Procuratorial Highlights
The Provincial Procuratorate held a reading class for Party discipline learning and education
Time: May 23, 2024 Author: Wang Fubing News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

▲ Chen Wu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, presided over the reading class and made a mobilization and summary speech.

In order to conscientiously study and implement the newly revised Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), and promote the in-depth and practical study and education of party discipline, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate held a reading class on party discipline study and education from May 20 to 21, further promoting all party members to learn, know, understand and abide by discipline, and transform discipline into political consciousness, ideological consciousness Conscious of action, firmly support the "two establishment" and firmly implement the "two maintenance" with practical actions. Chen Wu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, presided over the reading class and made a mobilization and summary speech.

The reading class lasts for one and a half days, and is carried out by combining individual self-study with centralized learning, thematic guidance with discussion and exchange, and reading class with central group learning. During the period, the participants not only read the newly revised Regulations in their original form, chapter by chapter and article by article, but also listened to the special counseling lectures on the Regulations, collectively watched the fourth episode of "Continuous Effort in Depth", "Integrated Promotion of" Three Immortals ", reviewed other important disciplines of the Party, and conducted discussions and exchanges around in-depth study and implementation of" Six Major Disciplines ".

At the opening ceremony, Chen Wu stressed that the learning and education of Party discipline is not a temporary requirement, We should further enhance our ideological understanding, and continue to promote the Regulations into our minds through in-depth research All the procurators, especially the leading cadres of the Party members, should be more deeply aware that carrying out Party discipline learning and education is the necessary requirement to deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance", which is the due meaning of consolidating and expanding the theme education and educational rectification achievements, It is also an important measure taken by Anhui procuratorial organs to rectify the problems fed back by the top procuratorial group. To carry out the study and education of Party discipline, the key is to work hard on "strictness" and "practicality" We should be strict in learning and understanding, in learning and using, and in discipline enforcement. We should further compact our work responsibilities, and promote the Party discipline learning and education in the detailed implementation. The Party Leadership Group and the leading group of Party building work of the Provincial People's Court should strictly follow the Plan to do a good job of overall planning and coordination. Each special shift working group should earnestly assume the responsibilities of supervision, inspection, scheduling and other work. The leaders of each institute in charge should earnestly perform "one post, two responsibilities", strengthen the guidance and supervision of the Party discipline learning and education of the departments in charge of the business lines, The leaders of all grass-roots Party organizations should earnestly assume the direct responsibility for the implementation and promotion.

When making a summary for the reading class, Chen Wu pointed out that during the reading class, everyone realized more deeply that strengthening discipline education is a fine tradition and unique advantage that runs through the history of the Party for a hundred years through learning, listening, watching and discussing, and we must always work hard for a long time; More deeply realize that the "six disciplines" must be integrated to promote the "Regulations" into the mind and heart; More deeply realize that the key to carrying out Party discipline learning and education is to combine learning with application, and strive to make every measure of Party discipline learning and education become an effective measure to promote and improve procuratorial work.

All procurators should strictly observe political discipline, be firm in position and loyal to the Party; Strictly observe the organizational discipline, and achieve the consistency of words and deeds and absolute obedience; Strictly observe the incorruptible discipline, be strict with yourself and take responsibility; Strictly observe the discipline of the masses, keep in mind the purpose and procuratorate for the people; Strictly abide by work discipline, be realistic and pragmatic, and take responsibility and work hard; Strictly abide by life discipline, achieve good conduct and noble sentiment, and better serve the overall situation, serve the people's justice, and take responsibility for the rule of law through internalization and externalization.

Wang Zhaohua, Deputy Director of the Sixth Office of the Supervision Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Anhui Province, was invited to give a special coaching report. Leaders of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province, full-time members of the People's Procuratorate Committee, second level inspectors, second level senior prosecutors, leaders of each group of the Provincial People's Procuratorate's Party Discipline Study Work Special Class, main heads of internal organs of the organs, and chief procurators of the dispatched people's procuratorates participated in the study of the study class throughout the process. All police officers and retired cadre representatives from the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate and its dispatched offices attended the opening class.