flowers of the motherland. Example is not far away from us; Example is within our reach; Example is around us. As Mao Dun said in "Praise of Poplar", they "have no whirling posture, no curling twigs", but they "are great, honest, simple, serious, and not lacking in gentleness, let alone its strong, unyielding and upright". Their deeds have amazed and softened the years.  

   The heroes proved once again with their actions that greatness comes from the ordinary, and the ordinary makes the great. As long as there are firm ideals and beliefs, unremitting spirit of struggle, and down-to-earth efforts to do every ordinary thing well, all ordinary people can achieve extraordinary life, and all ordinary work can create extraordinary achievements To shoulder the new mission, we have only the torch to ignite our dreams. With the lofty realm of "success does not have to be in me, success must have me", we muster the strength to forge ahead and work hard to achieve the great blueprint for the new development of the beautiful procuratorial cause.  

   Comprehend Wang Min's Spirit and Strive to Be a Clear Person  

   (Author: Chen Yuyin, Retired Cadre Office, Anhui Provincial Procuratorate)  

   Comrade Wang Min has worked in the procuratorial front line for 33 years, handled nearly 2000 cases, always put the cause of the Party and the people at the top of his heart, and interpreted the original intention and mission of a communist party member and the belief and responsibility of a people's prosecutor. This has played a greater role in urging our procuratorial police officers to further study and advance. Now I would like to talk about some of my superficial experiences and insights in connection with my own work.  

   Comprehend Wang Min's spirit and strive to be the "fuel" for veteran cadres to exert positive energy In the application for joining the Party, Wang Min wrote: "In the days and nights of flood control and flood fighting, I share hardships with village cadres. Where there is a danger, the Communist Party members are in the lead; where there is a danger, the Communist Party members are sticking to it." This is consistent with our "actively guiding retired cadres to add positive energy to the cause of the Party and the people". We should use Wang Min's spirit to guide and encourage veteran cadres to do something and serve the society, better display the spirit of pursuing more and continuing to write brilliant stories, so that the positive energy of veteran cadres can affect and infect more people, create an atmosphere of more respect and learning from veteran cadres throughout the organ, and make them feel proud. We should make good use of our "combustion promoter", so that old comrades can give full play to their political advantages, check their experience and personal prestige, tell good Chinese stories, carry forward the Chinese spirit, spread the good voice of China, and form a good atmosphere of upward improvement.  

   Comprehend the spirit of Wang Min and strive to be "policy oriented" in the work of veteran cadres "Craftsman" is a key word used by many younger generations to evaluate Wang Min. He often warned young people not to be careless in any case. Only by mastering relevant policies, making good use of policies and publicizing policies like Wang Min, can we fully and accurately implement the Party's and the country's care and care for veteran cadres, be a good supervisor of the implementation of policies for veteran cadres, and better provide services for veteran cadres. In order to further improve the work of retired cadres under the new situation, the Party and the government have issued a series of policies, which have pointed out the direction and provided guidance for the work of retired cadres. Under the guidance of these policies, we have successfully solved various difficulties encountered by many veteran cadres in their lives.  

   Comprehend Wang Min's spirit and strive to be a defender of veteran cadres' work The reason why we commemorate Wang Min, remember Wang Min, and learn from Wang Min is actually to learn from Comrade Wang Min's 33 year work attitude, to learn from Comrade Wang Min's simple spirit of doing everything well in a down-to-earth manner, and to learn that Wang Min always remembers his original intention of working for the people. This is a kind of perseverance, which is also needed as a veteran cadre worker. Our work is obscure and trivial. We must learn from Comrade Wang Min's feelings for the people and selfless dedication.  

   At present, there are 161 retired cadres in the Provincial Procuratorate. It is very important to do a good job of veteran cadres. We only have to understand the spirit of Wang Min, firmly establish the concept of "veteran cadres' work is not the center but affects the center, although not the overall situation, but affects the overall situation", and often think about how to make veteran cadres more satisfied, willing to bear hardships, indifferent to fame and wealth, regardless of gains and losses, and willing to contribute, Through sincere service for veteran cadres, we convey the care and love of the provincial party group to each veteran, so that they can feel the warmth of the organization and enjoy a happy life in their later years; Stick to the ordinary post and strive to be a person that the organization and veteran cadres can trust.