Procuratorial Highlights
Anhui Provincial Procuratorate Held a Special Lecture on the Work Regulations of the Communist Party of China's United Front
Time: August 1, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   In order to better promote the work of the organ's united front, on the afternoon of July 29, the Provincial Procuratorate invited Zheng Xiangchun, the director of the non party personage and non party intellectual work department of the United Front Department of the Provincial Party Committee, to give a special lecture on the Regulations on the Work of the Communist Party of China's United Front (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) for the party members, police representatives and non party cadres of all branches of the organ. Li Weidong, Deputy Procurator General of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, presided over the meeting.  

   In the lecture, Zheng Xiangchun titled "Creating a New Situation for the United Front Work in a New Era", from the background, process and significance of the revision of the Regulations, the important role of the United Front, strengthening the centralized and unified leadership of the Party over the United Front work, the main tasks and focus of the United Front work in all fields, strengthening the construction of the ranks of non party representatives, and doing a solid job in the Regulations The Regulations were systematically and thoroughly interpreted from six aspects, including the implementation of the Regulations.  

   In his speech, Li Weidong requested that We should continue to organize the study and implementation of the Regulations, Guide the police to further understand and practice the important thought of General Secretary Jin Ping on strengthening and improving the work of the united front, earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of doing well the work of the united front, develop the united front well, carry out the work of the united front well, and provide procuratorial wisdom and strength for the development of the cause of the Party and the people. We should strengthen active performance of duties, We will give full play to the procuratorial force, earnestly perform our legal supervision duties, safeguard judicial fairness and justice, crack down on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities, ensure the overall political and social stability of the province, and take practical actions to meet the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress.  

   It is understood that, in order to implement the Regulations, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has studied and formulated the responsibilities of the united front of the party group, listed 11 responsibility lists, and established a working mechanism for members of the party group to contact non party cadres. At the beginning of this year, a special study group of "Tongxin Workshop" was set up to organize and carry out the activity of "Double Trees, Double Constructions, Five Ones" to further deepen the work of the united front.