Procuratorial Highlights
Procuratorates across the province implement the "351" project
Time: April 21, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


   Serving and ensuring the development of private economy is not only an economic issue, a rule of law issue, but also a livelihood issue. Recently, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate mobilized and deployed the provincial three-level procuratorates to implement the "351" project and boost the healthy development of the private economy. How about the implementation of the project and what actions have been taken by the procuratorates across the province? Let's have a look  。

   Suzhou Procuratorate  

   On April 14, Suzhou Procuratorate held the first procuratorial work scheduling meeting of the city's procuratorial organs in 2020. Xu Huabing, acting chief procurator of the city's procuratorate, proposed to earnestly implement the "351" project of the provincial procuratorate, focus on three key points, three special projects, three activities, etc., to help the city win "double victories" in war, epidemic, poverty and poverty, and "double harvests" in returning to work and production.  

   Fuyang Procuratorate  

   On the morning of April 8, Fuyang Procuratorate held the first work scheduling meeting of the "351" project to promote the healthy development of private economy. The meeting put forward specific measures and suggestions for implementation around the "351" project work plan and in combination with the work of each business line.  

   Huainan Procuratorate  

   Recently, Huainan Procuratorate held a mobilization and deployment meeting for the "351" project to promote the healthy development of private economy. At the meeting, we studied and discussed the Work Plan for the Provincial Procuratorate to Implement the "351" Project to Boost the Healthy Development of Private Economy, and discussed in depth how to implement it.  

   Lu'an Municipal Procuratorate  

   Recently, Yang Kaijiang, the chief procurator of Lu'an Procuratorate, visited Anhui Suoyi Group for investigation and research to help enterprises solve problems and implement the "351" project carried out by the provincial procuratorial organs with practical actions.  

   Dingyuan County Procuratorate of Chuzhou City  

   On the morning of April 17, the Procuratorate of Dingyuan County, Chuzhou City held a seminar on the "351" project to serve the healthy development of private economy, and re deployed and re strengthened the implementation of the "351" project to serve the healthy development of private economy.  

   Yushan District Procuratorate of Ma'anshan City  

   In order to actively implement the "351" project of the Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate and boost the healthy development of the private economy, Song Bin, the chief procurator of the Yushan District People's Procuratorate in Maanshan City, recently visited two private enterprises above the designated size, learned about the enterprise epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of production, accurately grasped the legal demands of enterprises, and helped enterprises solve difficulties and problems in production and operation.  

   Maanshan Hanshan County Procuratorate  

   Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Hanshan County, Ma'anshan City held a leading group meeting on the protection and coordination of private economy to discuss and formulate the Implementation Plan of Hanshan County People's Procuratorate to Carry out the "351" Project to Boost the Healthy Development of Private Economy.  

   Shexian County Procuratorate of Huangshan City  

   A few days ago, the Shexian County Procuratorate of Huangshan City held the first working meeting of this year's leading group on the protection and coordination of private economy, and arranged to deploy the work of this year's private economy protection of the procuratorate. Wang Cuiyu, the Procurator General of the Court, put forward relevant requirements on implementing the "351" project to boost the healthy development of private economy in combination with local characteristics.