Procuratorial Highlights
[Data disclosure] Major case handling data of provincial procuratorial organs from January to June 2020
Time: July 27, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In the first half of 2020, the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, actively serve the "Six Stabilities" and "Six Guarantees", consciously perform their legal supervision duties, orderly promote the steady and healthy development of all procuratorial businesses in the province, and achieve new results. Now the main case handling data are announced as follows:

1、 Main case handling data of criminal prosecution

(1) Review of arrest and prosecution

The provincial procuratorial organs approved and decided to arrest 6961 people, and did not approve or decide to arrest 1753 people, with a non arrest rate of 20.1%.

A total of 25745 people were decided to sue, with a prosecution rate of 89.5%; 3011 people were not prosecuted, with a non prosecution rate of 10.5%. Among them, 23645 people were concluded under the leniency system of pleading guilty, accounting for 82.1% of the total number of people who reviewed and prosecuted cases in the same period.

It was decided to arrest 113 people for duty crimes and to prosecute 251 people.

We approved the arrest of 2363 people who committed crimes against property, including 1178 for theft, 926 for fraud, 113 for extortion and 68 for robbery. It was decided to prosecute 5319 people, including 2669 for theft, 1956 for fraud, 281 for extortion and 113 for robbery.

We approved the arrest of 2386 people who committed crimes against social management order, including 458 people who committed provocation, 404 people who committed gambling, and 231 people who committed affray. It decided to prosecute 8075 people, including 1522 people for the crime of causing trouble, 1510 people for the crime of opening a casino, and 660 people for the crime of affray.

We approved the arrest of 1182 people for crimes against citizens' personal rights and democratic rights, including 411 for rape, 322 for intentional injury, 121 for intentional homicide, and 102 for illegal detention. It was decided to prosecute 2546 people, including 1231 for intentional injury, 490 for rape, 293 for illegal detention and 128 for intentional homicide.

We approved the arrest of 344 people who committed crimes against public security, including 270 people who committed traffic offences. It was decided to prosecute 7341 people, including 5662 for dangerous driving and 1457 for traffic accident.

It approved and decided to arrest 1040 people for crimes committed by means of telecommunications networks, including 620 people for fraud. It was decided to prosecute 1519 people, including 993 for fraud.

(2) Handling of criminal cases hindering the prevention and control of COVID-19

The provincial procuratorial organs intervened in the investigation of 172 cases of crimes impeding the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in advance, approved and decided to arrest 118 people, and decided to prosecute 176 people. The court has made 88 guilty judgments and 100 people, with a guilty verdict rate of 100%.

The above cases involve 19 charges in total. It was decided that the cases to be prosecuted were mainly fraud, obstruction of public service and illegal hunting, and the number of prosecutions was 70, 42 and 18 respectively.

(3) Criminal prosecution

The procuratorial organs of the whole province proposed in writing to correct 985 people for "commutation, parole, temporary execution outside prison", and 951 people have been corrected in the same period. 369 cases of illegal criminal execution activities were corrected in writing, and 284 cases have been corrected in the same period. 731 people proposed to correct the illegal execution activities outside prison in writing, and 589 people have been corrected in the same period. 478 cases of improper performance of property punishment were corrected in writing, and 270 cases have been corrected in the same period.

(4) Handling of cases of duty crimes committed by judicial personnel

The provincial procuratorial organs have filed 19 cases of duty related crimes against judicial staff, and 11 cases have been transferred for review and prosecution after investigation.

2、 Main case handling data of civil procuratorial work

(1) Supervision over effective civil judgments, rulings and mediation statements

The provincial procuratorial organs accepted 1952 cases and concluded 1427 cases in the same period. 196 protests were filed, 123 cases were concluded by the courts in the same period, 83 cases were changed after retrial, mediation, remand for retrial, reconciliation and withdrawal, accounting for 67.5% of the number of protest cases concluded by the courts. 284 retrial procuratorial suggestions were put forward, and 146 were adopted by the court in the same period.

(2) Supervision over civil trial activities

The provincial procuratorial organs accepted 424 cases and concluded 343 cases in the same period. 285 procuratorial suggestions were put forward, and 186 were adopted by the court in the same period.

(3) Supervision over civil enforcement activities

The provincial procuratorial organs accepted 811 cases and concluded 529 cases in the same period. 397 procuratorial suggestions were put forward, and 221 were adopted by the courts in the same period.

(4) Supervision of civil false litigation

There are 111 false lawsuits involved in the protest cases filed by the provincial procuratorial organs against the effective civil judgments and mediation statements. There are 40 false lawsuits involved in the procuratorial suggestions for civil trial activities. 16 false lawsuits were involved in the procuratorial suggestions for civil enforcement activities.

3、 Main case handling data of administrative procuratorial work

(1) Supervision over administrative effective judgments, rulings and mediation statements

The provincial procuratorial organs accepted 202 cases and concluded 180 cases in the same period. There were 10 protests and 4 suggestions for retrial.

