Procuratorial Highlights
Four departments in Anhui establish a cooperation mechanism to punish illegal acts of marriage registration
Time: 2022-05-18 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


Procuratorial Daily (front page on May 17, 2022)  

   Original title  

   Get through the blocking points of judicial law enforcement    Maintain the order of marriage registration  

   Anhui: Four departments establish cooperation mechanism to punish illegal acts of marriage registration  

   Recently, the Procuratorate of Anhui Province, together with the Provincial High Court, the Provincial Public Security Department and the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, issued an opinion (the "Opinion" for short) on the establishment of a cooperation mechanism for handling cases of marriage registration of impostors or frauds Adhere to active performance of duties in accordance with the law, strengthen cooperation and cooperation, break through the blocking points of judicial and administrative law enforcement, standardize procedures such as revocation of marriage registration, increase punishment for acts such as fake marriage registration, properly solve and effectively prevent all kinds of disputes and problems caused by handling marriage registration in the form of impersonation or fraud, and maintain the order of marriage registration and the legitimate rights and interests of the parties.  

   According to the Opinions, all departments should actively use investigation, investigation, prosecution, trial, supervision and other means to cooperate with each other in the investigation and punishment of clues of relevant marriage registration cases accepted, so as to jointly correct errors and remedy rights according to law and actively resolve conflicts and disputes. For different situations where marriage registration certificates are obtained by means of impersonation or fraud due to age issues, demolition and resettlement, repeated marriages, etc., on the basis of respecting the reasonable demands of the parties and interested parties, we will make one policy for each case to ensure that it is handled safely according to law.  

   The above four departments agreed that, Special clean-up and strike operations will be jointly carried out in two stages. The first stage is to March next year, and the second stage can organize regular clean-up and strike activities according to the actual situation We will make every effort to achieve results in deep root governance and long-term governance, so as to promote the systematic and source governance of illegal marriage registration. For this reason, the Opinions require all regions to actively rely on the electronic platform of marriage files, strengthen big data connectivity, and focus on comprehensively sorting out, troubleshooting, verifying and correcting the acts of impersonation or fraud in marriage registration during the special action period, Promote proper handling of "stock" issues At the same time, we will increase the special punishment for illegal acts of marriage registration, and crack down on illegal acts of marriage registration through impersonation or fraud in the crime of abducting and selling women and children, Strictly prevent the occurrence of "incremental" illegal acts in handling marriage registration by impersonation or fraud  

   The Opinions stressed that the four departments should Establish a joint meeting system to prevent and punish illegal acts of marriage registration , jointly study and coordinate the handling of major cases, and regularly hold discussions and exchanges on the prevention, punishment, correction and typical cases of marriage registration violations. The offices of the Joint Conference are respectively located in the administrative procuratorial department of the People's Procuratorate and the social affairs department of the civil affairs organ. At the same time, it is necessary to establish a reporting system for major cases and events, and timely collect, sort out, analyze and report major cases encountered in handling cases and new situations and problems arising in implementation.