Procuratorial Highlights
Li Weidong was invited to attend the salon series of "Big Data Enabling Legal Supervision" held by the National Prosecutors College
Time: September 9, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


   On the morning of September 6, the National Prosecutors' College held the third and fifty first academic salons of the series of "big data enabling legal supervision", inviting industry experts and procuratorial experts to argue around the theme of "the practical orientation of big data enabling legal supervision". Li Weidong, Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, was invited to attend the talks. He made an exchange speech with "Exploration and thinking of Anhui procuratorial organs to promote the implementation of the 'big data strategy for procuratorial work'".  

   During the exchange, Li Weidong made great efforts to explore the development path of Anhui's "big data strategy for procuratorial work" from resolutely implementing the decision-making and deployment of the highest level of procuratorial work; Problems and difficulties in the implementation of the "big data inspection strategy"; Focusing on the legal supervision function, highlighting the quality and efficiency of data empowerment, and promoting the implementation of the "big data strategy for procuratorial work" in depth, this paper introduced the construction achievements and thinking and exploration of the big data work of Anhui procuratorial organs.  

   It is reported that in recent years, the provincial procuratorate has attached great importance to the promotion of the "big data strategy for procuratorial work", We will focus on promoting the implementation of the "big data strategy for procuratorial work", organize the provincial big data legal supervision model competition, explore the construction of "1+N" procuratorial big data application model with Anhui characteristics, and continue to promote data sharing and data governance Long before the national procuratorial big data strategic deployment, a lot of exploration has been carried out on the big data application work, and a batch of application achievements have been formed, such as the intelligent supervision application of the video center, the mobile marking application, and the automatic generation application of legal documents.  

   The salon was presided over by Sun Qin, President of the National Prosecutors College. Wang Yusen, chief expert of Anping big data, a government enterprise of Huawei in China, Weng Yueqiang, deputy director of the Case Management Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Feng Tao, deputy director of the Information Technology Center, and Li Huawei, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chief procurator of Changping District People's Procuratorate in Beijing, were invited to attend the salon and make exchange speeches.  

   The procuratorial police of the informatization work line of the provincial procuratorate listened to the salon through online meetings.