Procuratorial Highlights
The provincial procuratorate held a learning group meeting for non party cadres of the "Tongxin Seminar"
Time: May 13, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Li Weidong presided over the meeting and delivered a speech  


Zhou Yong attended the meeting and made a speech  

   On May 10, the Provincial Procuratorate held a learning group meeting for non party cadres in the "Tongxin Workshop" to convey and study the Plan on Carrying out the 2022 "Double Trees and Double Constructions" Theme Education Practice Activity (hereinafter referred to as the "Activity Plan") and make arrangements for the annual learning practice activities. Li Weidong, Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate presided over the meeting, and Zhou Yong, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Procuratorate, director of the Political Department, and secretary of the Party Committee of the provincial procuratorate, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.  

   The meeting conveyed and interpreted the "Activity Plan", and made arrangements for the "Five Ones" activities (namely, a centralized study, intensive reading of a book on the history of the Party, a survey and research, writing a proposal, and experiencing a practical activity).  

   According to reports, in order to strengthen the ideological and political guidance of non party intellectuals and the building of non party personages in the provincial procuratorate, and play the important role of non party intellectuals in the high-quality development of procuratorial work, according to the spirit of relevant documents of the CPC Central Committee and the provincial party committee, the provincial procuratorate formulated the plan, and decided to set up Li Weidong, the Deputy Procurator General, as the convener, The daily study is linked by the Party Committee of the organ, and the members of the "Tongxin Workshop" study group are 14 non party cadres at or above the deputy department level and some outstanding young policemen who are not party members.  

   In his speech, Zhou Yong stressed that non party cadres are the valuable wealth and important strength of the procuratorial team, and an important part of the party's united front. To deepen the ruling foundation of the party and do procuratorial work well in the new era, we need to gather the strength of non party cadres, and also call for non party cadres to make greater contributions. He proposed to all non party cadres Three requirements , firmly establish great ideals and aspirations, and contribute wisdom and strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the high-quality development of procuratorial work in Anhui in the new era; Further enhance political awareness and identity awareness, and stick to the patriotic political background of loving the party; Actively participate in the activity of "Double Trees and Double Constructions", do a good job in the article of "Mind Learning" in theoretical study, and make suggestions and contributions to the cause of the Party and the people in practical activities.  

   Li Weidong made a statement on behalf of all police officers in the "Tongxin Seminar". He said that "Tongxin Training Center" is a learning organization under the direct leadership of the Party Committee of the organ, which reflects the care, care, education and training of non party cadres by the party group of the institute. All officers and policemen in the training center will carefully coordinate the work study relationship and actively participate in learning and practice activities, Adhere to ideological guidance, strengthen theoretical armed forces, adhere to investigation and research, actively offer advice and suggestions, base on their own duties, and perform their duties according to law And demonstrate the demeanor of non party intellectuals and non party cadres of procuratorial organs in the process of building a modern and beautiful Anhui.  

   Before the meeting, all police officers of the "Tongxin Seminar" listened to the conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China and learned the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the conference.  

   The relevant person in charge of the Party Committee of the provincial procuratorate and all the policemen of the "Tongxin Seminar" of the provincial procuratorate attended the meeting.