Procuratorial Highlights
"Look in the mirror" against the case and compare with the model "to find the gap"
Time: September 8, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
   <Issue 3636>[During the Education Rectification] "Look in the mirror" of the case and compare it with the model "to find the gap" | People's Daily Online

   Original title  

   Anhui Provincial Procuratorate: "Look in the mirror" against the case and compare with the model "to find the gap"  

   On September 2, according to the requirements of the special warning education program of "four comparisons and four consciousnesses" of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, the Party branch of the Propaganda Office of the Provincial Procuratorate discussed the cases of violations of discipline and laws that have occurred in the provincial procuratorate in recent years, in order to further understand the wrong nature and serious harm of these cases, and draw profound lessons from them. They also put themselves, their work, their responsibilities and their thoughts into it, wrote personal analysis materials, listed personal rectification lists, and defined rectification measures and time limits.  

   Since the beginning of the second batch of political and legal team education and rectification of learning and education, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has put political education in the first place, and further strengthened political loyalty through warning education and model education.  

   In the political education, the theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group of the Institute has conducted four collective studies. The members of the leadership group and the main heads of the middle level departments of the Institute have "sunk" into the grass-roots Party branches for 26 times to give party lectures around the contents of "three profound changes", "four great achievements", and the great spirit of party building. Chen Wu, the Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, took two weeks to adhere to the problem orientation, and held political supervision talks with the Procurator General of each municipal procuratorate one by one, leading all regions to further emphasize politics, consider the overall situation, seek development, and focus on self-improvement  

   Like the propaganda department of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province, in recent days, the internal organs of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province and the discharge party groups of each faction have combined the things, people and cases around them, "Learn" according to requirements, "think" according to lessons learned, "check" according to oneself, and "correct" according to problems On August 30, Huang Huiping, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial People's Procuratorate and the head of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group stationed in the People's Procuratorate, gave a lecture on integrity for all the procurators of the organ and the dispatched court, analyzed in detail the main manifestations and causes of the "cases around", and pointed out the profound lessons that should be learned.  

   All the procurators of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate have also carefully studied the compiled materials such as the Selected Warnings for Serious Violations of Law and Discipline by Prosecutors, the Study Manual for the "Three Regulations" and the Record and Report System of Major Matters, and the Typical Cases of Prosecutors' Violation of the "Three Regulations", and insisted on putting responsibilities, work, and thoughts into the work, and comparing the content of case notification, Carefully analyze and check the integrity risk points of the post.  

   The spirit of model is the driving force to encourage people to move forward. The Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has compiled and printed the advanced deeds of Zhou Huiming and Wang Min into "pocket books", and selected five collectives and five individuals from the provincial procuratorate organs for prosecutors to study hard and find gaps  

   It is understood that during the education and rectification of the second batch of political and legal teams, in order to promote the normalization of the "three education", the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate specially formulated a specific plan for continuous deepening. The Office of Education and Rectification of the government organs insisted on one prompt every day and one supervision every two days to promote the implementation of learning and education.