Procuratorial Highlights
Our province implements the special action plan of the highest inspection "inspection and protection of people's livelihood"
Time: March 25, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

The front page of Anhui Legal Daily on March 20, 2024

Original title

Procuratorial "strength" to improve people's livelihood "temperature"

Our province implements the special action plan of the highest inspection "inspection and protection of people's livelihood"

Reporter Xu Aoping Correspondent Zhang Chuanguang

A few days ago, The Supreme People's Procuratorate deployed the special action of "inspecting and protecting people's livelihood" for 11 months in the national procuratorial organs , requiring all regions to focus on employment, food and medicine, social security, housing, elderly care, environmental protection and other people's livelihood hot spots, as well as key groups such as workers, consumers, women, the elderly, minors, disabled people, etc., focusing on a region, a class of people, an industry, a field and other prominent people's health issues, carrying out special actions tailored to local conditions and targeted, and defining 11 action priorities, Constantly strengthen the judicial guarantee of people's livelihood, and fully use the procuratorial "strength" to improve the "temperature" of people's livelihood.

In the specific judicial practice, how to ensure that the procuratorial organs of our province handle the people's livelihood cases with heart and soul, so that the procuratorial power can be exercised for the people and satisfy the people? To this end, the Provincial Procuratorate has recently issued and implemented the Special Action Plan for the Provincial Procuratorate to Carry out "Procuratorial Work to Protect People's Livelihood" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which is not only accurately implemented, but also tailored to local conditions to draw a "Action Map" of Anhui.

Respond to concerns, highlight people's livelihood and interests

"Justice for the people" is the original intention of procuratorial work. Only by facing the real people's livelihood can we respond to the most simple emotional expectations of the people.

Looking through the Plan, we can find that there are many measures that are close to and warm the hearts of the people. Not only does it clearly carry out civil procuratorial supervision in the financial field, handle financial cases such as loan contract disputes with high quality and efficiency, coordinate to prevent and resolve financial risks in key areas, protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial market subjects according to law, and promote people's livelihood with financial security, but also requires strengthening civil procuratorial supervision over disputes involving fake and inferior commodity contracts, We carried out public interest litigation related to food and drug safety inspection in the new online business, and strictly cracked down on the crime of producing and selling fake and inferior commodities according to law. Focusing on the protection of ecological environment and natural resources, the Plan also clearly punishes crimes that damage environmental resources in accordance with the law, and focuses on carrying out public interest litigation on air pollution prevention and control in key industries around the people, such as excessive emissions of enterprises, cooking fume, and odor.

The issue of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is a major issue related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. Based on the situation of the major agricultural province in our province, this plan clearly stipulates that crimes such as illegal occupation of agricultural land should be punished in accordance with the law, and further promote the special action of "curbing violations, controlling drugs and promoting the improvement of disability" of edible agricultural products and the work of "combating counterfeits of agricultural materials"; Strengthen the supervision of administrative illegal acts such as illegal issuance of pesticide business licenses by administrative organs; Strengthen the handling of supervision cases involving rural collective land acquisition, compensation and resettlement; We carried out procuratorial public interest litigation to serve "agriculture, rural areas and farmers".

Focusing on some new issues in new areas of people's livelihood, the Plan also gave a response, specifying that we should further strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of workers, especially in flexible employment and new forms of employment. At the same time, we should focus on food safety issues related to new forms of business, such as community group buying, online marketing, and live streaming. In addition, we will strengthen the judicial protection of citizens' personal information security, actively carry out civil procuratorial supervision over disputes involving personality rights, strengthen the procuratorial public interest litigation work for the protection of sensitive personal information such as biometrics, medical and health, financial accounts, and tracking tracks, and strengthen the supervision of public interest litigation of anti fraud procuratorial work in the telecommunications, finance, and Internet industries.

In the field of social insurance, the Plan clearly stipulates that it is necessary to strengthen the supervision of administrative illegal acts involving flexible employment and new employment forms of workers such as online delivery anchors, takeaway riders, online car hailing drivers, etc., including occupational injury insurance, pension insurance, medical insurance, social welfare, and encourage all regions to focus on market access, employment management, social insurance The platform supervision and other links carry out small special projects with characteristics according to local conditions; We should organize and do a good job in the special rectification of medical insurance fraud crimes, strengthen the connection between execution and punishment, promote the big data supervision model of Bozhou Mengcheng medical insurance fraud, investigate case clues, find regulatory loopholes, and timely formulate and issue procuratorial suggestions.

Deliver warmth and care to special groups

Every special group is a concern, and every concern is embodied in the Program.

