Procuratorial Highlights
Media gathering | Go against the water and sing against the wind - a record of flood control and flood fighting by the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province
Time: July 29, 2020 Author: News source: Procuratorial Daily [Font size: large | in | Small
 Front page | | Go against the water and sing against the wind
 Front page | | Go against the water and sing against the wind

(The front page of Procuratorial Daily on July 28)

   Going against the Water Song against the Wind  

——Chronicle of flood control and flood fighting of the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province (reporter Wu Yihuo)

The Yangtze River is in urgent need! Huaihe River is in urgent need! Chaohu is in urgent need!

On July 25, the Anhui Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters issued an order that from 12:00 on the same day, relevant areas in the Yangtze River, Huaihe River and Chaohu River basins in Anhui Province entered the emergency flood control period. This means that after more than 20 days of single line and two line operations, Anhui's flood control and flood fighting has now entered a severe stage of "three line operations".

The inspection badge shines in case of emergency flood. The procuratorial police in Anhui are moving towards the water, actively participating in the front line of flood fighting and rescue, patrolling on duty, investigating hidden dangers, and transferring the affected people... They are fully safeguarding the safety of people's lives and property, fully demonstrating the good style of the procuratorial police who are able to stand up, win, and take responsibility at the critical moment.

   "If you don't leave, I'll stay and sit with you all night!"  

"Report! It's raining heavily now, and people are moving." "Pay attention to personnel safety!" This is 21:58 on July 18, Xue Jiangwu, Procurator General of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate In the WeChat work group, we had a brief "dialogue" with Zhang Yang, the chief procurator of the White Lake Procuratorate. At 20:10 that night, the gate of the East Great Dock of the White Lake was opened to store the flood, and the safety of the procuratorial police and the people at the front line affected Xue Jiangwu's heart.

 Front page | | Go against the water and sing against the wind

On July 18, Zhang Yang, the chief procurator of the White Lake Procuratorate, went door to door to confirm whether the masses were transferred safely.

Just a few hours ago, a large number of floods poured into the office building, canteen, police dormitory and family building of the White Lake Procuratorate, with the deepest inflow of 1.6 meters. The family building of the White Lake Procuratorate is two old buildings built in the 1980s. In addition to the procuratorial police, there are also more than a dozen local people living in the building, most of whom are elderly people in their 70s and 80s, and a girl with a broken leg.

Zhang Yang immediately led the members of the flood control and rescue team to carry out rescue work at night and in the rainstorm. "Electric leakage!" Lu Zhong, a team member in a one-piece leather suit (commonly known as "Water Ghost Clothes"), was about to go to the family home to evacuate the crowd when he suddenly found that there was electricity in the water, so he quickly arranged for someone to cut off power and gas. After the power failure, the team members wore water ghost clothes, went down to the chest level water, entered the family building in the dark, and knocked on the doors door to door to transfer the masses.

The old people who have been transferred have difficulty moving in the water, so the team members will recite or carry them out one by one. Many elderly people living on the second and third floors are reluctant to leave their homes because of their property. The team members work one by one, even call the children of the elderly who work in other places to persuade the elderly to stay in danger.

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The procuratorial police helped to transfer a crowd with a broken leg.

"An old lady is determined not to leave. What should we do?" Xia Guiping and Liu Mingliang, members of the team, called Zhang Yang to report. "Wait for me!" Zhang Yang waded into the second floor of the family building. He first showed the work card of the chief inspector of the White Lake Procuratorate, and then explained to the old lady the current emergency situation, the purpose of rescue, and the accommodation arrangements after the transfer, but the old lady refused to leave. "Well, we can't leave you here alone. If you really don't leave, I can only stay and sit with you all night! Seeing that the comrades in the procuratorate were going to spend the night with her, the old lady became soft hearted and reluctantly left home.

The more than ten people evacuated were all settled in the hotel, and special team members were responsible for their daily food and living. It was late at night. The next day, the team members rented boats from the local people and went home to fetch valuables and change clothes for the people.

The rescue work came to an end, and there were no major safety accidents and property losses of the masses within the jurisdiction of the White Lake Procuratorate. The flood did not recede, the procuratorial police did not retreat, and the members of the flood prevention team of the White Lake Procuratorate threw themselves into a new fight

   The Procurator General visited more than 30 villages in the town  

At 8:31 a.m. on July 20, Wangjiaba Gate, the "First Gate of the Huaihe River", was ordered to open for flood storage, and the 180 square kilometer Mengwa flood storage area became a whole land.

