Procuratorial Highlights
Provincial People's Procuratorate Held the 13th Season Salon of Young Theoretical Learners
Time: September 13, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Speech by Zhou Yong  

   Yin Di's comments  

   Wu Yihuo's comments  

   Comments on security bonus  

   Speech by young police officers  

   Speech by young police officers  

   The future belongs to young people, and hope lies in them. On September 8, the 13th season of the Youth Theory House of the Provincial People's Procuratorate arrived as scheduled "Learn to speak, see loyalty" The theme focused on learning the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1" important speech and the important speech at the opening ceremony of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres at the Central Party School (National School of Administration) on September 1. Zhou Yong, member of the Party Leadership Group, director of the Political Department and secretary of the Party Committee of the provincial procuratorate Attend the salon discussion and give a speech.  

   "We can't simply regard the case as a product on the assembly line, and we can only be an assembly line factory", "we should focus on loyalty in the final analysis or on the party spirit, and if we don't temper the party spirit enough, there will be a lack of ideas and beliefs", "it is concrete to focus on politics, and it is also concrete to focus on loyalty", "work, responsibility is always the first" Xiang Yang, Qian Changyuan, Zhu Enhui, Jin Hu, Peng Hua, Li Lei, Zhang Daojiang, Hou Bingshuang And other young police officers made speeches in combination with their own actual situations.  

   As a special guest of the 13th Youth Theory House, An Baohong, Director of the Fifth Procuratorial Department of the Provincial Procuratorate, Yin Di, Full time Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Wu Yihuo, Director of the Publicity Department Comments were made respectively.  

   "Loyalty is the responsibility on our shoulders and the direction of our struggle in life!" When making comments, Anbaohong focuses on "Loyalty", "Responsibility" and "Struggle" The three key words shared their own experience with everyone, hoping that young procurators can use fire like enthusiasm and action, experience in taking responsibility, grow up in doing their duty, be energetic and uplifting, and sing the song of young procurators in Anhui in the new era.  

   Yin Di said in his comments that learning Combination is important We should combine the spirit of the Central Committee with procuratorial practice and work at the grass-roots level; study Transformation is important Improve political understanding, political judgment and political execution through learning; study Persistence is the key Make good use of your spare time to learn endlessly.  

   "Loyalty is the first quality of party members and policemen, the touchstone of whether party members and policemen really perform their duties, and the rudder to correct the course of life. Loyalty is reflected in every word and deed, and in every action and choice." Wu Yihuo shared with you the essence of the five important speeches on youth work and youth cadre work made by General Secretary Xi Jinping since the 19th National Congress, and encouraged young police officers to improve their skills, enhance their responsibilities, dare to struggle, be good at taking on responsibilities, and endure hardships.  

   Zhou Yong pointed out in his speech that this year is the first year of the "14th Five Year Plan", the historical intersection of the "two centenary goals", and a landmark year in the journey of the Chinese nation to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Dream Firmly uphold ideals and beliefs, carry forward the spirit of struggle, and strive to achieve the second centennial goal of the Chinese nation This is the basis for the theme design of this season's youth theoretical learning e-home seminar. In combination with the education and rectification of the procuratorial team, Zhou Yong asked young police officers to focus on two requirements: First, firm faith and loyalty to the Party are the soul and the foundation; Second, firm belief and loyalty to the Party is a lifelong thing. We should make persistent efforts  

   The salon seminar was jointly organized by the Party Committee and Youth League Committee of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, and 28 young policemen from the provincial procuratorate and its dispatched offices participated in the event.