Procuratorial Highlights
Chen Wu visited the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce and had a discussion with representatives of private entrepreneurs
Time: June 28, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
   <Issue 3469>To be "friendly" and "clear", this forum is very high-end


   <Issue 3469>To be "friendly" and "clear", this forum is very high-end

Wang Cuifeng Attends the Symposium and Delivers a Speech

   <Issue 3469>To be "friendly" and "clear", this forum is very high-end

Chen Wu asks for opinions and gives a speech

   <Issue 3469>To be "friendly" and "clear", this forum is very high-end

Miao Xuegang Chairs the Symposium

   <Issue 3469>To be "friendly" and "clear", this forum is very high-end

Tao Fangde Announces Relevant Information

   <Issue 3469>To be "friendly" and "clear", this forum is very high-end

Liu Mingping Attends the Meeting

   <Issue 3469>To be "friendly" and "clear", this forum is very high-end  

   "We should make true friends with private entrepreneurs, not vulgar, not banditry." "To build a relationship between pro clean inspection and enterprise, we should be 'pro clean' and moderate, 'clean' and promising, 'clean' and exceptional." On June 24, Chen Wu, the Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, led a team to Anhui Federation of Industry and Commerce to consult with the person in charge of the Anhui Federation of Industry and Commerce and representatives of private entrepreneurs on their opinions and suggestions on boosting the high-quality development of private economy and the relevant work measures to be introduced. Wang Cuifeng, Vice Governor of Anhui Province and Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, attended the symposium and delivered a speech. Miao Xuegang, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Executive Vice Chairman, presided over the symposium.  

   A total of 6 private entrepreneurs were invited to participate in the forum on the same day, including: representatives of the National People's Congress, vice chairman of Anhui Federation of Industry and Commerce, and chairman of Anhui Hengxin Group Zhao Yuxiu , deputy to the National People's Congress, vice chairman of Anhui Federation of Industry and Commerce, chairman of Hefei Rongshida Electronics Group Co., Ltd Pan Baochun , NPC deputy, chairman of Anhui Yingliu Group Du Yingliu , member of the CPPCC National Committee, vice chairman of Anhui Federation of Industry and Commerce, chairman of Anhui Aikelan Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd Liu Yi , representative of Anhui Provincial People's Congress, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and chairman of Hainan Weikang Pharmaceutical (Qianshan) Co., Ltd Han Dingwang , representative of Anhui Provincial People's Congress, member of the Standing Committee of Anhui Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and chairman of Guochuang Software Co., Ltd. of University of Science and Technology of China Dong Yongdong  

   Tao Fangde, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, first reported the work of the provincial procuratorial organs in providing services to ensure the development of private economy since last year. It is reported that since 2020, the provincial procuratorial organs have severely cracked down on crimes against private enterprises, with 265 people arrested and 1110 prosecuted. Adhere to the concept of "less arrests, more lawsuits and more custody", do not arrest 470 people or prosecute 1057 people in cases involving crimes of non-public economic personnel, and 72 criminal suspects (defendants) in custody involving private enterprises are relieved or compulsory measures are changed. We carried out a special clean-up of "pending cases" in criminal proceedings involving private enterprises, and a total of 383 "pending cases" were cleared, 320 of which had been cleared by the end of May this year. We carried out special work on supervision of false lawsuits involving private economy, protested 406 cases of "cracking down on false lawsuits", put forward 1059 procuratorial suggestions, and severely punished a number of malicious "cracking down on false lawsuits" that damaged the rights and interests of private enterprises.  

   "The ten major measures have great impact, and we have accurately grasped the difficulties, blockages and pain points in the operation of private enterprises." "We feel very warm and reassured, which also makes us more confident." After listening to the explanation given by the person in charge of the private office of the provincial procuratorate on the draft of the ten major measures to promote the high-quality development of the private economy, private entrepreneurs such as Pan Baochun, Zhao Yuxiu, Du Yingliu, Liu Yi, Han Dingwang, Dong Yongdong, etc. have made speeches successively, talking about feelings, understanding, and suggestions, which are full of insights and reflect responsibility.  