 Front page | | Go against the water and sing against the wind

Sun Chaolun (the first), the chief procurator of the Funan County Procuratorate in Anhui Province, carried living materials for the masses in the rain.

According to the division of tasks, the Procuratorate of Funan County guarantees Caoji Town in the middle of Mengwa Flood Storage Area, involving more than 50000 people in eight administrative villages. The flood control task is very heavy, and the Procurator General Sun Chaolun is the first responsible person. On the evening of July 17, Sun Chaolun received instructions on his way back from the superior procuratorate to report the case, and simply packed up his luggage and rushed to the front line. In the morning of the next day, the first batch of party members and policemen from the Funan Procuratorate gathered and went to Dongying Village and Chengying Village of Caoji Town to carry out flood control work.

"Before opening the floodgates and storing the flood, the main task is to conduct daily patrols to check whether the dyke leaks or seeps." Sun Chaolun said that, in order to ensure that everything is safe, he and the police assisted the village cadres to check the 14.71 km dyke in 8 villages and 1 community in shifts to ensure that there were no dead ends in all aspects of the investigation.

During the night break, Sun Chaolun was working overtime to deal with a criminal case. Suddenly, the dam patrol police on duty called and reported that "bubbles" were found on a dam. Sun Chaolun immediately rushed to the dam and immediately informed the water conservancy experts. Bubbles on the dam are the earliest warning of danger. Under the guidance of water conservancy experts, we carried out targeted reinforcement of the dam.

At about 20:00 on July 19, the water level of Wangjiaba was 29.09 meters, close to the guaranteed water level of 29.3 meters, and rose by 4 centimeters per hour "The flood storage area is expected to be opened, and 2017 people in the flood storage area must be transferred before 3:00 tomorrow morning!" The order was given, and just after the completion of the dike patrol work, Sun Chaolun once again led the police to work with village and town cadres to quickly evacuate the masses to ensure that no one was left behind.

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Before Wangjiaba gate was opened for flood discharge, the procuratorial police assisted village and town cadres to evacuate the masses overnight and transfer property.

At 1:20 in the morning of the next day, when the evacuation work was basically completed, they returned to the flood storage area again to help merchants snatch goods. The intensive transfer in the past two hours has helped several supermarkets, home appliance stores and hardware stores transfer nearly 10000 jin of goods "In the face of people's unconditional payment, what we can do is to help them move their property and goods, and reduce their losses as much as possible." Sun Chaolun said.

After the gate was opened for flood storage, the upstream water level of Wangjiaba decreased, but the continuous rainfall made the flood control pressure of Wangjiaba rise instead of decrease. Sun Chaolun actively consulted with village and town cadres to strictly organize dike patrol and inspection, and increased supervision and inspection of flood control work. At this time, however, Sun Chaolun's body also received an early warning signal. The days of high-intensity flood control made his blood pressure rise sharply, and he began to feel dizzy and uncomfortable. "If the flood does not recede, we will not retreat. At this time, we will go to the battlefield, and we can't make up our minds." Sun Chaolun asked his family to send medicine and continued to stick to the front line.

In the six days and nights before and after, Sun Chaolun visited more than 30 large and small villages, Zhuangtai and Baozhuang Docks in Caoji Town, and all the people in the responsibility area were transferred and properly resettled.

   96 hours before and after the polder breaking in Tongda Town  

At 11:56 on July 21, they gathered to rush to the front line; From 13:30 p.m. on July 21 to 8:00 a.m. on July 22, they went into the village three times successively to persuade and evacuate the masses from door to door, and conducted a dragnet investigation; At about 8:00 on July 22, Shidawu, Tongda Town, burst the dike, and Lianhe Village, where the procuratorial police were located, was flooded. All of them were evacuated urgently. From July 23 to July 24, Tongda Town was cut off from water and electricity, and the procuratorial police continued to evacuate the masses. This is the 96 hour flood control brief "log" of the police of the People's Procuratorate of Lujiang County, Anhui Province before and after the breaking of the Baishi Tianhe Shidawu Lianhe reach, a tributary of Chaohu Lake in the county.

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On the afternoon of July 21, Zhu Shaoming (first from left), a 58 year old party member policeman from the Lujiang County Procuratorate in Anhui Province, persuaded the evacuees to move in Lianhe Village, Tongda Town.

