Procuratorial Highlights
Provincial Procuratorate Organs Hold Training Class for Party Branch Secretaries
Time: July 14, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Zhou Yong gives lectures

   A few days ago, the provincial procuratorate held a training class for party branch secretaries, which aims to further improve the political theoretical quality and work professional ability of party branch secretaries, improve political judgment, political understanding and political execution, promote the deep integration of party building and business, and promote the high-quality development of party building work of the provincial procuratorate. Zhou Yong, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Procuratorate, director of the Political Department, and secretary of the Party Committee of the organ, attended the training and gave lectures throughout the course. 29 party branch secretaries of provincial procuratorate participated in the training.  

   This training course coincides with the third anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "7.9" important speech. On July 9, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the party building work conference of the central and state organs, deeply expounded the significance, mission, key work and key measures of strengthening and improving the party building in organs, made a comprehensive deployment for strengthening and improving the party building in organs, and provided fundamental guidance.  

   Zhou Yong pointed out that in the past three years, the key to the achievements of the provincial procuratorate's party building work is to adhere to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "7.9" speech as a guide, adhere to in-depth study of the spirit of General Secretary's important instructions and instructions, and adhere to the study and implementation of intra party laws and regulations, which is also the result of the unremitting efforts of party organizations at all levels, all party members, and party workers.  

   Zhou Yong stressed that Party organizations at all levels should adhere to the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the party building in the organs as a general guideline, closely focus on the general goal of "three models and one model", firmly grasp the general requirements of centering on the center, building teams and serving the masses, and always grasp the work of "six aspects" to improve the party building in the organs to a new level.  

   want Grasp the theme of in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era To create an atmosphere for learning new ideas, guide each party member to adhere to and defend the "two establishment" in the combination of learning and thinking, and achieve the "two maintenance" in the unity of knowledge, trust and practice. want Grasp the main line of welcoming the 20th CPC National Congress and studying and propagating the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress We will resolutely implement the requirements of the provincial party committee for "one change, two for five" style construction, and constantly stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of the officers. want Grasp the main theme of deep integration of party building and business In the direction, we will further focus on the center and the overall situation, further integrate into the center and the overall situation in work, and further serve the center and the overall situation in measures. want Grasp the traction of deepening "two struggles and one innovation" So that the establishment of each branch of the organ has its image, experience, example and goal. want Grasp the main focus of branch construction And make the Party branch a strong fortress full of vitality, and make every Party member a "red cell" to shoulder the heavy responsibility. want Grasp the background of creating a clean and upright political environment To ensure that the background of the Party branch is not polluted and the efficiency construction of the organs is constantly deepened.  

   The training course focused on comprehensively governing the Party strictly, ideological work, and party building of organs. Six party branches of the Provincial Procuratorate, including the Cadre Office, the Third Procuratorate, the Sixth Procuratorate, the Seventh Procuratorate, the Case Management Office, and the Procuratorate and Supervision Department, introduced their experience in party building.