Procuratorial Highlights
Party members and policemen of the provincial procuratorate enter the provincial museum
Time: July 12, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
 The light of party history reflects the procuratorial road, and the party members and policemen of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate enter the provincial blog

   "For a hundred years, the light of the original intention of the Communist Party of China has always shone on the land of the Yangtze Huaihe River! ”  From July 8 to 9, the Provincial People's Procuratorate organized party members and policemen to visit the Provincial Museum in batches to visit the "Original Intention Reflects on the Yangtze Huaihe River - Theme Exhibition Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China", trace back the red memory from the centennial party history of Anhui, and feel the revolutionary feelings.  

   Taking time development as the line and major historical events as the starting point, the exhibition hall of the museum is divided into four parts: "creating a new world", "building a new home", "forging ahead in a new era" and "striding forward in a new era". It vividly shows the great changes and brilliant achievements of the Yangtze Huaihe River region under the leadership of the Communist Party of China in the past 100 years.  

   During the visit, the party members and policemen listened carefully to the explanation, and the historical photos, revolutionary stories, and precious cultural relics caused everyone to stop and stare at them from time to time, read them carefully, and deeply understand the stories behind each important historical node of Anhui's revolution, construction, and reform in China.  

   Through the visit and study, the party members and police officers have a deeper understanding of the history of Anhui's revolutionary struggle, and have expressed that they want to deeply remember the history, remember the blood and life of the revolutionary ancestors for the Chinese revolutionary cause, carry forward the spirit of the ancestors, and continue to write the glory of procuratorial work in the new era of the Yangtze Huaihe River Delta at the new centennial starting point with an indomitable attitude of struggle and a never slacking spirit.