   Chen Wu listened carefully and recorded, and the on-site discussion and interaction were warm. "I have just come to Anhui for five months, and I am less than half a year old. I have been working at the grassroots level for a while. I will invite you to discuss the legal issues of intellectual property protection, especially in the digital economy, when I have time." "My understanding is that, The service provider and the service target should focus on the "bull's-eye" to be practical. ”Chen Wu responded one by one, sincere and modest. Some suggestions were accepted on the spot: "It's good that you proposed to ask for more opinions from SMEs on the" Ten Major Measures ", and we will arrange to ask for opinions at different levels immediately after the meeting."  

   Chen Wu said that the provincial procuratorial organs should carefully study, think and practice the guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the private enterprise forum and the important speech on the investigation of Anhui, resolutely implement the decision deployment of the Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on supporting the healthy development of the private economy, and firmly establish new judicial concepts. Further consolidate ideological consensus and practically enhance the political consciousness of serving and guaranteeing the high-quality development of private economy , sincerely listen to entrepreneurs' opinions, truly promote entrepreneurship, sincerely protect the legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs, and achieve "pro" and moderate, "clean" and promising, "clean" plus "pro", showing the warmth of justice; More importantly, we should be pro elegant, not vulgar, and pro pattern, to jointly serve the high-quality economic and social development of Anhui and the revitalization of the nation. Further exert the procuratorial function and practically enhance the consciousness of action of service guarantee We will strive to create a social environment that protects businesses, create a fair and just legal environment, and maintain a market environment of equal competition. Further strengthen communication and cooperation, and effectively enhance the working force of service guarantee We will promote the regular consultation system of "Chairman+Procurator General", establish and improve the democratic supervision and service guarantee mechanism, continue to work hard and make lasting contributions to ensure the high-quality economic and social development of the province.  

   Wang Cuifeng, on behalf of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, first expressed gratitude to the procuratorial organs for introducing a series of service guarantee measures based on their procuratorial functions in recent years, which created a good business environment for the healthy development of private enterprises.  

   She pointed out that this It is not only a symposium, but also a joint meeting, and more importantly, a thematic promotion meeting And grasped the important focus of "I do practical things for the masses" in the study and education of party history. The ten measures to promote the healthy development of the private economy to be introduced by the Provincial Procuratorate are practical, realistic, accurate, and have grasped the difficult points that private enterprises care about. They are high in value and sufficient in weight, fully reflecting the procuratorial organ's service concept of "working for their own people and doing their own things".  

   Wang Cuifeng stressed that the federations of industry and commerce at all levels should give full play to their role as bridges and bonds, Be a good "waiter", "liaison" and "spokesperson" of private enterprises And earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises and entrepreneurs. The Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce should work together with the Provincial Procuratorate to implement the Opinions on Establishing and Improving the Communication Mechanism between the Procuratorate and the Federation of Industry and Commerce formulated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Through the regular consultation mechanism of "Chairman+Procurator General", the effective connection between democratic supervision, service guarantee and other mechanisms should be achieved, Let the cooperation between the two sides be closer and more effective It is necessary to move forward the threshold of rule of law publicity, enhance the effectiveness and pertinence of rule of law publicity, improve the quality of law popularization, and improve private enterprises and entrepreneurs Awareness of laws and regulations, recognition of the spirit of the rule of law and participation in the practice of the rule of law We should strengthen publicity and guidance, To build a new type of "pro" and "clear" political and business relationship, it is necessary to be fresh and friendly Pay attention to preventing legal risks and operate in accordance with laws and regulations.  

   Liu Mingping, vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, attended the meeting, and heads of relevant departments of the Provincial Procuratorate and the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce attended the forum.