(2) Supervision over administrative trial activities

The provincial procuratorial organs accepted 33 cases and concluded 31 cases in the same period. 30 procuratorial suggestions were put forward, and 36 were adopted by the court in the same period (including the accumulated funds of the previous period).

(3) Supervision over administrative implementation activities

The provincial procuratorial organs accepted 144 cases and concluded 114 cases in the same period. 94 procuratorial suggestions were put forward, and 81 were adopted by the courts in the same period.

4、 Main case handling data of public interest litigation

(1) Acceptance and filing

The provincial procuratorial organs accepted 3138 case clues. 1735 cases were filed, including 371 civil cases and 1364 administrative cases.

(2) Pre litigation procedure

The provincial procuratorial organs carried out 1442 pre litigation procedures, including 313 civil public welfare pre litigation procedures and 1129 administrative public welfare pre litigation procedures.

In terms of the fields involved in the pre litigation procedure cases, 780 cases were in the field of ecological environment and resource protection, accounting for 54.1%, the highest proportion; The second is 220 in the field of food and drug safety, accounting for 15.3%; 63 in the field of state-owned property protection, accounting for 4.4%; 8 state-owned land use right transfer fields, accounting for 0.6%; 367 in other fields, accounting for 25.6%.

(3) Litigation and judgment

The provincial procuratorial organs have filed 148 public interest lawsuits, including 115 criminal incidental civil public interest lawsuits, 30 other civil public interest lawsuits, and 3 administrative public interest lawsuits. The court made 79 decisions in the first instance, and 77 decisions were supported.

5、 Major case handling data of minors' procuratorial work

(1) Review of arrests

The provincial procuratorial organs have approved the arrest of 445 persons for juvenile delinquency and crimes against minors, and 119 persons are not to be arrested. Among them, 175 juvenile suspects were approved for arrest, and 83 were not arrested, with a non arrest rate of 32.2%.

(2) Review of prosecution

The provincial procuratorial organs decided to prosecute 796 people for juvenile crimes and crimes against minors, and not to prosecute 148 people. Among them, 413 juvenile suspects decided to sue and 128 did not sue (including those who did not sue after the conditional non prosecution test expired), with a non prosecution rate of 21.7%.

383 people were prosecuted for crimes against minors.

(3) Implementation of relevant special systems

The procuratorial organs of the province have actively carried out 115 social surveys, entrusted judicial administrative organs and social organizations to carry out 101 social surveys, carried out 13 judicial assistance involving minors, held 30 lectures on the rule of law, and visited the rule of law education base 6 times.

6、 Main case handling data of prosecution for complaint

The provincial procuratorial organs have accepted 3345 complaint cases such as various reports, complaints and appeals. Thirty four criminal compensation applications were accepted, and upon examination, 19 were decided to be compensated. 263 cases of national judicial assistance were accepted, 262 cases were filed for assistance, and 184 people were actually rescued.

7、 Key work case handling data

(1) Work of the special campaign against crime

It approved and decided to arrest 203 people who committed crimes by the mafia and decided to prosecute 1545 people. It was decided to arrest 7 people under the umbrella of the evil forces and prosecute 23 people.

(2) Work condition of three major challenges of service

The provincial procuratorial organs approved the arrest of 132 people and decided to prosecute 491 people for crimes against financial security. 35 people were approved to be arrested for crimes involving "routine loans", "campus loans" and "illegal collection of private loans", and 158 people were decided to be prosecuted.

29 people were prosecuted for crimes involving poverty alleviation funds and other crimes affecting poverty alleviation work.

A total of 783000 yuan was granted to 55 poverty alleviation targets for judicial assistance.

88 people were approved to be arrested for crimes against environmental and resource protection, and 1142 people were decided to be prosecuted.

117 civil public interest lawsuits were filed in the field of ecological environment and resource protection.

(3) Service guarantee of non-public economy

The provincial procuratorial organs approved the arrest of 58 people for criminal crimes affecting the development of non-public economy, and decided to prosecute 431 people. 19 civil effective judgments and mediation statements were protested, and 55 retrial procuratorial suggestions were put forward.

A total of 312 persons from non-state-owned companies, enterprises and institutions were arrested, and 91 persons were not arrested, with an arrest rate of 22.6%, 2.5 percentage points higher than the overall arrest rate for criminal offences. It was decided to prosecute 1415 people and not prosecute 342 people, with a non prosecution rate of 19.5%, 9 percentage points higher than the overall non prosecution rate of criminal crimes.

(4) Cases handled by the leaders of the enrollment hospital

The leaders of the procuratorial organs in the province handled 7603 cases in total. The types of business that account for a relatively high number of cases are: public prosecution business, criminal execution procuratorial business, public interest litigation, investigation and supervision business, and civil bank business.

(5) Attendance of the Procurator General at the meetings of the Judicial Committee of the People's Court

The chief procurator of the provincial procuratorial organ and the deputy chief procurators entrusted by the chief procurator attended 252 people's court judicial committee meetings as nonvoting delegates. The chief procurator attended 142 people and the deputy chief procurators entrusted by the chief procurator attended 110 people as nonvoting delegates.