On July 21, the water level of Chaohu Lake reached 13.36m, which has reached the standard of once-in-a-century return period. Tongda Town, Lujiang County, adjacent to Chaohu Lake, is in danger of breaking the dyke at any time. According to the arrangement of relevant departments, Lujiang County Procuratorate quickly sent a commando team composed of 7 party members and policemen to Tongda Town at 12:00 that day to assist in the evacuation.

Zhang Ruiwen, deputy director of the Political Department of the Lujiang County Procuratorate, who participated in the flood control work in 2016, said that the flood situation this time was more serious than expected. Zhang Rui, a post-90s police officer in the office of Lujiang County Procuratorate, also said afterwards: "After arriving at the village, I saw that the levee and water level were much higher than those in the village, and I felt that the danger was imminent, so I immediately entered the house and moved the people from house to house."  

However, the mass evacuation work was not so smooth, and many elderly people were unwilling to leave their old homes, unwilling to raise poultry and livestock. At about 8:00 p.m. on July 21, when Zhang Rui's working group went to the village for the second time, it found that Uncle Gao had not left for a long time. It turned out that Mr. Gao's wife was in poor health and could not move easily, and she thought the dam would not be dangerous. Zhang Rui hurriedly called Gao's son, called him back from Hefei and persuaded him repeatedly. Finally, the old man was willing to evacuate, and they all worked together to carry the old man to the car.

From about 14:00 on July 21 to 23:00, seven procuratorial policemen respectively conducted two times of pulling nets to persuade and evacuate more than 500 households in Lianhe Village and 75 households in three village groups in Xisha, Nanzha Village.

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The police of Lujiang County Procuratorate took part in the mass evacuation work in the rain. After working for ten consecutive hours, the police took a short rest.

After midnight, there is still a household with five guarantees in Lianhe Village who refuses to leave. Due to the inconvenience of walking late at night, the procuratorial police decided to come back the next morning after asking the relevant departments for instructions. "It's very dangerous here, so you can follow us." "I won't go, this is my home." In the early morning light, the procuratorial police who had less than 5 hours of rest appeared at the home of the five guarantee household. After two hours of persuasion, the household with five guarantees finally agreed to evacuate at 7:00 a.m. on July 22.

At this time, it is less than 1 hour away from the broken dike!

At about 8:30, a sudden breach of the overflow dike occurred at the Shidawu Lianhe reach in Tongda Town. The Lujiang County Procuratorate was responsible for persuading Lianhe Village, which was separated from the masses, to be directly below the breach. After the dike was broken, Lianhe Village was the first to bear the brunt. Zhang Rui's working group is now carrying out the third time of entering the house in Nanzha Village, and is preparing to persuade one household not to evacuate the masses, when suddenly received the notice that the Lianhe River has been broken and all the people should evacuate immediately! They quickly took the family to the side of the road, stopped a gravel truck, moved to the high place, and collected the evacuees along the way.

"It's a close call. Everyone is racing against the flood." On the bus, Zhang Rui missed other colleagues working in Lianhe Village, and he was very worried about his lack of contact until he saw neat partners at the gate of the town government.

Looking at the ridges that we passed recently, there was a vast ocean. During the flood control period, only the flagpole on the second floor of Lianhe Village Party Mass Service Center, where we had instant noodles and boxed lunch, stood in the water. Everyone was very pleased. Before the dike was broken, more than 500 residents in the area under the charge of the procuratorial police had been transferred safely. "Through our persuasion, the villagers evacuated in time, and we didn't leave a family alone." Zhang Ruiwen said.

However, we heard that Wang Song, the deputy secretary of the Party branch of Lianhe Village, who fought side by side, and Chen Lu, the political instructor of the Lujiang County Fire Rescue Brigade, were swept away by the flood when they were rescuing the trapped people. Everyone was silent: "We were still eating instant noodles the day before tomorrow, encouraging each other."

Before it was time to grieve, the police changed another village and went door to door to persuade the people to evacuate. At present, the flood control work of the Lujiang County Procuratorate is fighting on both lines. The commando team of 7 party members and policemen continued to carry out flood control and rescue in Tongda Town, while another commando team composed of 20 policemen was on duty 24 hours a shift in the East River of Lucheng Town, Lujiang County.

On July 26, the local police confirmed that Comrade Chen Lu had died bravely, while Wang Song is still missing.