Procuratorial Highlights
The provincial procuratorate organized veteran cadres to visit the construction of grass-roots institutions and receive anti-corruption education activities
Time: November 26, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

The year 2020 is the year for the construction of procuratorial organs at the grass-roots level. In order to make veteran cadres have a deep understanding of the construction of the grass-roots level, recently, the Retired Cadres Office of the Provincial Procuratorate organized some veteran comrades to visit the Tongcheng Procuratorate in Anqing to study and carry out anti-corruption education activities.

The old comrades first visited the procuratorial work area, office building and other infrastructure construction of Tongcheng Procuratorate, watched the warning educational film and anti-corruption theme exhibition in Tongcheng City Duty Crime Prevention Warning Education Base, and experienced the development and change of the grassroots courts and received the education on Party conduct and clean government. At the subsequent symposium, the relevant responsible person of the institute introduced the main achievements and honors in the construction of grass-roots institutions in recent years, and presented the incorruption education books "Don't get lucky" and "Family Instructions for Father and Son, Prime Minister" to all the old comrades. In their exchange speeches, the old comrades expressed their appreciation for the construction of the grassroots procuratorate of Tongcheng Municipal Procuratorate, spoke highly of its achievements in the construction of the grassroots procuratorate, and hoped that they would make persistent efforts to create a new situation for the construction of the grassroots procuratorate in the new era.

At the end of the activity, the old comrades visited the historic and cultural landmark "Tongcheng Confucian Temple" in Tongcheng, and the "Liuchi Lane", the legal education and anti-corruption education base in Tongcheng. Everyone said that, as an old party member and comrade, we must inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, learn from the cultural essence of rule of virtue and propriety, respect morality and propriety, strictly cultivate ourselves, use power and discipline ourselves, and at the same time, we must teach by example, educate and guide people around us to learn from the past and the present, and cultivate ourselves wholeheartedly.
 <Issue 2900>Anhui Provincial Procuratorate organized veteran cadres to visit the construction of grass-roots institutions and receive anti-corruption education activities <Issue 2900>Anhui Provincial Procuratorate organized veteran cadres to visit the construction of grass-roots institutions and receive anti-corruption education activities <Issue 2900>Anhui Provincial Procuratorate organized veteran cadres to visit the construction of grass-roots institutions and receive anti-corruption education activities <Issue 2900>Anhui Provincial Procuratorate organized veteran cadres to visit the construction of grass-roots institutions and receive anti-corruption education activities <Issue 2900>Anhui Provincial Procuratorate organized veteran cadres to visit the construction of grass-roots institutions and receive anti-corruption education activities <Issue 2900>Anhui Provincial Procuratorate organized veteran cadres to visit the construction of grass-roots institutions and receive anti-corruption education activities