Education and rectification of provincial procuratorial team
[Doing practical things] Anhui Legal Daily | Our Provincial Procuratorate Deeply Supervises Civil False Litigation
Time: August 18, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   (On August 12, when the rectification of political and legal education was carried out on the front page of Anhui Legal Daily)  

   Original title  

   Listing supervision and continuous follow-up  

   Our Provincial Procuratorate Deeply Supervises Civil False Litigation  

   Reporter Xu Aoping Correspondent Wu Yihuo  

   The reporter learned from the provincial procuratorate recently that in order to implement the spirit of the central document, the procuratorate decided to We will extend the special activity of in-depth supervision of illegal acts in the field of false litigation to December 2021, list and supervise five cases of supervision of civil false litigation, and continue to follow up the two batches of 16 cases of supervision of civil false litigation that were listed and supervised last year, so as to enhance the rigidity and authority of supervision  

   It is reported that the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era, issued a few days ago, stressed the need to "strengthen the cooperation between procuratorial organs, judicial organs and public security organs, and improve the prevention, detection and investigation mechanism of false litigation". In order to implement the spirit of the central document, combine the education and rectification of the political and legal team and the normalization of anti mafia and anti evil work, and further promote the implementation of the "Fifth Procuratorial Recommendation" of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the "Third Procuratorial Recommendation" of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, the Provincial People's Procuratorate decided to extend the two-year special activity of in-depth supervision of illegal acts in the field of false litigation from June 2019 to the end of the year, We also listed and supervised five cases, including the series of false litigation supervision cases of "routine loans" by Zhang and others, and the series of false litigation supervision cases of Zhang and others.  

   In order to further strengthen the deep level supervision, the provincial procuratorate requires all localities to combine the "100 day action of judicial staff in duty crime investigation", For the false litigation supervision cases handled since 2017, the due diligence review procedures for trial and execution were initiated, and "one case, one analysis" was achieved. Those who are suspected of breaking the law and judging, dereliction of duty and other violations of law and discipline shall be transferred to the competent authorities for verification, accountability and handling, so as to achieve the combination of "supervision over matters" and "supervision over persons".  

   As for the cases listed for supervision, the provincial procuratorate emphasized that, We should comprehensively implement "three investigations in one case", and focus on checking the criminal acts of the false litigants behind the case and the violations of laws and disciplines of judicial personnel while doing a good job in effective adjudication and mediation supervision  

   To strengthen internal case handling coordination, the civil procuratorial department should take the initiative to contact with the department responsible for duty crime investigation, jointly establish a special case team, give play to civil procuratorial functions and professional advantages, and establish a mechanism for judicial personnel to cooperate in illegal investigation.  

   We should strengthen external communication and cooperation, give play to the deterrent power of discipline and law supervision, and at the same time promote source governance and systematic governance. Through case review and analysis, and centralized study and judgment of similar cases, we should find out the outstanding problems in trial management, industry management, institutional mechanisms, and other aspects, and study solutions. When necessary, we should formulate and develop rational procuratorial suggestions, and promote the effective governance of deep-seated violations of civil trials, Build a long-term mechanism to prevent, discover and correct deep-seated illegal problems.  

   For newly listed cases, the Procurator General shall listen to the report case by case, guide and support the case handling; The chief procurator in charge should command and coordinate from the front; The criminal procuratorial department and the civil procuratorial department should strengthen communication and cooperation.  

   It is not only a legal responsibility, but also a political responsibility for the procuratorial organ to carry out the supervision of false litigation. The provincial procuratorate clearly requires that, All localities should press down on their responsibilities, focus on the prominent problems behind false litigation cases, such as unfair justice, dishonesty, and inaction, and take the initiative to combine special supervision with "procuratorial work for the people" We should effectively supervise the handling of cases to promote the solution of the problems that the people are anxious to solve, and ensure that the study and education of the Party history, the education and rectification of the political and legal ranks, and the promotion of work are both correct and jointly promoted.