Procuratorial Highlights
The Central Group of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial People's Procuratorate went to Jingxian County to carry out experiential teaching activities of party history
Time: May 6, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
 Carry forward the spirit of the New Fourth Army and write a new chapter of procuratorial work in Anhui Carry forward the spirit of the New Fourth Army and write a new chapter of procuratorial work in Anhui

Lay wreaths to revolutionary martyrs

 Carry forward the spirit of the New Fourth Army and write a new chapter of procuratorial work in Anhui

Reviewing the oath of joining the Party

 Carry forward the spirit of the New Fourth Army and write a new chapter of procuratorial work in Anhui

Visit and study at the former site of the Southeast Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

 Carry forward the spirit of the New Fourth Army and write a new chapter of procuratorial work in Anhui

Visit and study at the former site of the Political Department of the New Fourth Army

 Carry forward the spirit of the New Fourth Army and write a new chapter of procuratorial work in Anhui

Visit and study in the museum of the former site of the Great Hall of the New Fourth Army

 Carry forward the spirit of the New Fourth Army and write a new chapter of procuratorial work in Anhui

Listen to the micro party lesson at the old site of the Great Hall of the New Fourth Army

 Carry forward the spirit of the New Fourth Army and write a new chapter of procuratorial work in Anhui

Speech by Chen Wu

 Carry forward the spirit of the New Fourth Army and write a new chapter of procuratorial work in Anhui Carry forward the spirit of the New Fourth Army and write a new chapter of procuratorial work in Anhui

Observe and study in the History Museum of Jingxian County Procuratorate     

On April 29, the Central Group of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial People's Procuratorate came to Jingxian County, Anhui Province, where the Southern Anhui Incident took place, to carry out an experiential teaching activity of party history Chen Wu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General, presided over the event and delivered a speech. He stressed that, The spirit of the New Fourth Army is an important part of the spiritual pedigree of the Communist Party of China. The party members and policemen in the procuratorial organs across the province should understand it carefully, let the red gene penetrate into the blood, and transform it into a strong spiritual power that never forgets its original intention, remembers its mission, and continues to struggle  

   In April, the south of Anhui is green with water and green mountains. From 1938 to 1941, the Southeast Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Military Headquarters of the New Fourth Army stationed in Jingxian County Yunling has lasted for three years. On January 6, 1941, the "Southern Anhui Incident" that shocked the world occurred in Maolin District, Jingxian County. More than 7000 New Fourth Army officers and men slept at the foot of Dongliu Mountain for the cause of national liberation.

   On the morning of the 29th, members of the Central Group of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Procuratorate first came to the Southern Anhui Incident Martyrs Cemetery to lay wreaths to the revolutionary martyrs and review the oath of joining the Party. In front of the monument of "The martyrs of the Southern Anhui Incident are immortal", Chen Wu carefully arranged the wreath ribbons, and all the comrades bowed three times deeply to express their deep memory and infinite respect for the revolutionary martyrs. In the face of the bright party flag of the Communist Party of China, Chen Wu came forward to take the oath, and all the comrades raised their right fists to solemnly swear. The sonorous oath stirred people's hearts.  

   Later, we went to the former site of the Southeast Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the former site of the Political Department of the New Fourth Army to visit and study, review the glorious history of the formation, development and expansion of the New Fourth Army, and deeply remember the tragic page of the Southern Anhui Incident, Comprehend the iron army spirit of "firm belief in holding the flag with the Party, heroic and resolute steel will, indomitable and tenacious style, sincere unity of unity, broad mind of tolerance for the country, and conscious discipline in step". At the old site of the Great Hall of the New Fourth Army, the members of the center group also collectively listened to the micro party lesson "Memory of Southern Anhui".  

   At the symposium held on the spot, Dong Guiwen, Li Weidong, Sheng Dayou, Zhou Yong and other leaders of the Institute, as well as three representatives of branch secretaries, made exchange speeches around the on-site teaching experience in combination with studying the designated learning materials. It was believed that the study and discussion of the Party history of the Central Group was carried out in the way of "theoretical learning+on-site education+discussion and understanding", which combined the study of the Party history with summing up experience, looking at reality and promoting work, reviewed the original mission, honed the responsibility, and was a self-education and two-way exchange that closely combined the exercise of the Party spirit with the work practice, "Strong Party spirit, high level and good effect".  

   Chen Wu pointed out in his speech that adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the soul of the New Fourth Army spirit. want Deeply study the firm belief of the New Fourth Army in holding the flag with the Party, and put "political emphasis" throughout the procuratorial work We should strengthen the awareness of political organs in specific work, improve the political execution in the process of practical work, and implement the people-centered development idea in the procuratorial performance.  

   Chen Wu stressed that the New Fourth Army had fought for a long time in a strategic place in central China with complex enemy situation and dangerous environment. With its heroic and resolute will, and revolutionary heroism, it braved hardships and dangers and faced difficulties, and finally forged a victorious army capable of fighting and winning battles. want Deeply study the brave and resolute will and indomitable style of the New Fourth Army, and implement the overall requirements of "taking the overall situation into account" We should strengthen the infrastructure construction at the grass-roots level in a down-to-earth manner, take the initiative to reflect the procuratorial responsibility, and work together to do a good job of procuratorial work for the people.  

   Chen Wu stressed that the New Fourth Army attached great importance to national justice, faithfully implemented the anti Japanese national united front policy, and demonstrated the great patriotism of unity and tolerance for the country. want Deeply study the New Fourth Army's sincere unity and broad mind of tolerance for the country, and lead the "pursuit of development" with new ideas We will adhere to the principle of handling cases under supervision and supervision in handling cases, adhere to an objective and fair position, adhere to a win-win situation, consciously implement new requirements and write a new chapter.  

   Chen Wu pointed out that the New Fourth Army spirit is also known as the "iron army spirit" because it has won the broad support and support of the people with the discipline of "orders and prohibitions, no offense". want Deeply study the self-conscious discipline of the New Fourth Army in step, and practice hard the internal skill of "valuing self-improvement" We should consciously inherit the fine style of work, constantly strengthen the team's ability and quality, deepen and consolidate the discipline and style of work, and always act in a clean manner.  

   April 29 coincided with the first anniversary of the opening of the History Museum of the Jingxian County Procuratorate. The members of the center team also went to observe and study the history of the people's procuratorial work. Zhu Bianjiang, Procurator General of Xuancheng Municipal Procuratorate, and Du Aipeng, Procurator General of Jingxian County Procuratorate, participated in relevant activities.