Cracking down on pension fraud
Xuancheng, Anhui: "stall style" law popularization+interactive propaganda
Time: July 8, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


   On July 6, with the sunset in the midsummer evening, the Zhaoting Square in Xuancheng City gradually became lively... The elderly walked in groups on the square and waited for the square dance to begin. The children in the summer vacation, accompanied by their parents, set up a "flea market" to sell idle toys and books for love. The police of Xuancheng People's Procuratorate also set up a "stall" here, put on propaganda materials printed with anti fraud knowledge, and carried out a "grounded" anti pension fraud propaganda.  

   "You have done a good job in this publicity, otherwise I would have been cheated! I told you about the trouble I met recently..."   "Your propaganda is a bit interesting! It's different from what you saw before!"   The enthusiasm of the masses at the event was high. The prosecutors publicized and explained the latest pension fraud methods to the citizens who danced and walked in the square, especially the elderly friends, by hanging slogans, distributing brochures and questionnaires, and on-site award-winning questions and answers.  

   In the process of asking the elderly to fill in the questionnaire carefully, the procuratorial police and the elderly talked about the real cases of pension fraud in a homely way, exposing the common criminal means of the fraudsters.  

   In the award-winning question and answer session, the procuratorial police attracted the attention of the elderly by giving small gifts printed with anti fraud knowledge. The focus of the question was on the areas that are vulnerable to daily fraud, such as fictional investment and financial fraud, organizing the elderly to travel cheaply at low prices, "twilight love" fraud, prize winning fraud, and disaster prevention fraud.  

   During the interaction, the prosecutor focused on the methods of fraud prevention, and guided everyone to download the "Xuancheng Procurator Anti fraud Facial Pack", reminding the majority of elderly people to improve their awareness of old-age fraud prevention in their daily life, keep sober at all times, be free from the temptation of criminals, and do not fall into the trap of fraud in an attempt to gain advantage, and keep their wallets. More than 100 anti fraud materials were distributed and 30 questionnaires were filled out in this publicity campaign.  

   In order to do a good job of knowledge popularization and preaching activities for the elderly in the community and make them truly "hear, understand and advance", Xuancheng People's Procuratorate has constantly innovated ways and means to create a good atmosphere of public opinion. In the promotion stage, the hospital implemented the "Six Ones" in combination with the local reality, and focused on the publicity of special actions.  

   "Six Ones" means, Make a "situational" promotional film, With the theme of protecting "sunset red" and preventing pension fraud, we planned and produced promotional videos. Create a set of "original" new media works, Taking the prevention of pension fraud as the theme, and integrating the procuratorial elements of Xuancheng, create various cartoons, facial expression packs and other new media works. Carry out an "interactive" award-winning question and answer Follow up and publicize the anti fraud propaganda of the police of the two hospitals in the square dance, the university for the elderly and other distribution centers for the elderly. Organize an "extended" rural law popularization Follow up and publicize that the police of the two hospitals go into the countryside to publicize the law to prevent old-age fraud. Shoot an "immersive" Pufa vlog, According to the actual situation of our hospital, we shot a Vlog of our police officers carrying out various special actions to crack down on pension fraud. Linkage with a "targeted" dissemination of works, Relying on the linkage between the government and the local civil affairs bureau, we released the propaganda works of elderly fraud produced by our hospital in 36 newly constructed and operated elderly food helpers in the city.