Procuratorial Highlights
Anhui: launch five "small projects" to protect people's livelihood and interests
Time: April 23, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   In order to creatively implement the work arrangement of the special activities of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and comprehensively deepen the administrative procuratorial supervision to protect people's livelihood and interests according to law, the provincial procuratorate recently decided to carry out in the provincial procuratorial organs from April to December this year Five special supervision activities, namely, guarding "sunset red", guarding "half the sky", helping to eradicate wage arrears, protecting the rights and interests of market entities, and cleaning up "shell companies" Through careful and emotional handling of people's livelihood and people's interests related administrative procuratorial supervision cases, we will help solve people's livelihood issues and key issues that people are worried about every day, and promote the source of litigation and system governance of prominent problems in a region, an industry, and a field.  

   It is reported that in Special supervision activities to guard "sunset red" The provincial procuratorial organs will focus on the key areas and situations that infringe the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly, such as rural elderly support, elderly medical services, retirement pensions and subsidies for the elderly, the standardized establishment and safe operation of nursing homes, welfare homes, apartments for the elderly and other elderly care institutions, and the investment market of health care products for the elderly, and urge relevant departments to cooperate in the supervision and handling of cases, We will explore the establishment and improvement of an integrated protection mechanism for the rights and interests of the elderly, and promote the realization of a sense of security, medical care, action, learning and happiness for the elderly.  

   stay Special supervision activity of guarding "half the sky" On the one hand, the procuratorial organs of the province will cooperate with relevant departments to carry out special clean-up and crackdown on marriage registration acts of impersonation or fraud, in which the criminal acts of abducting and selling women and children by means of marriage registration through impersonation or fraud will be particularly severely cracked down; On the other hand, it will focus on the key areas and situations that infringe on women's rights and interests, such as domestic violence, trafficking in women, gender discrimination in employment, labor protection during special periods such as pregnancy of female workers, and the right to land contractual management of "married women", promote the establishment of a coordination mechanism for the protection of women's rights and interests in the supervision and handling of cases, and urge relevant departments to actively perform their duties and correct violations, So that the protection of women's legitimate rights and interests can be truly implemented.  

   stay Special supervision activities to help eradicate salary arrears The provincial procuratorial organs will focus on the key industries such as real estate development projects, education and training industries, new employment forms (online car hailing, takeaway delivery, express delivery, etc.), and wage arrears caused by the arrears of project funds, and timely verify and urge relevant administrative departments and functional departments to, Timely perform the duty of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers according to law.  

   The rule of law is the best business environment. Provincial procuratorial organs Special supervision on the protection of the rights and interests of market entities In China, it will focus on administrative approval, administrative law enforcement and judicial actions related to enterprises that are detrimental to fair market competition, equal protection of enterprise property rights and management rights, and focus on the legal management rights, personal rights and interests of enterprises, property rights and interests of enterprises and social reputation of non-public economic entities such as private enterprises and individual businesses. The procuratorial organ will carry out legal supervision by means of investigation and verification with respect to multiple law enforcement, repeated law enforcement and other issues, as well as administrative violations involving enterprises such as arbitrary fines, arbitrary fees, and arbitrary apportionment.  

   In market economic activities, shell companies are often easily used by criminals to engage in illegal and criminal activities such as telecommunications network fraud, false invoices, money laundering, illegal fund-raising, and buying and selling state organs' certificates. In view of this situation, in the Special supervision on clearing of "shell companies" In, the provincial procuratorial organs will focus on illegal acts such as false registration of "shell companies" found in handling cases, sale and transfer of business licenses, and the use of public bank accounts by others, focusing on whether the relevant competent departments have fulfilled their supervision and management responsibilities.  

   The provincial procuratorate requires all localities to actively carry out "small special projects" with local characteristics on the basis of implementing the supervision priorities established by the five "small special projects" and combining local realities, so as to Forming 5+N series "small special" activities in the province The provincial procuratorate also stressed that in the special supervision, we should comprehensively use measures such as supervision and correction, investigation and verification, public hearing, judicial relief, interpretation and reasoning, procuratorial integration, and leadership contracting to handle a batch of typical cases related to people's livelihood and interests with high quality, good results, correction, demonstration, and leading values according to law, and substantively resolve a batch of long lasting Resolve difficult administrative disputes.  

   At the same time, we should flexibly use procuratorial suggestions, special reports, white papers and other ways to put forward suggestions to relevant departments and units on supervision and correction, plugging loopholes, and establishing rules and regulations, promote the people's courts and administrative organs to exercise their powers according to law, and establish a long-term mechanism to promote source governance by timely tracking the implementation of supervision opinions.