Procuratorial Highlights
Anhui Procuratorate: the eighth quarter salon seminar was held by the provincial procuratorate office "Youth Theory Learning E-home"
Time: September 1, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
 Talk about "On Contradiction", the eighth season of "Youth Theory Learning E-home"! Talk about "On Contradiction", the eighth season of "Youth Theory Learning E-home"!

Comments by Zhou Yong

 Talk about "On Contradiction", the eighth season of "Youth Theory Learning E-home"!
 Talk about "On Contradiction", the eighth season of "Youth Theory Learning E-home"! Talk about "On Contradiction", the eighth season of "Youth Theory Learning E-home"!
 Talk about "On Contradiction", the eighth season of "Youth Theory Learning E-home"!

Recently, the Provincial Procuratorate's "Youth Theory Learning Home" held the eighth quarter offline salon seminar, and young police representatives from all departments talked about their feelings about learning the "Theory of Contradiction" in combination with the actual situation, procuratorial functions and their own work. Zhou Yong, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, director of the Political Department and secretary of the Party Committee of the organ, attended the event and made comments on the speech of young police officers.

Zhou Yong, as the instructor of the "Young E-Family", first explained the Marxist world outlook and methodology in the "Theory of Contradiction", analyzed the essence of the Sino US trade war, explained the deep philosophical principles behind the "four great", and pointed out that the "four great" are the realistic embodiment of the universality and particularity of the spear shield. He also stressed that The Theory of Contradiction is also an example for each party member to learn theory. Everyone should fully understand and grasp the historical background and era value of The Theory of Contradiction, and learn the methods and spirit of political theory learning in the historical background at that time.


Zhou Yong asked young policemen to learn from the classics, persevere, learn more wisdom from the classics, further increase the depth of thought, and train the way of thinking. Don't be afraid of difficulties when learning classics. You should abandon the idea of exam oriented learning and simple thinking mode. You should be patient, determined and persistent in reading the original work and understanding the principles. You should constantly strengthen the ideological refining, political experience and practical exercise in the struggle to achieve the unity of knowledge, faith and practice.


During the discussion, young police officers generally believed that "On Contradiction" was an important philosophical work of Chairman Mao on the law of the unity of opposites, which closely combined with the practice of the Chinese revolution, had distinctive Chinese characteristics, laid a philosophical foundation for the ideological and theoretical line of the Communist Party of China, and enriched and developed Marxism. Everyone said that through studying the "Theory of Contradiction", they realized that contradictions are ubiquitous, grasped the law of contradiction movement, and provided a more comprehensive methodology for finding, analyzing, and solving problems in work and study.