Procuratorial Highlights
The Provincial Procuratorate held the 2021 Spring Training Class on the Party Building Work of Organs
Time: March 1, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
 <Issue 3161>The theme of this spring training is
Spring training class site
 <Issue 3161>The theme of this spring training is
 <Issue 3161>The theme of this spring training is
Speech by Zhou Yong
 <Issue 3161>The theme of this spring training is
Wang Yongjuan gave special counseling
 <Issue 3161>The theme of this spring training is <Issue 3161>The theme of this spring training is
   <Issue 3161>The theme of this spring training is <Issue 3161>The theme of this spring training is
The secretary of the Party branch exchanges his learning experience and the preliminary plan to carry out the study and education of the Party history

On February 26, the Provincial People's Procuratorate held the 2021 Spring Training Class on Party Building of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, which provided special training for the secretaries and members of all party branches of the Provincial People's Procuratorate and the secretaries of the party branches (general party branches) of the four procuratorates dispatched by Baihu, Jiuchengban, Luzhou, and Railway Transportation. Zhou Yong, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Procuratorate, director of the Political Department and secretary of the Party Committee of the organ, attended the spring training class and delivered a speech.

Wang Yongjuan, Head of the Organization Department of the Working Committee of Provincial Organs, was invited to give special guidance on three regulations, including the Regulations on the Work of Grass roots Organizations of the CPC and State Organs. The spring training class also conveyed the spirit of the provincial party group (party committee) secretary's meeting to focus on the work report of party building, and deployed and arranged the key work of party building and the work of the discipline inspection commission. The secretaries of the four Party branches of the Provincial Procuratorate, including the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group in the People's Procuratorate, the Propaganda Department, the Sixth Procuratorate Department, and the Law and Policy Research Office, exchange their learning experiences and carry out the preliminary calculation of Party history learning and education around the study of the Speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Mobilization Conference for Party History Learning and Education.

When deploying the key work of party building of the government organs this year, Zhou Yong pointed out that, We should always focus on the organizational construction of the branch We will do a solid job in the standardization and standardization construction of the Party branch, continue to promote the "pilot plan" of the branch, and further promote the creation of "model agencies". To serve the center and ensure the high-quality development of the procuratorial work of the whole court in the first year of the 14th Five Year Plan We will carry out services around the deployment made by the 15th National Procuratorial Work Conference and the Provincial Procurator General Conference, and improve the content of organ efficiency construction to perform core functions. To meet the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China We will do a good job in learning and educating the history of the Party, rectifying the problems fed back by the central government's inspection tour, deepening a new round of "three cases" warning education and "two excellent and one first" commendation activities. Adhere to the main tone of "strictness" and do a good job of the team We should strengthen the education, management and supervision of Party members in our branches, strengthen ideological and political work, and seriously carry out the education and rectification of the political and legal ranks.

Zhou Yong finally stressed that we should focus on the five major events of "learning the history of the Party, focusing on rectification, improving the style of work, strengthening the team, and celebrating the centenary", make overall planning, connect and integrate, and combine the functions and tasks of departments to effectively implement all work.