The representative member said that procuratorial work
Ma Anshan | Zhang Li, Xu Hong, Liu Qinghua Representatives: Actively practice justice for the people in procuratorial performance
Time: January 19, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Editor's Note  

   The voice of the deputies bears the concerns and expectations of the people. To do a good job in liaison with the deputies is not only the political responsibility of the procuratorial organ, but also the legal responsibility of the procuratorial organ.  

   Over the past year, how did the majority of deputies evaluate the procuratorial work in Anhui? What suggestions do you have? On the occasion of the annual Provincial Two Sessions, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate specially organized interviews with some deputies to the Provincial People's Congress and members of the Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference. This issue introduces For from Zhang Li, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress of Ma'anshan City, Xu Hong, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress, and Liu Qinghua, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress Interview.  

   Zhang Li  

   Deputy to Anhui Provincial People's Congress, member of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese, director of the Maanshan Yangtze River Delta Social Work Service Center, vice chairman of the Maanshan Federation of Overseas Chinese, and master guide of the Department of Chemistry and Biology, School of Chemical Engineering, Anhui University of Technology  

   It is hoped that the procuratorial organ can strengthen the communication with social organizations, provide professional psychological counseling and help and education for minors involved in crimes, improve the special procuratorial system for minors involved in crimes, minimize the negative impact of handling cases on minors, and work together with social organizations to build a home of the rule of law and jointly promote and protect the healthy growth of minors.  

   Xu Hong  

   Deputy to Anhui Provincial People's Congress, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Queqiao Community, Anmin Street, Yushan District, Ma'anshan City  

   The procuratorial organs handled cases strictly in accordance with the law, maintained fairness and justice, and practiced "I do practical things for the masses" with the positive results of procuratorial performance. It is suggested that the procuratorial organ should further strengthen the publicity of the procuratorial function of public interest litigation, so that all sectors of society can better understand the procuratorial work of public interest litigation. Especially in the fields of food and drug safety and environmental protection, let the masses participate in and play a role through multiple channels. We should not only do a good job in judicial case handling, but also make good publicity and recommendation to gain more recognition and support.  

   Liu Qinghua  

   Representative of Anhui Provincial People's Congress, leader of production management workshop of Maanshan Taishi Core Light Technology Co., Ltd  

   Suggestion: On the one hand, the procuratorial propaganda should be strengthened, and the hot spots and focus cases that people pay attention to should be made into cartoons and videos. The publicity of law popularization should be carried out through multiple channels and ways, so as to popularize legal knowledge, highlight the dignity of the law, and play an educational and guiding role; On the other hand, actively perform the procuratorial function of public interest litigation, protect the beautiful living environment in the countryside, and safeguard social and public interests.