Procuratorial Highlights
The provincial procuratorate held the promotion meeting of big data legal supervision model competition
Time: 2022-02-22 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


   According to the work arrangement of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, on February 18, the Provincial People's Procuratorate held a work promotion meeting for the big data legal supervision model competition to make arrangements for carrying out the big data related competition of procuratorial work. Dong Guiwen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, attended the meeting and put forward specific requirements.  

   Dong Guiwen pointed out that the implementation of the "big data strategy for procuratorial work" is a systematic reshaping of the procuratorial work "horizontally to the edge, vertically to the end", and a "qualitative" evolution. At present, Anhui procuratorial organs have initially carried out some big data applications in the intelligent auxiliary handling of criminal cases and the procuratorial business application system 2.0, such as intelligent auxiliary decision-making, criminal evidence guidance, knowledge sharing services, etc. However, from the current situation, there is still a big gap between Anhui and its sister provinces, such as Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The level of big data application is still relatively low, and the problems of big data application awareness is not strong, data utilization is not sufficient, data sources are insufficient, and capacity is not high are still prominent.  

   Dong Guiwen required that we should establish the awareness of seizing opportunities, expand information sources, strengthen business training, highlight comprehensive applications, and take the model competition as an opportunity to promote the opening and innovative implementation of Anhui's "big data strategy for procuratorial work". It is necessary to accurately grasp the objectives and requirements of the competition, fully tap big data resources, find out the focus of big data application, stick to reality, innovate boldly, and carefully polish high-quality entries; At the same time, we should do a good job of connection and avoid waste. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, form joint efforts in overall planning and coordination, and ensure that the competition achieves the expected goals.  

   According to Fan Jing, director of the Procuratorial Information Technology Department of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, the competition model is required to reflect the application of big data technology in legal supervision, find supervision clues through data collision, solve pain points and difficult problems that are difficult to solve by traditional means, and achieve the effect of case supervision and social governance. The competition is conducted by submitting works, which are divided into three types: application type, prototype type and creative type, and must be original works.  

   The main heads of business departments, publicity offices and information technology departments of the provincial procuratorate attended the meeting.