Procuratorial Highlights
The first laboratory of the Institute of Intelligent Inspection Innovation was unveiled
Time: 2018-05-24 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On May 22, the first intelligent procuratorial innovation research institute in the national procuratorial system“ Joint Laboratory of Intelligent Speech and Artificial Intelligence (Anhui) ”The signing and unveiling ceremony was held in Hefei.


Xing Sheng, Deputy Director of the Procuratorial Technology Information Research Center of the Supreme People's Procuratorate), Ji Fang, Deputy Director of the Scientific Research Management Office, Zhang Mian, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province, and Zhao Zhiwei, Senior Vice President of iFLYTEK Co., Ltd. (first from the right) jointly unveiled the "Joint Laboratory of Intelligent Speech and Artificial Intelligence".

   it is reported  

The laboratory led by the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate stood out from all 21 applicants and was selected as one of the first 10 joint innovation laboratories nationwide, specializing in the in-depth application of intelligent voice and artificial intelligence in the procuratorial field. After its completion, the laboratory will play a leading role in the reform and innovation of procuratorial science and technology, actively research and incubate higher quality procuratorial science and technology products, and strive for new breakthroughs in intelligent auxiliary case handling.

   according to the understanding of  

Since the end of 2015, Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has cooperated with iFLYTEK and other high-tech enterprises to actively explore the deep integration of intelligent voice technology and procuratorial work. At present, the provincial procuratorial organs have been established“ Three networks, four clouds, five centers, six platforms and Anhui featured applications ”The system layout of the electronic procuratorial engineering of“ Four beams and eight columns ”The construction has been completed, and the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has also been identified by the Supreme People's Procuratorate as the first unit of the national intelligent voice pilot. On this basis, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate further cooperated with iFLYTEK, signed a strategic cooperation agreement, and completed the first "intelligent speech and artificial intelligence joint laboratory". In the future, the laboratory will be used as a platform to carry out research on core technology of speech recognition and cutting-edge and applied technology of artificial intelligence+intelligent procuratorial services, Explore and promote the practical application of intelligent voice technology in the procuratorial system, and create“ Production, learning, research and use ”Integrated laboratory system. Expand the application of cutting-edge technologies in procuratorial work practice and research fields, lead the scientific development of procuratorial work in the province with scientific and technological informatization innovation, and provide fresh Anhui samples for the construction of intelligent procuratorial work of procuratorial organs nationwide.



After the ceremony, participants also visited the intelligent speech and artificial intelligence laboratory, and held the first working meeting of the laboratory and academic committee meeting.


Visit the intelligent speech and artificial intelligence laboratory.

Xing Sheng, Deputy Director of the Procuratorial Technology Information Research Center of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Zhang Mian, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province, and Zhao Zhiwei, Senior Vice President of iFLYTEK, attended the ceremony and delivered speeches.


Produced by Anhui Procuratorial New Media


Text: Ai Hua Liu Yuehong