The media look at procuratorial work
Highlight 4 | Adhere to justice and assume the legal supervision mission for the early Republic of China
Time: January 18, 2021 Author: News source: Anhui News Network [Font size: large | in | Small

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   Adhere to justice and assume the mission of legal supervision for the early Republic of China——  

   Summary of provincial procuratorial work in 2020  

   [Introduction] In 2020, the procuratorial organ of Anhui will give full play to its procuratorial functions and fulfill the supervision responsibilities entrusted by the Constitution and laws in serving the "six stabilities" and "six guarantees", providing a strong legal guarantee for high-quality economic and social development.  

 Highlight 4 | Adhere to justice and assume the legal supervision mission for the early Republic of China

With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the Provincial People's Procuratorate has taken the "six stability" work and the implementation of the "six guarantees" task as the top priority in serving the overall situation, and severely punished crimes against the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises.

[Actual sound] Interview: Wang Zhiming, Deputy Director of the Ninth Procuratorate of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate

 Highlight 4 | Adhere to justice and assume the legal supervision mission for the early Republic of China

In 2020, the provincial procuratorate deployed and carried out the "351" project with three special actions as the main content, including the supervision of case filing involving private economy and the review of the necessity of detention, the supervision of false litigation, and the supervision of civil administrative implementation, to better serve and ensure the healthy development of private economy.

In the past year, the provincial procuratorial organs arrested 172 suspects and prosecuted 802 suspects who affected the development of non-public enterprises. At the same time, the provincial procuratorial organs have also constantly updated their case handling concepts, implemented the criminal justice policy of tempering justice with mercy and explored and innovated relevant systems. Huang Mou, the head of a clothing factory in Huainan City, was investigated and detained by the public security authorities for allegedly falsifying VAT invoices. The company's operation was once in trouble.

 Highlight 4 | Adhere to justice and assume the legal supervision mission for the early Republic of China

[Actual sound] Huang, the head of a clothing factory in Huainan

At that time, my legal awareness was weak, and I didn't think it was a crime.

After the case was transferred to the Panji District Procuratorate of Huainan City for examination and prosecution, the procuratorial organ believed through investigation that after returning to the hometown to start a business, more than 100 female workers and disabled people were employed. At the same time, after the case was committed, Huang could voluntarily plead guilty and plead guilty to punishment, and pay the full amount of taxes involved in the case. According to the law, Huang could not be sentenced or exempted from punishment, and would not be prosecuted.

[Actual sound] Interview: Li Ji, Deputy Procurator General of Panji District Procuratorate, Huainan City, Anhui Province

 Highlight 4 | Adhere to justice and assume the legal supervision mission for the early Republic of China

We invited deputies to the District People's Congress, members of the CPPCC Committee, people's supervisors and other representatives to conduct a public hearing and review on the proposed non prosecution of the case. Participants unanimously agreed that the case meets the conditions for non prosecution and can be dealt with leniently.

In the past year, the procuratorial organs of the province served the development of private enterprises, public hearings, and the publicity of procuratorial affairs, which were promoted in the procuratorial organs across the country. In addition, the three major battles are carried out simultaneously, and the destruction of poverty alleviation is severely punished in accordance with the law; Build a "1+6" risk prevention and control system around preventing and resolving major risks; We took the lead in deploying and carrying out special supervision of the Yangtze River arrest ban nationwide, and continued to deepen the special inspection of "protecting the green Yangtze Huaihe River beautiful home". At the same time, the handling of criminal cases involving mafia was promoted with high quality and efficiency. In the past three years, the provincial procuratorial organs have approved and arrested 6117 criminal cases involving mafia and 10769 people in 1428 cases of public prosecution. The characteristic experience and practice of the "six clean-up" campaign were forwarded and promoted by the National Anti Mafia Office.

 Highlight 4 | Adhere to justice and assume the legal supervision mission for the early Republic of China

[Actual sound] Interview: Zhang Junping, Director of Anti Mafia Office of the Fourth Procuratorate of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate

 Highlight 4 | Adhere to justice and assume the legal supervision mission for the early Republic of China

The procuratorial organs of the province strictly control the quality and effectiveness of criminal cases involving mafia and evil. It is not a crime of mafia and evil that cannot be ignored. The provincial and municipal courts have checked 788 criminal cases involving mafia and evil, so that the handling of each case can stand the test of law and history.

In the past year, the provincial procuratorial organs handled 153600 cases of all kinds, up 18% year on year, including 15070 cases of arrest and 45312 cases of prosecution.

 Highlight 4 | Adhere to justice and assume the legal supervision mission for the early Republic of China

[Actual sound] Interview: Dong Guiwen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province

 Highlight 4 | Adhere to justice and assume the legal supervision mission for the early Republic of China

Next, the procuratorial organs of the province will earnestly study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, closely follow the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and the Supreme Procuratorate, constantly improve the procuratorial ability to perform their duties, and contribute procuratorial force to building a modern and beautiful Anhui in a new stage of strong economy, rich people, and beautiful ecology!