Procuratorial Highlights
The Provincial Procuratorate held a special forum to study Xi Jinping's Discussion on Governance (Volume III)
Time: November 26, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
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Zhou Yong presided over the forum and made a speech


   On November 24, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate held a special forum to study Xi Jinping's Discussion on Governance (Volume III). Zhou Yong, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Procuratorate, director of the Political Department, and secretary of the Party Committee of the organ presided over the forum and delivered a speech.  

The purpose of this forum is to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's Discussion on Governance (Volume III), further promote understanding and understanding, and promote the effectiveness of learning and implementation. Heads of six branches of the provincial procuratorate made exchange speeches at the forum.

   Sun Yantao, Head of the First Procuratorial Department Branch Focusing on how to implement the principle of "always putting the people at the top of our hearts" in procuratorial work, we exchanged learning experiences from four aspects: enhancing political sensitivity and discrimination, improving the ability of the masses to work, making good use of the law to promote socialist core values, and avoiding formalistic bureaucracy. Chen Xian, Head of the Second Procuratorate Branch From the perspective of improving the work level of the branch, adhere to the problem orientation, and propose that we should carefully study the Three Volumes to improve the ideological, organizational and executive power of the branch. Jiang Kebin, Head of the Third Procuratorate Branch Combined with the work responsibilities of the department, the learning experience was discussed from three aspects: learning first, understanding and follow-up, and action consciousness. Zhao Jie, Secretary of the Seventh Procuratorial Branch Focusing on Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization, the topic combines the public interest litigation work and administrative procuratorial work in the field of ecological environment and resource protection, and proposes to be based on post responsibilities and be brave to take actions. Yu Peipei, Secretary of the Party Branch of Luzhou Procuratorate The learning experience was discussed from the two perspectives of "the spontaneous sense of pride of the Communist Party members and the sense of mission of the procuratorial police". Li Tao, Secretary of the Railway Transport Procuratorate Branch Focusing on the eighth topic in Volume III, "Strengthening the Awareness of Trouble, Preventing and Resolving Risk Challenges", and combining with the reality of procuratorial work, we exchanged views on how to enhance the spirit of struggle.  

   Zhou Yong commented on the forum. He pointed out that the speeches made at the forum were closely related to the reality. Everyone really guided the practice with theory in combination with the work functions of departments, the procuratorial work and the actual work of the branch; Focusing on special topics, learning has improved the pertinence and effectiveness of learning; It reflects the depth of thinking. The speech is combined with learning and practical work. It has a real and vivid feature and truly achieves learning, thinking and practicing.  

It is understood that the provincial procuratorate will hold three consecutive special forums to study Xi Jinping's Discussion on Governance (Volume III), and party branch secretaries will take turns in the forum to exchange speeches. This forum is the first.

The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Provincial Procuratorate, the main heads of the internal institutions and directly affiliated institutions of the organ, and the secretaries of the discharge branches of the Provincial Procuratorate attended the forum.