Procuratorial Highlights
Anhui three-level procuratorate uses remote interrogation system to conduct remote interrogation of criminal suspects
Time: March 9, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   During the epidemic prevention and control period, in order to reduce the flow of personnel and avoid unnecessary contact, combined with the current situation of the detention center's comprehensive implementation of closed management, the remote interrogation system, a new technology of intelligent procuratorial work, has become a "sharp weapon" for procuratorial work.  

   The Anhui Provincial Procuratorate made the work deployment at the first time, Special issue of the Notice on Further Improving the Work of Remote Information from Procuratorates throughout the Province during the Period of Epidemic Prevention and Control The leaders of the provincial procuratorate asked the procuratorial information technology department to establish the thinking of "cultivating and employing troops for thousands of days", and comprehensively do a good job in technical operation and maintenance, system support, collaborative support and other work before the "big exam" of epidemic prevention work, so as to ensure that the epidemic prevention requirements are not relaxed and remote case handling is not interrupted.  

   The Procuratorial Information Technology Department of the Provincial People's Procuratorate formulated the Technical Support Plan for the Remote Examination System during the Epidemic Period in a timely manner, issued the Operating Procedures and Methods for the Remote Examination System, and clarified the operating procedures to facilitate the use of cases;  

   Organize personnel to carry out the inspection of the network and hardware equipment of the provincial three-level procuratorates, set up the system operation and maintenance team, provide online technical services, help solve the problem of failure, and ensure that the system and equipment are always in good operating condition;  

   The online booking service for remote review has been set up to provide "one-stop" services from appointment application, level by level approval, scheduled room use to failure declaration, technical support, notification and reminder, which has opened up the coordination channels between criminal execution and prosecution, case management, judicial police, technology and other departments, making the process of remote review and handling more smooth;  

   It is equipped with intelligent voice inquiry (inquiry) record, remote printing, remote verification and other functions, and has independently developed a set of "one touch" system self inspection program, which facilitates the completion of system joint commissioning test under unattended conditions, comprehensively improves the reliability and ease of use of the remote examination system, and is widely recognized by police officers handling cases.  

   As of March 6, Anhui three-level procuratorates have used the system to complete more than 410 remote alerts during the epidemic prevention and control period, The timely and efficient handling of cases during the epidemic was ensured.  

Remote review system login interface

Debugging the remote review system before the call

The case handlers of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate interrogated the suspect Xiong through remote interrogation

Review monitoring screen