Procuratorial Highlights
Provincial Procuratorate Holds the Provincial Digital Procuratorial Work Video Conference Chamber of Commerce
Time: May 14, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On May 11, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate held a video conference on digital procuratorial work of the whole province, which was attended by personnel from the digital procuratorial office line of the whole province.

The conference focused on deploying and organizing to participate in the promotion activities of the big data legal supervision model of the national procuratorial organs, and issued and interpreted the Notice on Organizing to Participate in the 2024 Promotion Activities of the National Procuratorial Organs' Big Data Legal Supervision Model, aiming to focus on the model value output and model entity handling, strengthen the promotion and application of the models on the top inspection platform, and encourage business departments to strengthen the application of models, Be good at obtaining data, integrate high-quality and efficient case handling, and promote the realization of "more model promotion, more regional applications, and more high-quality and efficient cases".

At the meeting, the provincial digital procuratorial work from January to April 2024 was reported. In the past four months, the provincial procuratorial organs have closely focused on the two special actions of "procuratorial protection of enterprises" and "procuratorial protection of people's livelihood", invested 303 practical supervision models in handling cases, and studied and judged more than 17000 clues. 1642 cases were handled using the model, including 523 cases of judicial litigation supervision, 351 cases of people's livelihood hot spots in the field of social security and medical insurance, 225 cases in the field of ecological environment and safe production, 76 procuratorial recommendations were issued, and more than 18.3 million yuan of national losses were recovered. On February 28, 2024, the first edition of Procuratorial Daily published the "Digital Small Cut to Overcome the Great Problem of People's Livelihood", which introduced typical cases in the digital procuratorial practice of Anhui grassroots courts. The procuratorates of Lu'an, Fengyang and Wuhu Yijiang made exchange speeches at the meeting, introducing their experiences and practices in concept innovation, innovative models and substantive case handling. The conference also carried out video training on the "two accounts" system.

The meeting defined three specific measures for Anhui to participate in the promotion of the big data legal supervision model of the national procuratorial organs in 2024: first, the "model book account" system and the "case book account" system of the whole province's supervision model and cases on the provincial platform; The second is to organize the province's excellent models that meet the conditions of "screening the clues of similar cases through the application of more than 5 procuratorates and forming cases" to roll onto the highest inspection platform; The third is to fully promote the promotion and application of the shelving model of the highest inspection platform.

The meeting required that we should correctly understand and grasp the relationship between the promotion activities of the highest inspection model and the large-scale case handling and model innovation in Anhui, organize and implement the tasks of participating in the promotion activities of the highest inspection model in the large-scale case handling, simultaneously and solidly organize the three thematic model innovation competitions in Anhui, give full play to the function of the digital procuratorial office of the tertiary institute, and standardize the use of the platform, Ensure data security.