Procuratorial Highlights
Lu Jianwu went to iFLYTEK to visit NPC delegates to investigate big data technology applications
Time: August 31, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


Visit iFLYTEK Artificial Intelligence Exhibition Hall  


Talk with Liu Qingfeng, a NPC deputy and chairman of iFLYTEK  


   On the morning of August 26, entrusted by Chen Wu, the Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, Lu Jianwu, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, visited Liu Qingfeng, a representative of the National People's Congress and chairman of iFLYTEK, to seek "truth" from iFLYTEK experts on how to promote the implementation of the big data strategy.  

   In recent years, the provincial three-level procuratorial organs and iFLYTEK have carried out in-depth cooperation in intelligent voice, information innovation engineering, artificial intelligence laboratory, big data legal supervision model development, and achieved positive results. During the survey, Lu Jianwu visited the iFLYTEK AI exhibition hall to understand the latest technological progress of AI technology in government affairs, justice, urban governance and other fields.  

   Lu Jianwu pointed out that the procuratorial organs should implement the procuratorial big data strategy Borrow External Brain to Seek "True Sutra" Adhere to the combination of "going out" and "inviting in", strengthen cooperation with iFLYTEK in terms of unblocking the cooperation mechanism between prosecutors and enterprises, talent training mechanism, product incubation mechanism, etc., and build the platform of "intelligent voice and artificial intelligence joint laboratory" into the "engine" for the continuous promotion of the big data strategy of Anhui prosecutors. It is necessary to encourage the initiative of grass-roots procuratorates, and encourage them to explore and try boldly in big data theoretical research, case handling model research and development, case handling mode exploration, and case handling team building.  

   Lu Jianwu stressed that the procuratorial organs should provide services to ensure that private enterprises Serving relatives and clearing ties We carefully sorted out the pain points and difficulties in the development of enterprises, and actively connected with each other in terms of enterprise compliance, intellectual property protection, etc. At the same time, we should hold the bottom line of honesty and integrity, achieve "pro" and moderate, "clean" and promising, "clean" plus "pro", and jointly serve the high-quality development of the economic and social rule of law in Anhui.  

   "It is not only the political responsibility of the procuratorial organ, but also the legal responsibility of the procuratorial organ to do a good job in the liaison work of the deputies." Lu Jianwu said that he suggested that the procuratorial organ should Hear it with all your heart Strengthen the contact with the representative committee members as an important way to consciously accept external supervision and realize the self height and quality development of procuratorial work.  

   The persons in charge of relevant departments of the provincial procuratorate and relevant persons in charge of the Hefei Procuratorate, the High tech Zone Procuratorate, the Shushan District Procuratorate, and the Huashan District Procuratorate of Ma'anshan City attended the activity.