The reporter noted that the Plan will deepen the protection of the rights and interests of the disabled, the elderly, minors, women and other specific groups, strengthen the procuratorial supervision of litigation, property, medical treatment, retirement benefits, pension payments, medical insurance subsidies for the elderly with minimum living allowances, pension services and other cases involving the elderly, explore a proper handling mechanism for criminal cases, and crack down on pension fraud in accordance with the law, Maximum recovery of stolen goods and recovery of losses, carrying out campaign to combat and prevent pension fraud, and helping the elderly to have a sense of security and dependence; We will strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of children left behind in rural areas and children in distress, actively participate in the three-year action to improve the quality of care services for children in distress, closely cooperate with the civil affairs department, do a good job in reporting the situation of minors in distress and implementing relief policies, and strengthen the punishment and prevention of crimes against minors and the protection of victims; Focus on the protection of women's equal employment rights and interests, personality rights and interests, and the rights and interests of vulnerable or difficult women groups such as disabled women, elderly women, rural women (especially married women), set up a special reception window for "women and children's rights and interests protection", and give priority to the reception, transfer and handling of five types of complaints and appeals involving violations of women's and children's legitimate rights and interests; Strengthen the procuratorial supervision of marriage registration cases involving impostors and fraud, and urge the implementation of anti domestic violence related systems and mechanisms; We will continue to deepen procuratorial public interest litigation in the field of barrier free environment construction.

At the same time, we will resolutely safeguard the interests of national defense and the rights and interests of military families and heroic martyrs. Focusing on the protection of the rights and interests of soldiers, military families, heroic martyrs and other groups, we will focus on solving prominent problems such as the protection of the treatment and pension of military families, the protection of the right to honor and reputation of heroes, the protection of memorial facilities for martyrs, and difficulties caused by cases. We will fully implement the military and civilian procuratorial cooperation opinions, Further promote the establishment of long-term mechanism from point to area.

Special groups need more warmth and care under the rule of law, and under the support of the Program, the judicial sunshine also shines on these groups. Focusing on judicial assistance, our province has launched the special action of "judicial assistance to comprehensively promote rural revitalization" and "Wan Feng Warm up" to help women in need. For those who have difficulties in life due to cases, especially those who have difficulties in living in six categories of rural areas, and those who have difficulties in living in "5+2" categories, we have strengthened targeted assistance and effective assistance, and made every effort to provide assistance in the procuratorial process, Further strengthen the bottom line of people's livelihood; We will continue to improve the quality of handling state compensation cases, better ensure that citizens, legal persons and other organizations have the right to obtain state compensation in accordance with the law, and promote state organs and their staff members to exercise their functions and powers in accordance with the law and exercise justice impartially.

Exploring Anhui's practices according to local conditions

The interests of the people are in our minds.

The reporter noticed that in the Plan, not only the 11 action priorities stipulated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate were detailed one by one, but also the key task of "in-depth promotion of civil procuratorial reconciliation and settlement of administrative disputes" was added, requiring all regions to adhere to building a new era "Maple Bridge Experience" procuratorial version in special actions, In the performance of civil and administrative procuratorial duties, we should pay attention to unblocking the channels for the expression of people's demands, the coordination of interests, and the protection of rights and interests. We should comprehensively use the methods of supervision and correction, resistance and facilitation of mediation, reconciliation, judicial assistance, and interpretation and reasoning to promote the substantive resolution of civil and administrative disputes in the whole process of handling cases, so as to achieve the completion of cases, political harmony and human harmony.

In order to implement the special action of "inspecting and protecting the people's livelihood", the provincial procuratorate requested that the procuratorial organs of the province should improve their political position, strengthen organizational leadership, take it as the key work of this year, carefully organize, carefully deploy and comprehensively promote. We will continue to focus on the main responsibility of handling cases. We will handle a number of people's livelihood cases with social impact in accordance with the law by comprehensively using the methods of arrest and prosecution, public interest litigation, supervision and correction, public hearings, judicial assistance, interpretation and reasoning. Take the initiative to extend the chain from case handling to case supervision to social governance, make more practical use of procuratorial suggestions, special reports, joint meetings and other ways to make suggestions to relevant units or departments, and promote the establishment and improvement of relevant systems and mechanisms.

Combining the reality of Anhui, the Plan proposes to focus on people's livelihood and promote "digital empowerment supervision". It requires taking special actions as the starting point, focusing on the difficulties of people's livelihood governance and the focus of people's attention to do a good job in model creation, application and other work, and actively build a digital procuratorial work mechanism of "business led, data integration, technical support, and application focused", Actively organize and promote the big data model that has been proved by practice to help improve the quality and efficiency of case handling, so that it can play a role in a wider range and wider fields.

The Plan also requires strengthening communication and cooperation to promote the formation of joint efforts. On the one hand, we should give full play to the advantages of procuratorial integration, strengthen the internal cooperation of procuratorial organs, strengthen the vertical connection and horizontal linkage between criminal, civil, administrative, public interest litigation and procuratorial departments, and perform their duties in accordance with the law in an integrated, comprehensive, and dynamic manner to form a joint force of internal supervision. On the other hand, give full play to the role of mechanisms such as "government procuratorate linkage" and "consultation between the two courts", actively strengthen communication and cooperation with the people's courts, public security organs, judicial administration, civil affairs, human resources and social security, trade unions, women's federations and other departments, improve the working mechanism of "echo of the people's voices", improve the linkage mechanism between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, We will promote the establishment of a sound information exchange and sharing mechanism and case handling coordination mechanism for people's livelihood related cases, and form a joint effort to address the source of people's livelihood issues.