Procuratorial Highlights
Insist on innovation and make grass-roots party building "practical"
Time: July 25, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

[Mengcheng County Procuratorate of Anhui Province]

Innovation is a strong driving force for the Party building work of the grass-roots procuratorates



Xue Jiangwu, Procurator General of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate


this year seven one The General Party Branch of the People's Procuratorate of Mengcheng County, Anhui Province was awarded by the Bozhou Municipal Party Committee Advanced Party Organization title. last year ten In August, the General Party Branch of the hospital was named as the first batch of branches in the city by the Organization Department of Bozhou Municipal Party Committee Five star grass-roots party organization

How can a party organization of a grass-roots procuratorate stand out among the party and government organs in the city? seven In the first ten days of this month, the party group of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate was carrying out Never forget the original intention and remember the mission It was learned from the centralized survey of thematic education that in recent years, the party group of Mengcheng County Procuratorate has actively explored a new path for party building in the new era, and based on the standardized construction of grass-roots party organizations Climbing plan To grasp, insist Four Innovations That is, to innovate and strengthen the organization, and let the party organization of the organ live Get up, focus on learning through innovation, and let the Party organizations in the organs strong Get up, innovate and focus on activities, and let the Party organizations in the organs real Get up, innovate and grasp the system, and let the Party organizations in the organs hard Get up and promote the comprehensive progress and integrity of grass-roots Party organizations.

Innovation is the driving force for Party building. In specific practice, the hospital paid attention to innovating the organizational form and enhancing the flexibility of organizational life. During the period when police officers go out to handle cases and train WeChat Party branch work group On the basis of WeChat QQ Group, Procuratorate General and other contact information, establish online Temporary Party Branch And set up full-time liaison officers to organize Party members to report their thoughts, handling cases and living conditions in case handling points and training places according to local conditions, urge Party members to strengthen learning, timely communication and exchange, and prevent Party members from leaving the hospital centrifugal . Business trip out

Pay attention to innovative learning methods and enrich the diversity of education and training. insist Online learning ”“ Offline learning Going hand in hand Learning from powerful countries , Anhui cadre online education and other online learning content, regularly reported and timely reminded; For different forms of offline centralized learning, such as weekly class, monthly class, quarterly party class, etc., we will adhere to and form a system for a long time. After participating in various trainings organized by the superior procuratorial organ and relevant departments, the party members and police officers will immediately change from trainees to instructors, continue to train others, and share what they have learned in the whole hospital or branch.

Pay attention to innovating the carrier of activities and create a lively atmosphere for Party building. The hospital relies on picture display boards, electronic screens, procuratorial intranet Two micro ends And other positions to display the activity content, police style and discipline requirements in real time, so that party members and police officers can purify their hearts and enlighten their minds in imperceptible influence. Combining services to overcome poverty, carrying out civilization building Beautiful Village Procuratorate And constantly innovate the ways and methods of theme party days. Through holding special lectures, moral lectures, mini party courses, youth police theme exchange meetings, service competitions and other activities, further stimulate the vitality and work passion of party members and police officers. In addition, the institute also pays attention to innovating the system and mechanism, so that the party building work can be evaluated and assessed, corresponding to the evaluation of excellence, linked to the distribution of performance bonuses, and linked to personal growth and progress, thus forming a lively situation where the top and bottom work together to focus on party building.

Intensive cultivation in the interior and outward appearance. The party building work has effectively promoted the innovative development of team building and procuratorial work National Demonstration Institute for Compulsory Inspection of Science and Technology ”“ National first level standardized resident procuratorial office And the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province Grass roots Procuratorates Satisfied by the People Was honored as the second class collective merit by the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, and was identified by the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Communist Youth League Central Committee as the first batch of pilot units for the construction of the social support system for juvenile procuratorial work in China National Model Prosecutor Liu Yonghong Advanced Worker of the Provincial Procuratorate Zhang Lili and a number of other advanced models.