Procuratorial Highlights
The Provincial Procuratorate Held the Appointment Ceremony of the First Batch of Specially Invited Assistant Prosecutors
Time: 2022-02-22 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


   Wise people use their strength to move. Wise people use their strength to move. On the morning of February 21, the Provincial People's Procuratorate held the appointment ceremony of the first batch of specially invited procurator assistants. Seven professionals from four units, including the Provincial Market Supervision Administration, the Drug Administration, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Ecological Environment, were appointed as specially invited procurator assistants of the Provincial People's Procuratorate for a period of two years.  

   Li Weidong, Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, issued a letter of appointment for the specially invited assistant procurators. Zhou Yong, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Procuratorate and director of the Political Department, presided over the ceremony, read out the appointment decision, and gave a brief explanation of the duties to be performed.  

   "The appointment of business experts from the administrative organs as assistant prosecutors of the provincial procuratorate is of great significance for improving the professional level of procuratorial work and promoting the high-quality development of procuratorial work." Li Weidong said that the procuratorial organs have always maintained a good cooperative relationship with administrative departments such as ecological environment, natural resources, market supervision, and drug supervision, and have smooth communication with each other The linkage is efficient, and the level of law enforcement and judicial cooperation has achieved positive results.  

   On how to use this system to help the development of procuratorial work, Li Weidong stressed that Refine work procedures We will establish a specific mechanism that is smooth, efficient and practical, and clarify the types and specific scope of cases in which specially invited assistant prosecutors participate in procuratorial work. want Optimize working methods To provide professional guidance for specially invited assistant prosecutors to participate in procuratorial work, strengthen communication and cooperation between administrative organs and procuratorial organs, and urge the administrative organs of this line to handle procuratorial suggestions and supervise the handling of cases according to law and regulations. want Strengthen two-way supply The appointed assistant procurator shall consider the functions of the unit and the relevant procuratorial work as a whole, and the procuratorial business department shall have the awareness of actively supporting and cooperating with the administrative organ to perform its duties, so as to help the administration according to law. want Strengthen summary publicity Promptly release the typical cases and excellent practices of specially invited assistant prosecutors to assist in handling cases, improve the influence of work and spread the good voice of Anhui.  

   Zhou Yong asked all relevant departments of the Provincial Procuratorate to pay attention to the role of specially invited assistant prosecutors in their work, so as to provide guarantee, create conditions and accumulate experience for the assistant prosecutors to perform their duties. We should take the specially invited assistant prosecutors as the link, further deepen exchanges and strengthen cooperation with all units, and improve the level of law enforcement and judicial cooperation and the level of professionalism of procuratorial organs in handling cases in a multi-dimensional and in-depth manner, so as to jointly serve and guarantee the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui in the new stage.  

   It is understood that carrying out the work of administrative professionals concurrently serving as assistant prosecutors is an important measure for procuratorial organs to fully implement Xi Jinping's rule of law thinking and implement the central government's plan to comprehensively deepen the reform of the judicial system. Specially invited assistant procurators may be assigned to the case handling team of the procuratorate to perform their duties in a centralized manner, to assist in handling cases in the procuratorate regularly or irregularly, or to provide professional support in other ways. Their performance of duties according to law is protected by law. Under the leadership of prosecutors, they perform nine duties, including participating in the formulation of laws and policies and case guidance in relevant professional fields.  

   The specially invited assistant procurators can also consult relevant file materials, working documents and materials according to their duty performance needs, attend joint meetings of prosecutors as nonvoting delegates, attend public hearings, participate in special activities, receive procuratorial business training, etc.  

   At the meeting, the employed personnel put forward their opinions and suggestions on deepening the judicial cooperation in law enforcement in combination with their respective professional fields, and made a statement. Heads of relevant departments of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate attended the ceremony.  

   The First Batch of Specially Invited Assistant Prosecutors of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate  

   Zhang Bin, Director of the Food Production Safety Supervision and Administration Division of the Provincial Market Supervision Administration;  

   He Dongqi, Director of Intellectual Property Protection Division of Provincial Market Supervision Administration;  

   Zhao Junqiang, Director of the Policy and Regulation Division of the Provincial Drug Administration;  

   Wang Yan, Director of the Comprehensive Supervision Division of the Provincial Drug Administration;  

   Cao Jianren, Deputy Director of Law Enforcement Division of Provincial Natural Resources Department;  

   Liu Chaohua, the first level chief staff member of the Regulations and Standards Division of the Provincial Department of Ecological Environment;  

   Shi Kun, the fourth level chief staff member of the Environmental Supervision Bureau (Environmental Emergency and Accident Investigation Center) of the Provincial Department of Ecological Environment.