Procuratorial Highlights
Anhui procuratorial organ guarantees the orderly resumption of work and production of enterprises according to law
Time: February 19, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to thoroughly implement the directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on firmly winning the people's war, the overall war and the war of resistance in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, comprehensively implement the relevant decisions and arrangements of the central and provincial Party committees, strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic while promoting the resumption of work and production of enterprises, the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province give full play to their procuratorial functions and take the initiative, Practically reflect the procuratorial responsibility in serving and ensuring the healthy development of private economy.


  Bengbu City Huaishang District Procuratorate  

   Strengthening epidemic prevention and control publicity to help epidemic prevention and production resumption  

Recently, some enterprises within the jurisdiction of Huaishang District in Bengbu City returned to work in an orderly manner, and the flow of personnel increased. The prevention and control of COVID-19 also faced new challenges. In order to ensure the success of COVID-19 epidemic prevention, control and resistance, ensure that the resumption of epidemic prevention is correct, and implement the requirements of the Huaishang District Political and Legal Committee for epidemic prevention and control propaganda, on February 19, Comrade Li Shuai, Deputy Director of the Political Department of the Huaishang District Procuratorate of Bengbu City, led the procuratorial police to carry out epidemic prevention and control propaganda work in Caolao Market Town.

In the process of epidemic prevention and control propaganda, the procuratorate propaganda comrades came to the checkpoint to learn more about the information filling of comprehensive screening of key groups and contacts, the problems and challenges brought by the resumption of work and production to the epidemic prevention and control work, and the demand of epidemic prevention staff for publicity of epidemic prevention and control policies, legal knowledge, etc, Collect first-hand information for the next step of epidemic prevention and control publicity.

In order to guide the people in the area under its jurisdiction to have a deep understanding of the legal knowledge related to epidemic prevention and control, and promote the scientific and orderly implementation of epidemic prevention and control according to law, the Huaishang District Procuratorate has clarified the division of responsibilities, strengthened the publicity of epidemic prevention and control, and created a good legal atmosphere for the prevention and control of epidemic according to law.

   Ningguo Municipal Procuratorate  

   Supervise and guide enterprises to resume work and implement epidemic prevention and control measures  

On February 17, Pan Miao, Deputy Procurator General of Ningguo Municipal People's Procuratorate, led comrades from the Leading Group Office of Service Security for Private Economy to Anhui Kezheng New Materials Co., Ltd. to supervise and guide the enterprise's resumption of work and the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures.

At the entrance of Kezheng Company, the enterprise strictly performed various inspection procedures such as personnel registration, vehicle disinfection, body temperature measurement, etc. In the factory area, Pan Miao inspected the implementation of staff restaurant management and control and the isolation measures for incoming drivers and passengers, listened carefully to the deployment arrangements of the enterprise on personnel screening, approval for commencement and resumption of work, closed production, and the implementation of disinfection system, and inquired in detail about the production and operation of the enterprise, such as process flow, raw material supply, product orders, and required the enterprise to strictly conduct personnel screening On the premise of implementing various management and control systems and measures, we can achieve full production and efficiency.

Through the supervision, it is learned that 48 employees of Kezheng Company have resumed work this time. Before resuming work, the physical condition of employees and travel conditions during holidays have been checked and arranged, and employee health files have been established according to the requirement of "one person, one file"; The allocation of masks, gloves and disinfection supplies meets the requirements for the quantity of prevention and control materials; The employees' meals meet the requirements of the competent department of the industry, and adopt the mode of self preparation, simple meal matching, meal picking at wrong time, and scattered meals; Staff protection, education and publicity and other epidemic prevention measures for returning to work have been implemented in detail.

   Xuanzhou District Procuratorate of Xuancheng City  

   Prosecutors incarnate as instructors to help enterprises resume work and production in an orderly manner according to law  

   Joint inspection and enterprise assistance  

With the arrival of the tide of returning to work, how to implement epidemic prevention and control when returning to work and production has become the current focus. Not long ago, Wen Dirong and Yu Yanfei, two prosecutors from the Comprehensive Business Department of Xuanzhou District Procuratorate, had a new identity—— Resumption instructor They were assigned to two enterprises in Shuiyang Town to ensure that the service enterprises' resumption of production was accurate and efficient, and the policies were implemented.

"With so many employees from other places in our enterprise, we must make sure that the personnel are properly checked, and none of them can be missed..." In order to find out the situation of employees, the two prosecutors worked hard for a while. They are most concerned about everything from the arrangement of employees in other places to the disinfection of the plant area and the setting of temporary isolation points.

In order to enhance the awareness of enterprise leaders in epidemic prevention and control, prosecutors also explained the relevant laws and regulations during the epidemic prevention and control period in combination with their own "old line". Disinfection in the plant area, temperature detectors, temporary isolation points... Soon, the epidemic prevention work of the enterprise was slowly on the right track. In this regard, the relevant responsible person of the enterprise praised that, "With your one-on-one help, it will be more convenient for our enterprise to carry out work!"  

Two prosecutors report to the enterprise every day